Generation X. Millennials, or Generation Y. Generation Z⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 11 из 11 Generation X - this term was first used by Jane Deverson in 1964 in a study of British youth. The main distinguishing feature is that they are very independent, since they grew up in conditions of autonomy – no one told them when, where and what to do. They themselves came home from school, warmed up lunch, walked. That's what they were called - " children with a key around their neck. " The main signs of Generation X 1) increased intellectual abilities, global awareness, technical literacy, the desire to learn throughout life; 2) pragmatism and self-reliance; autonomous work; the desire to hide information; survival in critical situations. 3) discontent with the authorities, lack of trust in the leadership and huge political indifference; Millennials, or Generation Y - generation of people born from about 1981 to 1996. This generation, which met the new millennium at a young age, is characterized primarily by deep involvement in digital technologies. In the generation of " y" there are no pronounced tendencies in the fields of religion, politics, art, etc.; on the contrary, there is a pronounced tendency to " be different from everyone else" and at the same time " stand out from the crowd" as brightly as possible. Generation Z Generation Z is a term used in the world for a generation of people born from about 1997 to 2012. Representatives of generation Z actively use tablets, VR and 3D reality. Often the term " generation Z" is considered as a synonym for the term " digital person". Generation Z is interested in science and technology, as well as art. It is also assumed that the generation will be economical Characteristic features of Generation Z: The speed of growing up, personal freedom, self-education, involvement and curiosity. Values and aspirations: perhaps most of all, generation Z values security, and in all areas: from romantic relationships to correspondence in the messenger. If millennials urge each other to get out of their comfort zone, then " zoomers", on the contrary, make efforts to create this zone. For them, inclusivity, equality and the opportunity to enjoy what they do in everyday life are priorities.
I was born in 2004, so I belong to generation Z. And I'm proud of it because I see that our generation has so many goals and talents. I'm sorry that many people take stereotypes about Generation Z seriously. For example, the fact that generation Z spends all the time on the Internet, does not like to read, and does not like to waste time on spending a lot of physical labor, etc. In fact, Generation Z cares about the environment, about the problems of inequality, political problems. Of course, there will be those who " degrade" in social networks, but this does not mean that the whole generation is like that. Moreover, each generation has its own disadvantages. In conclusion, I want to say that all generations are different, but somewhere you can find similarities. Each generation has its own views on life, its own morals, and there is no need to judge generations by stereotypes.