The Triumph of Life: An Assault Upon the Values of the Current Society 1 страницаThe Triumph of Life: An Assault Upon the Values of the Current Society By Matthew F. Hale Chapter One The Sickness of Our Times
When a people has, for the most part, lost its drive for self-preservation, it is the task of those few who have retained it to use whatever means of persuasion and insight that are available to them in an effort to help reverse that situation. No price is too high to pay and no sacrifice is too great to endure to achieve that end, for what is at stake is nothing less than the survival of that people upon the face of this earth. For those of us who happen to be members of the White Race which is, of course, a people by any natural and sensible usage of the term, it is our task and responsibility therefore to wake up our people to the situation that faces them and reinstill within it, the race, its drive to preserve itself, thus staving off the fate that is currently in store for it if the present tendency of our times is allowed to continue unchecked: extinction. For there can be no doubt that a people which does not care about its continued survival on this earth will, in fact, not survive and that this precisely is the state of affairs that exists with our White people today. Indeed, we can go further than that and say that a people that is unwilling even to talk about its continued preservation on this earth, let alone act in its favor, is in even more dire straits than the people which only fails to act on its own behalf. Even worse still though is the situation of a people that not only fails to act on its own behalf and not only fails to talk on its own behalf, but which also fails to think on its own behalf. That, sad to say, is the situation that exists with our White people of today, though of course there are exceptions here as with everything else; most White people do not think with their racial preservation in mind. It is not surprising then why they would fail to speak up about the importance of that preservation or act in its favor. Obviously, the state of mind comes first before the word and before the deed. The latter are only the consequences, after all, of a previously existing mental state. Thus if we are to fulfill our task and responsibility of instilling within our White Race the will to preserve itself, we must focus our efforts on curing the mental state of our people. We must persuade them that their preservation as a race is a good value, not a bad one, that it is not wrong to be concerned about the future of White people, yes White people, as opposed to the usual concern about blacks, browns, Jews, and the rest. By succeeding in that persuasion, which includes the use of reason, hope, emotion, and instinct, we will reinstill the drive in our people for the preservation of their own kind, for the drive for preservation is in fact the default position of every living thing whether it be individual creatures or the races that are composed of same. Thus it is our task merely to reinstill within our White people that which is present within them naturally, and it is that fact which should give us cause for encouragement regardless of the dire situation in which we presently find ourselves. One can describe the present situation of our White people in many different ways, no doubt, but it all boils down to the fact that our drive for self-preservation is lacking. Whether we are talking about our people’s tolerance for the non-white invasions of their countries, the fact that our people are afraid to stand up for their own best interests as White people for fear of “offending” the other races, or even the fact that our people are producing so few children to replace the passing generations, every manifestation of our racial predicament today can be traced back to the fact that our desire for self-preservation has become weakened, if not eliminated altogether. While the other races are encouraged to fight for their own best interests, White people are discouraged from doing so. While the black man is encouraged by society to proclaim that “black lives matter” when black lives are taken by White police officers, no such encouragement is made to the White man to proclaim that White lives matter when White lives are taken by blacks, something that occurs with far, far greater frequency. Anything and everything that is “racial” in the current society presumes that White people are disallowed from playing any part for themselves; White people are the one race that is not allowed to be racial as far as the mass media, government, universities, and other institutions of influence and power are concerned. Everything concerning race in our society is geared to empower every race but the White. Indeed, mere steps to preserve the White Race are deemed to be off limits too! Thus it is that our drive for self-preservation is under attack. It is under attack both from the outside and from within our own psyche. It is, in sum, assumed by the societies in which we live that White people should not want to preserve their own kind. That is the sickness of our times, in brief, and it is a sickness that should, by all rights, leap off the page before the reader. Never before in the history of the world has a people been willing to make such an assumption, that the preservation of itself has no value, and yet that is the sickness with which our White people everywhere are imbued today. In times past, racial preservation was so basic a societal value that hardly anybody needed to discuss it. Now, however, our White people have become conditioned not to care about their own preservation in the world. They have turned their backs on their own preservation, and thus turned their backs on themselves. Thus while the other races, without a second thought, station their armies on their own borders to stop incursions by other peoples and races, White people are expected to open their own borders to every race under the sun, and even to provide financial assistance to their invaders once they are there. Thus while the other races are deemed to be entitled to lands of their own without debate or contention, White