The Triumph of Life: An Assault Upon the Values of the Current Society 7 страница“Discrimination, ” for its part, is constant in the natural world. Creatures constantly discriminate as to whom to associate with (members of their own race) and whom not to associate with (members of other races). They discriminate as to what to eat and with whom to breed. Indeed, all day long they are discriminating along those lines. They discriminate as to their friends and their foes. Every single race in Nature engages in this discrimination; not a single race or creature in Nature fails to engage in this discrimination. They discriminate between their own race and those of different race. They discriminate for their own race and against every other race. They do not treat other races the same way as they treat themselves, nor do they treat everybody within their own race the same either. Thus they in no respect treat everybody they encounter “equally, ” and that is because there is no “equality” in Nature in the first place but rather a diversity of race, sex, character, strength, and power. “Equality” itself has no meaning in Nature as it is a man-made concept that ignores the intrinsic inequality of all living things. Hence the races of Nature’s realm pay no attention whatever to any such purported “equality” or whatever demands it would impose were the concept to have any value in a racial sense. Rather, every individual has his place in the race of which he is a part whether high, low, or indifferent, and “equality” simply does not enter into the equation. There is no attempt to treat everybody the same because they are not the same. Distinction and preference rather are the rule. In Nature there is rule by the best, not by majority vote; there is a natural aristocracy, not democracy. Creatures are not guaranteed anything by virtue of their mere existence; rather they have to work for what they have and it is their work (and merit) that makes them deserving of whatever bounty they possess and nothing else. There are no “entitlements” accruing to you just because you have a mouth and can yap loudly; rather you have to earn your very existence itself through the deeds you perform in life. There is no “right to health care” when you won’t even bother to take care of your own health. There is no right to eat if you are too lazy to bother to procure your own food. There is no “social safety net” for creatures who are too lazy, weak, or stupid to take care of themselves and the result is that there are few lazy, weak, or stupid creatures to be found and thankfully so. There is instead a high degree of self-reliance in the natural world and that self-reliance breeds and builds a better race: for everybody. In Nature there is racial solidarity, not sexual solidarity. Thus one will never encounter, ever, the females of several different races banding together across racial lines to assert grievances against the males of their own respective races. Indeed, the very idea is almost laughable. The females of the crow, canary, and cardinal races do not stand together in solidarity with each other to demand their “reproductive rights” from the males of their own crow, canary, and cardinal races, for example. Female frogs and toads do not band together to protest their treatment at the “hands” of male frogs and toads. The females of the gray and red fox races do not form a “sisterhood” with one another against the power, privilege, or authority of the males of their own races. Rather, there is simply no crossover whatsoever between races on the basis of sex in Nature. Not once, in the entire history of the world, has a creature in the natural world identified itself more with its sex than with its race, nor have any of its creatures ever organized themselves on the basis of sex across racial lines. Instead, race is the only identity in Nature and each sex of that race simply fulfills the role that its instinct demands. There is no such thing as male or female dissatisfaction, only male and female fulfillment. The anatomy of the two sexes is used for the purposes for which they were biologically designed. There is no aversion on the part of females to be mothers and males to be fathers. On the contrary, the sexes are biologically propelled to make that happen and use any and all means available to help them bring that to fruition. There is no confusion as to which sex is which and what role belongs to it thereby. There is no such thing as the sexes being divided against one another in Nature or any kind of chasm existing between them otherwise. Rather, the sexes of each race are united for that race and the bringing forth of the next generation of it successfully. Males and females thus exist for breeding purposes in the natural world. They do not view one another in the same manner because the role that each sex has to play in the life of the race is not the same. Rather, the purpose of the male is to impregnate and the purpose of the female is to be impregnated—all so that the race may continue into the future. Thus of course males and females scrutinize one another from a sexual point of view in the natural world, for sex is the means to the end of racial preservation. There is a good reason then why the word “sex” is both a noun and a verb: the purpose of the sexes is sex! The males seek to impress the females with whatever attributes they possess in order to gain their favor; the females respond by allowing the males they desire to breed with them. There is no bizarre revulsion about these facts among the creatures of the natural world; rather, they are accepted and embraced. Pregnancies are carried to term because that is the natural course of things. Pregnancy is the goal of the copulative act. Every individual creature is judged by its race and its genetic quality within that race. Lust, for