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The Triumph of Life: An Assault Upon the Values of the Current Society 8 страница

       When the German people set fire to non-white so-called “asylum shelters, ” for instance, they are only doing that which their nature compels that they do: resist the invasion of their territory by hostile, competitive, enemy races the same way as every race in the natural world would do if it had the power. When the Ku Klux Klan proclaimed a desire to protect White womanhood from the sexual predations of the black race, it was only doing what comes naturally to a race that cares about itself: stop the destruction of its blood. When the White pioneer in the American West expressed the opinion that “the only good Indian is a dead Indian, ” he was only opining what every other race upon the earth would express were it too locked in violent conflict with a rival, competitive race. When White people around the world today demand that the borders of their countries be closed, they are only expressing a sentiment that comes naturally to every race that exists: that its habitat be rendered safe for itself. The current, artificial society in which we live today would have us snuff out these inherent feelings of ours and destroy our very nature as men in the process. We do not, however, have to oblige. The inherent sensibilities that exist within us are as rightful as those existing within every other race of creature, and just as those other races have a natural aversion for rival races entering their habitats, so too do we. It has never been necessary for even a single White man to justify his aversion regarding the presence of the non-white races in his society, State, and country. Rather, the drive for the preservation of his own kind—a drive that every other natural creature possesses likewise—compels it. He beholds races that are alien to his own and which, due to their capacity for rivalry, can only harm that which he naturally is, that which he naturally creates, and deprive him of that which belongs to his own kind alone.  Indeed, he beholds beings who will cause the genetic displacement of his own kind within the territory in question altogether. His culture suffers by virtue of the presence of these alien races, as do his genes by virtue of their contamination with theirs; the lives of his racial brethren are also outright killed by beings who never should have been allowed near his own kind in the first place. Thus his aversion regarding the intrusion of these alien races only comes naturally to him as part of his drive to preserve his own kind. He desires to fend off this attack upon that which he holds dear: himself. There is nothing to be gained by his being mixed with these alien races, for mixture can only dilute, confound, and confuse that which he naturally is; indeed, it erases his true identity as the White man that he is and the biological existence of his kind altogether. He loses his freedom to be what he is, to live in accordance with his own nature and ultimately, to live itself.

       Again, every value of the natural world exists for a clear, overwhelming, and necessary reason: it preserves the race in question, for if that were not the case, the values would be different. Thus to go against the values of the natural world within our race means to eliminate the very mechanism that is necessary for its continued preservation. What appear to be lofty thoughts to those who have not thought the matter through to its logical conclusion—such as “racial equality, ” “racial tolerance, ” and “racial diversity” for instance—only usher a race towards its own demise in contravention of those natural values which would have enabled it to live on instead. We forget about what matters to every other race of creature that exists: the preservation of its kind. From copulation to actual reproduction, from nourishment to the acquisition of shelter, and from self-defense to the abhorrence of any kind of interracial society whatsoever, the races of the natural world strive instinctively and unambiguously for one thing: the preservation of their respective kinds. That is the meaning of life for every creature that exists, and the race is successfully preserved by virtue of that fact. It is unnecessary then to search for a “spiritual” or “transcendent” meaning of life. Rather, the meaning of life is already present within the instincts of every living creature: the preservation (and advancement) of its kind! All means are justified for that purpose, so long as they actually accomplish that purpose, and the inherent sensibilities of a race (our instincts) are always right in that regard. It is our instincts that are right, not the artificial values with which we have been indoctrinated, for those instincts are an evolutionary tool that exists in every creature for the preservation of its kind without which continued life is impossible. Every instinct that we possess is a survival mechanism and it would be folly, therefore, for us to disregard them lightly if we are ever to disregard them at all.

       Thus, when the current mongrel society of ours tells us, “don’t be racist, ” it is telling us to defy the inherent nature of every living thing that exists. When it tells us to “integrate” with the other races, it is telling us to defy our natural instincts, instincts which demand the society of our own kind alone just as they do with every other natural creature. When it prides itself in its racial “diversity, ” it fails to realize that such diversity is an absolute perversion of the natural order of things and that its pride is misplaced accordingly. When it chastises, or even persecutes, our White people for being racially discriminatory, it is attacking us for merely fulfilling our inherent nature as creatures of this earth. We are attacked in the very root of our existence and denied the peace of mind that comes from being true to who and what we naturally are. It is normal for us not to want blacks, browns, yellows, and other races around us or part of our society. It is normal for us to discriminate racially the same way as every other race does in the natural world without exception. Conversely, the artificial values that are impressed upon us today are profoundly abnormal for the very reason that they are so contrary to the values of the natural world that exists all around us. We have inflicted a needless trauma upon ourselves by denying ourselves the right to live in accordance with the values of that natural world.

