The Triumph of Life: An Assault Upon the Values of the Current Society 5 страницаHence our White people were manipulated onto hundreds of different paths but none of them, simply none of them, led to the preservation of their own kind as such. We could believe in this, that, or the other thing but any belief or action for our own people, as the White people that we are, was and is condemned in “the television society, ” as it might be called. Our race itself was rendered a non-entity and as a non-entity, there obviously could be little inclination to preserve it or otherwise seek its betterment. It was fine for the other races to pursue their own best interests but the message of television denied that path to White people altogether. The only racial grievances allowed in our society were those of the other races; television denied that White people were even capable of having racial grievances. Instead we were just “individuals” who were denied any collective worth of our own. Our altruistic task was to improve the lot of the black man, not that of our own. Our task was to “take in” the other races, not advance our own. We were to care about the freedom of “the long-suffering” colored races around the world but not the freedom of our own people to live for itself and care about itself. We were to feel for the plight of the other races, regardless of whether they themselves were responsible for that plight. We were to look upon the world from the other races’ viewpoint and ignore that of our own, for ourselves. All of this was the message of television that was received and imbibed by our people and the result has been devastating. “The black man is your equal and hence your own White Race has no more value than an obviously depraved and barbaric race. ” “The White Man stole America from the Indians (‘Native Americans’) and thus you have no right to be here, White Man. ” “America is a melting pot and thus it is okay if your White Race disintegrates in that pot. ” “The Germans murdered six million Jews in the past and thus it is their moral duty to take in millions of other non-white refugees today in order to help atone for their crimes. ” “The British Empire oppressed millions. ” “Slavery is America’s original sin. ” These are just some of the many hideously negative messages that were sent to us, of course, messages that attacked our drive to preserve our own kind, but they were bad enough. Indeed, there is not a single “anti-racist” White person living today who has that sentiment inherently. Rather, that sentiment is solely an unnatural product of television and other artificial indoctrination. Countless White people oppose “racism” simply because “racists” are portrayed negatively on TV and nothing more. And in that regard, “racism” has been totally mischaracterized in its own right, as stated; instead of television presenting it as the basic urge to distinguish between one’s own kind and that of the others that exists naturally in all living creatures as part of their drive for self-preservation, racism has been presented as some kind of sick mania that it never was. When a race has been stripped of its right to defend itself, of its racism that is, it can hardly be surprising that its drive for self-preservation would suffer too. Thus television’s attack on our racial feeling disarmed us in the struggle for the preservation of our kind. That disarmament would continue so long as television retained its disproportionate influence or until other forces in society could successfully counter that influence. It is hence not some kind of coincidence that we are today witnessing the glimmer of a resurgence of White racial feeling at the very time that television is beginning to lose that influence. With the advent of the Internet, our people are no longer a captive audience totally at the mental mercy of the television programmers; they can instead seek out the news, views, and entertainment that is more closely aligned with their own natural inclinations instead of passively imbibing whatever the television set is intent on meting out to them, all of which is hostile to the idea of White racial preservation. No longer did we have to get our “news” from the controlled and manipulative television media; rather there was a whole new array of news sources now available to us, some of which we who cared about our racial preservation had created ourselves. However, the negative influence of television was still there; it’s just that it was no longer quite what it was. The more that our people turned off their television sets, the better. However, they were still on way too much. Television had done its damage; that damage was not going to be fully reversed anytime soon. Television now had a rival, yes, but it still lacked a master. In their formative years, after all, our children were still imbibing its poison. Racial integration, and even interracial breeding, were still being promoted on its channels along with everything else that eviscerated healthy and strong values in our people, as well as that of our culture itself. The weak White man was praised by television while the strong White man was condemned. Homosexuality was rendered “normal” on the airwaves while those who were disgusted by that perversion were alleged to be unenlightened fools. There was no such thing as an actual normal White family on television anymore; indeed, all of the building blocks of a healthy White Race, a race that would want to preserve itself, were knocked down. Divorce, adultery, family strife, derision, humiliation, and contempt: all of these were encouraged on the television set; on the other hand, anything that was normal, healthy, and otherwise productive to a proud, unified, and self-assured White Race was deemed to be too " boring" to air by the (usually Jewish) television