people are not deemed to be entitled to lands of their own anywhere on this earth. Everything that White people have is in fact for the taking today; whether the other races deserve to take what we have is deemed to be beside the point. Rather, the very presence of the non-white races is deemed to create a responsibility somehow on the part of White people to help them, including helping them to annex everything that we have created with our own hands, our own toil, and our own genius. Every semi-simian “human being” is told that he has a rightful claim to everything that is ours, and if we should have the temerity to deny that claim, we are somehow “haters, ” “racists, ” and whatever other current pejorative that can successfully be used to intimidate us out of defending our own kind and our own best interests. The White man, in response to this attack upon his drive for his own self-preservation, is so anxious to be a “nice guy” that he will clip his own wings in order to appease his accusers and thus makes himself prey for whatever non-white hyena who wants to gobble him up. He is like a tiger who would de-fang and de-claw himself so that the other races would think him “nice, ” nice enough to slaughter, that is. Such is the sickness of the times that we are in today, a world in which the White man gleefully throws away any and all tools that he needs for his own survival. Since “all men are (supposedly) created equal, ” it is presumed that any “equality” that the other races lack in their actual lives must be the White Man’s fault. It is not considered, or at least discussed, that the lack of “equality” suffered by the non-white races is simply a reflection of their innately unequal nature, that basic genetics obviously has a role to play in the prosperity of a people. Rather, it is the very lack of prosperity of the various non-white races when they are left to their own devices which motivates White people to shove aside the pursuit of their own best interests as the White people that they are in order to attain prosperity for the non-white races which eludes those races when they are left alone without the White Man’s help. Thus the White Man robs Peter, himself, in order to pay Paul, the other races, with sustenance and advantages that Paul never deserved or had any right to in the first place and, in the process, weakens his own preservation on this earth. His focus is removed from the benefit of his own kind and transferred to that of the other races, at the expense of that benefit. His own race withers away as a result. It stands to reason that if you give someone something, you no longer have it yourself, and yet (amazingly) our White people have yet to figure that out in their dealings with the other races. Hence they give, give, and give some more to them and yet wonder why it is that their own lives are not as prosperous as they think they ought to be. Children understand the principle easily enough, but that is only because they have yet to be indoctrinated with destructive ideologies that divorce them from their common sense and the real world. Children understand that if they fork over that which is theirs to somebody else, it won’t be theirs anymore! And the same, of course, applies to the races. Our White people though, once they become adults, are instead imbued with a bizarre, suicidal altruism that would presume that their bounty is without limit and their fortunes without risk. What is so glibly disparaged as the “primitive self-interest” of a race is, in fact, the mechanism by which every race on this earth continues to exist, and yet White people would cast aside the usage of that mechanism for itself. Thus while the non-white races are given the White Man’s blessing to pursue their own “primitive self-interest” for their own kind as they see fit, the White Man refuses to give the same permission to himself and that too is indicative of the sickness of our times. It is thought by White people that it is somehow “beneath” them that they pursue their own best interests, that supposed “higher ideals” in fact require them to sacrifice their own best interests as a race in favor of the collective interest of a supposed “common humanity. ” The reality, however, is that no such “common humanity” exists and never has, nor is the preservation of one’s own kind obtained through service to that supposed “common humanity. ” Rather, it is the case that the races of life that exist in this world are preserved through total allegiance to their own, exclusivebest interests in all things and at all times. Races are preserved through the fulfillment of their own best interests, not their sacrifice. Indeed, the preservation of one’s own kind is the best interest of all! That is the highest ideal regardless of whether somebody may think it “primitive” or not, for after all, if a race no longer exists, there is precious little reason to care about whatever other issues might have concerned it before it met its demise, including the “ideals” that it once held. Rather, whatever “ideals” it may have had will have vanished with it. Thus it must be so that the preservation of the race is the highest ideal of all since no other ideals can exist for that race without the continued existence of the race itself. Whatever ideals that men have must be subordinated to the ideal that the race itself should continue to live, for no ideal can be more important than life itself for that race. It is furthermore not the survival of a common “humanity” that matters but rather the survival of the White Race that we are. The maintenance of that existence is the highest ideal for it is the existence of us that is thus maintained. The White Man though, as is obvious, has replaced the ideal of his own existence and preservation of same with that of ideals that not only ignore that preservation but which also positively harm it. The idea of so-called “racial equality, ” for example, has never been an ideal that is conducive to the preservation of our kind since it breaks down the natural barriers that exist between the races, barriers that would otherwise keep them intact. Indeed, it is not by “equality” that a