The Triumph of Life: An Assault Upon the Values of the Current Society 3 страницаThese are the values that could have, and should have, been. It was never wrong for us to prefer our own race in all things and at all times. It was never wrong for us to " discriminate" in our own favor. It was never wrong for us to want to live in our own neighborhoods, our own communities, our own society, our own State, and our own country. It is, furthermore, not wrong to want these things now. The White man who helps the non-white races to invade our countries is a traitor, not a hero. The White man who fights for the so-called “rights” of the non-white races in our society is a traitor, not a saint! No one can possibly believe that the White Race is preserved through such actions. No one can possibly believe that it is in the best interests of the White Race, that we happen to be a part of, that we allow the other races to kill us, breed with us, befoul our culture, and replace us on this earth by virtue of their ever-encroaching presence in the lands in which we live. There is no justification for such conduct, no appeal from its consequences, and no reprieve from its punishment. We either do that which enables us to live and flourish as a race or we will continue to decline and perish. There is no such thing as an in-between scenario, nor should we desire such a scenario even were it to exist. Rather, it only makes sense that we should want the best for our own people just as we should want the best for our own families, and that we should let the other races of the world fend for themselves. There is no particular reason to believe that values such as “tolerance, ” “love, ” or “compassion” are worthwhile in themselves; rather, like every other sentiment, their merit depends on the context of their usage and their specific nature in question. If, for example, someone were to be “tolerant” of the cockroach infestation of his home, we would call him a fool, not a sensible person, and that is so regardless of whether he declared his “love for all of God’s creatures” as his justification for that tolerance. As another example, the child molester can declare his “love” for children all he wants. However, we do not “tolerate” his activities, nor should we, and when he is arrested most people sensibly deny him their compassion. Most people likewise would not “tolerate” the spread of plagues, would not “love” serial killers, and would not have “compassion” for the drug dealers on their street corners. Nor would they be condemned for their lack of such sentiments in the matters at hand. Thus it cannot be said that “tolerance, ” “love, ” and “compassion” are good values in themselves. Rather, they have their value, or lack thereof, depending upon their effect upon that which you care about. Not only do they have their limits but sometimes they are downright harmful feelings to have at a given time. Most people, for example, would not “tolerate” themselves being murdered if they can help it. Rather their natural (and beneficial) drive for self-preservation would prohibit having such a “tolerance. ” Likewise, most people do not “love” those who would plant bombs in their cities. Rather, the fact that individuals would do such a thing forfeits such a positive sentiment in those who would have suffered by virtue of their actions had they been successful. Likewise, most people do not have “compassion” for serial rapists and that is good, not bad. The problem regarding our White people is that they have allowed clever con-artists to convince them that intolerance, hatred, and a lack of compassion regarding the presence and actions of the other races within their society is always bad, that we should be “tolerant” of the ever-increasing presence of the non-white races within our own habitat, that we should “love” them, and that we should have “compassion” for them regardless of the effect upon ourselves. However, that is no more sensible than with the examples just cited. Rather, the values of tolerance, love, and compassion are bad anytime they harm our own racial preservation, quite simply. Thus “tolerance” is not good if it hurts our White Race. Thus “love” is not good if it hurts our White Race. Thus “compassion” is not good if it hurts our White Race. We do not love the child molester because he harms our children. We do not tolerate the rapist because he harms our women. We do not have compassion for the serial killer because he harms our people. The same then should apply in regards to the White Man’s dealings with the other races; it is the effect upon our own racial preservation that ought to determine whether a value or sentiment is good or not, and in order to preserve our own people, we simply cannot afford to tolerate, love, and have compassion for other, rival races who have their own best interests in mind, not ours. The black man, for example, is not thinking about what is best for White people; if there is someone who thinks otherwise, let him be sold a bridge! The yellow man is not thinking about what is best for White people, nor does the brown man, the Arab, or the Jew. Rather, it is up to the White Man to care about himself and to reserve his tolerance, his love, and his compassion for himself, as he pleases. These emotions are never good when they are applied to the non-white races; they are, in fact, largely responsible for the plight that our White people face today. Any and every emotion only has merit in relation to something else instead of being good or bad for its own sake; there is no such thing as a particular emotion that is always good, or always bad for that matter. To hold to the contrary is to hold that the emotion matters more than life itself, for it is simply not always the case that pleasant emotions are conducive towards preserving the individual and his race at the given moment in