The Triumph of Life: An Assault Upon the Values of the Current Society 9 страницаIt is wrong when it presents a child as a “choice. ” It is wrong when it presents men and women as being the same as one another except for their different genitalia. It is wrong when it attempts to feminize men and de-feminize women, pushing our men to be more like women and our women to be more like men. It is wrong when it de-sexualizes the sexes, and when it presents the sex drive itself in a perverted fashion throughout its media, a fashion that is geared entirely to the fulfillment of individual pleasure instead of for the basic sustenance of our racial life and the celebration of that life. It is wrong when it divorces sex from the duty of racial preservation, presenting it instead as a matter of transitory individual choice no more important than say the purchase of a light bulb or the viewing of a TV soap opera. It is wrong when it compels our women to work outside the home against their natural inclination, all so that our people can more successfully “compete” with the non-white coolie labor of the world that we never should have been forced to compete with in the first place. It is wrong when it persuades, pressures, and prescribes our women to forgo the best years of their procreation and mothering of our kind only so that they may be made to think and act as men do, all in deference to a phony ideal of “equality” which actually degrades women instead of uplifting them and which can only destroy race and sex alike. It is wrong when it crushes the natural feelings that we have as the respective sexes that we are, choosing to punish those feelings with social opprobrium and economic hardship. It is wrong when it gives our men a bad conscience for openly desiring women as breeding partners and it is wrong when it gives our women a bad conscience for not wanting a “career” outside the home. It is wrong when it sets our men and women against one another out of misplaced expectations from the respective sexes, denying them their true nature so that men and women can be rendered “the same. ” It is wrong when it fails to recognize that man’s duty is to be a good husband and woman’s duty is to be a good mother, all in the service of a better and better race for tomorrow. It is likewise wrong, of course, when it asserts that there is no difference between the human races besides the color of their skin. It is wrong when it says that race is a “cultural construct” when the fact of the matter is that culture is a racial construct. It is wrong when it would demand a racially diverse society at the expense of the diversity of life. It is wrong when it fails to instill and embrace within our people the racial psyche that is natural to every living creature. It is wrong when it assumes that the best interests of each race of men can ever be fulfilled in common. It is wrong when it creates, maintains, and extols States whose basis is not the exclusive welfare of our own kind. It is wrong when it views the State as the protector of the rights of (raceless) individuals; it is wrong when it fails to appreciate that the purpose of the State is to protect the race. It is wrong when it attacks those emotions which are conducive to racial preservation, such as hatred and intolerance. It is wrong when it seeks to instill a bad conscience in our people when they harbor such emotions; it is wrong when it would seek to punish them by law or otherwise for having those emotions. It is wrong when it would foist religions upon the psyche of our people which would give them, likewise, a bad conscience for being true to the values of the natural world; it is wrong for pretending that there is some other world someplace which could be more important than the present, natural world in which we live. It is wrong in assuming that human choice is more important than natural living. It is wrong in its promotion of human freedom over our continued racial life. It is wrong in its belief that multiracial “voting” should be allowed to determine our racial destiny. It is wrong to deem a “constitution” more important than a kind, our kind. It is wrong when it presumes the existence someplace of a law that is higher than the Eternal Laws of Nature, and those values that guide all of the life of its world. We can say all of this because Nature already says it. It is Nature that matters, not artificial values, societies, States, and laws that men, due to their greater capacity for imagination, are able to conjure up in their heads out of thin air. The artificial, destructive world that men have created for themselves is not the only world out there, thus binding them to it accordingly. Rather another, better world still exists: the world in which all of the other creatures live true to their instincts as the natural, racial creatures that they are. Thus when we feel ourselves uncomfortable at the sight of a group of blacks coming towards us on a street, for example, that is not because somebody “taught” us to think negatively about the black race; rather that is a reflection of our natural instinct that activates itself when we are confronted with a group of individuals, a pack, of another, rival race. When we find ourselves uncomfortable in the presence of homosexuals, that is because homosexuality likewise offends our natural instincts so thoroughly. In Nature, rival races are enemies, not fellow citizens, and homosexuality is practically unknown. So, of course we are “prejudiced” against the presence of rival races and homosexuals; that is because our instincts inherently view them with disfavor. The question then becomes: why should we be compelled to forfeit the natural instincts (feelings) that we were all born with in favor of conformance with a social-political order of things that is hostile, for whatever reason, to