periAzhwAr thirumozhi⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 18 из 18
Adiyen Sri rAmAnuja dAsan (Sampath Kumar Padmanabhan)
First ten
First thirumozhi Second thirumozhi (Part 1) Second thirumozhi (Part 2) Third thirumozhi Fourth thirumozhi Fifth thirumozhi Sixth thirumozhi Seventh thirumozhi Eighth thirumozhi Ninth thirumozhi
Second ten
First thirumozhi Second thirumozhi Third thirumozhi Fourth thirumozhi Fifth thirumozhi Sixth thirumozhi Seventh thirumozhi Eighth thirumozhi Ninth thirumozhi Tenth thirumozhi
Third ten
First thirumozhi Second thirumozhi Third thirumozhi Fourth thirumozhi Fifth thirumozhi Sixth thirumozhi Seventh thirumozhi Eighth thirumozhi Ninth thirumozhi Tenth thirumozhi
Fourth ten
First thirumozhi Second thirumozhi Third thirumozhi Fourth thirumozhi Fifth thirumozhi Sixth thirumozhi Seventh thirumozhi Eighth thirumozhi Ninth thirumozhi Tenth thirumozhi
Fifth ten
First thirumozhi Second thirumozhi Third thirumozhi Fourth thirumozhi
Common & periAzhwAr thanians
(1) sri maNavALa mAmuni thaniyan Composed by azhagiya maNavALan
(Namperumal of Srirangam) श्रीशैलेश दयापात्रम् धीभक्त्यादि गुणार्णवं I यतीन्द्र प्रवणम् वन्दे रम्यजामातरम् मुनिम् II
shreeshailEsha dayApAtram dheeBaktyAdi guNArNavam yateendrapravaNam vandE ramya jAmAtaram munim
Purport The importance of this thaniyan is that this was composed by namperumaL of srirangam in praise of maNavaaLa maamuni. This is said to have happened in srirangam when maNavaaLa maamuni was giving a discourse on thiruvaimozhi, the Lord came in the guise of a young boy and offered him this thaniyan. Since the supreme Lord Himself has composed this thaniyan, it is customary to sing this thaniyan at the beginning as well as at the end of Nalayira divya prabandham recitation.
(2) Guru-parampara thaniyan Composed by sri kooraththAzhwAr लक्ष्मी नाथ समारम्भाम् नाथयामुन मध्यमाम् I अस्मदाचार्य पर्यन्ताम् वन्दे गुरु परम्पराम् II
lakshmeenAtha samAramBAm nAthayAmuna madhyamAm asmadAchArya paryantAm vandE guru paramparAm
Purport This thaniyan is a composition by sri kooraththAzhwAr, who was the chief disciple of the great AchArya sri rAmAnujA. sri kooraththAzhwar salutes the guru-parampara tradition starting with lakshminAtha, nAthamuni in the middle and ending with his AchArya.
(3) Composed by sri kooraththAzhwar यो नित्यं अच्युत पदाम्बुज युग्मरुक्म व्यामोहतस् तदितराणि त्रुणाय मेने I अस्मद् गुरोर् भगवतोस्य दयैकसिन्धोः रामानुजस्य चरणौ शरणम् प्रपद्ये II
yO nityam achyuta pAdAmbuja yugma rukma vyAmOhatastaditarANi triNAya mEnE asmadgurOrBagavatO asya dayaikasindhOh rAmAnujasya charaNou SaraNam prapadyE
Purport Through this thaniyan, kooraththazhwar offers saranagathi at the feet of his AchAryan sri rAmAnujA. He states that sri rAmAnujA, who is always at the lotus feet of Lord achutA, renounced the worldly objects and pleasures so thoroughly that he considered them equal to ‘grass’ and nothing more. He also says that sri rAmAnujA, who is an ocean of compassion, is our guru as he possessed all the divine and auspicious qualities.
(4) nammAzhwAr thaniyan (Composed by Sri ALavandAr) माता पिता युवतयस् तनया विभूति: सर्वम् यदेव नियमेन मदन्वयानाम् I आद्यस्य न: कुलपतेर वकुळाभिरामम् श्रीमत तदङ्घ्रि युगळम् प्रणमामि मूर्ध्ना II
mAtA pitA yuvatayastanayA viBootih sarvam yadEva niyamEna madanvayAnAm Adyasya nah kulapatEr vakuLABi rAmam shreemat tadangri yugaLam praNamAmi moordhnA
Purport ALavandAr sings this thaniyan in honour of nammAzhwAr, who wears the exquisite garland of vakuLa flowers and is a leader among seekers. He says in this taniyan that hitherto he considered his mother, father, daughters, wealth etc., as the most important in life. But now after attaining the divine feet (tiruvadi) of Sri nammAzhwAr, he sees everything, including all his relatives, as only the thiruvadi of nammAzhwAr.
