The Triumph of Life: An Assault Upon the Values of the Current Society 2 страницаIf this situation seems altogether sick, that is because it is. That is because it is part of the sickness of our times: a time where a race has become so superior that it is able to use its superiority against itself by virtue of its generosity to those other races who would overthrow it, and uses that which normally are tools for its own preservation (notions of fairness and justice) to go against that preservation. Thus we shoot ourselves as a race in the head. Our race becomes the victim of its own success. Our generosity destroys our own existence. Instead of preserving our kind with our sentiments, we create conditions with them that would erase it from the face of the earth. Our hyper altruism turns us into hyper fools. The non-white races, again especially the black, figured out some time ago that all they need do to keep the White Man cringing, and on the defensive, is to never act satisfied with their lot, always demand more when they are given anything, and always claim that there is a hidden racism lurking about, somewhere, that is holding them down, back, and behind from enjoying the prosperity that would otherwise be theirs were the nasty White Man not (supposedly) in power and thus not “oppressing” them. Thus the White Man rushes to the black man with gifts in hand only to be scorned and abused for not doing more, the White Man foolishly taking this as proof that he is not doing enough for the black man whose feelings he had apparently hurt so badly. The White Man assumes that the outrage of the black man has a valid basis since he cannot imagine himself ever feigning outrage in order to sponge off another race, that kind of dishonorable conduct being totally alien to his own nature. In reality, he never should have given the black man anything in the first place, that it is the giving that is the problem, not the extent of the gift. The black man will never be satisfied because his feigned outrage can always be used to induce the White Man into giving him more. The black man does not deal with the White Man with a view towards achieving objective justice, certainly not the kind of justice that the White Man would conjure up in his own head. Rather, the black man deals with the White Man as a being whose altruism is something to exploit. He bites the hand that feeds him because he knows that the White Man has convinced himself, falsely, that his own wrong has caused the bite, that the black man can only be mad because the White Man has done him wrong. As a result, our White people continually dispossess themselves in the black race’s favor, only hastening their own racial demise. There is a never-ending attempt to appease a race that can never be appeased. There is a never-ending transfer of our wealth to a race that in no way deserves it. The black race is like a child that cries because it has only been given one cookie, cries some more when it is given a second, and is thus given still more cookies in the forlorn hope that it will stop crying at some point. However, it doesn’t, and the tearful face quickly turns into a smiling one when the foolish parent (the White Race) turns its head. White people mistakenly assume that every race has the same sense of justice, that all that is necessary for everyone to be happy is for every race to be treated “fairly, ” a concept that is pretty much limited to the White Man’s own psyche in the first place. Thus the White Man imputes sentiments and values to the other races that he himself possesses, not understanding that these sentiments and values may well be alien to the natures of those who are not of his own kind. As always, the White Man would delude himself into thinking that the races of men are all the same except for the color of their skin and thus assumes that, if the non-white races are dissatisfied with their lot at the hands of the White Man, he, the White Man, would be dissatisfied too were he in their shoes and thus that it is the White Man’s fault. The other races only need complain and the White Man assumes that he is to blame. His own conscientiousness is at such a high level that he assumes that whatever outrage that is professed by the non-white races cannot possibly exist without a just cause. The result, of course, is that he is taken from without end. He is taken from until there is nothing left to take. And all the while that the White Man insists on being colorblind, the other races see nothing but color. They are for the best interests of their own races while the White Man abandons his best interests to the extent that he forgets that such things can even exist. Thus when the non-white “refugees” are allowed into Europe, they are not satisfied with that generosity by any means. Rather, they expect, demand, and receive free food, free shelter, free education, and free health care and, if these things are not forthcoming, they riot. That alone should tell White people that the problem is the giving of the refuge in the first place, that they themselves would be better off never having given the would-be “refugees” anything at all. The attitude of every non-white invader is that the White Man owes him and that, if he fails to deliver, he has the right to acquire the White Man’s bounty by force. Our people have thus become a servant race to the world, that world deluded by the “all men are created equal” propaganda lie that subsequently motivates it to wrest that supposed “equality” from the White Man by whatever means necessary. After all, if it is really true that “all men are created equal, ” as the White Man has foolishly proclaimed to the non-white world contrary to all evidence and logic, it is understandable why the non-white races would think themselves justified in seizing some of that supposed “equality” from the White Man so that they too can live a life that corresponds to their