The Triumph of Life: An Assault Upon the Values of the Current Society 4 страницаIf we were to encounter a farmer who raised animals, some of whom were homosexuals, dispersed “birth control” pills to some of the others, and aborted the pregnancies of some of the others still, none of us would hesitate to call him a ridiculous and abject fool, and yet we are the bigger fools today for putting up with the same things in our own White Race. We would call the farmer a fool for stupidly reducing his own profit, and yet we ourselves are reducing the profit of our own White Race, though in a different sense. We would expect the farmer to pursue a more sensible course of conduct and yet we would deny ourselves that sensible conduct. Who then is the bigger fool? The three vices stated are playing a significant role in erasing our own stock from the face of the earth, after all! It doesn’t matter what reason may be given for their practice; all that matters is their effect upon our continued racial existence. It may be an easy thing today to declare a “freedom” to partake in the three vices that artificially dwindle the numbers of our kind, but if and when the day comes when the last remnant of our people on this earth finds itself cornered and exterminated at the hands of the non-white hordes, it may well cross the minds of its members that it sure would have been nice if there had been more White people around so as to avoid such a horrible and tragic outcome. Just as there are only natural or artificial actions in this world, a race is either in the ascent or it is in the decline, and a race must breed in order to be in the ascent. A race that tolerates the dwindling of its own numbers, vis-à -vis the numbers of the other races, will eventually be overwhelmed by those races that do not make the same mistake. In the struggle for life, it simply does not matter, again, what excuse is made for this action or that; all that matters is whether the activity in question is beneficial or harmful to the continued presence of the race in question upon this earth, and if our people are driven today to be homosexuals, consumers of pills that cut down on their own propagation, or killers of their own unborn children, obviously our drive for the preservation of our race has become weak, not strong. It is hard to imagine that a race that has become riddled with homosexuals, for instance, would be in existence for very long. Our people, indoctrinated to think only of the individual and only those of the present time at that, fail to consider the racial consequences of those actions that they would defer to the choice of the individual alone. The result of course is a race that cuts down the trees of its own forest and sets fire to its own future. There really is such a thing as seed that is wasted and we cannot afford to waste the seed of our continued Racial Life. In the normal and natural course of things, a race with a burgeoning population has no interest in cutting that back through the commission of artificial conduct, nor does it tolerate such conduct where it rears its head; rather, it deals with that expanding population by expanding its territory into new geography where its growth will continue unabated. That is the healthy course of action for our White people to take in dealing with their own numbers instead of those actions which we are witnessing today, actions that only sap our continued presence on this earth as the race that we are and which reflect the weakening of our drive for self-preservation in its own right. The healthy course of action for a healthy race is to expand geographically when its numbers have become overpopulated in the territories where it lives, not artificially restrict its birthrate within those territories and then invite in the other races to make up the difference! The latter is racial suicide, not racial preservation, and if we are to reverse the present drive of our White Race towards that suicide, we must breed without any artificial restrictions once again and populate the earth. It is our own sons who must provide the labor that we seek for our economic benefit, not those of the non-white races, and it is our daughters who must give birth to the next generation of our racial countrymen! Anything else is a failure to do our duty to our own kind in its drive for preservation. It should not be deemed bizarre to state the obvious fact that the purpose of the male anatomy is to inseminate that of the female, that the purpose of copulation is pregnancy, and that the purpose of pregnancy is childbirth, and yet the sickness of our times is such that basic truths such as these are thrown to the winds in favor of a general free-for-all of idiocy, perversion, and destruction. The reality is that those creatures which do not reproduce themselves have failed in the most basic duty that can be conceived: the continuance of the race. The failure of that duty is not something to bless or encourage, but rather to despise. The very hyper-individualism that is promoted to our people today is an attack upon our drive for self-preservation. The curtailment of our own propagation as a people is nothing other than racial denial, racial withdrawal, and racial retreat. When people speak out against homosexual “marriage, ” they miss the point; it is not the “marriage” that is the problem so much as the perversion of the natural order of things itself. It is that which must be attacked, not granted a dignity to which it is unentitled. Of course that conduct which propagates the race is superior to that which doesn’t, and which flies in the face of Nature otherwise. That is the true complaint, not a “marriage” license that is simply a joke due to the particular “marrying” involved. Of course a woman who bears children is a more desired member of our White Race than one who doesn’t since it is that childbearing which continues our race into the future. Of course a woman should not “abort” her healthy and normal