its part, is no “sin” in the natural world. Rather it is the driver of all life, life that does not apologize for living. It is thus not some kind of harassment or insult for a male creature to look upon a female creature with copulation on his mind in the natural world. Rather that is a basic function of living itself. Since breeding is all important, of course the sexes look upon one another with breeding in mind. There is great discrimination as to partners to be sure, but not to the drive to procreate itself. There is obviously no such thing in the natural world as females “choosing” not to give birth to the offspring they themselves conspired to create. The price of pleasure rather, is life. Whatever genetic defects arise in the natural world are quickly culled, not coddled. Three-legged calves are not handed a crutch but rather are left to predators. The weak are not pampered but rather are pressured. There is an instinctive aversion in all natural creatures for any defects which arise within their own kind, in their own gene pool, and, as a result, such defects are quickly stamped out instead of being allowed to be repeated throughout the generations and expand. Thus the race is always at its best at the given point in time in Nature from a genetic perspective. Defective offspring are abandoned by their mothers and, lacking that nurturing, never reach maturity so that the defect may be repeated. Thus the defect is stopped in its tracks. Thus in Nature there are no races that are genetically diseased, defective, or otherwise lacking in the ability to live a vigorous life. There are no masses of cripples, weaklings, or other sub-par beings who cannot take care of themselves in their maturity and thus pose a burden upon the rest of the race. Every race breeds true to type and unfavorable mutations are not allowed to breed at all. The race is hence always at the highest state that can be achieved at that moment. Nature itself breeds every race to be its absolute best through the values of its world. The values of the natural world are themselves racial values in that they have the effect of preserving and improving each and every race that exists within its realm, and not the mere individual who comes and goes in short order. Indeed, the individuals of the races in the natural world often seem to sacrifice themselves, and what seems to be their own individual best interests, in favor of the best interests of their own kind as a whole, whether in the immediate or long term sense. (A mother’s sacrifice of herself for the well-being of her offspring is the most obvious and universal example of that, provided that it is healthy of course. ) It is in that sense that idealism even exists within the animal world and is by no means a human invention. Worker bees work for the hive and not for themselves. Ants do the same. Animals routinely risk their individual lives for their young. Elephants will charge a threat to their herd. Prairie dogs will alert their brethren to the presence of birds of prey hovering about, thus risking their own individual lives in the process. Thus in the natural world, racial values routinely supersede individual values. Indeed, individual values are largely subordinate to these racial values and do not exist in any kind of separate sense. It would be difficult to find, for example, an individual creature in the natural world that is acting contrary to the best interests of its own kind. Instead, each creature in the natural world fulfills those best interests, its individual existence fitting within the context of those best interests. An individual creature may live a solitary life, for instance, but it is in the nature of its race that it does so. On the other hand, no individual creature in the natural world goes against the nature of its own kind; it does not adopt a different nature for itself altogether. Hence it lives within the context of the kind that it is and was born. These are the values of the natural world. It is unnecessary that any being created or chose them for itself. Rather, what matters is that these are the values of the natural world all the same, and everywhere throughout that world at that. All of the myriad races of Nature’s realm live by these values. Thus it necessarily follows that these values must be beneficial to the preservation of those races for otherwise they wouldn’t live by them. That is the beauty of Nature: what works, is, and what doesn’t, isn’t. If these were not good values as far as the preservation of the race is concerned, different values would exist or the races would have perished in the meantime. Intellectualism and rationalizing are thus irrelevant to the matter, particularly in light of the fact that most creatures in the natural world neither have intellect nor reasoning powers. Rather, the values of the natural world are inherently race-preservative by virtue of the very fact that every race of life on earth adheres to them as a matter of instinct; races preserve themselves through their instinctive (not rational) adoption of those values for otherwise different values would exist. The instinct of every creature impels it to embrace the same values as every other: those values which preserve its own kind. It is thus unnecessary that our values come from a book, a god, or anything else outside the basis of our own raw genetic existence itself. Rather, within our instincts and within our genes the values already exist. They exist inherently within the races of men just as they exist inherently within the races of every other living creature. It is also unnecessary that anybody or anything second-guess these values; indeed, it is foolhardy that they do so since it is a basic fact that all of the races of the natural world survive, thrive, and continually improve themselves by virtue of their obedience