(5) AzhwArs & udayavar thaniyan Composed by sri parAsara bhattar भूतं सरस्य महदाह्वय भट्ट नाथ श्रीभक्तिसार कुलशेखर योगिवाहान् I भक्ताङ्घ्रिरेणु परकाल यतीन्द्रमिश्रान श्रीमत् पराङ्कुश मुनिम् प्रणतोस्मि नित्यं II
Bootam sarasya mahadAhvaya BaTTanAtha shree BaktisAra kulaSEKara yOgivAhAn BaktAnghrirEnu parakAla yateendra miSrAn shreemat parAnkuSa munim praNatO asmi nityam
Purport sri parAsara bhattar composed this thaniyan at the instance of sri nanjeeyar. He pays obeisance to ten AzhwArs and sri rAmAnujA in this thaniyan. The rest of the AzhwArs are considered to be the different parts of the body of nammAzhwAr. BoodathAzhwAr is considered the head (thirumudi), poigai and peyAzhwArs are the two eyes respectively, periAzhwAr is the face, thirumazhisai AzhwAr is the neck, kulashekara AzhwAr and thirupAnAzhwAr are the two hands respectively, the holy chest is thondaradi podi AzhwAr, thirumangai AzhwAr is the naval , yathirAjA( sri rAmAnujA) is the sacred feet and ofcourse, nammAzhwar is the swamy who possess all these parts in his body.
(6) periyAzhwAr thirumozhi thaniyangal Composed by sri nAthamunigaL गुरुमुकमनधीत्य प्राह वेदानशेषान् नरपथिपरिक्लुप्तं शुल्कमादातुकामः I श्वषुरममरवन्द्यम् रङ्गनाथस्य साक्षात् द्विजकुलतिलकं तम् विश्नुचित्तम् नमामि II
gurumuKamanadheetya prAha vEdAnaSESAn narapatiparikalptam SuklamAdAtu kAma: s'was'uram amara vandyam ranganAthasya sAkSAt dvijakula thilakam tham vishNuchittham namAmi
Purport periAzhwAr did not have a formal education in shaastrAs from a Guru. Despite this, he successfully established the paratatwa
(the supreme principle) of shriman nArAyaNa in a conglomeration of learned scholars invited by the pAndya king. This he did by citing pramAnAs
(proofs) from vEdAs and vEdAntAs. Impressed by the AzhwAr’s achievement, pAndya king rewarded him with prize money. Salutations to the periAzhwAr, who is the father-in-law of Sri Ranganatha
(because of his daughter Andaal’s marriage to the Lord who is the Lord of nithyasoories and devas) and who is variously known, as the “gem among brAhmanAs” and “vishnu-chiththan”.
(7) Composed by sri pAndya Bhattar minnAr taDa madiL Soozh villiputtoor enrorukAl sonnAr kazharkamalam SooDinOm munnAL kizhi aruttAn enruraittOm keezhmaiyinil SErum vazhiyaruttOm nenjamE vandu
Purport pAndya bhattar who has composed this thaniyan in honour of periAzhwAr states that our heads will be placed at the feet of those who just says “srivilliputtur’ even once. He describes srivilliputtur as a beautiful place with Forts. He further says that since periAzhwAr has established the paratatwa of shriman nArAyaNaa, and won the prize, we can be sure that we have closed the path to Hell.
(8) Composed by sri pAndya Bhattar pANDiyan koNDADa paTTarpirAn vandAnenru eeNDiya Sangam eDuttooda vENDiya vEdangaL Odi viraindu kizhiyaruttAn pAdangaL yAmuDaiya paTTru
Purport During a ceremony when periAzhwAr was taken in a procession seated on an elephant accompanied by sounds of drum beats and blowing of conch, the pAndya king extolled “Here comes pattar pirAn !”. We seek refuge in periAzhwAr who established the paratathwa of shriman nArAyaNa in the assembly of great scholars with pramanAs from Vedas and took away the prize money.
(1) pallaaNdupallaaNdu pallaayiraththaaNdu palakOdinooRaayiram mallaaNdathiN thOLmaNivaNNaa! un sEvadi sevvi thirukkaappu.
Purport In this pAsuram, periAzhwAr seeks protection for the Lord Sri Krishna, who has conquered many asuras and evil people in His avatars and who Himself is the protector of the Universe. AzhwAr has a great deal of fear, that the Lord, who is like a blue colored pearl, should not in any way be harmed whenever He chooses sojourn on earth for whatever reasons. Although, AzhwAr knows very well that He who is mighty shouldered and unconquerable, needs absolutely no protection, yet he prefers to wish the Lord and His red colored lotus like feet 'well' for thousands of years to come. What else could be the reason for this apparently illogical reasoning by the AzhwAr except his intense love and bakthi for Him.