supposedly innate equality as human beings. In other words, if the races of men are truly “equal” in value to one another, shouldn’t they all be living equal lives and have equal material prosperity, and if they are not enjoying that equal standard of living with the White Man, why shouldn’t they seize the prosperity of the White people and thus “equalize” the situation for everyone, by force if necessary? That is the mental outlook of our invaders and it is likewise the mentality that exists wherever our people are at the mercy of non-white rule: our farms, our personal possessions, and our money will be expropriated by the non-white-ruled State, as happens today in “Zimbabwe” (Rhodesia), all in the name of “equality, ” of course. Thus the falsehood of “racial equality” not only damages our will to preserve our own kind but it encourages the non-white races to invade our territories and seize the prosperity that we ourselves have worked for and earned. The non-white races feel themselves entitled to an equal standard of living with the White Man with whom they are supposedly equal and, when they cannot acquire that on their own, they feel themselves justified in taking it from the White Man through the evocation of sympathy, the employment of coercion, or by outright theft and violence. The White Man has caused the other races to have unjustified expectations about the quality of life they are meant to live; he causes a threat to his own continued existence as a result. Since the non-white races have been led to believe that they are our “equals, ” they assume that the White Man, who has more than them, has somehow treated them unfairly, that he has “oppressed” them, and that he is, essentially, wrongfully withholding from them the equal life that is appropriate for their supposedly “equal” selves. This results in resentment on the part of the non-white races and deprivation on the part of our own kind. We make and the non-whites take. No one has ever been able to explain why, if the races of men are truly “equal” to one another, they shouldn’t have the same level of material prosperity. And why shouldn’t White people be forced to fork over their own (alleged) prosperity to the non-white races in order to “equalize” a situation that seems so unequal as it stands? The answer, of course, is that the idea that the races are equal in ability, capacity, or value is absurdly false in the first place. It is a falsehood that has done tremendous damage to our people in the weakening of its drive to preserve itself. The very fact that all of the nations of our White Race have discarded any and all racial considerations in regards to their immigration laws is all of the evidence necessary to demonstrate the truth of the previous statement. We are swarmed with non-white invaders under the delusion that they are the “equals” of our own White people and, as a result, our cultures, our genes, and our lives are destroyed by virtue of our taking them in. Our societies are made ever and ever more inferior through the ever-increasing numbers of inferior non-white inhabitants within them, an outcome that would have been entirely foreseeable and predictable had we admitted to ourselves that all men are not created equal. Pretending that every creature that can stand on two legs and speak is the “equal” of every other sacrifices everything that we are, everything that we’ve built, and everything that we cherish in this world. By disregarding the fact that all men are not created equal, we allow the habitat of our own kind to be overrun and thus the precondition for our own continued existence to be destroyed, for, just as species in Nature require their own habitat to survive, so too do the races of men. Every rape and slaughter of our women, every degradation of our culture, and every desecration of our bloodlines that occurs today can and should be laid at the altar of the " racial equality" idol which has failed to protect our kind in its struggle for life. The lowering of our own self-regard and value as a people, in order to make us the " equal" of the non-white races, has only emboldened those races to murder, rob, and rape us and invited them otherwise to hate us for our (supposedly) unjustified success. It is not some kind of coincidence, after all, that the more that our White people bend over backwards to demonstrate to the non-white races their belief in racial " equality, " the more they are attacked and abused by the very races that are the beneficiaries of such foolishness. We also tolerate those attacks and abuse, attacks and abuse which had previously been unheard of when we were a strong and virile race that did not apologize for its own success. Indeed, it is a fact that crimes against our White people by the non-white races are far more numerous now that we have proclaimed them our " equals"; we were far more secure in our lives and our property as a people when we deemed them our inferiors and they knew it! (Individuals of inferior race are naturally far less likely to assault those whom they deem to be more god than man. ) As a result of the " racial equality" lie, our people thus lose their value in their own eyes as well as in the eyes of their despoilers. We lose our respect for ourselves and the respect of others. When stripped of the " politically correct" niceties and general dishonesty that rules the society of today, the underlying attitude of the black race toward the White in America is that of extortion and, conversely, the underlying attitude of the White Race toward the black is that of appeasement. The black race gets what it wants by always, at any moment, being ready to employ violence if it doesn't. It is not necessary that the threat be made out loud or even that it be made directly. Rather, it is enough that the black race has a history of spontaneous, impulsive violence that is prone to breaking out at any time, with no provocation