White children, thus thwarting her natural role and mission on this earth: the replication of our own kind. As always, unless a race thinks racially, it cannot be expected to have healthy attitudes about, or even understand, what basic things such as copulation, pregnancy, and childbirth are all about. If it does so all the same, that is merely good fortune for which we can all be glad, something though which is in extremely short supply today. “Barefoot and pregnant, ” as the old saying goes, is not such a bad thing for the race that would like to continue its existence on this earth. “Booted and barren” is far worse, indeed! The very fact that our people are reluctant to offer any criticism at all of the various ways in which the propagation of their White Race is being drastically curtailed today is indicative of the weakening of their drive for self-preservation, for if we were committed to the survival of our own kind as we should be, we would certainly spare no words in rebuking and disdaining all that which works against the continued survival of that kind, whether it is partaken in with that specifically in mind or not. Instead we find ourselves bashful about speaking even a single word against those actions which would drive our people from the face of the earth. We whine and complain about a few thousand soldiers lost in the various overseas, no-win wars launched by a stupid and traitorous government but we say nary a word about the tens of millions, and even more, of those who have been lost to our race as a result of those actions which prevented them from having been born in the first place. The casualties from the wars in question are almost laughable in comparison but since our people fail to think racially, they fail to see, predictably enough, that the loss of individuals in their adulthood is not the only loss that a race can suffer, that actions which would prevent White children from being born at all, and by the countless millions at that, can be far, far worse a calamity for us to suffer. When our White people are killed in combat overseas, the only loss perceived by our people today is to the individuals dead, to their families, and “to the country. ” The loss to the race, however, is not perceived in that situation there or anyplace else for that matter. In any case, the alleged “freedom” to destroy our own kind is ever busy, and thus homosexuality, birth control, and abortion, along with those other vices that are harmful to our continued racial existence on this planet, continue merrily along, unchecked, as the representation of a much-lauded triumph of a supposedly worthwhile “freedom” to which we should all allegedly aspire. We are urged to rejoice in such freedom all the while the existence of our race is whittled down at an ever increasing pace; indeed, it does not go too far to say that so-called “freedom” itself has become nearly synonymous today with the racial decline of our people, that the very “freedom” that our people have in mind is all too often acquiescence of that conduct which would rid our precious White Race from the face of this earth instead of that which would preserve it and make it better. If “freedom” is to ever again be a value for our people that is worth our fighting and dying for, that situation must assuredly be turned around one day altogether, and should once again mean a state of affairs which preserves our race, not destroys it, for otherwise the word will have ceased to reflect a state of affairs that is worthy of our yearning for in the first place. Before a race bothers itself with the freedom of the individuals that compose it to do this and that, it must first secure its own freedom to exist and be secure in that existence. On the other hand, those alleged “freedoms” which gradually destroy a race altogether can hardly be deemed worthwhile to that race which would like to continue in its existence and not be consigned to the dustbin of history. We live in a time of many “freedoms, ” all right, but what is the effect of those freedoms? That is a question that is nearly never asked and it is never asked because our people do not realize that freedom, as with every other aspect of our individual lives, is a mere means to an end and not the end in itself: the preservation of our kind. As always, our people suffer from the horrible shortsightedness that we have mentioned. They have no comprehension of the fact that their preservation as mere individuals today by no means assures the preservation of their descendants, and that of their race as a whole, tomorrow. They would allow threats to that continued preservation to crop up at every turn, having no clue at all as to what kind of hideous life they are foisting upon their future generations as a result of their own careless, negative, and negligent actions. It is easy to be welcoming of the immigration of various non-white “minorities” when White people are the heavy majority in the country, for instance, but what is going to happen when the non-white “minority” has overtaken the White population in numbers and gets to call the shots accordingly? The problem is that our thinking doesn’t get that far; indeed, even when the non-white races have become the majority here and there, our people still insist upon calling them “minorities”! And even when it is understood that our White people are speedily becoming the minority everywhere they live, they make the absurd assumption that the non-white majority is going to treat us as well as we have treated them when they have the power, an assumption that is entirely without support in the history of the world. The non-white races are in fact devoid of the ideas of political liberalism that the White Man has carried about so loftily within his breast and so foolishly bestowed upon the rest of the world, and thus it is the case that political liberalism will not be bestowed upon the White Man by the non-white races whom he has aided and abetted should they be