to them, whether they do so consciously or not. Only Man, in his arrogance and mental separation from the natural world that exists all around him, would think himself justified in creating an entire world order of things for himself which would defy all of the incontestable and undeniable values of the natural world which we have set forth in the pages above, but that is only because his intelligence has reached such a high level through the evolutionary process that he is able to imagine and subsequently adopt for himself other values altogether, as well as think of himself as a being who is somehow “above” the rules that happen to guide the lives of all of the other creatures upon the earth. That ability and adoption of different values, however, does not mean that he makes things better for himself! On the contrary, it is precisely the human races which live the most corrupt and confused lives of all creatures on earth. The races of the natural world always seem to know what they are doing, and what they are doing always seems to make sense, does it not? With the human races, on the other hand, foolishness, idiocy, and senselessness seem to be the rule rather than the exception. Human beings are constantly plagued by doubt in nearly all aspects of their lives unlike what goes on with all of the other races that exist. Man’s ability to think of himself as a being who is outside the strictures that guide the natural world thus does not make his conduct wise nor beneficial to his own existence whether in the short term or in the long run. Rather he cheats himself out of the happiness and psychological tranquility that could have been his had he simply adhered to the values of the natural world as he was instinctively inclined to do in the first place. Thus Man can defy the values of Nature for a time and even mock those values while he is doing so. However, Nature will have the last laugh and indeed, Man is actually punished for his Nature-defiance all along, for by living in such a way that is contrary, and indeed hostile, to the values of the natural world, he causes himself distress, degeneration, and degradation that were never meant to be his lot. However, he proceeds from disaster to disaster in the artificial existence that he has created for himself all the same, completely oblivious of that fact, for just as he is unaware of where he went wrong in the values that he has allowed to guide his life, he is ignorant altogether of the benefits that could have accrued to him had he embraced natural values instead of the artificial values that have been foisted upon him by his fellow men. The generic word “Man” is used above, true, but there can be no doubt but that it is the White Race specifically which has fallen victim to this error more than any other (separation from the values of the natural world in the exercise of its racial existence). All we need do is compare the values of the natural world with the values that guide our White people today to realize the full extent of the idiocy that has gripped our kind in disregard of its racial life. The entire society in which we live is grounded in values that are hostile to our continued racial existence instead of supporting it. How can we be surprised then that our White Race is dying out before our very eyes today when the very values that White people embrace are utterly devoid of any interest in preserving it, when “anti-racism” is in fact the “moral” world order in which our White people happen to live? Indeed, the simple fact of the matter is that “anti-racism” is nothing other than anti-race, namely our race, and thus instead of our rejoicing in our race and our racism as does every other creature in Nature’s realm, we have become bitter enemies of both and subverted our own existence accordingly. There can be no underestimating of the devolutionary chaos of thought and action which has gripped our kind in its world, especially today, yes, but really for thousands of years as well, for throughout our history we have engaged in attitudes and actions which have hurt our own kind in its struggle for life. Once we conjured up in our heads artificial values that no longer had anything to do with the natural world in which every other creature lives, we started on the road to our racial demise. We could have left that road on many an occasion but we had become so accustomed to it that no other road was fathomable to us anymore. Civilization itself de-natured us; indeed, we thought it to be “progress” for us not to be natural beings at all anymore and thus our natural being suffered as a result: our race and the individual beings that compose it. Again, we can ask ourselves why we should have ever divorced ourselves from the values of the natural world in the first place. We can ask ourselves why the artificial values of today—values which have been foisted upon us by the society in which we live—should be better than the natural values of the world in any respect, values which give the individual a sense of race and place in his world without confusion and without chaos. The answer, of course, is that they aren’t better and that the artificial world which we live in today is a trashy world, not a world of high value. Its values are neither worthy of our allegiance, our tolerance, nor our subsidy. The entire order of things in which we live today is anti-Nature and therefore anti-life. We have to decide then whether we as a race are going to persist in our embrace of today’s artificial values to our eventual racial extinction or whether we are going to finally discard them and rejoin the rest of the creatures of this earth in the triumph of our particular racial life. We have to decide whether we will allow our values to serve our racial existence once again the same way as they do for all of the other creatures of