(2) adiyOmOdumninnOdum pirivinRi aayirampallaaNdu vadivaayninvalamaarbinil vaazhkinRamangaiyumpallaaNdu vadivaarsOthivalaththuRaiyum sudaraazhiyumpallaaNdu padaipOr pukkumuzhangum appaanchasanniyamumpallaaNdE
Purport In this pAsuram, AzhwAr cites the irrevocable bond between him and the Lord. Fearing that no hindrance should come in the way of such a bonding, he invokes protection for the sacred bond itself. It is AzhwAr's way of telling us that we should also maintain a close relationship with the Lord and not consider Him to be a distant ruler. O Lord, seated beautifully on the right side of your majestic chest, Mahalakshmi is ever keen on blessing her devotees and taking them near to the Lord. Without first taking refuge in her, how can we imagine approaching the supreme Lord. The benevolent lady should live for thousands of years. Positioned eternally on the right hand of the Lord as a chakrAyudA (a highly potent wheel shaped weapon) who is protecting the devotees at all times, let that Sudarsana AzhwAr live thousands of years. BaghavAn has the great conch in His left hand. He, as Krishna, blew this at the start of the Kurukshetra war. The pAnchajanyA not only sounded the death-knell for the opponents but assured victory for the pAndavAs. Let that pAnchajanyA live for thousands of years.
(3) vaazhaatpattuninReeruLLeerEl vandhumaNNummaNamumkoNmin koozhaatpattuninReer kaLai engaLkuzhuvinilpukuthalottOm EzhaatkaalumpazhippilOmnaangaL iraakkatharvaazh ilangai paazhaaLaakappadaiporuthaanukkup pallaaNdukooRuthamE.
Purport Very concerned about the ultimate welfare of the people, AzhwAr invites everyone to worship Sriman nArAyaNA, who is the source of all and who only can grant the final liberation to every soul. AzhwAr eliminates from his group all those who goes after other devatas asking for insignificant and small things such as food, material benefits etc. He prefers to entertain those who seeks knowledge of the highest. To make sure what he is talking about, AzhwAr categorically says that for years his lineage has been doing devotional service only to Lord rAmA who destroyed lankA, which was once infested with demons. Thus AzhwAr sings pallAndu, obviously, to Sri rAmA in this pAsuram while at the same time showing us the path to salvation.
(4) yEdunilaththil iduvathanmunnamvandhu engaLkuzhaampukundhu koodumanamudaiyeer kaL varampozhivandhu ollaikkooduminO naadumnakaramumnan kaRiya namOnaaraayaNaayavenRu paadumanamudaippaththaruLLeer! vandhupallaaNdukooRuminE.
Purport This pAsuram is very important in that it gives us the option to choose between small spiritual gains or the greatest experience of Moksha through direct service to Sriman nArAyaNA in His divine presence. AzhwAr is so compassionate to humanity that he wants the best for all of us. He says in this pAsuram, in no uncertain terms, that those desirous of experience of AtmA will surely get it by landing in Kailvalyam. But such souls will be immersed only in experiencing the AtmA and cannot get out of it. This experience is not a complete one since each soul belongs to BaghavAn and we cannot claim a right over it. The important point to note here is that AzhwAr emphasizes the need to denounce the desire for kaivalyam and surrender only to the feet of nArAyaNa for attaining the highest good. He also impels us to spread the great words 'namO nArAyaNAya' in all nooks and corners of the Earth for the benefit of entire humanity.
(5) aNdakkulaththukkathipathiyaaki asurariraakkatharai iNdaikkulaththai eduththukkaLaindha irudeekEsan_thanakku thoNdakkulaththiluLLeer! vandhadithozhuthu aayiranaamamsolli paNdaikkulaththaiththavirndhu pallaaNdupallaayiraththaaNdenminE.
Purport In this pAsuram, AzhwAr categorically states that the Supreme Lord "HrushIkEsan" is administering the entire Universe. The Lord takes avatArs to eliminate the asurAs and rAkshasAs and brings about peace in the worlds. The vedas and Upanishads proclaim Him to be the greatest and He alone can grant the highest salvation called Moksham. This being the case, AzhwAr wonders why people are habitually seeking only material wealth from Him, when He can grant us the highest good. He further says that uttering the glorious thousand names of the Lord and singing pallAndu to His feet are the only means to be adopted by us for our salvation.
(6) endhaithandhaithandhaithandhaithammooththappan Ezhpadikaalthodangi vandhuvazhivazhi aatcheykinROm thiruvONaththiruvizhavil andhiyampOthilariyuruvaaki ariyaiyazhiththavanai pandhanaitheerappallaaNdu pallaayiraththaaNdenRupaaduthamE.
