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The Triumph of Life: An Assault Upon the Values of the Current Society 6 страница

       The great error of human history is that we allowed that to occur, that instead of embracing the values of Nature, we as White people embraced artificial values that are hostile to our own racial existence, both at the moment and in the long run. We divorced ourselves from a natural scheme of things altogether, creating for ourselves a moral world order that had nothing at all to do with the natural world that we should have deemed ourselves a part of all along. We substituted natural values for man-made values, those values having nothing to do with our racial place in the world, its preservation, and its advancement as the race that it is in competition with the others. We failed to preserve our racial integrity, something that every other race in Nature does as a matter of course. The sad fact of the matter is that the entire moral, political, social, and religious order of things that our White people have lived by for the past two thousand plus years has been bad for our kind and that is because it has not been based on the value of our own racial existence and the perpetuation and advancement of that existence upon this earth.

       That may seem a harsh statement to make and yet it is true nonetheless. The only morals, politics, societies, and religions we ever needed, and ever should have wanted, were those which preserved and advanced our own kind in its struggle for life, and on this earth and no place else at that. No separation of ourselves from that value of the natural world was ever necessary or desirable. Our intellect should never have been used to countermand Nature but rather to fulfill it. There was never an “improvement” upon the values of Nature that was ever possible or worthwhile. We instead should have lived in harmony with the values of that natural world which spawned us just as surely as every other race of creature upon the face of this earth. There was never a need for us to look anyplace else for the values that would guide the life of our people, as a whole as well as that of our own lives individually. Rather, Nature provided the only path by which our well-being could be assured. That is because the values of Nature are inherently conducive to life. Nature in fact sets the rules by which that life may be maintained; to go against those rules, on the other hand, means to forfeit that life.

       When we observe Nature, the obvious fact that appears without exception before our eyes is that each and every race of organism that exists is devoted exclusively to the welfare of its own kind. Not a single race in the natural world, in other words, seeks to benefit any race other than its own. There is no such thing as interracial altruism in Nature, nor is there even a single “multiracial” society of creatures within its realm, and yet that is the case even though there are countless trillions of organisms existing upon the face of this planet! The enormity of that fact should thus hit us squarely in our brains and in our souls, that the natural world is, without exception, totally “racist” in the very sense of the term that our White people today would so sadly and vociferously deplore: races in Nature discriminate against one another and for themselves all the time. There is no “racial integration, ” no “interracial harmony, ” and no “colorblindness” regarding race, or anything else of the kind, in the natural world that surrounds us. Rather, each race associates only with its own kind, fights only for its own kind, and tolerates only its own kind within its society and yes, animals have societies as much as men. The old saying, “to each his own, ” applies with total and unequivocal force. There is no multiracial society, mingling, or acceptance of any kind. Rather, every race lives only for itself, and excludes those not of its own kind from its world.

       One will not find, for example, a flock composed of different races of birds flying south for the winter. One will not find a school composed of different races of fish. One will not find a mixed “pride” of lions and hyenas upon the African plain. One will not find different races of bees in the same beehive. One will not find different races of ants in the same ant hole. Everywhere in Nature there is the separation of races, not their integration. There is racial exclusivity, not inclusion. That is the true moral order of the world, not the various race-mixing agendas that men can contrive within their heads. Nature is racist through and through. Every single creature within its realm is a racist creature. Only among men is racism deplored; at the same time all the other races of organisms under the sun are racist without objection. The problem then is not the natural racism that exists on this earth but rather that men have foolishly condemned the racism that is natural to them as well. When people who do not know any better attack “racism, ” they are thus unwittingly attacking the very nature of life on this planet, for again, every race—whether of mammal, insect, amphibian, fish, or whatever—is “racist” for its own kind in its struggle for life. They do not socialize with one another. They do not breed with one another. They do not form communities with one another. They in fact resist, kill, and destroy one another if that is what is necessary to preserve their own respective kinds upon this earth. No one with a brain in his head has ever opposed lions being “racist” towards hyenas, or grizzly bears being “racist” towards black bears, or a million other examples we could name. No one has ever condemned the refusal of all of the races in the natural world to breed outside of their own kind. That is because racism is intrinsic to all natural life on this planet. There are races and there is racism accordingly. The races preserve themselves by being racist, that is, by thinking and acting exclusively with their own particular race in mind. Racism is their natural instinct and that instinct preserves their existence on this earth. Creatures are racist by nature, not by instruction, and no one has ever offered a single compelling reason why the races of men should be any different in that regard.