those natural instincts? Why should Man alone see it as his duty to go against the values that are held by all of the other races upon the face of the earth? Why should we, in other words, throw the values of the natural world overboard just because we are men? Our doing so only results in our being discordant, discontented, and emotionally oppressed human beings and, what’s more, we fail to preserve the presence of our race upon this earth. Whatever value there is in social conformity to an artificial order of things pales in comparison to the damage that we do to ourselves by virtue of the oppression of our true nature and the consequences of that oppression. A full panoply of feelings is intrinsic to the human soul; the subjugation of those feelings that are race-preservative can only result in the eventual subjugation and destruction of the race itself. A race that is confused, diffused, and abused cannot live for long; we must recall that the tenure of the White Race upon the face of this earth has just begun when we look at it in the vast scheme of things. We thus cannot afford to allow the present course of things to continue unchecked if we do not wish for the life of our people to be strangled in its cradle. We owe it to our ancestors and descendants instead that we be true to those values which will continue the line of the former and enable the line of the latter, and that means the suppression of none of those feelings and sentiments which come naturally to us coupled with an understanding that the world was never meant to be a “safe space” for contented, coddled social weaklings but rather an arena for the victory of the vigorous and the strong. We don’t have to tread lightly for fear of giving offense to those artificial values which have been impressed upon us, nor those who are benefitted by such values. Rather we can look to Nature as our guide and respond to the events of the world as our instincts say we should. Hatred and intolerance, for example, come naturally to all higher organisms. Indeed, the more intelligent the race, the more reason it has to hate that which threatens and damages that which it has created and toiled for in its world; after all, it has the intellectual ability to understand that the damage to its creative accomplishments need not have occurred and is thus no mere accident. When a man stomps upon an anthill, the ants underneath his boot have no clue at all as to what just happened; on the other hand, when the White Man beholds the degeneration and downfall of his culture, civilization, and blood itself, he has the ability to grasp who or what is to blame. Thus of course hatred and intolerance will naturally arise within his breast in reaction to the demise with which he is threatened. Hatred and intolerance are thus survival mechanisms—whether for the race or for the individuals that compose it—and we can therefore recognize how silly and destructive it truly is to allow those survival mechanisms to be driven out of our people with a whip. What folly it is to scorn those feelings and emotions which enable a race and its members to survive! When a foolish person cries out that we “shouldn’t hate, ” what he is really saying then is that we shouldn’t live. The whole idea then that we shouldn’t have animosity towards anything or anyone in a world filled with competing interests and struggles to the death is a lunacy that a race can ill-afford if it means to live. Regarding our own White Race—a race that we happen to be a part of for better or worse—the problem then is that we have been suckered out of and left bereft of those feelings, emotions, and actions that would enable us to in fact preserve and advance our own kind. We have conformed to a way of things that is hostile to our very continued existence upon the face of this planet, as well as to our very nature as the individuals that we are. The societies in which our White people live do not preserve nor advance their cultural, genetic, or biological existence and are disloyal, absolutely, to the values of the natural world that we have set forth. Those values, values that are incessantly race preserving and race advancing, have been denied to our own kind. We behold a society where the racially pure is chastised and the racially mixed is praised. We behold a society where “country” matters more than kind. We behold a society that favors the weak and the inferior at the expense of the strong and the superior. We behold a society that deems itself exempt, somehow, from the values and laws that guide all of the rest of the life of this world. We allowed a virile, dynamic race that was once in tune with and embracing of the values of the natural world to become weak, confused, neurotic, and at odds with the values of that world. It remains to be seen what additional forces and influences are responsible for that having occurred, and what can be done to reverse matters for our kind before it is too late.
Chapter Three (Said to be on the topic of Christianity but has thus far been censored from release by the United States Federal Bureau of Prisons)
Chapter Four Sex and the Sexes