Purport AzhwAr very proudly states that he, his father and his preceding seven generations have all been engaged in the service to the Lord, nArAyaNA. Suddenly he shifts to the scene of Narasimha avatAr. He says Narasimha was born during the beautiful evening twilight period in thiruvoNam star. He sings pallAndu to Narasimha to pacify Him from the insatiable anger he had after killing Hiranyakashipu. We all know that the Lord took this avatAr to protect His great baktha PrahallAdha. It is perhaps AzhwAr's intention to remind us that by becoming His baktha, even we too will get His unfailing protection.
(7) theeyiRpolikinRasenchudaraazhi thikazhthiruchchakkaraththin kOyiRpoRiyaalE oRRuNduninRu kudikudi aatseykinROm maayapporupadaivaaNanai aayirandhOLumpozhikuruthi paaya suzhaRRiya aazhivallaanukkup pallaaNdukooRuthumE.
Purport In Srivaishanava sampradayam, it is essential to emboss on the upper sides of the hands, the Chakra and Conch symbols (just below shoulder on the sides of right and left hand respectively). This is symbolic of the Lord who always holds chakraayudam in his right hand and conch in his left hand. This procedure known as 'pancha samskaaram' is performed on the individual by his/her Acharyan. This gives an individual eligibility to perform kainkaryam (devotional service ) to the Lord in a more authentic way. In this pAsuram, AzhwAr states that he and his predecessors have been performing devotional service to the Lord from time immemorial after having these symbols embossed on them. This is perhaps an indication for all of us to follow suit. He then heaps praise on Sudarsana AzhwAr by describing Him as shining with red hued brilliant luster and who once at the instance of the Lord, cut off the thousand shoulders of bhanAsura (known for using deceptive/magic tactics in his fights) and killed him creating a river of blood in the process. AzhwAr sings pallAndu to SudarsanAzhwAr and Emberumaan( Sriman nArAyanA)
(8) neyyidainallathOr sORum niyathamum aththaaNich chEvakamum kaiyadai kkaayum kazhuththukku ppooNodu kaathukkuk kuNdalamum meyyidanallathOr saandhamum thandhu ennai veLLuyiraakkavalla paiyudainaakappakaik kodiyaanukku ppallaaNdu kooRuvanE.
Purport In an earlier pAsuram, AzhwAr criticizes those who seeks from BaghavAn only wealth and not care about serving Him. In this pAsuram, he softens his stand a bit and says that these necessities of life (like good food, some ornaments for neck and ears, servants etc) could be sought from the Lord and obtained. But on obtaining the basic necessities of life, one should not forget Him or desire for more material things. Instead, with whatever one got by His Grace, one should seek from Him the ultimate salvation which would enable eternal service to Him. AzhwAr portrays in this pAsuram a scenario in which those who had earlier sought only wealth from Him are now satisfied with what they got and having become sAtvic in nature, are ready to serve the Lord. AzhwAr sings pallAndu to the Lord who has Garuda, a staunch enemy of king cobra, as the emblem on His flag.
(9) uduththukkaLaindha ninpeedhakavaadaiyuduththuk kalaththathuNdu thoduththathuzhaaymalarsoodikkaLaindhana soodumiththoNdar kaLOm viduththathisaikkarumamthiruththith thiruvONaththiruvizhavil paduththapainnaakaNaippaLLikoNdaanukkup pallaaNdukooRuthumE.
Purport Those who had turned at last to the service of Emberuman, did remarkable things such as wearing only the clothes discarded by the Lord, consuming only the food left over after what the Lord had eaten, wearing tulasi malas (garlands) that were earlier worn by the Lord, carrying out various works as per His orders and finally singing pallAndu to Him. They sing pallAndu to Him on the auspicious day of Shravan and for the one who has snake as His bed (Sesha sayanam in sanskrit). In this pAsuram AzhwAr outlines the code of living for all Srivaishnavas.
(10) ennaaL emperumaan unthanakkadiyOmenRezhuththuppatta annaaLE adiyOngaLadikkudil veedupeRRu uyndhathukaaN sennaaLthORRith thirumathuraiyuLsilaikuniththu aindhalaiya painnaakaththalaipaayndhavanE! unnaippallaaNdukooRuthumE.
Purport As brought out in the previous pAsurams, the seekers of kaivalya realized their folly and took to the feet of emberumAn. No sooner they did so, all their miseries of mundane existence left for good and they and their clan started looking up in their lives. The Lord took avatar as Sri Krishna in the beautiful holy city of mathurA in an auspicious nakshatra. He performed super-human feats during His sojourn on Earth. Out of them, AzhwAr mentions how once He entered the weapons depot of kamsA and broke the arrow. Secondly how Sri Krishna climbed and danced on the five headed evil serpent named kALian. AzhwAr sings pallAndu to these wonderful activities of Sri Krishna.
(11) alvazhakkonRumillaa aNikOttiyar kOn abimaanathungan selvanaippOlath thirumaalE! naanum_unakkuppazhavadiyEn nalvakaiyaalnamOnaaraayaNaavenRu naamampalaparavi palvakaiyaalumpaviththiranE! unnaippallaaNdukooRuvanE.