race preserves itself in this world but rather by total chauvinism for its own kind and its own best interests. It is sick in fact for a race to treat a different race the same as itself. It is counter to the drive for self-preservation to deem the other races of life on this earth to be of equal value to that of your own race. The current society attacks all notions of racial superiority and yet it is the feeling of racial superiority, not “equality, ” that motivates a race to preserve itself, to avoid mixture with the other races, and to defend the culture and civilization it has created. It is the feeling of racial superiority, not “equality, ” that provides a race with the impetus to preserve itself. There can, on the other hand, be no possibility for the preservation of your own race if you deem the races of this world to be interchangeable, i. e. “equal” to one another. It is thus their uniqueness, and the recognition of that uniqueness, that provides the motivation to preserve your own kind. Thus by denying that uniqueness, that inequality which is in fact basic to all living things on this earth, our White people set the stage for their own racial demise, for a race that deems itself merely to be of “equal” worth to that of the other races has little to no incentive to preserve itself. Thus it is that belief in racial inequality is friendly to life while belief in racial “equality” is hostile to it. Thus it is that our White people today have matters exactly backwards. They aim for an ideal that is destructive to their own preservation. They ignore the differences between races where recognition is so necessary for that preservation. They pretend that skin color is the only difference between the races of men, thus eliminating their incentive to preserve their own kind amidst the sea of other races that threaten it by virtue of their very presence amongst them. They fail to appreciate that racial competition and hostility is basic to all life on this planet, as it should be. A race cannot be preserved if it lacks unique regard for itself, the recognition of its unique existence, and at its most basic level, a race obviously cannot survive if its members breed willy-nilly with other races under the misplaced belief that they are their “equals. ” Rather, racial mixing is racial destruction. The moment that a race has become “colorblind, ” it has begun to sign its own death warrant, and yet that is the “ideal” which our White people would laud so much. Thus it is that the very “ideals” that our White people have chosen to embrace are hostile to their continued existence on this earth. Thus it is that if we mean to save that existence, we must destroy those ideals in the hearts and minds of men. We do not have the luxury of a “live and let live” attitude if we mean for our race to continue to live. A race rather must also be imbued with the will to live, to deem its continued life to be of the utmost value, not a negligible or non-existent one. Values which are not racial are in fact enemies of a race, not its friends. If a race is to be preserved, that would-be preservation must be deemed to have value. With these principles in mind, we can see that the situation around us today is a total mess. With every passing year the position of the White Race in this world becomes weaker while that of the non-white races grows stronger. Our White Race is afflicted with a hideous guilt complex as far as its past treatment of the non-white races is concerned. However, this is a guilt complex that was never justifiably incurred in the first place since that treatment was merely an expression of our own drive for self-preservation that we formerly possessed as a race. Indeed, not only do races in a state of nature not apologize for their negative treatment of those other races which they confront, but that negative treatment is an expression of their vigor and their health in the struggle for life. No apologies are owed and none should be given. Every treatment of one race by another is entirely justified in so far as that is a result of their mutual competition in the struggle for life, and “guilt” itself thus has no place in that regard. It is, in other words, a sick race that feels guilty about its treatment of other races in the past when that treatment was meted out in the first place as part of its drive to preserve (and advance) itself. There is simply nothing that White people should feel guilty about as far as their past treatment of the non-white races in concerned, and yet our White people wring their hands today like old ninnies due to the guilt trips that have been laid out for them by the aggressively arrogant, but supposedly “oppressed” non-white races and their self-contemptuous and opportunist White backers. If we conquered the other races, we conquered for us. If we enslaved the other races, we enslaved for us. That is what matters: the fact that we did it for us! That is where our concern must lie and nowhere else. The non-white races use our own misguided ideals to destroy us, just as they use our technology, our laws, and everything else that the White Man has invented and which he should have kept for himself alone. People, however, have practically no comprehension about this fact; they never stop and consider that when blacks, for instance, murder White people, they usually do so with guns that White people invented; that when they file lawsuits complaining about the “equality” that has allegedly been denied to them, they are using a legal system that was created by the White Man; and that when they complain about a lack of “proper housing, ” it was the White Man who showed them what a “house” was in the first place. Rather, it is the case that our White people lack any kind of historical perspective at all when it comes to race. They do not fathom the fact that barbarism is the black man’s natural condition, that it is not the White Man who had ever “held him down” but that it is the White Man rather who has lifted him up in all respects. Everything that the White Man has created for the advancement of humanity is taken for granted and, without even a scintilla of shame or inhibition, the