The striking fact which cries out to us when we truly observe the natural world in all of its wonder, diversity, and timelessness is that literally every single action performed by every single one of its countless trillions of creatures can be characterized and summed up by just two words: racial furtherance. All of the races of this world—of every conceivable creature—act in such a way that furthers the race of which it is a part in a genetic, biological sense. No matter how individualistic or selfish the act may seem to be, the act furthers the race in question in its struggle for continued life. Whether it is the struggle to assuage hunger, or the struggle to secure shelter, or the struggle to obtain a mate, or anything and everything else for that matter, all of these things take place not really so much to preserve the life of the individual who must die sooner or later anyway but rather to preserve the life of the race itself upon this earth. The individual is thus but a link in the chain of racial existence; he exists so that the race may continue to exist. He himself comes and goes but the race remains; his actions, struggles, and very being enable an eternity which he will never see and yet are imperative for that eternity to come to pass. Everything he does furthers that eternity even if he does not know it; never does he betray that eternity through his actions in even the slightest way. Rather the race lives on and improves itself because of his temporary existence while he himself succumbs sooner or later to the vicissitudes of life. Though his own life is finite, the life of his race is infinite thanks to him. Racial furtherance then is the meaning of life for every creature of Nature’s realm as it is born, matures, propagates itself, and dies. The individual creature comes and goes but that is not the important thing; what is important rather, as far as Nature is concerned, is that while he is alive the race itself is furthered by his actions. Tragedy befalls every living creature, sooner or later, and yet the race itself goes on and on as it continues its flow; the individual is replaced with others but the race is, for lack of a better term, immune to the downfall of its various component parts. Like individual drops of water in a stream, the individual ceases to be, and yet the stream itself continues on, replenished by its kind. The application of this meaning of life to our own race, the White Race, in all of the facets of its existence, is of such import as to be nearly indescribable in the normal course of words. It means not only the repudiation of nearly every attribute of today’s society but the flowering of understanding of what it takes and what it means to live a fulfilling life, an understanding which can only be dimly conceived in a human world that has, on the contrary, gone so horribly wrong. The idols (values) of the present society find themselves bashed to bits by that understanding and yet our hearts are filled with joy all the same by their demise. We understand, after all, that they were not really worth much in the first place. More fundamentally though, our existence becomes intelligible for us once again; every question receives its answer and every path recognizes its goal. We as members of a race, the White Race, understand finally and firmly what our meaning and our purpose is as we proceed to fulfill that meaning and purpose within the sphere of our individual lives as that sphere unfolds itself before us. Never again are we lost in uncertainty as to how we should live; never again are we conflicted within our own psyche and within our own being. It is, on the other hand, the rotten falseness of the values of today’s world which is responsible for the continuation of every vice, every ill, and every failing with which we are today confronted. Bad men come into being through the imposition of bad values; it follows than that the eradication of bad values will, in time, result in the diminution of the numbers of bad men in this world and everything else that is bad for that matter. The world can be reclaimed for that which is great: in mind, body, and spirit. We need not allow the constant degeneration of our world. That degeneration has been going on long enough. I have, in contrast, said that every action in the natural world furthers the race of the creature in question. That was no exaggeration. Every action which occurs there is essentially a struggle, every struggle has as its consequence the survival of the fittest beings, and the survival of the fittest beings results in the furtherance of the race in its continued existence. It is not the individual who benefits from all of this; indeed, countless individuals perish by way of the operation of these facts. Rather, it is the race which is preserved and improved thereby as it continues its sojourn upon this earth. Fundamentally then, actions which would cause a race to lose its sojourn upon this earth—utterly absent from the natural world though they may be—would have to be deemed the most perverse and abominable of all actions were they actually to take place, and yet, as we know, such actions do take place all the time with our White Race today since that race has removed itself from the natural world altogether. Those actions of ours which normally are furtherative of a race for that matter are mutilated and transformed into something very different when it comes to us and our own lives. In other words, even though our actions as White people may sometimes indeed be consistent with the values of the natural world in various aspects, those actions are too often warped and perverted into unnatural and hence destructive channels due to the artificial values which have taken hold of our minds. A race which would further itself destroys itself instead. The contrast between what goes on in the natural world and what goes on today in our world could thus not be more clear. While the race is preserved and improved in the natural world, it is worsened and destroyed in ours. While the individual creatures exist for their race in the natural world, the race is expected to exist for the individual creatures when it comes to ours. The psyche of our people is so divorced from the principle of racial furtherance today that countless individuals live their entire lives in total ignorance of why they exist in the first place or how they should live. All becomes clear, however, when we as White people embrace the meaning of life of the natural world and return our kind to that