Purport Here in this pAsuram, AzhwAr cites the flawless Selvanambi of Thirukkottiyoor who exemplified as the perfect servant of the Lord. He was flawless in the sense that he never misunderstood the Srivaishnava main principles viz., the AtmA is not independent and that the AtmA is always subservient to the Lord. AzhwAr is clearly impressed by the spiritual conduct of Selvanambi and wants to emulate his steps. AzhwAr requests emberumAn to treat him also like a dAsan as He has done so in respect of Selvanambi. AzhwAr then goes about telling the purity-personified-Lord that he will say pallAndu to Him by singing His various Names and reciting namO nArAyaNA.
(12) pallaaNdenRupaviththiranaipparamEttiyai saarNGkamennum villaaNdaan thannai villipuththoorvittuchiththanvirumbiyasol nallaaNdenRunavinRuraippaar namOnaaraayaNaayavenRu pallaaNdumparamaathmanaich choozhndhirundhEththuvar pallaaNdE.
Purport periAzhwAr was born in Srivilliputtur and was fondly known as Vishnuchitthan, because of the special relationship he had with emberumAn. In this pAsuram, AzhwAr cites the Lord's mastery over the bow "sArngam". He says that whoever sings these pallAndu pAsurams with great love towards the blemishless Lord, who resides in paramapadam, he/she will be conferred the rights to do kainkaryam by being stationed close to the supreme Lord Sriman nArAyanA and sing pallandu to Him always.
first ten first thirumozhi
Summary periAzhwAr recounts the birth of sri Krishna and describes the ecstatic feelings of the inmates of gOkulam. AzhwAr describes in these pAsurams the joyous circumstances prevalent then.
(1) vaNNamaadangaLsoozh thirukkOttiyur kaNNan_kEsavan nambipiRanthinil eNNeysuNNam ethirethir_thoovidak kaNNanmuRRam kalandhu_aLaraayiRRE
Purport One who's stationed in thirukkOshtiyur, filled with colorful palaces, takes birth as Lord Krishna (also known as Kesava) in the beautiful palace of Sri Nandagopa. To celebrate this glorious event, the inmates of the fortunate place called gOkulam(Thiruvaaipaadi in Tamil) resorted to throwing oils and turmeric powder on one another with absolute indescribable joy. As a result of this play, the palace courtyard became wet and slushy. (Note: Although Krishna was born in the prison of Kamsa, AzhwAr states in the pAsuram that He was born in the palace of Nandagopa. AzhwAr prefers to hide the fact considering the safety of Krishna. Such is AzhwAr's extreme love towards Krishna. AzhwAr was intensely living in Krishnaanubhavam, perhaps transcending the time barrier)
(2) Oduvaarvizhuvaar ukandhaalippaar naaduvaarn^ampiraan enkuththaanenbaar paaduvaar_kaLum palpaRaikottan^inRu aaduvaar_kaLum aayiRRu_aayppaadiyE
Purport People started running here and there and some of them fell to the ground, some were shouting "where is our Kannan.. where is He?" Some were singing happily and yet some of them danced to the tune of playing of musical instruments and drum beats.
(3) pENichcheerudaip piLLaipiRandhinil kaaNaththaampukuvaar pukkuppOdhuvaar aaNoppaar ivann^ErillaikaaN thiru vONaththaa _nulaKaaLumenbaar_kaLE.
Purport The local people of Thiruvaaipaadi safeguarded the child from the evil eyes of Kamsa. The cowherd people were curious about the child and made frequent visits to see the child. Some of them were of the firm opinion that there is no equal to this great child. Some were certain that since the child was born on an auspicious thiruvona nakshatra day, He was bound to rule all the Worlds.
(4) uRiyaimuRRaththu uruttin^inRaaduvaar naRun^eypaalthayir nanRaakaththoovuvaar seRimen_koondhal avizhaththiLaiththu engum aRivazhindhanar aayppaadiyarE.
Purport Some of them picked the mud pots containing butter, curd and milk and rolled them over the floor. Some of them gave away in charity all the ghee, milk and curd they had with them. Some of them were roaming the streets with disheveled hairs, like people not in their ordinary senses
(5) koNdathaaLuRi kOlakkodumazhu thaNdinar paRiyOlaichchayanaththar viNdamullai yarumbannapallinar aNdarmiNdippukundhu neyyaadinaar.
Purport The cowherd clan, with their possessions such as dress made of bark, staff, axe and fiber mattress were celebrating the birth of Krishna with unbounded joy. They laughed heartily showing their shining white teeth in the process, smeared their bodies with oil,sang, hugged each other and danced with ethereal happiness.