allowed to attain power over him. The values of “tolerance, ” “inclusion, ” and “colorblindness” will be nowhere to be found when the White Man has lost the ability to enforce them, for these are values which are the sincere expression of the White Man’s psyche alone. Put another way, the black man, for example, couldn’t care less about any such thing as “minority rights” when it is White people who are the minority and they, the black race, the majority. Arab Muslims, for their part, couldn’t care less about the so-called “tolerance” of other religions when their Islam rules the State. The yellow man does not want “diversity” when his own race is at issue. Rather, it is only the White Man who foolishly wants such things for himself and pushes them within his own society until his society is not his anymore. Then he is genuinely stunned by the turn of events that he has caused himself. He fails to understand that politically liberal values are unnatural values and as unnatural values, they are harmful values to all those who are foolish enough to embrace them. They attack the instinctive drive to preserve our own kind that lies within us, suppressing it with an idiotic, raceless altruism that ignores the reality of the world as it is. Instead of it being some kind of bizarre “triumph” when a White couple adopts a non-white baby for instance, it is a perversion of the natural order of things, an order where no creature ever intentionally raises the young of a race that is not its own. As another example, instead of it being “good” to welcome non-white “refugees” into our own racial habitat as some kind of illustration of how “benevolent” we supposedly are, it is the needless infliction of a threat to our own continued existence as a people now and into the future. Likewise, instead of it being “good” that we ship food and medicine to the non-whites of the world, it is bad because that grotesquely inflates their numbers and creates a threat to our own existence that would have been minimal otherwise. In our White people today there is thus the prevalence of values which are totally detached from the reality of the actual world that we live in, and an attack upon those values is necessary in order for us, as White people, to keep living in it. As such, the values themselves are bad, not good. That which destroys the natural order of things that enables our race to survive is always bad regardless of whatever propaganda is employed to convince our people otherwise. It has been said that “a liberal is a White man who hasn’t been mugged yet. ” There is much truth in that statement, to be sure, but it is far more of a problem when political liberalism itself as a “value” would result in millions of our race one day being mugged, raped, and murdered en masse and would likewise tear asunder the presence and prosperity of our kind upon this earth as a whole. Bad values have bad consequences and it is unnecessary that those bad consequences immediately manifest themselves in order for them to occur all the same, their lying in wait ready to strangle the life of our people in the future. It is unnecessary that the non-white races rape our sisters and our daughters as soon as they get off the boat for that to occur all the same one day. It is unnecessary for the entire civilization to break down now for the seeds to be sown today for that eventual collapse. Our White people do not comprehend that today because they are trained, almost like circus animals, to think only about the moment. However, the future will come all the same. It is not something that can be wished away in favor of some kind of everlasting present. Political liberalism, however, could practically be defined as a doctrine that takes no heed of the future altogether, one that would posit that “rights” matter more than future, namely, the future of one’s own people. The only sensible policy then is for White people to adopt anti-liberal values, values that, by virtue of that very fact, are concerned more with the future than with that of the immediate present and which understand that the most basic duty of society of all is to preserve the race which inhabits it, not allow its demise regardless of whatever excuse can be given for so doing. Absolutely nothing good is accomplished for the White Race as a race by its allowing other races to inhabit its territory, and from a racial standpoint, the only standpoint that has any value in the first place, that is really the only thing that matters when we judge the worth of those “values” that would allow such a thing to happen. Thus all of the ideas of “freedom, ” “tolerance, ” “diversity, ” and whatever others that political liberalism would extol happen to be values of utterly no worth should they be outside the context of our own racial preservation and advancement; indeed, they become harmful the moment they disregard same, which is often if not always the case. Thus the man who is dedicated to the preservation and advancement of his White Race is not swayed by the arguments of political liberalism since political liberalism does not share his concern for that race. The political liberal wants to talk about “the (supposed) rights of all men” within the habitat where White people live regardless of their race, whereas the White racial preservationist is devoted to the principle that White people have the right, and indeed duty, to preserve their own existence, any so-called “right” of anybody to the contrary be damned. The political liberal acts as though there is such a thing as universal, objective justice for all peoples and races whereas the White racial preservationist understands that justice is racially subjective, that there is only that which is just for his race and that which is not. We are not interested in some kind of metaphysical justice that lurks somewhere beyond cloud nine; rather, justice is that which enables our own people to survive and thrive as we define it, and would want it, for