world both within our thoughts and within our deeds. The confusion and racial destruction comes to an end and our people become united in common purpose, meaning, and life. With racial furtherance reinstilled as the very meaning of our lives and as the very meaning of life itself, we rejoin the rest of the creatures of the world in the fulfillment of a noble mission—the furtherance of Nature’s plan—and the distinction between the natural world and the artificial world of men thus comes to an end. Every action of our people, of every individual, furthers the race of which he or she is a part. The race goes forward as a united entity, devoted to its will. Nowhere is the principle of racial furtherance more important than in the realm of breeding or, as people put it less eloquently today, “sex”: the purpose of “sex” is the breeding of a (better) race and nothing else. The pleasure involved in sex is merely a means to an end, not the end in itself. So is romantic love for that matter; romantic love is simply the means by which Nature provides an advanced species with its breeding partners, breeding partners who are more compatible to us on a genetic and biological basis than would be the case were their selection to occur more randomly. Romantic love is most adamantly then not the gift of some god but rather Nature’s narrowing of the potential gene pool in an effort to secure more genetically harmonious progeny. Besides, romantic love is not confined to human beings but rather exists among many of the creatures of Nature’s realm; human beings are fooling themselves if they think that they are the only creatures in this world who pine for their chosen mates and discriminate between them and all of the other potential mates that exist. While the races of men are more evolved than the other races of life on this planet and the love they feel is consequently more evolved as well, other creatures feel love for their mates likewise even if that love is at a lower pitch and they lack the means of communicating it as expressively as we do. In any event, what is amazing is that so few people have any understanding or regard for these basic principles at all. They think that sex exists for its own sake, that there should be copulation without even the chance of conception, that a child is an “accident, ” and that “all sex is created equal” which is ridiculous. They think that it is wrong for men to “objectify” women (see women as a means to an end)—and for women to see men likewise as a means to an end—when the simple fact of the matter is that both sexes are indeed a means to an end for the other and should be exactly that: a means to produce offspring, offspring rendered comparatively better in quality and rearing though the joining together of the two particular individuals in question, individuals who are deemed worthy of copulation. Sex is thus for breeding, something which is of supreme importance in the life of a race. Nothing, in fact, could be more important. Sex is thus not some sort of happenstance or game but rather Nature’s way of both preserving and improving the race. Any form of sex which does not entail that task is a perversion, a waste of energy, and a waste of time. Racial furtherance is the only natural function of sex and should be the only function of sex. Period. Everything follows from this basic principle. The purpose of marriage, for instance, is to marry two compatible individuals genetically and biologically for the production of the next generation of the race. That union of two persons should therefore occur at the height of their sexual interest and vigor—in their teens, that is—regardless of any considerations of “career, ” mental maturity, or any other non-genetic, non-biological basis. These factors are irrelevant in a natural scheme of things; rather, it is our bodies which tell us when copulation should take place and nothing else. Education, in fact, should revolve around the need and expectation that each member of our race will be matched with his or her ideal partner since breeding is, once again, the most important endeavor for the members of our kind of all. Our people must, in other words, be educated for breeding more than anything else. By marrying at a young age—with each marriage supported by not only the families involved but by the community, society, and State—all sexual desire will be focused upon one’s chosen mate alone instead of being dispersed in all directions for years and even decades as occurs so wastefully today. The result will be a more healthy, harmonious, and dynamic race than the infirm mess which has become of us today, whereby our women are giving birth to children in their forties—and our men are siring children in their sixties—with all of the genetic defects and general lack of vigor accruing to the offspring which that entails. Since the marriages will occur for reasons of breeding instead of mere romantic love standing alone, those marriages will actually endure unlike the “you can always return it for a refund” mentality which exists within our people at the present time; by inculcating our young people with the understanding that racial furtherance is the point of all sexual selection and sexual expression, their marriages will not break down if and when the more fleeting sentiment of “love” has come to an end. Children, rather, will be the point of why each marriage was entered into in the first place; this individual was chosen as one’s mate because it is the particular genes and character of this person which were wanted in my children. On the other hand, once the children have been born and the woman is no longer of childbearing age, the gradual dissipation of sexual desire will be deemed a blessing by the husband and wife when that dissipation indeed occurs, for after all, when the end has been reached