based in logic or reason being necessary to set it off. Even with the liberal " equality" propaganda infecting his mind, the White Man is still sensible enough to view the black race as being inherently more violent than his own and the black race, for its part, certainly does nothing to disabuse the White Man of that assumption. Rather, the black race uses it to the hilt in order to convince the White Man that he really should give in to his demands. . . or else. Thus not only does the political system in America favor the black race (through so-called " affirmative action, " for example) but the ever-present threat of violence from that quarter induces White people to sacrifice their own sense of justice, their own senseof right and wrong, and their own best interests to the demands, and good humor, of the black race. There is probably not a racially-integrated public school in America, for example, that has not witnessed the pathetic spectacle of a beleaguered White teacher putting up with grossly obnoxious behavior on the part of her black students that she never would have put up with in her White students in a million years. That is because the White teachers are afraid of coming down " too hard" on the blacks for fear that a kind of tribal, animalistic violence will be unleashed towards them as a result. Whites, on the other hand, are always expected to behave themselves better than blacks, the myth of " racial equality" notwithstanding. Whites are expected to be able to control themselves while their supposed " equals" are not. Blacks simply " can’t help it" if they get worked up about the world around them; their impulse control is deemed to be at a lower level by everybody. Still, they are deemed to be " equal" all the same because that is what the myth says. Thus the perceived inherent violent nature of the black race extorts our White Race into conduct, as well as attitudes, that are against its own volition. It is probably difficult to find a White man anywhere who is afraid of the debating skills of the black man. It is, though, very easy to find White people who are afraid of the violent tendencies of blacks. That is proof enough that what is said here is true. There is a clash within the White Man's psyche between his liberal, brain-polluted education and that of his instincts. His (mis)education may well tell him all day that " all men are created equal" but his instincts tell him something very different. His " education" may cause him to conceive of an " equal" race all right but his instincts perceive a more primitive one, one where reason and logic rule the day less often than in his own. In any case, the net result of all of this is that blacks are allowed to throw their weight (and aggression) around in our society more than our own White people are. Not only does the black race have the benefit of an officially " equal" reputation that is totally undeserved, and which is contrary to all evidence, history, and logic, but the fear of that race by our own induces us to tolerate its destruction of our own culture and civilization from within. Our women are afraid to reject the sexual advances of the black man for fear of being called a " racist. " The legal system refuses to prosecute blacks for hate crimes against Whites because that would imply that the supposedly innocent, " oppressed" black race is really not so " oppressed" after all. Fear is always part of the equation in one form or another and that fear always keeps us from looking out for our own best interests as a people. The black man ends up having more rights than the White. He has more freedom to be himself while White people, on the other hand, are always expected to accommodate him, believe in the legitimacy of his complaints, and disregard their own. The absurd theory of " racial equality" subjugates White people to their inferiors and is not even upheld for the White people themselves. Rather, the other races receive a privileged status in our society while we as White people abuse each other. The result, of course, is that our White race grows progressively weaker in its presence on this earth as it is attacked both from without and from within. Since we are not permitted to unite on racial grounds, we divide and conquer ourselves. Notably, it is oftentimes the same (White) people who vehemently condemn the notion that the White Race is a superior race who are quick to proclaim that " America is the greatest country on earth" and other such " unequal" sentiments reflecting a belief in American superiority. The question is thus begged: why should we be willing to proclaim the superiority of a country and not the superiority of a race? Why is the one so moral, wonderful, and expected while the other is so immoral, horrible, and outlandish? Countries are made up of people, after all, so why should we be so shy about proclaiming the greatness of our own people, White people? How can a country be worthy of our high regard, but not our own kind who inhabit it? How can we talk about the greatness of a country and despise the greatness of the race that made it great in the first place? Is there such a thing as a great country without a great people, and is there such a thing as great people without a great race? Is there anybody who would call an uninhabited country " great"? And what are countries composed of but races? It ought to be fairly self-evident that countries do not make themselves great. Rather, it takes people to make them great and people are composed of races. Great races create great countries. Inferior races create inferior countries. The proliferation of inferior races necessarily renders a country no longer " great. " Common sense ought to tell people that, just as you cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, you cannot make a great country if the raw material is not there, nor preserve its greatness if that raw material disappears