       No one has ever demanded that the races in Nature “get along” with one another and so we can ask ourselves why the races of men should be forced to “get along” with one another either. No one has ever demanded that the races in Nature “integrate” with one another and so we can ask ourselves why such racial integration should be demanded of men. No one has ever demanded that the races in Nature “love one another” and so we can ask ourselves why such a love should be demanded of us. No one has ever demanded that the races in Nature like one another and so we can ask ourselves why such a thing should be demanded of the races of men. I, as a White man, should have as much right to disdain members of the black race as a lion has the right to disdain a hyena, or is it so that animals should have more rights than men?

       The natural world doesn’t have a bad conscience about what it feels. Its creatures do not chastise themselves for loving their friends and hating their enemies, their friends always being members of their own race and their enemies almost always being those not of their own race. The natural world hates and hates often, and nobody thinks that it should be blamed for doing so. The races within it hate in order to preserve themselves and that which they love. There is no “tolerance” of anything that threatens their racial existence, nor is there ever a question of their even regretting that fact. Indeed, there is no regret of any kind in Nature. Instead, each race looks after and loves its own kind to the exclusion of all others not of its own racial family, and the sentiments that each race possesses—call it instinct or what you will—simply spring from the loyalty to its own kind that is the foundation of its entire genetic existence. They are a means towards the preservation and advancement of that existence, not a scourge against same. No matter what conflicts may exist between the individual members of a given race, that race is always united in its opposition to enemy races whether in fight or flight. There is thus no such thing, ever, as an individual of one race in the natural world taking sides against its own race in favor of that of another race. Indeed, in the entire history of the world, such a thing has never occurred. A honey bee has never taken the side of bumble bees in a clash between the two races of bees. A grizzly bear has never taken the side of black bears in a clash between the two races of bears. A lion has never sided with hyenas against his fellow lions. A walrus has never assisted polar bears in the killing of his fellow walruses. Thus not only is racism endemic to Nature but so is racial loyalty. Every single race in the natural world—the world outside of Man’s influence, interference, and control, that is—has been loyal to its own kind and that has been so for the entire history of the planet. Simply put, no race naturally takes sides against its own kind. Indeed, the very idea of that happening in Nature is preposterous. Each race breeds only with its own, favors only its own, sides only with its own, and cares only for its own alone. Its world is a racial world; there is its own race with which all of its affection and concern rests, and there are the other races with which it has nothing to do in any kind of social sense. Even when Man takes the other, competitive races of creatures into his captivity, he is not foolish enough to put them in the same cage, say a lion and a hyena, for example. That is because the animosity between the two races is inherent regardless of wherever they may find themselves and one would tear the other apart in short order as a result. Only Man’s domestication (genetic engineering) of the animal races can ever modify their inherent nature of being totally racist in favor of their own kind and being socially aloof from all of the other kinds, but that takes hundreds of years to achieve, if at all.

       It is a mistake, on the other hand, to think that “race” is a concept which is limited to human beings and does not exist among the myriad other species of this earth. On the contrary, two different species—whether we are talking about bears, bees, birds, or whatever—are automatically two different races as well due to that very fact since species includes race. By means of analogy, the number “ten” has to include numbers one through nine; thus if you have “ten” apples, you have to have five, six, or seven too. Race is not just a human attribute but rather an attribute of all life. Thus wherever life exists within the natural world, there is race. All life on this earth is composed of races; wherever there are “species, ” there are races too. Race is in fact the better term since it describes any genetically distinctive population regardless of the specific nature of the creatures in question.

       Races in Nature do not need to provide any ethical justification for their resistance to the incursion of rival races into their territories. Rather, they simply do resist that incursion because their best interests compel that they do. Their instincts compel that resistance and thus it is made accordingly. Rivals are those races which compete with them for food and territory and thus they are their foes as a result. Their rivals have the ability to supplant their own racial existence in the territory in question and thus they are their enemies, quite simply. Whatever actual motivations the rivals in question may actually have in their heads (or in their “hearts”) are totally irrelevant. What matters instead is that a threat exists all the same to the race whose habitat is being invaded. The race is threatened and that threat must be defeated, if possible. That is done through outright attacks upon the intruders, incessant harrying of the intruders, or, should resistance be entirely futile due to the grossly disparate strength and power of the intruder in question, by surrender of the territory in favor of a territory where the race isn’t threatened any longer. In any case, the race struggles to preserve itself, and by whatever means are available to it at that. It does not welcome its invaders with open arms. Rather, it resists its invaders if it can. Bees sting those creatures which get too close to their hive, for example. Birds peck at those who get too close to their nests. Other animals of course flee because they can’t successfully resist the invasion of their territories. However, they do that so that their race may be preserved thereby. The race thus struggles to live and not die. Individuals may be sacrificed for the sake of that racial preservation or they may not. The drive for that preservation, however, is omnipresent.