(6) kaiyumkaalumn^imirththuk kadaaran^eer paiyavaattip pasunchiRumanchaLaal aiyan^aavazhiththaaLukku angaandhida vaiyamEzhumkaNdaaL piLLaivaayu
Purport One day, child Krishna was being given bath by Yasoda. In a typical way, she stretches the limbs of Sri Krishna and gives him a bath with warm water sanitized by turmeric. Then, when she was about to clean the tongue of little Krishna, Lo and Behold! She saw all the seven worlds inside His small and beautiful mouth.
(7) vaayuLvaiyakamkaNda madan^allaar aayar_puththiranallan arundheyvam paayaseerudaip paNbudaippaalakan maayanenRu makizhndhanarmaadharE.
Purport The innocent women who were with Yasoda at the time of this wonderful display of divine potency by Sri Krishna, also saw for themselves all the worlds displayed inside His little mouth. They were bemused beyond imagination and exclaimed to one another: "This is not an ordinary cowherd child; He is verily the supreme God endowed with most auspicious traits and great magic powers."
(8) paththu naaLumkadandha iraNdaan^aaL eththisaiyum sayamaramkOdiththu maththamaamalai thaangiyamaindhanai uththaanamseythu ukandhanar_aayarE.
Purport on the twelfth day of the birth of child, the inmates of gOkulam gathered together with great pomp to participate in the naming ceremony for the child. The child was named Sri Krishna. They took the child in their hands with great love and affection and recollected how once He effortlessly lifted the Govardhana hill with His little hand and protected the people who were subjected to great suffering by Indra.
(9) kidakkil thottilkizhiya_uthaiththidum eduththukkoLLil marungaiyiRuththidum odukkippulkil utharaththEpaayndhidum midukkilaamaiyaal naanmelindhEnn^angaay.
Purport Displaying extraordinary strength even as a new born child, Sri Krishna was determined to make it known to Yasoda that He is not an ordinary child. When Krishna was placed inside the cradle, he would kick it and break it. When Yasoda lifted Him from the cradle and placed Him on her slender waist, His legs would encircle her waist with such a force that she would again try to change the position and now securing His limbs, she would keep Him in a position of embrace. Even in this position, He would dive down to her stomach with fierce strength. Experiencing all this, Yasoda tells the other ladies around her that she has become lean because of unbearable acts of little Krishna.
(Note: Some eminent commentators give another meaning to this and say that Yasoda was very much concerned that Krishna was getting thinner because of carrying out such strenuous acts with His tender limbs, unbecoming of a new born child)
(10) sennelaar vayalsoozh thirukkOttiyoor mannu naaraNan nambipiRandhamai minnu nool vittuchiththanviriththa ip pannupaadalvallaarkku illaipaavamE.
Purport The same Krishna who incarnated as an avatar in thiruvaaippaadi is stationed, as Sriman Narayana, at thirukkOshtiyur, a beautiful divya desam surrounded by fertile paddy fields. These pAsurams composed by Vishnu chitthan (periAzhwAr), who wears the sacred thread, describes the glorious period of Krishna's birth. Those who can sing these pAsurams, which are always recited by the learned men, shall be freed from all sins.
first ten second thirumozhi (part I of 2)
Summary Yasoda is enchanted by the extraordinary beauty of Krishna and His childhood activities. She invites her lovely friends to come and see how beautiful Krishna looks. AzhwAr knows that the child is the great Lord who had accomplished astounding feats in His various avatars and now He is just pretending to be an innocent child.
(1) Seethakkadal uLLamuthanna dEvaki kOthaik kuzhalaaL asOthaikkup pOththandha pEthaik kuzhavi pidiththuch chuvaiththuNNum paathak kamalangaL kaaNeere pavaLavaa yeervandhu kaaNeerE.
Purport Devaki, who is an aspect of the Devi residing in the cool Thirupparkadal (milky ocean), dispatches child Krishna to Yasoda, the beautiful lady with her lovely hairs decorated with flower garlands. Yasoda beholds the spectacular scene of Krishna chewing His lotus like legs. Vedas exclaim that the Supreme Lord's Thiruvadi (sacred feet) have flood of honey in them. Learned scholars say that He, in whose stomach is contained all the worlds, wished to bless the worlds by symbolically doing this act.
(2) muththum maNiyum vayiramum nanponnum thaththip pathiththuth thalaippeythaaRpOl engum paththu viralum maNivaNNan paathangaL oththittirundhavaa kaaNeerE oNNudha leervandhu kaaNeerE
Purport Yasoda decorates all the ten little toes of Krishna's feet with the colors of nine precious gems
(such as diamond, coral etc) and gold. This color arrangement was perfectly matching with Krishna's body color of pearl (maNi vaNNan). Krishna was radiating brilliantly with this decoration. Yasoda invites the ladies gathered there, with brightly decorated foreheads, to witness this spectacle.