or is overwhelmed, that the works of men necessarily depend upon the quality of the men themselves. The failure of our White people to concede and embrace such basic, common sense facts causes them to forfeit the near-utopia that could have been theirs, substituting inevitable misery in its stead. Greatness, after all, is something that has to be guarded, not abandoned to happenstance. That guarding also happens to be an important part of a race's drive for self-preservation; races in Nature guard themselves in order to preserve themselves, and that includes the guarding of the particular societies that they have created for themselves. Intruders are resisted, not assisted. Thus a people that carelessly lets any and all other peoples and races into its country is one that has lost its drive to preserve itself and, unless it recovers that drive, through the force of necessity or otherwise, is doomed to extinction, quite simply. Our White people find themselves cowed today into allowing the non-white races to invade their countries, something that can only be called the freak-show disgrace that it truly is. The tacit assumption behind the idea that the non-white races have a " right" to enter our countries is that White people have no right to preserve themselves, their culture, or their unique way of life, an assumption that is as sickening as it is false, and yet the bizarre fact of the matter is that our people have embraced that assumption in its entirety! We wince when we are accused of not letting in enough non-white invaders. We meet them with rescue boats instead of gunships! Then, when the invaders are indeed allowed into our lands, our habitats, they quickly proceed to transform the country into looking like the very hellholes that they came from, our White people yet again being cowed into capitulating, this time to the overthrow of their culture and civilization altogether at the hands of another race. Not only are we denied the right to determine who enters our own habitat in the first place, which is one of the most basic rights that a people could ever possess, but the invaders demand that they also be allowed to take it over after they have entered it, and if we refuse or even complain about this dispossession of our own kind, our own culture, and our own civilization, we are alleged to be the bad guys! One would be hard-pressed to find a time that was more sick in this regard. One would be hard-pressed to find any time in history where a race so willingly allowed itself to be removed from the face of the earth and where the mere idea of resistance to that removal was utterly condemned by the society in which it lives. Even when the non-white races invade us illegally, they are given lawyers to advocate for their " rights, " for goodness sakes, upon their capture! Yes, a sickness has infected the psyche of our people, not only that they would, at least in some cases, give their wholehearted blessing to such an outrage but that they would fail to resist and destroy it with the courage and will of their forefathers and which their sheer instinct as living beings further demands. It would seem that no oppression, no subjugation, no humiliation of our kind today is too crass for us to tolerate; rather the outrages that we as a race endure are always deemed to be justified one way or the other since it is White people who are on the receiving end. No one has ever explained in the first place why it is that we should be forced to live with races we simply do not want to live with. No one has ever explained why we, as White people, should have to cater to the desires of everybody but ourselves. No one has ever explained why it is fine for the non-white races to have their own countries but not fine for White people to have theirs. No one has ever explained why a race should ever allow other races to determine its own destiny. Nobody has ever explained why a race should treat different races the same as it treats itself. These are all ideas that have been foisted upon the psyche of the White Man to his detriment. They are ideas that are hostile to his own preservation. The White Man today finds himself in the bizarre predicament of being shamed into allowing his own annihilation. If, for example, he raises even a mild protest about his habitat being invaded by the non-white races, he is accused of " lacking compassion" for the supposed plight of " those merely seeking a better life. " On the other hand, nobody ever complains about the other races " lacking compassion" for their own kind; rather, that is only the White Man's burden. Likewise, if he doesn't think that other races should have the same right to live in his society as he does, he is " intolerant" and " full of hate. " On the other hand, the other races freely exclude from their own societies whom they please, no criticism for that ever being forthcoming. If the White Man dares to proclaim that White lives matter, he is called a racist for not saying that black lives matter. If he believes that it is immoral for White women to give birth to non-white children, he is declared to be immoral himself. If he dares to assert that his own culture and civilization are superior to that which the non-white races have produced, he is " reminded" that his forefathers supposedly " oppressed" those races and thus whatever flaws they possess are " really" the fault of his own race. At every turn, the White Man is thus discouraged from doing anything that would help to preserve his own kind, his own culture, and his own civilization. Black lives matter, not White. Black culture should be celebrated, not White. Since the White Race supposedly " wronged the world" in the past, it is open season on the White Race now. The non-white races are encouraged to increase their political power in our society, and yet White people are condemned if they should seek to do the same for their own kind. It is