       In the natural world, territory and habitat only have importance in regards to the preservation of the particular race that is inhabiting it, itself. In other words, it is the race which provides a given territory its significance, not the other way around; the territory that a race inhabits is utilized for the benefit of the race rather than the race being utilized for the benefit of the territory. A territory is thus only a means to an end in Nature and that end is always racial preservation and advancement. No race in the history of the natural world has ever sacrificed the lives of its individual members for the mere sake of its territory; rather, races have fought for their territories in the natural world for the sake of their racial selves which inhabit those territories. Races are thus racist in Nature, not “patriotic” in a raceless sense. The race is of utmost importance, not the particular territory it inhabits. The race is the end in Nature, the territory the means to advance that end. Their territories provide them with sustenance but their true allegiance is not to those territories but rather to themselves. Bees do not sting out of love for the particular territory they are in; rather, they sting to defend the hive containing their kind which exists within that territory. Birds do not peck at the heads of those humans who have unwittingly come near their nests because of a fondness for the territory itself; rather their concern is with their nests of offspring which inhabit that territory. In Nature the concern is thus always the preservation of one’s own kind and never for the territory or habitat for its own sake. Indeed, if need be, the territory or habitat will be sacrificed altogether to preserve that kind and another one will be occupied instead! Thus it is racial preservation that is the focus of Nature, not territorial possession for its own sake. The territory is just a means to the end of preserving the race which occupies the territory in question. The territory is thus the servant while the race is the master. No race has ever sacrificed its entire existence for the sake of a mere territory that it would hand over to its conqueror with its dying breath, but many a territory has been sacrificed so that a race may continue to live. Still, such a vacating of territory is a last resort in Nature; a race would rather defend its territory, literally by tooth and nail if it can, because by doing so, it defends itself. A territory is again its means of sustenance as we have said; thus by fighting for that sustenance, it fights for itself. Races oftentimes invest a great deal of time, effort, and energy into their territories; oftentimes they are not willing to give them up without a fight accordingly. Still, the defense of territory in Nature is always for racial reasons rather than for the sake of the territory in question standing alone. The “habitat” of every race in Nature starts and ends with itself.

       In the natural world, each race is totally indifferent to the “feelings” of the other races that exist. Cheetahs do not care about the feelings of antelopes while they are ripping into their flesh. Whales do not care about the feelings of seals that they likewise devour. Beavers do not care whether people like the dams they build in the middle of their rivers, those rivers belonging to the beavers are far as they themselves are concerned. Crickets do not care if the chirps they make to attract a mate are profoundly annoying to those creatures who aren’t crickets. Roosters do not care if other races don’t like to be awoken at sunrise. Horse flies don’t care if horses are bothered by their bites. Every race in Nature thus thinks entirely within its own racial framework; it never views matters from the other races’ perspective but rather from its own. There is no moral conscience to be found outside of the conscience of its own kind. There is no blending or confusion of the myriad other racial best interests that swirl all around it. Rather, each race instinctively knows its own best interests and strives to fulfill them regardless of the sentiments, or pain, of those who are not of their own kind. “Moral” is that which is good for their own race, not something that ever transcends racial lines. All moral actions are racial in Nature, not interracial. There are thus no “interracial” complaints to be made and no “interracial” justice to carry out. Rather, justice is what benefits the race in question, even if it hurts everyone else. For example, it is certainly “just” from a lion’s perspective that it succeed in pulling down zebras but it is hardly “just” from the zebras’ perspective that they be pulled down by “mean” lions. Thus it is perspective that matters in Nature and that perspective is racially determined.