ourselves. Thus when we consider the sickness of the times in which we live today as far as the lessening of our drive for self-preservation as a race is concerned, what we are really talking about, at root, is the ability of harmful, destructive attitudes to attack that drive, and that is so regardless of the source of those attitudes. If, for example, someone believes that racial intermarriage (mongrelization) is morally acceptable and thus does not care that his own White Race is destroyed in the process, that attitude obviously came from someplace and it doesn’t much matter where; it is a weakening of that person's drive for the preservation of his own kind all the same regardless of why that has occurred. The fact that somebody might claim that the true issue involved is that of the " rights of the individual, " for its part, is really only a sad reflection of the fact that the drive of that person to preserve his own kind has already been severely weakened; in other words, there would be no talk about an individual's supposed " right" to mongrelize his White Race if the drive for racial preservation in those who would assert that proposition had not already been attacked and weakened by some source. Rather, there would be concern about the preservation of the race and a non-recognition of any supposed " right" to engage in those actions which would destroy it. Talk about " individual rights" is itself indicative of a certain weakening of the racial will to live in our people; subsequent talk then about the supposed " right" of an individual to go out and breed with an individual of different race can thus only be more so. When a people is committed to its own racial preservation, when its drive for self-preservation is thus strong, it does not recognize any such thing as a " right" of its individuals to mongrelize the race that they all share. Rather it condemns such a monstrosity with full, absolute, and unequivocal force. When the drive for preservation in a race is strong, it is not the rights of the individual that are its main concern. Rather, it is the right of the race to continue existing that takes precedence before all things. Nor is its focus on " individual rights" in general; rather it recognizes and extols its collective racial existence first and foremost. The very idea of " individual rights" hence has no worth outside of a racially preservative context to those who would want their White Race to retain its drive for that preservation. We do not acknowledge any " right" of the individual to partake in actions which would destroy the presence of his own kind upon the face of this earth. There is no " right" of the individual to commit actions which eliminate the right of the race to live. Focus on the individual means a non-focus on the race and must therefore be rejected for that reason. The drive for racial preservation requires the regulation of breeding just as much as any other conduct that societies routinely and justly regulate. Basic common sense dictates that, if there is no " right" of the individual to marry his sister, there is no " right" of the individual to marry an individual of a different race altogether. Indeed, there can only be less of such a right since the destruction of the actual race is involved, unlike the situation with brother and sister marriage which sometimes damages the individual genes of course but not the preservation of the race itself. The fact that nearly everyone in our race would still support a ban on brother/sister marriage today but relatively few would support a ban on interracial marriage anymore only goes to further illustrate the sickness of our times, that the drive to preserve our own kind is weak, indeed non-existent, under the influence of those horrible values which would attack our will to preserve our kind at every turn. The courts can say that there is a " right" to mongrelize our race all they want but those edicts would mean nothing in the face of the fanatical resistance of a race that refuses to tolerate its own destruction. Television, Hollywood, " social media, " or any other entity could encourage interracial breeding all they want with their words and images but that would mean nothing if our people had not already had their drive for racial preservation undermined by the values of political liberalism and those values that, in turn, made political liberalism possible. Yes, those entities damage our drive for racial preservation greatly in their own right; however, they were not the forces that began the damage. That rests with the values that preceded those forces: political liberalism and those values that made political liberalism itself possible. Indeed, had the cult of " individual rights" not been allowed to form in the first place as a result of the weakening of our drive for racial preservation, the two most destructive visual entities that have addled the brains as well as the natural instincts of our people for generations, television and Hollywood, would never have been allowed to get off the ground as the conduits of negative influence that they are in the first place. Instead, they would have educated and sustained our White people in racial values, values that recognize and extol the preservation of their own kind and the welfare of that kind as the collective entity that it is and for its own sake. Television and Hollywood were able to become " purveyors of smut, " in other words, because the racial basis of our society was already lacking; had such a basis existed, they would have become the purveyors of something very different. Had we a society that was devoted to racial values instead of individual values, television and Hollywood would have conveyed those values no differently than any other facet of our racially oriented society. In other words, had we a society that was devoted to the preservation and betterment of our White Race instead of the entertainment of the individual and his " rights, " television