time. Sometimes intolerance, hatred, and malice are vital if the individual or his race wish to continue to live. Such emotions are, in fact, a means to that end, their arising in the first place as a result of the drive for preservation with which every creature is imbued. Both love and hate have their place in the healthy organism depending upon the circumstances in which it and its kind find themselves. One emotion preserves the race “pleasantly” and the other preserves it “unpleasantly” and that is all. That our White people have been suckered out of understanding and accepting these basic facts is, of course, part of the sickness of our times. We have been guilted out of having those emotions and sentiments which are necessary and healthy for the preservation of our own kind. We have tolerated actions and policies that lead to the destruction of that kind. We have loved races that are happy to crowd us off the face of the earth. We have had compassion for the welfare of the other races, leading us to compromise our own welfare, and future, in the process. The result is a world that is overwhelmed with colored races, that is depopulated of our own race, and where our own race has lost its drive to preserve itself. Our tolerance, love, and compassion for the other races has only destroyed the natural population balance of the world and set our own kind on the road to extinction. It may sound nice to “love everybody” but that sentiment has consequences, consequences that are distinctly negative for the White Race that we happen to be a part of. Tolerance of harm to our own people makes no sense regardless of whatever sugar demagogues would like to coat it with. All emotions are merely tools, and like tools they can be used for either good or bad. We have thus been robbed as a people of the sentiments and emotions that are natural to us, and yet hardly any of us are aware of that fact. Our people thus go about their daily lives thinking that it is “normal” for them to defer to the judgment of the other races and their demands, “normal” for them to sympathize with their complaints, “normal” for them to forsake their own best interests as a people, and even “normal” for them to take their side. Such things, however, are not “normal” at all. They are, rather, the result of our own debasement, our own confusion, our own weakness, and hence our own sickness. Our natural conscientiousness as a race has been turned against us to the point where we have become unnatural creatures in every way, indeed anti-natural, by virtue of the fact that we are resolved to care about the other races at the expense of our own. Thus we feel bad when we have “racist” thoughts even though all natural creatures have racist thoughts. Thus we chastise ourselves for being bothered about the racial integration of our neighborhoods even though we are well aware that such integration is always harmful to the tranquility of those neighborhoods. Thus we rebuke ourselves for the lack of “equality” suffered by the non-white races even though a cursory observation of Nature would tell us that there is no such thing as naturally occurring “equality” between races in the first place. Thus we have a bad conscience about our own inherent superiority as a race and go about undermining it. In sum, our White people lambast themselves out of having normal feelings and emotions when it comes to race, as well as generally for that matter, and destroy their natural drive to preserve their own kind in the process. We are, after all, the only race that feels bad about a lack of racial diversity in this or that geography or in this or that endeavor. We are the only race that feels bashful about admitting our wanting to live with our own kind! Why on earth though should we ever be apologetic about wanting to live with our own people? Why have we let ourselves be deprived of those feelings that come naturally to us just as they come to every other creature? Why do we have to justify our preference for our own people as neighbors and countrymen? Why must we suppress our own instinctive likes and dislikes in this world in favor of somebody else’s whims? Why must we imprison our own feelings? If you say that you don’t want to live around the non-white races, how does that make you a bad person? If you say that you would like to live in an all-White country, how does that make you immoral? Don’t we, as White people, have the right to have our own country as much as anybody else? Don’t we have the right to have our own preferences, which are, after all, a reflection of our own sentiments? Again, it is important to understand why emotions arose in creatures in the first place: to help enable them to survive in the struggle for life into which every creature upon this earth is cast. Therefore, should we happen to harbor an emotion that goes against that survival, whether in the short or in the long term, and whether that pertains to the individual or to his race, we will have defeated the purpose for which emotions came into being. Emotions are a survival mechanism for that which you hold dear, which in the natural world is one’s race and only one’s race; to allow our emotions to go against the survival of that race therefore thwarts their purpose and the Nature that provided them to us. We negate their value to our ultimate downfall. When a people no longer feels itself free to preserve itself, it is on the road to extinction. When a people feels that it must apologize to others should it even express such a preference, its time on this earth is short. No one would think about criticizing the other races for preferring themselves, so why should we criticize ourselves for preferring ourselves? We shouldn’t. A presidential candidate is hideously rebuked by the news media for merely proposing that a wall be built on the southern border of the U. S. A. and for a moratorium