Generations. Baby Boomers
The average basic duration of " generations" is about 20 years. However, there are no exact boundaries separating one generation from another. People can belong to different generations depending on the environment of growing up, social, educational and technological opportunities, as well as trends. Someone grew up alone, and someone has younger or older brothers or sisters - this also leaves an imprint. Baby Boomers The baby Boomer generation is a term applied in the theory of generations by William Strauss and Neil Howe to people born between 1943 and 1962. Baby boomers are characterized by a desire for personal growth, team spirit, optimism and responsibility. Baby boomers actively built a career, they can be called workaholics, they also built a family early. In general, their generation in their youth was very active and determined. As baby boomers grow up, they have not lost their love of life and activity. Now baby boomers occupy most of the leadership positions, are in power, run huge corporations. Many representatives of baby boomers have already reached retirement age, however, many of them prefer to keep their bodies in shape, try new sports, eat right, baby boomers like to feel young. They are interested in technical innovations, although they do not always use them. Baby boomers in Russia are happy to remember their Komsomol youth and are proud of it - they tell young people about the formation detachments, hiking, active student life, etc.