non-white races will use those creations to destroy their creator. Laws made by White Men will be twisted in order to dispossess the White Man of everything he has. Civilization made by White Men will be used to eject the White Man from that civilization. The languages of White Men will be manipulated to convince the White Man that he is no good. Political ideals made by White Men will be used to destroy the White Man’s political existence. This occurs continuously and continually and yet, due to our lack of historical sense and appreciation for the contributions of our own people to this world, we fail to see it. It is assumed, rather, that there is a lack of historical hierarchy among men that gives everybody, of whatever race, the right to a supposed clean slate in their dealings with others regardless of their racial background and, more importantly, regardless of the respective contributions of the various races of men to the civilization that exists all around them. Furthermore, it is assumed that no injustice can ever be meted out to our own White people at the hands of the non-white races simply because we are White. Indeed, as far as the present society is concerned, it is impossible for White people ever to be wronged as a people. The non-white races, especially the black, can murder, rape, and rob our people to their hearts' content without it ever being admitted that a wrong to our White Race has occurred. Our countries can be taken over by every non-white hue under the sun without it even being allowed that we have cause for complaint. If, on the other hand, these things were to be done to the non-white races by the White, a deafening scream of outrage would be emitted, especially among the “liberal” White people themselves who are determined always to view non-whites as victims regardless of the facts. Thus every act of conquest carried out by White people in the past against the non-white races and their territories is condemned while none of the many conquests carried out by the non-white races of the White Race and its territories are even regretted, never mind condemned. The very lowness of the non-white races somehow gives them a free pass in all of their actions; it is deemed impermissible to blame them as a race while White people, on the other hand, are blamed as a race all the time. Thus the very inferiority of the non-white races has oddly motivated our White people to take their side at the expense of their own kind. We view the non-white races as underdogs and have taken their side accordingly, while rebuking our own supposedly “privileged” selves. We are thus the victims of our own success while the non-whites are the beneficiaries of their own failure. It is decried that the White Man conquered the American Indian but the American White Man is supposed to let himself be conquered by mestizos, orientals, blacks, Arabs, and every other non-white race. It is decried that there was European colonization of Africa, Asia, and the Americas in the past but the European White Man is today supposed to let Europe be colonized by Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Everything that the White Man would criticize himself about in regards to his past treatment of the other races he allows the other races to do to him. He is blinded by an idiotic altruism that would omit the welfare of his own kind and indeed hate it. He wishes to advance the “rights” of the non-white races at the expense of his own right to exist. He fights for the future of the non-white races at the expense of his own future. Such is the sickness of our times. Since we ourselves are a thoroughly conscientious race, we end up assuming that the other races are as well. Hence we assume that they feel what we feel and think what we think when in reality they do neither. Since ideas of fairness and justice are so fundamental to our own nature as a race, we end up carrying those ideas over to the needs and desires of the other races too. Hence why our White people are always so eager to put themselves in their shoes; the generous quantity of fairness and justice with which our own race is endowed bursts its racially-exclusive bounds and extends to that of the welfare of the other races too. In the process, we end up seeing the world from their point of view since they seem so obviously to be deprived of the same “privileges” and “advantages” that we perceive ourselves to possess. In a word, our heightened sense of fairness and justice as a race ends up evoking our sympathy for the plight of the non-white races beyond that for ourselves and our own best interests, a sentiment that is utterly lacking in reverse since notions of fairness and justice are considerably weaker within those races. Since we would not like to see ourselves ill-off, we are thus bothered when we see the other races ill-off. Thus since we want fairness and justice for ourselves, we want fairness and justice for the other races too, that fairness and justice being defined by what we would want for ourselves. The indifference with which the races regard each other in Nature is thus erased when it comes to our own sentiments. The non-white races essentially become colored versions of ourselves in our minds, and since we would want the best for ourselves as individuals, we want the best for them too. Then, when that best is not forthcoming, we presume that we have been unfair and unjust to them on account of the higher standard of living that we ourselves possess and our (supposed) control of the world around us. In other words, since we are the ones (supposedly) in power and the races of men are all (supposedly) “the same” as one another, we presume that it must be our fault when the other races do not have “the same” as us. Those with more must have “deprived” those with less. Thus we rationalize that since we (supposedly) have the best, they should have the best too. That is the logic, or lack thereof, that guides the thinking of our confused White Race. We want to give to the other races because we would want to receive that largesse if it were us. We want to be “fair” to the other races because we would want fairness if it were us. We