       To be sure, our natural racist sentiments regarding the other races of men have been wrongly maligned and withheld from us, which has caused us great harm in its own right. However, we must also consider what damage has also been inflicted upon our relations with one another as the White people that we are by virtue of our failure to heed the values of the natural world, values which instill a racially unifying psyche within the creatures of her realm. For instead of being united for the survival and thrival of our (White) race throughout our history as the other creatures of the world have been for their own respective races, we have found ourselves divided by countless artificial ideologies, attitudes, and causes that have torn us apart. By not realizing that racial survival and thrival is the very meaning and purpose of our lives, we have erected in its stead divisions of the mind within our people that are nowhere to be found in Nature, divisions which have continued to this day and which sap our racial life. Where in Nature, we can ask ourselves, are there ideologies, attitudes, and causes which divide a race against itself such as “liberalism, ” “conservatism, ” “communism, ” “feminism, ” “nationalism, ” “theism, ” “capitalism, ” “individualism, ” “globalism, ” “gay rights, ” “transgender rights, ” and every other non-racial mindset and crusade under the sun? The answer is that in Nature such things do not exist! Rather they are a (sad) invention of men, men who took their eyes off of the natural world that exists all around them and the values of that world which revolve around the race and only the race. Just because White men can think, and do so at a much higher level than the other races which exist upon this planet, does not mean that they should divide one another on the basis of their thoughts. Rather the values of the natural world—including solidarity for the race as the one and only “cause” of its members—should have remained our values too. There is, after all, no such thing as division within a race on ideological grounds in Nature. Rather, every race stands united for the survival and thrival of its own kind. That is its “cause. ” That is its mission. That is its direction. Only interracial division exists in the natural world: the separation of each race from one another in its struggle for life. Within the race there is unity: for itself.

       We can therefore lament all of the ideological schisms and other conflicts which have occurred and existed within our kind throughout its history. We can lament that White people were ever divided into enemy camps on the basis of their thoughts, the mere thoughts that transpired between their ears. We can lament that White people were ever divided up between “the proletariat and the bourgeois” under the artificial (Jewish) ideology of communism, for instance. We can lament that a wedge was driven between our men and women by the equally artificial ideology of “feminism, ” a belief system that is likewise nowhere to be found in the natural world. We can lament that there are White people who care more about the environment (“environmentalism”) than their own race which lives in that environment. We can lament that there are White people who put more faith in the (alleged) world of gods in the sky than in the natural world which exists all around them, and who would believe that their natural racism as the race that they are should be overruled thereby. We can lament that there are White people who would devote themselves to the proposition of “gay and transgender rights” when there is no such thing in the natural world as “gays” and “transgenders” in the first place—except for a miniscule number of freaks, perhaps—and when their existence among men is merely a sign of Man’s growing degeneracy. We can lament that White people would divide themselves between “liberalism” and “conservatism” when the only “ism” in the natural world is the racism with which every race is instinctively imbued. We can lament that there are White people who deem themselves beholden to “tradition” regardless of whether the particular tradition in question happens to be good or bad for their own kind. We can lament that there are White people who care more about what is happening on the opposite side of the globe with the non-white races than with the situation facing their own kind in their own communities. Rather the only consideration for our people should have been that kind and the implementation of those actions which would enable it to preserve and advance itself as the race that it is in this world. That is a principle of unity, not division; of solidarity, not diffusement. We could have had the peace, harmony, and unity that comes from having the same meaning and purpose in all of our lives: the furtherance of our kind.