scriptwriters. Interracial sexual relationships were being promoted more and more, to the point where it became impossible not to see it on a daily basis. So yes, while the lessening of television's influence on account of the Internet is a good thing to behold, the times that we live in are still profoundly sick. There is perversion all over the Internet too for that matter. It is also fair to say that the tranquil state of mind is itself under attack in the world that surrounds us, that mental state which can calmly behold the world as it is, separate the important from the unimportant, and shun the mindless idiocy that would call itself " culture" today in favor of higher values. Our White people are conditioned to be afraid in their daily lives, to be afraid of standing up for the best interests of their own kind, certainly, but also to be afraid of living itself. Our mothers are afraid to allow their children to play in the neighborhood. Our children are afraid to stand up to the local school bully. Our teachers are afraid to deviate from their lesson plans, lesson plans that were by no means created with their own particular students in mind but rather were crafted for them by some bureaucrat stationed a thousand miles away. Our workers are afraid to say anything at work for fear that it might be " misconstrued, " and we are all afraid of " terrorists" because the television set is constantly telling us that we ought to be. Fear, fear, fear. . . that is the attitude that has been inculcated in our people. " Don't say what you actually think; just go along with the actually new values that are being hideously, and often subliminally, imposed upon you. " " Sacrifice your own spirit and your own will in order to go along with the present order of things. " " White Man, let yourself be walked on so that a better world may come; not a better world for you, mind you, but rather a better world for everybody you (supposedly) oppressed in the past. " " Think what we want you to think and be damned if you should realize that none of the thoughts that we are giving you have anything to do with the welfare of your own culture, your own civilization, and your own people for their own sake, for your White Race has no value in its own right. " It is little wonder then why the drive in our people for the preservation of their own kind would be so crippled in the face of such an onslaught against it. Much attacks the drive whereas practically nothing supports it, only an instinct that has been suppressed in every way in favor of the mongrel, anti-White society in which we have become engulfed. Such is the sickness of our times. Our White people themselves never had anything to gain, of course, by the dispossession of their country, their society, and their world; they have never had anything to gain by the dispossession of their own spirit. Nearly everything that our people think and do today has been fabricated for them from the outside instead of being the product of their own natural inclinations; we have been robbed of our true nature as the distinct, organic, and racist beings that we naturally are. The words that come out of our mouths were put there by forces not our own; our actions follow a script that we did not write. When we reflect upon the sickness of our times, if we have enough awareness to do even that, that is, we must realize that the root of that sickness springs from our not being true to our own nature as a people and that everything else is a manifestation of that failure regardless of by whatever means that has come about. Are White people really inherently weak, docile, cowardly, gullible, forbearing, and foolish, or were these flaws acquired by us over the course of time? Is it really in our nature to wage war against the very presence of our own kind on this earth by virtue of idiotic politics, an idiotic legal system, and idiotic values themselves, all of which would declaim that preference for our own kind is right? Are we really living in a world where things are as they ought to be, or have things gone horribly wrong? These questions never cross the minds of the vast majority of our people; for those of us who care about the preservation of their White Race on this earth though, they must. It is not enough for us to combat only the symptoms of our racial downfall that we see about us every day; we must also become aware of their cause. Our people did not just wake up one day in a weakened, chaotic, and divisive state; that is instead a product of long duration that has only been magnified and hastened in recent years. The foundation of our entire thinking has been bad, and that is so because we long ago removed ourselves from that root principle which guides all of the life of the natural world: racial furtherance. In effect, we allowed the various whims of our minds to go against the best interests of our bodies and their drive for racial furtherance as the racial entities that they are; hence we discarded the natural way of behaving in this world and took up that of an artificial one. We took pride in our possession of " values" that quite simply had no worth in their own right; that is because they did not benefit our race in its struggle for existence in this world but rather, on the contrary, harmed it. Racial furtherance quite simply has no place today in the psyche or deeds of our people, and for that we are paying a bitter price. To a certain extent our White people have become victims of their own success, for the higher that they rose, the more they (erroneously) thought they could afford to dispense with their own self-interest and betterment as a race and proceed to lavish upon the other races a generosity that those races did not deserve and otherwise dispense with racially beneficial values in their own right. The result is a White Race that is