define “justice” for the other races by that which we suppose would be just to us. Instead of taking the other races at the level at which they actually are, a level which is lower than ours and thus less deserving on that basis, we raise them to our own level in our minds and rebuke ourselves when that level is not actually reached. Instead of looking at the world subjectively as does every other race on earth, we look at it objectively as a result of our heightened sense of fairness and justice, and since the other races are so obviously inferior in their lives as matters stand, we take their viewpoint in order to explain that inferiority. It does not seem “fair” that they would be inferior to us and so we rush to their aid to stop that from being so. In the process, though, we subvert and ignore our own best interests as a race, weakening and, in fact, extirpating our own drive for self-preservation in this world. The non-white races colonize the lands of the White Race as part of their healthy drive for self-preservation but instead of our resisting that as part of our own healthy drive for same, we assist them in their conquest! All of this flies in the face of the natural order of things, of course, but since our White Race has become thoroughly de-natured, it does not realize this nor care. The myth of “racial equality” plays a large role in all of this as well but had our people not been imbued with such an exaggerated sense of fairness and justice in the first place as we have mentioned, the damage done to the preservation of our kind on this earth would not have been nearly as great as has become the case. Indeed, it may well be that our absurdly proportioned sense of fairness and justice motivated us to create and accept the idea that the races of men are “equal” to one another in the first place. It did not seem “fair” or “just” to us that some races of men might simply be better than others and so we pronounced them “equal” in an effort to remedy the “unfairness” and “injustice” of such a scenario. It did not seem “fair” or “just” to us that a Supreme Being would have created races of men that were unequal to one another, and so we told ourselves that he didn’t. It does not seem “fair” that we should exclude them from our society and so we don’t. Of course, we could just as easily say the same thing about all of the races of animals in the world too and that’s, in fact, where we went wrong: our thinking that our notions of fairness and justice should extend beyond our dealings with those of our own kind in the first place, whether to the other races of men, the races of animals, or to anything else. Indeed, notions of fairness and justice are entirely intra-racial in Nature, not interracial; they are part of a race’s drive for preservation in that they advance the race in its dealings with itself. They regulate the conduct of its members in a way that is consistent, reliable, and advantageous to the racial whole. Therefore, notions of fairness and justice can never be permitted to undermine the preservation of a race, that is, if that race wants to continue to live. Fairness and justice have to be subordinate sentiments to the drive for self-preservation itself, not hostile to that drive, for otherwise they will have become hostile to the very reason why they were developed in our kind in the first place. Notions of fairness and justice are thus only a means to an end, not an end in themselves, and that end is the preservation of the race in which they arose, not its demise. A race which would replace its drive for self-preservation with heady and fanciful ideas of “fairness and justice towards all mankind” and other such drivel is not long for this earth, not unless it quickly gets its head straightened out, throws such drivel overboard, and reasserts its own will to live regardless of the cost. The situation that our White people face today is thus extremely ironic: we developed notions of fairness and justice that are higher and more refined than that of any other race on earth and we developed these notions precisely as a result of our own racial superiority; and yet, due to the very fact that these notions are indeed so strong within us, we have extended them to the welfare of the non-white races as well, thus setting the stage for the destruction of that superiority and indeed our very existence. We allow the infiltration of our culture, civilization, and bloodlines, destroying all. In other words, it is our very superiority as a race which leads to our downfall as a race. Our refined sense of fairness and justice ultimately leads to the spread of barbarism, not to the spread of our higher race and its higher culture as one might have otherwise expected. Thanks to our assistance as the nice chumps that we are, the other races expand at our expense. Our generosity raises them up all right but we create a threat to our very survival in the process that otherwise would never have existed. We are so much higher than the non-white races that we perceive a need to help them; in consequence, though, we cause the cutting of our own throats and our own destruction. Were we a lower race, we would be uninterested in helping the non-white races just as they are uninterested in helping us right now; but alas, since we are the highest, we believe that we can and should. Thus our superiority ends up hurting us. We let the other races into our territories and otherwise assist them because we (erroneously) think that we can afford to. By doing so though, we cause our own racial destruction, eliminating the racial superiority that enabled us to go out of our way to help the non-white races in the first place. Not only is our race actually destroyed by virtue of their mere presence around us but our very drive for self-preservation is weakened by virtue of the anti-racial propaganda that is also employed to justify and encourage that presence. The whole thing thus becomes a vicious circle with our White Race being assaulted from all sides, in all ways, and in all aspects. Our habitat is overrun, our culture is destroyed, our lives are murdered, and our genes are mixed. We are the victims of genocide.