       The races of the natural world simply live in accordance with the values of that world, and there is no reason why we as men should contrive and interject values that are alien to, or which contradict, the values of that world. Racial furtherance is the overarching value, the raison d’ê tre, for all of the values that exist within that world; there is no reason why things should be any different with us. The only “ideology” that exists in the natural world is the “ideology” of racial survival and thrival. The races of the natural world do not argue with one another about how many angels can dance upon the head of a pin. They do not suppose that economics is (somehow) the key to history. They do not assert that their females have a supposed “right to choose” whether to carry their offspring. They do not base their theory of government upon the supposed “freedoms of the individual. ” They do not love their country at the expense of their own kind which occupies it. They do not launch stupid foreign wars for “democracy” or for the supposed “rights” of races that are different from them. They do not adhere to the sentiment that aberrant conduct is entitled to “equal dignity” with that which is normal and creative of the next generation of their kind. They do not determine right or wrong by majority vote; indeed, what is right comes naturally to them and what is wrong is automatically despised by all. There is no conflict within them as to what the proper policy is to pursue or what the proper attitude is to assume. Rather their life is their kind and their kind is their life! They fulfill their nature as the organic, living beings that they are and that nature is always right. Life is simple for them because it is.

       We can recall with horror then all of the countless wars and struggles that have been fought within our White Race over religion, over national differences, over political differences, over treasure, over personal ego, and so forth and ask ourselves: would these wars have still occurred had we been true to the values of the natural world? We already know the sad answer to that, for in Nature such things do not occur within any race. Rather the enemies of a race are the other races, not its own racial brethren! Thus we can lament the vast sufferings and devastations that our race has inflicted upon itself from time immemorial, for whatever urge for slaughter that we may have felt within our breasts should have been directed at those not of our own kind, if at all. Had we done that all along, had we waged war for centuries only against the non-white races whenever we waged it, and with united racial purpose at that, the colored races of the world would have been rendered extinct a long time ago, the White Man would possess the whole earth himself for the prosperity and glory of his own kind, and the sick travesty of our impending demise as a race that we are facing today would have never occurred. Those who would disparage the very idea of “race war” should at least be called to answer whether the countless wars that White people have waged against themselves are any better, and what it is about race war that is so anathema to their conscience while the wars that have been waged within their own kind are worthy of their exuberant praise. Let them answer why it is better for our White people to clash with themselves instead of with the other races, unlike what goes on with every other race of creature upon the face of the earth. If we live in accordance with the values of the natural world on the other hand, no such backwards, fratricidal, and indeed suicidal thinking is possible. Instead we recognize that it is against the other races of men that we should have waged war and that there is no good war that isn’t interracial in nature. We furthermore recognize that no State may ever legitimately call us to arms against the members of our own kind. Gone are the usual justifications for war and the ability of the State and its spokesmen to inveigle us into war with members of our own kind over artificial issues having nothing to do with our racial survival and thrival. Gone are the wars that can only hurt our own racial future and strengthen the foes of that future. Instead, whatever war-making power of the State rests upon whether the war in question is to be waged against our non-white racial enemies. Adherence to the values of the natural world can decree no other attitude and no other course. If we are to wage war, it is the non-whites who must be the fallen. If we are to wage war, it is the White Race that must be expanded and advanced thereby and no other “cause. ”

       Thus our people wonder why there is so much civil strife in their society without realizing that they have been deprived of the only thing that could have united them instead: a homogeneous society devoted to the furtherance of their own kind as the very meaning and purpose of its existence. That is what unites a people, not an amorphous belief in “freedom, ” including the very “freedoms” that would divide a race against itself. How true it is then that we have cheated ourselves out of the happiness that was meant to be ours, the happiness that comes when all of our brethren believe in the same cause: the cause of their racial furtherance, with the individual merely serving as a means to that end! For only when we place the best interests of our whole race before that of our own individual selves can we ever have a society that is without the strife that is bound to come with the clash of the individual best interests that compose it. Only when we have subordinated the individual to the race of which he is a part can we end the strife that results from each individual’s pursuance of his own ego. After all, while we only have one race, we have countless individuals who compose it. It follows then that total racial feeling in each and every individual unites a people while the belief in the individual and his “freedoms” must necessarily break it apart. There can only be unity in a people when they are united in the one attribute that they all share independent of any thoughts that may go through their heads: the commonality of their blood and the furtherance of its culture, genes, and lives in this world. The current society would put all of its focus on the “freedoms of the individual” and yet wonder why those individuals are so divided from one another. Well of course they are divided from one another when they have failed to be united for their kind. Their kind is the only point of unity that can exist, for that is the only thing they have in common independent of whatever opinions on things they may otherwise hold. People are far more likely to have their particular race in common than their particular opinions in common, after all.  Hence the potential for civil strife is much greater in a society where all racial feeling in the people has been quashed and the freedoms of the individual been substituted in its stead as its ethos. There is no such thing as a unified and a diversified, individualistic people at the same time. The very racist sentiments that would be so thoughtlessly condemned today in our kind are thus actually a bond that helps to hold a race together through the trials and tribulations of its past, present, and future. Antipathy towards the rival races with which we are confronted comes as naturally as water falling off of a cliff. It also serves to band that race together like “individualism” never can.