and Hollywood would have been forces for good, not bad, in the service of that aim. As it stood, however, our society was not guided by racial values and thus television and Hollywood only made worse a situation that was already bad. The excessive focus on the individual, a focus that had already been the ethos of the society in which we lived, enabled television and Hollywood only to widen the gulf that had already existed between the individual and his race, eventually to the point where individuals began to hate their own race, began to feel guilty for being White, and began to work against the best interests of their own kind in its confrontations with the other races that were arrayed against it. Television and Hollywood undermined, and indeed destroyed, the White Man's sense of community with his racial kinsmen, rendering him a mere " atom" detached from his fellow " atoms" even more than had already been the case by virtue of the values that he had already embraced. Instead of their being the places of friendship, camaraderie, and mutual support and assistance that they had been for thousands of years, our neighborhoods became mere geographical locations where hardly anyone knew one another anymore. That is because everyone was instead watching “TV” in their living rooms, cut off from the rest of the world and their neighbors for all practical purposes and imbibing everything but those attitudes and values which are conducive towards the preservation and betterment of their own kind in this world. Whereas in times past our neighborhoods would remind us that we are individuals of a race, tied by our mutual blood, television removed us more and more from our psychological presence in those neighborhoods and cast our minds into a fairy-tale land of make-believe where the only “reality” was the particular TV show we were watching at the moment, our individual reactions to that show, and the various anti-white and anti-racial attitudes that were being meted out to us in their totality. We were thus cut off more and more from the actual world around us and given free play to our individual fantasies in the process. Race didn’t matter because the TV didn’t say that it mattered. Race mixing was okay because Tom on “The Jeffersons” was a race-mixer and he was a “good fellow. ” Since there were various races on our television, there was nothing objectionable about having various races in our society. The black man was not lower than us intrinsically; rather, he was just a victim of his circumstances as proclaimed by the all-knowing television set. The black and other non-white characters were often the good guys on TV and the White the bad; why then stand with our own people on racial lines in the (real) world? Whereas our White people had previously had fairly limited contact with the other races, seeing them infrequently in their daily lives due to the general segregation of the society in which they lived, now the other races were constantly in their living rooms and thus “a part of the family. ” Obviously our racial instincts could not help but be damaged under such an unnaturally-contrived scenario. Our natural instinct to live only with our own kind, to breed with our own kind, and to preserve our own kind could not help but take a beating when nothing we saw on television had anything to do with such racially preserving feelings, emotions, and attitudes. Television became a new world, and when our people went back out into the old one, they were determined to make it conform to that new television world. In that world, there was simply no room at all for a racially proud White Race in solidarity with itself. There was no room for a White people that was committed to the preservation of its own kind, and certainly no room for the enactment of any measures that would accomplish that. There was no room for White unity because the White people on television were individuals, not a group. Indeed, White people were always displayed as being at odds with one another, with that discord being intrinsic to our “entertainment. ” And as time went on, there was no room for anything but White guilt, White self-doubt, White self-contempt, and White forbearance in regards to the alleged grievances and “rights” of the other races since the TV said that we had “oppressed” the world; through treachery, brutality, and otherwise. Needless to say, the inculcation of such sentiments had their effect: they drove our White Race to deny itself even more than had already been the case. Our drive for racial preservation was continually and progressively weakened to the point where few even had a grasp anymore as to what racial preservation meant or why it had value. There was only the individual and his feelings, whatever his race, and the supposedly “irreversible” darkening of our society that the controlled news media loved to crow about. Our White people were to watch their boob tubes like good little sheep, the mere “consumers” that they were, and forget about any kind of resistance to the dispossession of their country and the well-nigh cultural, political, social, genetic, and biological destruction that was in store for them. There was always “an escape” on television to take their thoughts away from the real world as it is. There was no danger to the future of that White Race in that real world because there was no danger to that future that was expressed on TV. Anybody could “believe” in anything he wanted, just so long as it wasn’t “racist”; “racism” was the one sentiment that was to be deemed beyond the pale as far as the values of White people were concerned. Indeed, the word itself was twisted so as to have a meaning that it never innately had in the first place: an irrational mistreatment of the supposedly downtrodden non-white races based solely on the color of their skin. Our positive racial feelings were thus transformed into something negative and our people fled from the real issues that actually confronted them.