tottering under the weight and burden of the innumerable parasites that are feeding upon it until the day arrives when its fall must come. Thus our weakened drive for preservation that we witness today is just the predictable result of a trend that we ourselves allowed to take root in the first place. The very ideals that our people embrace today are harmful to their continued presence on this earth; such is the sickness of our times which those who would want a different outcome altogether must ruthlessly combat. Instead of accommodating ourselves to the present way of things, we must destroy that way. Instead of the triumph of our racial death there must be the triumph of our racial life. The very pride in non-racial values that our people are fond of boasting of today has the effect of a noose around their necks. The people that would ignore its own racial existence is destined to lose that existence. Every policy, every thought, and every deed which is non-racial is in fact anti-racial, and to be anti-racial is to be anti-life. Our people make the mistake, for instance, of thinking that good economics is somehow a substitute for racial values; good economics though does not preserve a culture, a civilization, or the race which creates same, nor does the present employment of good economics spare a people the physical and emotional pain of their total dispossession and indeed slaughter at the hands of the other races in the future who were wrongly allowed into their habitat in the first place for so-called " economic" reasons. In other words, the replacement of racial values with that of economic values sacrifices not only the racial survival of our people in the long run but also the very economic prosperity, of course, that induced it to make that Faustian bargain in the first place. It is not " economics" that is the key to a people's prosperity, but rather it is devotion to its best interests in all things and at all times as the race that it is in its struggle for life. Mere economic considerations are, and always have been, a pitiful substitute for the preservation of the racial stock which makes all human progress possible; it is yet another sign of the sickness of our times that our people would devote themselves so much to matters of mere personal financial gain while devoting themselves so little to the greatest profit of all: their continued racial existence and advancement on this earth, especially since the future extinction of our race would obviously make the question of financial gain for any individual of that race a moot point, to say the least. Races that have become extinct obviously have no use for money, and yet our people would prance about for cash in ignorance of that fact all the while that their kind gradually vanishes from the earth due to such misplaced priorities. The shallowness of the actions of our people today is indeed stunning, that they would be willing to trade, however unconsciously, the future survival of their own kind for the personal financial hedonism of the moment, and yet that is what happens when a race has ceased to think and care about itself for its own sake. Yes, the economic livelihood of a race is important since that enables it to live a higher quality of life; however, the economic livelihood of a race can never be more important that its life itself. Cash is not more important than blood; in a healthy society, economics is just a tool for the well-being of the race, not its despoiler or replacement. This is how things would be viewed in healthy times but alas, we do not live in healthy times. Sickness is instead the order of the day, and that sickness extends to the fact that our people are unable to recognize it as being sick at all. It is a fact that, right now, many thousands, indeed millions, of our White racial brethren are willing to knowingly sell out the future of their White Race for cash, and yet instead of that being roundly condemned by the rest of us, it’s looked at as being a permissible course of conduct simply because it would " make money" for the individuals involved. Financial gain for the individual has been blessed as a moral state of affairs regardless of whatever damage is inflicted upon our kind in the process. That blessing though is just a reflection of our weakened drive for preservation. A race whose drive for preservation is strong would never tolerate economics or mere financial gain for the individual to militate against its own racial best interests. It would not proclaim a " right" to make money at the expense of its racial future. It would not talk about " the economy" all the time and talk about the race none of the time. Rather, all financial matters would be looked at within a racial context and hence subordinated to that context. A healthy race is a race: first, last, and always. Its racial existence is not something that is only occasionally recalled; rather it is ever present and ever heeded. A healthy race is concerned with its own benefit alone; it is happy for its members to profit within that benefit but not at the expense of that benefit. A healthy race cares more about its permanent existence on this planet than any money making, something that is, after all, only transitory in time. It does not allow the mere trappings of its existence to subsume that existence. It does not allow any individual to fight against that existence, whether due to the pursuit of personal financial gain or not. Everything that it experiences in this world is merely a means towards its own racial end, that end being its preservation and advancement as the race that it is, for its own sake, forever. That our White people today are living totally contrary to these racially preservative principles is of course obvious. Its preoccupation with raceless economic and financial matters is just one example