to be placed on all (non-white) Muslim immigration. How though can that possibly be? Such a thing would never have been possible were our times not so sick. After all, do we not have the right to decide who enters " our" country? Are we instead hostages to the desires of illegal Mexicans and fecund Muslims? Is our own will meaningless? Do the other races have the right to invade our land as they please? What kind of craziness is it that we would worry about “offending” people who don’t live here and have no right to live here! And yet that is the sickness that our White people are suffering from today. If there are Mexicans and Muslims upset with us about the prospect that they will no longer be allowed into the country, our natural and normal response is that they can go to hell, not that we “feel their pain. ” The normal sentiment of a race is that it should care about itself and what it wants, not every race but itself and what they want. The entire idea of a race renouncing its own best interests is unnatural; no race in Nature ever does it, nor should we, the reason being that such a thing destroys the race in question. The struggle for existence is difficult enough as it is for a race to engage in the idiotic practice of handicapping itself as well. There is thus no such thing as the long-term preservation of our White Race under the reign of so-called “liberal” sentiments, and the strongest evidence for that fact is the retreat, degradation, and destruction of our race that is occurring today under the sway of those sentiments. So-called “liberal democracy” is in fact hostile to the drive to preserve our own kind in its entirety and must therefore be destroyed lest our race be destroyed in the meantime. There is no such thing as a successful “live and let live” racially-inclusive attitude in our people any more than there is in the other creatures of Nature’s realm; “live and let live, ” applied irrespective of one’s own racial benefit, actually means “live and let die” with our own White Race doing the dying. That is very convenient of course for the non-white races who subsequently possess the ruins of our civilization, treading on the soil that we used to call our own. However, it is not convenient for us. It is not convenient for our enslaved children. It is not convenient for our extinguished culture. If these things matter to us, as they should, we simply have to replace the current order of things with one that preserves our kind, not destroys us. Our White people of today are thus suffering from a severe myopia in that they would allow threats to their own continued survival that are totally unnecessary and which should be obvious to anybody who is willing to look beyond his own life span, for how can anybody expect a White Race that will have become a minority everywhere it lives to be secure in its life, its liberty, and its pursuit of happiness? Exactly what is to stop the non-white races from simply killing us all when they have the power to do it, power that we ourselves stupidly bestowed upon them? Will the non-white races be as “liberal” to us as we were “liberal” to them? There is no reason to believe so. In fact, our experience in Haiti, Rhodesia, South Africa, and other places shows quite clearly that “liberalism” is not meted out to us when we lose our power. Rather, theft, rape, and murder are our fate. If non-white neighborhoods are “bad neighborhoods, ” as the euphemism goes, it makes little sense for us as White people to allow the whole world to become one big “bad neighborhood. ” And yet that is exactly what we are doing. We fail to realize that the races of men can only create a world that coincides with their own respective natures and that if we really want a better world from our own perspective, we need more of our own people in it and less of the others. We need the other races to depopulate, not multiply. It makes little sense for us as a race to complain about the ever-increasing number of “bad neighborhoods” in the country when our “tolerance, ” “love, ” and “compassion” regarding the presence and welfare of the non-white races are the forces that made that problem possible in the first place. If you are afraid to walk about in a black neighborhood, don’t contribute to the proliferation of black neighborhoods. If you don’t want to be forced to learn mestizo Spanish, don’t keep letting mestizos into your country. If you don’t want a high crime rate, don’t subsidize and let into your country the very races that commit a lot of crimes. All of this should be obvious and yet our people fail to see it. They have lost all understanding of the basic principle of cause and effect, that the effects that they do not like here and there have causes and that they themselves are all too often responsible for those causes due to their letting them occur in the first place. Yes, the laws over us today are horrible too in that they are fundamentally hostile to the continued preservation of our White Race. However, those laws can be changed, and if necessary overthrown, if we have the will to do it. The problem is that we have lost that will; the solution is that we get it back. No law can stand up against a people that has become aroused and fanatically devoted to its own preservation in defiance of the law. Rather, the law will go in short order. It is thus a mistake to think that laws which are hostile to our continued racial preservation are the true cause of the plight of our people today. Rather, the true cause of that plight is our lack of will, our lack of drive to preserve our own kind law or no law. An inflamed, determined, and united race can and will overcome those laws which aim at or tolerate its destruction. However, should that race itself instead no longer care about its own preservation, whatever hostile laws exist will only quicken the pace of its demise