       Every race in Nature knows exactly what it is and does only that which fulfills what it is. A koala bear does not forget that it is a koala bear and start eating foods accordingly that are foreign, and indeed harmful, to its digestive tract. A hippopotamus does not mistake itself for a rhinoceros and start trotting about with the rhinos. A leopard does not mistake its spots for stripes. A rattlesnake does not suddenly behave as if it were a garden snake. Rather, every race in Nature is true to what it is, fulfills its own inherent character, and does not adopt the character of those races which are different from its own. It is sure of what it is and does not forget what it is. It beholds the other races around it, all right, but it is indifferent to their fate. There is no such thing as “social justice” between the various races in Nature because the only society that matters (and exists) for each race is the society of its own kind. Some races are its prey after all while others are its predators, and still others are its rivals for food and territory while others still have no relevance to its world at all. In any case, every race in Nature minds its own business; they do not regulate the lives of each other nor dictate how those lives must be lived. Rather, each race is on its own for better or worse as it struggles to survive, the other races around it only mattering for it in so far as they are its food, they are its annoyance, or they are its threat. There is no such thing in Nature as one race caring about the welfare of another, only concern about how that race may be used to benefit itself (such as through predation) or how the threat posed by another race may be defeated. The end is always the preservation and advancement of its own kind and nothing else. Justice is entirely racial in Nature, not “colorblind. ”

       Again, this is how things are in the natural world, not the world that has been manipulated by Man to conform to a different way of things that he has created within his own head. That natural world existed long before Man walked the earth and will no doubt continue long after he has walked no more. The natural world, not Man’s artificial world, is the default position of all existence upon the face of this planet. Were Man to disappear from the earth tomorrow, it would take very little geologic time at all for the natural world to subsume the civilization he has left behind and all of its works.

       It goes without saying that the feeling of compassion is likewise an entirely intraracial sentiment in Nature. Simply put, races in the natural world do not have compassion for the various sufferings of those who are not of their own kind. They do not lament the tragedies that befall them, nor do they attempt to rescue them from those tragedies. There is ample love in Nature, to be sure, but that love for others is reserved for those of one’s own kind and no other, least of all for one’s racial enemies. Mother birds will do almost anything to protect their own chicks, for example, but they will do nothing to protect the young of other races, whether those other races happen to be fellow “birds” or not. A herd of water buffalo will collectively defend a fellow water buffalo that is being targeted by lions but could not care less about the fate of a hyena or zebra who happens to be under threat instead. The various races of penguins will express sadness over the death of members of their own respective kinds but look upon the slaughter of those individuals of different race all around them with total indifference. Praying mantises do not come to the aid of besieged walking sticks. Badgers do not come to the aid of porcupines. Monarch butterflies do not come to the aid of viceroy butterflies, no matter how similar they may be to the human naked eye. Rather, every race in Nature has compassion for its own kind alone. Nowhere in Nature does one race ever weep over the suffering endured by another, nor of course does a race ever go out of its way to put a halt to such suffering. The wheel of life goes round and round in Nature but all feeling concerning the various manifestations of that fact is entirely confined to the welfare of one’s own race and nobody else’s.

       In the natural world, conflict and violence are endemic, not some kind of accident or punishment that only came about because of an alleged fall from paradise. Races clash with each other because they have competing interests—often to eat or to avoid being eaten—and because every gain for one race is at the expense of another in a world that is only of finite space. Since every race has the instinctive urge to expand the geographical range of its own kind and to the fullest extent possible at that, it inevitably comes up against other races that are trying to do the same thing and clashes between the two are thus bound to occur accordingly. Furthermore, races survive by consuming the very flesh of each other and cannot survive any other way. Indeed, the natural world could very well be summed up as a vast buffet where the races of life dine upon each other and seek to avoid being dined upon. Carnivores are the living embodiment of the deaths of any number of other animate creatures of different race and even the vegetarians consume the races of plant life that are at their mercy. Thus it is a fact that all of the animate races of this earth live off the death of the other creatures that surround them one way or another, that the profit of one race is the destruction of another, and that the races of this earth are locked into an eternal struggle that can never be wished or hoped away. Lions do not lie down with lambs as their tender friends; rather, lions eat lambs as their tender prey. The weeds that every gardener hates must constantly be attacked because their urge is to constantly expand at the expense of the fruit (food) that would feed his family. Every animal’s empty stomach longs to be filled and it is the filling that matters, not the feelings or wishes of those hapless creatures who are on the menu for that filling with their flesh, their sinew, and their bones. Every race in Nature thus has the inexorable drive to live, no matter what it is or how it does so, and that living requires the demise of those not of its own kind on a regular and continual basis in order for that living to be achieved. Anything and everything that enables a race to live is thus justified for that race; there is no bystander or “referee” anywhere who takes a dim view of what goes on in Nature along those lines and who would want it to be any other way. Conflict and violence end up serving their purpose, which is the preservation and advancement of one’s own kind.  