of that but there are many others, all of them leading to our racial downfall. Indeed, since we have divorced ourselves from practically every kind of racial consideration as a matter of a supposedly higher morality, the lack of our racial preservation must inevitably follow. Drug usage, sexual perversions, and the perversion of the natural roles of the sexes in society, and the general anarchy of thought and actions that has gripped our people are all a reflection of the fact that we have abandoned the racial values by which a race is preserved, and even when our people do realize that their times are sick, they fail to understand the core reason why: that the individual has been separated from his race and that his (supposed) needs and wants have been catered to at its expense. It is fair to say that racial values and tolerance for whatever individuals want to do in the course of their lives are in fact irreconcilable concepts; a race can no more tolerate harm to itself by virtue of the actions of its members than a school of fish can tolerate every fish swimming in its own direction, something that would destroy the school in its confrontations with predators in short order. Every society has to have rules, and the only sensible determinant of those rules is racial benefit, for otherwise the society will be torn apart and cease to exist in any worthwhile fashion. Viewing our people as mere individuals is a recipe for racial disaster. The individual is a finite entity; it follows then that he must have less importance than an infinite entity, the race. A race can only survive into the distant future when it is racial; the moment that a race breaks itself down into non-racially responsible " individuals, " with all of its focus being transferred to those individuals and their needs, desires, and whims, it has broken down the drive for its own preservation as well. When the collective is broken, the preservation of that collective is broken too. For those who would desire the preservation of their White Race on this earth, it is not enough then that they themselves harbor that desire; rather, they must work for the rest of their race to harbor it as well and fight against all of those forces that would cause it to do otherwise. Opinions, feelings, and values that are hostile to our racial preservation, whether in the short or long term, must be ruthlessly attacked; there can be no such thing as " tolerance" for that which would rid our kind from the face of the earth. We can say in conclusion that all that which weakens our White Race in its drive to preserve itself is " sick, " and that includes the society in which we live, the thoughts we think, the values we hold, the governmental policies we accept, and even the unhealthy food that we consume for that matter. The entire social, political, economic, intellectual, and religious order that we live in today is sick as it is overwhelmingly ill-conducive to our continued racial life; that which causes a race to decline, degrade, degenerate and destruct must necessarily be " sick" by definition. To have a strong race is to have a healthy race and no one can possibly say that the White Race is " strong" today whether from a moral, emotional, physical, territorial, or any other perspective; hence our race is sick today in its world. We can say furthermore that health is better than sickness and should be sought because that is so, and that racial preservation is better than racial destruction when it is our own race that is at stake. The preservation of our kind is not accomplished, however, through the acceptance and maintenance of social conditions that are hostile to that preservation. Rather those conditions must be combatted, and on that basis. The frivolities of the present world have consequences and those consequences are nearly entirely negative as far as the continued existence of our White Race is concerned. When our people do not care about their White Race as such, our White Race is not cared for and its future is undermined accordingly. When our people instead put their stock in stupid governments, stupid flags, and causes that have nothing to do with the preservation and advancement of their own kind in this world, that preservation and advancement is erased. When we fail to understand that the natural world is a world of races, all in dire competition with one another for the bounty of this earth, we neglify our own racial existence and hand victory to our racial adversaries who will gladly tread upon the soil where our bones are buried. We forfeit everything that we were, are, and could be. Ours is a time of unnatural attitudes, sentiments, and desires, all in obeisance to the likewise unnatural order of things that they have created. Our White people do not behave as natural creatures anymore and the result of this, their divorce from Nature, is their displacement, degradation, and demise. Our people live without a common goal in mind and call that " freedom. " That it is, in the sense that they are " free" from any sense of what it takes to preserve their own kind on this earth and, what's worse, are " free" from any appreciation for the importance of doing so. They devote no thought or energy at all to the well-being of their race, instead being caught up almost entirely in their own fleeting individual lives and, to a lesser extent, in the amorphous well-being of the " country, " as if the well-being of a " country" were somehow more important than that of our own kind! Hence all of the energies that could have been utilized for our racial preservation and advancement are instead squandered on pursuits that not only fail to help us in that regard but usually, in fact, hurt us. Our people thus meander about in total disregard of that which is most important, the preservation and advancement of their