already—children—the means to that end are no longer necessary. Thus the practice of our people popping pills in order to recover lost sexual ability in their old age is merely a sign of the idiocy of our times. Our people must be taught from a young age that their paramount duty in life is to bestow upon their race superior offspring, that they will continue the flow of their kind and make it better. That, of course, is more important than any intellectual or financial pursuit. Fundamentally, the reason why marriage was established as an institution in the first place was to regulate the expression of the sexual instinct in such a way as to be advantageous to the race. Thus marriage came into being when human society was more obedient to the values of the natural world and more cognizant of why sex exists in the first place: the furtherance of that race. A man wanted to know who his children were and a woman wanted to know that her children and herself had the individual support and protection of their father and her husband, that he was not expending that support and protection elsewhere in other words. Mere “love, ” standing alone, was never the point of marriage until recently, and the sad farce which “marriage” has become today—caused in part by the silly fixation by our people upon mere romantic love standing alone—is all too obvious as it stands without much further elaboration on my part. How anybody can expect a marriage to endure when it has been divorced from the very reason for its being—the furtherance of the race—is truly a marvel indeed, nor is all sexual love of equal value of course and only a fool would say otherwise. Nature as always is our guide; it is our attempt to thwart Nature which is the source of all of our problems. “Sexual liberation” is sexual idiocy. The invention of prophylactics and birth control pills has been a scourge to our race, not a blessing, for women (and men for that matter) should not be copulating without the possibility of ensuing pregnancy, or at least as a means of maintaining the strength of the marital bond once the woman’s childbearing years are over. The artificial prevention of pregnancy frustrates the purpose for why sexual desire exists in the first place: the multiplication of our kind. Marriage should be a lifetime commitment, not for reasons of romantic love but for reasons of breeding and the raising and cultivation of those offspring; marriage thus exists for reasons of the race, not the individual and his various whims. Two people join together to create more racial beings, and to see to it that those racial beings are preserved and cultivated to create more racial beings in their turn. That is the purpose of marriage and sex itself has no function outside of that marriage. That is why sex outside of marriage was scorned by so many people for so long; it was an attack upon what sex is about in the first place. There is no justification for sex outside of marriage because the purpose of sex is to create; that is what people get married for: “to marry” two genetic strains of life for the creation of new beings. That is what “getting married” actually means; it literally means the blending, the marrying, of two genetic stocks. As often happens though, our people lose sight of what the words of their own language actually mean as well as the basis upon which they rest. While language itself springs from instinct, its meaning becomes distorted with the course of time. Like many other mammals, we are supposed to mate for life and are indeed psychologically predisposed to that outcome, provided that we marry at a young age the one we have chosen. In other words, the problem today is not that our young people have sexual desire but that the sexual desire in question is being forestalled and misdirected for reasons of societal convenience, ignorance, and stupidity. Marriages of teenagers who have never known anyone else sexually will endure provided that the education they receive is geared towards that end and is not the product of the stupid romantic sentimentality with which we are burdened today, that love is the end of marriage instead of the means. To be blunt, discouraging a teenage girl from wanting to breed with her chosen mate—as his wife, of course—is just plain idiocy when Nature tells her, as clear as day, that that is what she is supposed to do, “college and career” be damned. It is our society which should be made to conform to Nature, not the other way around. As long as our young people are taught everything but the art of being a good wife and mother and a good husband and father—and that that is the future role and responsibility of every healthy boy and girl—the marriages of our young people are of course going to fail. On the other hand, those marriages will succeed when the education of our youth itself is made to revolve around the racial purpose of those marriages: the furtherance of our kind. (Notably, even with the lack of education for breeding which our people endured in the past, the dissolution of their marriages was extraordinarily rare. Only with the advent of our so-called “modern age”—with its attack upon all natural values—have our marriages fallen apart. ) None of us came into this world in order to have a great “career”; we came into this world rather in order to continue the flow of our kind, forever. Instead of the heads of our young people being stuffed with facts and figures they will neither use nor need during their ensuing lives, they must be taught first and foremost the reason why they exist in the first place—the furtherance of the race—and what is expected of them in order to succeed in that purpose. What we have today is education for purposeless individualism and purposeless individualism equals racial destruction. It is far worse, in fact, than no education at all.