the (natural) world or whether we are going to allow our race to continue to serve our “values” to its ultimate downfall. It is important though that we show where our White people have gone wrong in their values in all of that detail—both in this chapter and in the rest of this book—and that we show exactly how the present society in which we live is a perversion of the natural society in which we ought to live in all of those respects in which that is in fact the case. That may well already be obvious from our mere setting forth of the values of the natural world in the pages above but nevertheless an analysis of how things are (and aren’t) in the present society of ours in which we live in their various particulars will drive the point home with even more, overwhelming clarity. First of all, racial discrimination among men is always justified since it is embraced by every other form of life in this world; we as White people always have the right to treat different races different than we treat ourselves just as does every other race in the natural world. We are creatures of Nature just as they are and Nature provides every race with its moral values: the benefit of one’s own kind, period. That is the only moral compass by which every race upon the face of this earth is guided, and it is silliness to think that the human races should be the only exceptions in that regard of all of the countless races that exist. Rather, racial preservation requires racial discrimination: favoritism towards one’s own kind in its struggle for life. Thus, not only is it not “immoral” to racially discriminate but it is immoral not to racially discriminate. Every other race of creature upon the face of the earth discriminates racially and what is not immoral for them cannot be immoral for us. On the contrary, it is immoral for us not to discriminate in favor of our own kind and fulfill its best interests in every respect just as every other race of creature does upon the face of this planet. Just as every other race of creature seeks to benefit its own kind and its own kind alone, so too must we for otherwise that benefit will suffer. The drive to benefit one’s own kind exclusively is endemic to the entire natural world and there is no indication that our White Race was ever meant, by a conscious force or not, to be exempt from the universality of that drive. Our racial benefit is in fact acquired only through the exclusive furtherance of our own best interests: i. e. discrimination between ourselves as a race and all of the other races that exist. There is thus simply no such thing as immoral racial discrimination; rather, all racial discrimination is moral, justified, and natural for us as White people no differently than it is for the countless races of mammals, insects, amphibians, fish, plants, and all of the other forms of life that likewise exist upon this planet. There is our race, White people, and there is everything else. Our race is ours and everything else is not ours. Just as all of the other races of life upon this planet discriminate in favor of their own respective kinds without objection, so should the races of men. Just as there is not a single “color-blind” race in Nature, our own White Race should not be “color-blind” either. Rather it should favor its own kind as do all the rest. Since all of the laws of the natural world are geared towards the preservation of those races that exist within its realm, only a foolish race would choose to defy those laws and thus cause its own demise. That is the situation, of course, that our own White Race faces today due to its failure to discriminate on its own behalf. There is simply no such thing as a race maintaining its own existence if it fails to discriminate in its own favor and instead aids, abets, and breeds with those races who are not of its own kind. Rather it will be killed, mongrelized, and otherwise extinguished from the face of the earth and in short order at that. Nature is the true moral and ethical compass in this world, not the artificial doctrines invented by men, because it is loyalty to Nature and her laws which enables a race to preserve itself, an outcome that must be deemed more important than anything else for the reasons we have stated: that a race has to first live before it bothers itself with the various facets of its life. Since the races of men can become extinct just as surely as all of the other races of life that exist should they fail to follow the rules by which that life is preserved, it behooves our own race then to follow those values of the natural world that would instead enable it to live on and on and not die. We as men are thus inherently a part of Nature just as much as anything else is, for our White Race can and will die just like all the others if it should fail to embrace those values of the natural world which in fact enable the respective races of life to preserve themselves. It is not some kind of coincidence or mistake, after all, that every race in the natural world is racist, discriminating in its own favor in all things and at all times as it goes about its business. That is because racism and discrimination are beneficial to racial preservation: by excluding other races from its world, the race survives. Every race in Nature does what is necessary to preserve itself; so too must we as White people if we would at least value our own existence as a race the same way as all of the other races of the world do. Without the preservation of one’s own race, whatever other values that one might assert become a bit beside the point. That is because Nature herself decrees that racial life is the highest value, not the life of the individual who must surely die. It follows then that the entire “multiracial” State, society, and country that we as White people live in today are an abomination