own kind for its own sake, and that preservation and advancement suffers accordingly. We are a race that treads practically every conceivable path but nearly none of them leads to the permanent survival of that race or our advancement as that race, whether culturally, genetically, or biologically. In sum, we are doing nothing to preserve ourselves or to better ourselves as the White Race that we are and that is so because our drive towards those ends has been attacked and extirpated. The entire society is filled with worthless values because they are not racial values, and without racial values, our own race ceases to exist. Without our society being obedient to the path set forth by Nature, the preservation of our natural racial existence is not maintained. Since though the current order of things in which our White people live is so " unnatural, " as we have said, it behooves us to explain separately, exactly, and in detail how that is so. How are the values of our times at odds with those of Nature? Why is it good for a race to in fact be " natural" and bad for it to be " unnatural"? Why should our White people prefer the values of Nature as their guide to the fabricated values of their own minds? What are the values of Nature, exactly? What is the result of a race defying natural values; what is the consequence of its doing so? Why is it that the values of Nature are race preservative and the values of men race destructive? How exactly is the present society, in which our people have the misfortune of living, radically different in its various aspects from the natural society that we could have had for ourselves had we been true to the values of Nature? No matter how clear we may already deem the answers to these questions, those of us who are devoted to reinvigorating the drive for preservation in our White Race, that is, it behooves us to set them forth all the same so that the extent to which our people have gone astray may be fully understood and, with struggle, fully redressed. The issues that are still before us are vast, the ramifications are deep, and the challenges are great. Our journey has just begun. Chapter Two The Values of the Natural World
It is fair to say that the contents of the previous chapter rested on the presumption that preservation, including racial preservation, is a worthwhile value, at least for those people whose preservation happens to be at stake. However, we live today in a time, of course, where many would challenge that presumption when it comes to the preservation of the White Race, and it is precisely the fact that White people do not value the preservation of their own kind today, and in fact work to undermine it, which illustrates the sickness of our times. That is because in Nature a race fights to live, not die. It values its own preservation and does so for its own sake. It need not explain nor justify why it wants to live; it simply pursues that course and no other. Healthy values, for it, are thus those actions and attitudes which enable it to continue its presence on this earth, for otherwise it would vanish in short order. In other words, those values which enable a race to continue living are healthy values while those which would cause that race to wither and die are sick values. Just as we would call a flourishing garden a healthy garden, we can call a flourishing race a healthy race. On the other hand, a garden that is being taken over by weeds (alien races), and whose fruit and vegetables are stunted in their growth and diseased otherwise, must surely be “sick” under any rational understanding of the term, and that indeed is the plight which the “garden” of our White Race is suffering today. Growth and vigor is the law of life; decline and degradation is the mark of death. That which enables a race to grow and preserve itself is healthy; that which causes a race to wither and die is sick. That is the basic thesis of this book and the author asserts it absolutely. Regardless of the infinite intellectual mores that men can invent or adapt themselves to in order to get along with the current social order of things, these are the only definitions of health and sickness that ultimately make any sense, at least from a biological standpoint, and it is only the biological standpoint that matters in a world that happens to be biological by its very nature and nothing else. There are ways of thinking and acting which preserve life and ways which do not, whether for the individual or the race of which he is a part. The only sensible course of action then is to be for those ways of thinking and living which preserve that life and to be against those which do not, and that is so regardless of whatever intellectual arguments to the contrary can be mustered up in the mere minds of men, arguments that always happen to be divorced from the natural world in which every other creature lives. For in that natural world, the striking fact of the matter is that no race, anywhere, tolerates its own destruction. Not one. Rather, every race fights for its continued preservation on this earth through whatever means are available to it and it is always in the right thereby. We can ask ourselves then why our White Race should be an exception, indeed the sole exception, in that regard. We can ask ourselves why it should be so that every race in the natural world seeks to live but that we White people, on the other hand, should let our own race die. We can, even more fundamentally perhaps, ask ourselves why our own values as White people should be any different from the values of the natural world in the first place. Was it really necessary that our White Race adopt values that contradict those values of the natural world, values which impel all of the races within it to fight for their own preservation as the very meaning and purpose of their life?