(3) paNaiththO LiLavaaychchi paal paayndha kongai aNaiththaara uNdu kidandhaip piLLai iNaikkaalil veLLith thaLainin Rilandum kaNaikkaal irundhavaa kaaNeerE kaarikai yeervandhu kaaNeerE
Purport Yasoda's beauty is described here. She, as a young lady, has beautiful bamboo like shoulders and breasts full of milk. Baby Krishna embracing her breast with his hand, sucks as much milk to fill his stomach and goes to sleep. Enjoying this blissful moment, Yasoda simultaneously notices how beautiful silver bracelets are looking on His legs. She immediately summons her beautiful lady companions to come and witness this for themselves.
(4) uzhandhaaLnaRuney OrOr thadaavuNNa izhandhaaLerivinaa leerththu ezhilmaththin pazhandhaampaalOchchap payaththaaithavazhndhaan muzhandhaaL irundhavaakaaNeerE mugizhmulaiyeer vandhukaaNeerE
Purport With great difficulty, Yasoda had gathered milk from the cows, made them into curd, churned the butter out of them, made them into ghee and stored them in a number of containers. When nobody was around, Krishna grabbed the opportunity and ate all the ghee without leaving a trace. On seeing this mischief, Yasoda became angry and at the same time she was gripped with fear that Krishna might fall sick consuming such huge quantity of ghee. She took a strong stick with the intention of beating the child. Krishna became afraid on seeing Yasoda's anger and started crawling on His knees to escape. This dramatic event melted Yasoda's heart. She immediately called the other ladies, beautiful with full breasts, to come and witness the scene.
(5) piRangiyaPeychchi mulaisuvaiththuNdittu uRanguvaanpOlEkidandha ippiLLai maRangoLiraNiyan maarbaimun keeNdann kuRanguvaLai vandhu kaaNeerE kuvimulaiyeer vandhu kaaNeerE
Purport Long time ago, in Narasimhaavathaaram, he tore open the chest of the evil minded Hiraniya kashipu and killed him. On another occasion, demon named poothanaa, instigated by Kamsa, came in disguise as a beautiful lady to feed Him breast milk. Acting as if He wanted to suck milk from her breast, Krishna sucked the life out of her and made her perish. Oh, ladies of exquisite breasts, come and look at the stupendous thighs of baby Krishna, who is sleeping as if nothing had happened!
(6) maththak kaliRRu vasudEvar thammudai chiththam piriyaatha dEvaki thanvayiRRil athaththin paththaanaaL thOnRiya achchuthan muththa mirundhavaa kaaNeerE mugizhnagai yeervandhu kaaNeerE
Purport Achutan (Krishna) was born on the 10th day from hasta nakshatra to the lovely couple Devaki and Vasudeva, the latter is known for rearing elephants. Yasoda invites the ladies, with enchanting smile on their faces, to come and look at little Krishna, who was lying naked.
Note:Here commentators opine that AzhwAr avoids quoting exact nakshatra of Krishna out of fear that evil minded Kamsa and his associates might try to harm/kill the child by misusing the nakshatra in black magic.
(7) irungai mathakaLiRu eerkkinRa vanai parungip paRiththukkoNdu Odupara manthan nerun gupavaLamum nEmaaNum muththum marungum irundhavaa kaaNeerE vaaNutha leervandhu kaaNeerE
Purport Kamsa plans to kill Krishna by instigating a rogue elephant to charge towards Him. The great Lord Krishna easily plucks the two tusks of the elephant with His hands and killed both the elephant and its mahout. Yasoda invites the ladies with brightly decorated foreheads, to come and see Krishna who was wearing a lace thread, filled with corals and pearls, across His beautiful waist.
(8) vandha mathalaik kuzhaaththai valiseythu thandhak kaLiRupOl thaanE viLaiyaadum nandhan mathalaikku nanRu mazhakiya undhi irundhavaa kaaNeerE oLiyizhai yeervandhu kaaNeerE
Purport When playing with other children, Krishna always stood alone on one side, while other children, were forced to make a single group against Him on the other side. He played like a tusked baby elephant, giving prominence only to His abilities. Yasoda calls the ladies, decorated with shining jewels, to come and see Krishna's beautiful navel.
(9) athirum kadainiRa vaNNanai aaychchi mathura mulaiyootti vanchiththu vaiththu patharap padaamE pazhandhaampaa laarththa utharam irundhavaa kaaNeerE olivaLai yeervandhu kaaNeerE.
Purport Krishna, who is of the color of ocean with its roaring waves, is cheated by Yasoda in a way that while breast feeding Krishna, she ties an old rope around His tender waist without His knowledge. It is well known to everyone that Krishna ransacked the entire stock of butter, milk, curd, ghee and other eatablies from the houses of cowherds and ate them. This act of mischief gave rise to a lot of complaints raised by the cowherd women against Him. Yasoda had no other choice but to take the harsh step of tying up Krishna with a rope around His waist and the other end of the rope tethered to a mortar. Yasoda invites the ladies with shining bangles on their hands, to come and see Krishna's beautiful stomach with a rope still around it.