       The matter is extraordinarily simple because it is. The troubles that exist in today’s world are artificial and hence unnecessary. There should not be “White police officer shootings of unarmed black men” because neither race should be within each other’s society. There should be no mixed-race children born among men because no mixed-race creatures are born in Nature. There should be no “balancing of competing interests” in multiracial societies because there are no multiracial societies in Nature. There should be no more talk about the so-called “inalienable rights” of men because such a concept is devoid of meaning in Nature. Females do not intentionally kill their unborn progeny in Nature and so they shouldn’t kill their unborn progeny within our own White Race. There are no governments composed of members of different races in Nature and so such things should not exist with us. There is no “bringing together of the races” in Nature and so such a thing should not happen with us. There are no religions, ideologies, philosophies, or politics in Nature which unite the races and so such things should not exist with us either. Nature’s Eternal Religion, rather, is the instinctive sentiment which binds every race to its own kind, its own best interests, and its own future. No religion, ideology, philosophy, or politics which gazes up at the clouds and which would “reinvent” Man into a raceless creature has ever been necessary, desirable, or warranted. Rather the natural world, in all its beauty, in all its life, and in all its death, is the basis for the only religion, ideology, philosophy, or politics that we ever needed in our pursuit of what is true, what is right, and what is holy on this earth. With every issue, Nature thus points the way, and nothing else is needed but a value system which fulfills the values that every other race of creature lives by inherently and which benefits and advances our racial, not individual, existence throughout the eons of time. Of course human beings have superior intelligence to that of the other creatures that exist in this world. However, that is no cause for our jettisoning the inherent values which enable us to survive and thrive. No one has ever been able to show that the artificial values conjured up in the heads of men are better than the racial values that guide the lives of the rest of the (non-domesticated) creatures that likewise inhabit this planet. This is because they aren’t, of course, by virtue of the only measure that can matter to a race in the long run: survival. Indeed, if values are not conducive to racial survival, they are bad values; if they are conducive to racial survival, they are good values, quite simply. That is because only the race may live on while the individual must perish.

       We can, then, only marvel at the idiocy of the present society that exists all around us. People subscribe to artificial belief systems at their whim and allow those belief systems to guide their entire lives. People put de-natured substances into their bodies and wonder why they are in ill-health. People condemn as “hate” the very instincts, emotions, and attitudes that every race in the natural world takes for granted as the very epitome of a normal life. People condemn within themselves their own inherent nature and then seek to displace that nature existing within others. Left without a yardstick that is true to the measure of the world as it naturally is, they are left floundering in discontent, stupidity, and ignorance as to its cause.