and give cover to those who lacked the heart to fight for the future of their White Race in the first place. Even with the White traitors who hold public office today, their tune would quickly change if there were thousands and millions of angry White loyalists arrayed against them. There is no government power that can defeat the will of a people to preserve itself. Rather, that power can only have an effect when the people themselves have already ceased caring about their own continued racial existence, which is the situation that we have today. In that case, every hostile law or decree that is passed has the tolerance of our people to their own eventual misfortune, and nothing can be done to remedy matters unless we straighten out the thinking of that people which caused the bizarre phenomenon of our racial renunciation to occur in the first place. It is people who change laws, not laws which change people, and thus if we are to reinstill in our White Race its drive to preserve itself, it is the minds of our own people that we must focus on, not the laws whose effectiveness is merely a consequence of those destructive attitudes that already exist within us. The sickness of our racial resignation must be combatted, something that is indeed sick because it fails to preserve the life of our race. Just as sickness may cause an individual person to die, sickness may cause a race to die, and it is up to those who would want to avert that outcome to remove the causes of the sickness itself. It is not surprising that the drive to preserve our own kind is so low within our people today when you consider the fact that the educational system that teaches our children does absolutely nothing to instill a sense of pride in our being part of the White Race. Nothing is done whatsoever to inculcate within our children love for their own kind as the unique and precious entity that it is, using its achievements throughout history as shining examples to explain why our race matters so much. Instead our children are simply bombarded with facts and figures and rote memorization for its own sake without any purpose for all of this knowledge being offered at all to the young mind that receives it. All sense of a White racial community that is united by blood is omitted from the lesson plans; indeed, were a teacher anywhere to actually teach such a thing, he or she would be immediately fired for “racism” and for “offending” people, and yet the very purpose of the advent of public education in the first place was to help build the very sense of a racial, ethnic community that is today so hideously disdained. Without our children being taught to value their own bloodlines and the need to preserve same, it is hardly surprising that they would not value them in later life. As long as our children are taught to be merely atomized “individuals, ” wholly bereft of any racial significance, their minds will be molded to disregard the value of preserving the race that should, by all rights, live long after them. Here again there can be no such thing as a “neutral” stance taken in regards to race: if racial feeling is not taught in our young people, the effect upon them is not “neutral” but rather one which is hostile to their very existence. Children must be raised and educated to value their own kind; mere regard for an amorphous “humanity” doesn’t inculcate a drive to preserve our own people and its works at all. Our children today are taught the blessings of a raceless “freedom” that doesn’t even preserve the freedom of their White Race to continue existing on this earth, in its own land, and spared from assaults upon its birthright. Such a teaching is worse than no teaching at all, for the instincts of our young people would otherwise guide them in the proper direction on their own: that their race matters, that it is worth more than any other, and that the purpose of life itself is to preserve and advance one’s own kind in its struggle for life! The moment that a so-called “education” assumes the posture that race does not matter, in its attempt to treat all men “the same, ” it becomes an enemy of our drive for self-preservation. It can teach all the facts and figures it wants but it does more harm than good since it has failed in the most basic educative mission of all: that our race is worth preserving. It is little wonder why our young people suffer from so much confusion, lack of focus, lack of purpose, and general hopelessness in their lives today when the educational system has so utterly failed to provide them with a purpose to those lives: that their mission on this earth is to defend and improve the existence of their kind and that is why they are being educated and nothing else! Only that kind of idealism can provide the young person with the raison d’ê tre for the countless hours of his studies and labors that he so desperately needs, for if he instead views his education as a mere personal pursuit made for the benefit of himself alone, it is highly doubtful that he will deem it to be worth all the trouble. The racially integrated classroom, for its part, is itself an attack upon the duty of education to instill pride and love for the White Race in our children because it pressures teachers to disregard White advocacy so as not to hurt the feelings of the non-white students. (No doubt that was part of the diabolical intent of those who forced the racial integration of the schools in the first place. ) How is a teacher, gazing out at a classroom composed of various races, supposed to be able to teach White self-pride, White self-value, and White self-esteem in her White students? Instead, the impact of race in world history, as far as civilization building is concerned, is discounted in order to placate everybody. Nor is the teacher even able to use the word “we” in her discussion of the accomplishments of our forefathers