of the values of the natural world and hence of our racial existence. They have no validity whatsoever and must be replaced if we mean for our race to live. There is no State that commands our obedience if it fails to favor our own White Race with its policies and disfavor the non-white races with its policies. That is because every race naturally favors itself, whether with its “State” or with any other political order of things that exists. There is no society that we can deem worthwhile if it is composed of multiple races of men. That is because all societies are composed of only one race in Nature. There is no “anti-racist” country that is worth the sacrifice of our lives. That is because a country has value in proportion only to whether it enables our own race to survive and thrive as the race that it is. There is no respect or honor owed to the armed forces of a multiracial country. That is because Nature has decreed that the entire point of having fighting forces in the first place is to defend the race alone and its life, not a mongrel society, State, or country. In sum, everything that breaks down the barriers between the races—as multiracialism surely does—is reprehensible, disgusting, and sick. That is because Nature has decreed that all of the races of life of this world be totally separate from one another in their psyche and society in order that they may preserve themselves. Preservation of a race is healthy but the multiracial society that our White people are forced to live in today clearly does not preserve our own kind: our culture, our genes, and our lives. Thus it is sick and therefore bad. Only the homogeneous society, State, and country are worthy of our esteem, our respect, and our allegiance. That is because it exists for us and the survival and advancement of our kind as decreed by the values of the natural world. Nature points the way and it is that Nature which should be obeyed, not the arbitrary and artificial dictates of men who act in total ignorance of the natural world that exists all around them thus causing the demise of their own kind. When it is an undeniable fact that the values of the natural world facilitate the preservation of those races which exist within its realm, it can only be deemed the height of stupidity that our own White Race should be forced to accept an order of things which would instead expel it from the face of the earth. For Nature has decreed that races preserve themselves by excluding those not of their own kind from their societies and from their ethical values, not including them for the sake of the merely arbitrary values that can be fabricated by men. We can be disgusted by interracial breeding because Nature is disgusted by it. We can be disgusted by interracial societies because Nature is disgusted by them. We can be disgusted by all “coming together of the races” because no such “coming together” of the races ever occurs in the natural world. We need not impress upon ourselves values which are hostile to the values of that world. Rather we can run with them in all of their love, all of their hate, and all of their splendor. Thus when a White man refuses to hire an individual of different race, he is of course doing right, for when, in the entire history of the natural world, has a member of one race of creature employed for pay that of another? Thus when a White man refuses to rent a room in his house to an individual of different race, he is likewise of course doing right, for when, in the entire history of the natural world, has a member of one race allowed a member of a different race to live in his home? Such a thing is preposterous on its face, and yet the societies in which we as White people live would demand of us that we engage in such preposterous conduct all the time just because we are “human beings” and thus presumably somehow bereft of the sensibilities and indeed instincts that guide all of the other creatures of this earth. Somehow or other those other creatures have the right to be exactly who and what they naturally are, living life as they please for their own kind, while our own White Race is compelled to be a servant race to the non-white human races of the world, shearing away its own natural self in every way just to appease an artificial social and political order of things that isn’t worth anything in the first place. For once again, we can say that an order of things which does not even preserve our racial existence is unworthy of our esteem either, for it will have failed in the most basic task of every society that exists, whether that of man or beast: the preservation of one’s kind. It does not take a rocket scientist, after all, to realize and recognize that our White Race is not preserved within a multiracial order of things. Rather its culture and its genetic stock are broken down altogether and destroyed as is apparent to all those who are still able to recognize their own kind as the innately unique, precious, and distinct race that it is, a race that is responsible for very nearly all of that which we call progress on this earth. No one has ever been able to explain how multiracialism is good for White people; that is because it isn’t good for White people, quite simply, who become swamped by their racial inferiors and gradually cease to exist all because they had failed to subscribe to the values of the natural world in the first place, values which always aim at the preservation and betterment of one’s own kind and for its own sake. How difficult is it to understand that inferior races can only bring the White Man down if he is foolish enough to let them inundate the civilization he has built? How difficult is it to understand that resistance to racial integration is not only a right but a duty? The duty of racial preservation with which every creature is naturally imbued?