       Governments express concern about the state of race relations between their citizens without ever stopping to consider the fact that there are no such things as “interracial societies” in Nature, and hence that the true problem is not “race relations” per se but the fact that the races have been brought together under the same socio-political order in the first place. Of course the races of men are discomforted by each other’s presence within the same society—whether they will admit that to themselves or not—when their association with each other goes so strongly against their natural instincts in the first place. Of course the races of men will be inclined to treat each other differently than they treat themselves since it is the natural instinct of all living creatures to do so. Of course there will be problems in trying to reconcile the best interests of the various races when those best interests are all different from one another (what we have, the other races want)! Of course there is societal chaos and anarchy when people fail to look to the only inherent, stable, and everlasting guide and authority for living in this world that there is: Nature. Even more important though is the fact that any and all social and political orders created by men which are not based upon the values of the natural world lack any legitimacy or right to our allegiance or obedience in the first place! Nature, after all, does not care about majority votes. Nature does not care about the edicts of supposed religious leaders, those religions not being grounded in the values of the natural world. Nature does not care about the strokes of pens applied in would-be defiance of her laws. Rather, Nature only cares about that which corresponds to her values and that which does not. The distinction is clear and meaningful for those who would seek to live a life that possesses purpose and meaning, for eternity. The distinction is meaningful for those who would long to live under a social-political order that corresponds to the instincts and inborn desires that are at the root of their very soul. For those who become conscious of the values of the natural world, and who believe that those values should be obeyed by the races of men no differently than they are obeyed by all of the rest of the races of life on this earth, the mask of legitimacy is thus pulled off of all governments and other institutions which would lead our kind to its premature doom. Since it is our resolve that our race must be preserved, and at any and all costs to the individual at that, their threats of punishment or offers of enrichment in the effort to keep us beholden to their unnatural, indeed anti-natural social-political order of things do not faze us. After all, we as individuals have only a limited life span anyway while our race can go on forever; nothing they can do to us individually then can equal the value which we can bestow upon our race which can live on for thousands and even millions of years after we ourselves are gone. That indeed is the imperative of the values of the natural world: that the race live on, not the individual, and thus it is that which enables that to happen which is just, right, and sanctified. While the values of the natural world are many, it is undeniable that preservation of the race is at the root of all of them. All of the other values thus revolve around that overarching value and serve it. The values of the natural world serve the preservation of each and every race within that world even when the particular value in question does not seem “racial” on its face.

       When a race in Nature culls its genetically defective members, for instance, it prevents its kind from absorbing those genetic traits which would weaken it in its struggle for life. Not only is the race thus better preserved thereby, but the absence of proliferating genetic defects within it enables the race to continually improve itself as well. Life is worse for the race that fails to do so for so-called “humanitarian” reasons, like the White Race. So-called “charity” itself—a sentiment and activity that is entirely absent in Nature—does not help a race preserve and advance itself; rather it only results in a greater and greater burden being imposed upon the productive population, thus weakening the race in the process in its struggle for life. It is simply unheard of in Nature for the weak or substandard to be coddled in any way. Indeed, the weak and substandard are inherently despised. The result of that sentiment, of course, is that the weak and substandard are quickly removed from the gene pool and such suffering is kept to an absolute minimum. With our White Race on the other hand, the weak and substandard become our gene pool, and suffering is maximized, as a result of our foolish “humanitarian” coddling. Our desire to help the weak and substandard thus hurts the race itself. Alleviation of the distress of individuals in their mere transitory lives makes the race progressively worse and worse in its infinite existence.

       What does this mean for our present “humanitarian” society which actually has the audacity to claim that the weak and the inferior “deserve” the sustenance of the rest of us, that they have the “right” to propagate themselves, and that a god in the sky will “bless” us if only we shower them with our charity? It means that the society is no damn good! What does it mean that we possess a society where every freak is tolerated, every abuse of our race is praised, and every threat to our race is propagated? It means that the present society must be dismantled and replaced if we mean for our race to live.

       Let us say clearly then where the current order of things is in error. It is in error when it denies our White Race a thoroughly racial existence. It is in error when it forces our kind to live in the same society, and same government, as those not of our own kind. It is in error when it attacks our right or, better said, our inclination to favor our own kind and to disfavor those who are not of our own kind. It is wrong to include any other race within our society and government. It is wrong in its exaltation of individuality over raciality. It is wrong when it exults a loyalty to space over that of loyalty to race. It is wrong when it salutes military service to and sacrifice for a “country” while having absolutely no regard for the concept of fighting for our race. It is wrong when it enacts laws that go against our natural instincts in every way, when it forces us to, in effect, betray our natural selves in favor of its artificial social-political order. It is wrong when it substitutes merit for “need. ” It is wrong when it taxes our own race to feed, clothe, house, and educate races that are not our own. It is wrong when it claims that ideals matter more than blood; it is wrong when it denies the genetic basis that underlies the quality of all existence. It is wrong when it caters to the racially destructive abnormalities within our race, such as homosexuality, “transgenderism, ” and other perversions, instead of attacking and stamping out those perversions. It is wrong when it makes the superior apologetic for their own greatness. It is wrong when it breaks down the natural and distinct roles of the sexes in favor of an amorphous haze of individual whim. It is wrong in its regard for the individual at the total expense of the race and all those values which would preserve and advance it in this world.


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