considered a sad state of affairs for the non-white races to be a minority in our country but perfectly fine, and indeed desirable, that White people should become a minority in theirs. The non-white races are permitted and encouraged to colonize the lands where we live while the White Man's colonization of the non-white lands in the past is condemned. There are White liberals galore who spend their whole lives fretting about the (supposed) genocide of the non-white races in the past but when the genocide of the White Race today is at issue, they are nowhere to be found. The double standard is plain, obvious, and sickening; they are the times in which we live. They are anti-white preservation to the core; nor would the times themselves challenge that description. What's worse though is that our people are seemingly content with living in a world that has declared that they must die and that everything that they and their forefathers created must be destroyed, and without even a whimper at that. Again there is no comparison in world history with such a perverted state of affairs, a state of affairs through which our White people are persuaded to surrender their lands, their cultures, their neighborhoods, their bloodlines, and anything and everything else that was bequeathed to them by their forefathers, and which belongs to them. There is no precedent for an entire race being willing to be erased from the face of the earth and without even bothering to be upset about it, that sickness not only being a " normal" state of affairs for it but something to which it gives its hearty blessing. What is remarkable is that our White people allowed themselves to be coaxed out of those values in the first place which are conducive to their own preservation. " Hate, " for example, is not only a good emotion in some circumstances but is absolutely necessary to preserve that which you love when that is under attack. " Intolerance" is obviously good as well if we are talking about preserving your own kind from those actions and attitudes which would destroy it. " Bias" is beneficial if the treatment of your own people is at issue; of course we should favor our own kind and disfavor those who are not of our own kind in all things and at all times. Of course we should favor our own people, not somebody else's, and not be indifferent between the two! These propositions are so basic and obvious that it is amazing that anybody ever contested them in the first place. They are a symbol of health, not sickness; of vigor, not decline. Healthy people both love and hate. Healthy people want to preserve what is theirs, not acquiesce in its destruction. Healthy people are intolerant of racial invaders, sexual perverts, and every other force which undermines their healthy, mutual, instinctive, and racial existence. Such sentiments are worthy of applause, not condemnation; of codification by law, not reproached with illegality. The White Man has never needed to justify wanting to live with his own people in the first place, nor for taking whatever measures he deems necessary to ensure the continuance of that situation. It is quite enough that we may not like having the other races around us to justify their exclusion from our world. We need no more justification than our own sentiments; we need heed no other call but that of our own instincts. The " feelings" of the other races, for their part, never mattered in the slightest. What matters instead is our will to preserve ourselves, our progeny, and our kind for all times to come. A mongrel culture is not our culture. A mongrel race is not our race. We have every right to preserve the purity of what we are and resist and defeat all that which would destroy that purity. Preservation of what we are is its own reward and we need offer nothing else. Thus when the non-white races spew their grievances, we never had to care. When they asserted their " rights, " we could have recognized their wrongs. When they demanded " equality" with us in our society, we could have proclaimed the inequality of all living things instead and the fact that no other race was ever entitled to be part of our society in the first place. Men are not created equal. Men are not interchangeable. Men are not of equal worth to one another. Rather, our race is better: to us. White humanitarianism, as dispensed to the other races, is not good. White racial forbearance, with regards to the desires of the other races, is not good either. It is that which preserves and advances our own kind which is good and that requires a land of our own, for our own, and by our own, exclusively. Our being on the defensive as a people is bad. Our apologizing to the other races for our history is bad. Our making way for the other races is bad. Our sharing with the other races is bad. Our equating the other races with ourselves is bad. Our believing in a supposed " oneness" of humanity is bad. It is, rather, that which distinguishes our people from the others which preserves it. It is that which elevates our race which preserves it. It is that which separates our race from the other races which preserves it. It is that which values our race which preserves it. Preservation of what we are is good, not bad, and all that which assists in that preservation is good, too! No apologies for that assistance is ever necessary. It is, rather, part of our drive for preservation that we have the right to retain just as much as every other species on this earth. It is thus the case that all that which tends to preserve our White Race on this earth is good and that is the case no matter what the non-white races may feel about it. We only owe ourselves, not everybody else. It is our kind that determines who is our people. It is our kind that determines what is our country! There is no land that is worth more than that kind. There is no State that deserves our allegiance more than the race that we are!