since the non-white races were obviously not part of that “we”; thus our young people are denied their natural and normal connection with their own people of the past and lose their very identity as part of the great, eternal race that they are. The child is educated as an “individual” instead of the White partisan that we need him to be. He doesn’t value the continued survival of his White Race because he has been taught that we are “all the same, ” that “race doesn’t matter, ” and, if anything, that the White Race is a race of cruel “oppressors” who have done great harm to the world. It is thus a mistake to ignore what is going on right now in our schools when what goes on there is so devastating to the drive of our race to preserve itself. It is easy to forget about the harmful effect of a racially-integrated, anti-White education when many years have passed since we ourselves were subjected to it. That we ourselves turned out all right means only that the harmful education in the public schools does not succeed in ruining everybody. However, it ruins countless others all the same. The natural racial feeling that exists in our young people is driven out of them. They become carriers of the virus of White self-hatred and, in turn, all too often themselves attack all that which is necessary for the continued survival of their own race on this earth in their later lives. In sum, our young people’s minds are being formed so as to disregard, and even oppose, the continued existence of their own kind on this earth. Their minds are being formed so as to take the side of the non-white races against the best interests of their own people. It is silly then to be surprised when their drive for self-preservation is weak later on when they have the means to fight for the future of their kind and resist its destruction, but do not. As always, the task before us is thus to cure the mind so that the action may follow, and restore the natural instincts within our people which have been so badly suppressed. Those natural instincts are always for one’s own race, not against it, nor are they ever “neutral” or “colorblind. ” To teach our young people to be “neutral” towards their own race is racial idiocy, not racial justice. If raceless “education” were not bad enough, our drive for self-preservation is weakened further by the homosexuality movement which attacks the notion of our race propagating itself altogether. The proliferation of homosexuality, including so-called “gay marriage, ” destroys all sense of the true meaning and value of marriage, of family, and of children in our people, replacing that with a perverse hedonism that flies in the face of Nature. Nor is it some kind of coincidence that it is the White Race, and only the White Race, which is being heavily targeted by the homosexuality movement, for it is the White Race alone which is today being targeted for destruction. Obviously the White Race is not preserved through the commission of homosexual acts but, rather, through White men and women producing bountiful amounts of children, and that regardless of the “economy, ” “career, ” or other artificial concerns which militate against the healthy and unencumbered expression of the sexual instinct, something that is inherent in all of Nature’s animate creatures. Thus “birth control” is likewise an enemy of our drive to preserve our own kind today regardless of whatever justification for its usage that can no doubt be offered. When White children are not being born by the millions, whether due to the proliferation of the homosexuality perversion, birth control pills, or outright infanticide (“abortion”), that is a problem, not something that those who would like to preserve their race can ignore. Anything that inhibits the continual replenishment of a race of its numbers on this earth is a danger to that race’s continued existence, quite simply. It is, furthermore, an attack upon its drive for self-preservation and so is, of course, the very willingness to partake in it. Our racially-conscious brethren can complain about the presence and actions of the non-white races until they are blue in the face but if they themselves artificially restrict the growth of their own kind, they themselves are contributing to the demise of that kind at the hands of the ever-expanding non-white populations. The White Race needs babiesand there is simply no time for our people to waste being sexual deviants, pill-poppers, or abortionists, all of which are activities that stop those babies from being born. The “me, me, me” attitude does not preserve a race, especially a race that is under assault from all sides the way ours is today. Hedonism is itself hostile to the continued preservation of our White Race because it sacrifices concern for the future for the pleasure and convenience of the individual at the moment. It is the abandonment of racial responsibility in favor of the pleasure of the individual who has become detached from that race and hence is artificial for that reason. There are, in the end, only natural actions or artificial ones, and it is the natural actions alone that fulfill a race’s drive to preserve itself absolutely, without compromise, and without flaw. It is Nature that provides every race with its drive for self-preservation, and thus if Nature is resisted, that drive is resisted too. We as a race can always find ways to thwart Nature in the short term but in the long run Nature will have its vengeance, including the demise of our kind itself if we fail to rectify our error in time. Conduct which does not expand the numbers of a race is necessarily bad for that race, at least until the preservation of that race is otherwise assured. The joint evils of non-white population and White de-population are an obvious threat to our continued preservation that must mutually be halted if our race is to live.