The triumph of the “individual” is not the hallmark of the natural world—since, after all, the individual himself perishes in short order—but rather that the race has continued to live through its successive generations. Hence many races in the natural world are willing to risk the lives of their individual members, and even forfeit those lives altogether, so that the race may continue to live. Bees, for instance, die in the defense of their hive by virtue of their stinging those creatures that intrude upon it. Ants will fight to the death to stop the invasion of their colonies by termites. Individual meerkats will sound the alarm when birds of prey are sighted, putting themselves at risk in the process. The point is that the race comes before the individual in Nature and sometimes to such an extent that the individuals forming it will without hesitation give up their individual lives so that it may go on. The individual dies and is quickly forgotten; the race, on the other hand, lives on constantly and continually. Whatever uniqueness that the individual may possess is of finite duration along with his finite life itself. The race, on the other hand, is infinite. Even those races whose individuals are solitary in nature make sure that those individuals breed before they die, and in that way the race goes on long after the individual himself has turned to dust.

       To the (individual) victor in Nature goes the spoils, yes, but the true, lasting benefit of that phenomenon is the fact that he is able to breed more of his own individual kind by virtue of his continuing to live, and that the survival of the fittest beings, generation by generation, enables the race to be continually improved in its struggle for life. In other words, what appears as merely the aggrandizement of the individual being in the natural world actually has a racial benefit through and through in that the survival and propagation of the best individuals, as a result of the conflict and violence endured as part of that world, results in the race attaining the highest quality possible generation by generation. Conflict and violence weed out the inferior specimens of the respective races, leaving only the best behind to replicate their genes and continue the flow. Thus not only are conflict and violence endemic to the natural world but they are beneficial to the constant improvement of that world. The healthy, the strong, the intelligent, and the fleet of foot survive to breed the next generation and the sickly, the weak, the dimwitted, and the sluggish do not. The entire grandeur and splendor of the natural world that is marveled at by humanity today is a result of this fact, for without the survival of the fittest, there could be no beauty. Even within races, conflict and violence exists but is kept under control by the racial loyalty that typifies all natural creatures; individuals of the same race will fight each other, yes, but usually only for dominance within the hierarchy of their own kind and for those breeding rights which enable more of their own, individual genes to exist in the world. The race is improved thereby because the best win the contest and replicate their genes in the coming generation more than do the losers. The strongest lion fathers the most lion cubs. The most brilliantly colored peacock attracts the most peahens. Competition between the individuals of a race also keeps the race competitive in its struggle with the other races of the world. Regardless of the agonies of the individual defeats which do occur, the race itself is the victor in the process.

       What is absolutely unheard of in the natural world, however, is that of a race fighting itself wholesale. Never does a race in Nature engage in mass intraracial warfare, to the death or otherwise. One will never see a herd of water buffalo attack another herd of water buffalo, for instance, a swarm of honey bees attack a hive of fellow honey bees, or a flock of seagulls attack another flock of seagulls. One will never see red ants wage wholesale war against their fellow red ants, alligators against their fellow alligators, or hippopotami against their fellow hippopotami. Rather, the conflicts that do occur within races are entirely between individuals in Nature and only then for the reasons previously stated: dominance and breeding rights. Races are thus loyal to their own kind, not the enemy of it. Races attack different races, not their own kind. Races instinctively know that their enemies are those of different race, not those of the same race. Races are thus racist in their actions, not internecine or fratricidal. Races seek to preserve themselves, not destroy themselves, and thus they avoid that conduct which would in fact destroy them: mass warfare with their own kind. Thus there is no such thing in Nature as entire “nations” of the same race which war against each other, whether for a “cause” or even for mere territory. Rather, that kind of wholesale conflict is reserved for relations between races, not within them. No matter what contests may occur between individuals or small groups of the same race in Nature, or how heated they may become, there is still the instinctive understanding that the conflict serves the betterment and best interests of the race in some way, and that the true enemies of the race, and as a whole at that, are those creatures which lie outside of its own kind altogether. Thus one will never witness a race in Nature weaken its own existence in relation to that of the other races that surround it. Rather, each race in Nature strives instinctively to improve its power and strength vis-à -vis that of the other races which it confronts. That is not always possible of course but it is the urge with which every race is imbued.


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