(10) perumaa vuralil piNippuN dirundhu angu irumaa marudham iRuththaip piLLai kurumaa maNippooN kulaavith thigazhum thirumaarbu irundhavaa kaanNeerE sEyizhai yeervandhu kaanNeerE
Purport Tied to a large morter, Sri Krishna pulled it with His might and along with it walked between twin arjuna trees, which resulted in Nalakoobaran and Manigreevan
(sons of Lord Kubera) getting absolved of a curse. His radiant chest adorned with lovely Koustuba jewel is so enchanting to the sight that Yasoda couldn't wait any longer in inviting her lady friends, who themselves were adorned with brilliant jewels, to have a glimpse of Krishna.
first ten second thirumozhi(Part 2 of 2)
(11) NaaLkalOr naalaindhu thinga LalavilE thaaLai nimirththuch chakadaththaich chaadippOy vaaLkol vaLaiyeyiRRu aaruyir vavvinaan thOLkaL irundhavaa kaaNeerE surikuzha leervandhu kaaNeerE
Purport The little Krishna, when He was just four-five months of age, was accomplishing extraordinary feats that were way beyond His age. Once, Yasoda left Him alone in a cradle underneath a big wheeled cart and went to Yamuna. Seizing the opportunity, a demon named Chakatasuran, who was sent by kamsa to kill Krishna, infused his spirit into the cart and sprang forward to kill Krishna. Lo ! what happened then is a story. Krishna didn't seem to have exerted Himself much as He lifted His cute legs and kicked the demonized cart/wheel, enough to crumble the cart and crush the asura at the same time. On another occasion, He killed Poothana, a demon sent by Kamsa, who came in disguise as a beautiful lady with a tall stature. Yasoda invites the ladies with curly hairs to come and have a look at the mighty little shoulders of Krishna.
(12) maiththadan gaNNi yasOthai vaLarkkinRa seyththalai neela niRaththuch chiRuppiLLai neyththalai nEmiyum sangum nilaaviya kaiththalan gaLvandhu kaaNeerE kanaguzhai yeervandhu kaaNeerE
Purport Wearing mascara on her already beautiful eyes, Yasoda brought up Krishna, never taking her eyes off Him even for a moment. Eminent scholars have tastefully commented on this aspect stating that the black color of Krishna is probably due to her constant gazing at Him with her beautiful black eyes. At times, Krishna used to appear before Yasoda with Chakra and Conch in His hands. His palms contained the marks of Chakra and Conch, which denoted that He is a maha purusha (supreme person). Yasoda invites the ladies, who were wearing golden ear ornaments, to have a look at Krishna's palms.
(13) vaNdamar poonguzhal aaychchi maganaagak koNdu vaLarkkinRa kOvalak kuttaRku aNdamum naadum adanga vizhungiya kaNdam irundhavaa kaaNeerE kaarigai yeervandhu kaaNeerE.
Purport Yasoda always keeps fresh flowers on her hairs to be of a pleasant disposition to Krishna. Sri Krishna, a fostered son of Yasoda and Sri Nandagopa, grows up happily in their overwhelming care. Yasoda invites the lovely ladies to see the beautiful neck of Krishna, who at the time of dissolution of the Universe, swallowed all the worlds and all that is contained in them and kept them protected in His stomach.
(14) enthoNdai vaaychchingam vaavendru eduththukkondu anthondai vaayamu thathariththu aaychiyar thamthondai vaayal tharukkip parugum ich chenthondai vaayvandhu kaaNeerE Seiyizha yeervandhu kaaNeerE
Purport The cowherd girls became exuberant on seeing Krishna. They would call Him by pet names like 'you lion cub', 'you young elephant' etc and take Him into their hands. Out of great affection for Krishna they would press their red colored lips with that of Krishna's and imbibe the nectar from His mouth. Yasoda invites the ladies with the best ornaments in their body, to come and see the rosy lips of Krishna.
(15) nOkki yasodai nuNukkiya manjaLaal naakku vazhiththu neeraattum innambikku vaakkum nayanamum vaayum muRuvalum mookkum irundhavaa kaaNeerE moykuzhaleer vandhu kaaNeerE
Purport This pAsuram describes the beauty of Krishna. Yasoda, while giving Him a tongue-clean with a turmeric stick, followed by a bath, is enthused by His baby talks, gets mesmerized by His eyes and enchanted by His smiles and His red coral colored lips. She calls the ladies with bushy hair styles, to come and see the charming boy.
(16) viNkoLamarargaL vedhanai theeramun maNkoL vasudhevar tham maganaay vandhu thiNkoL asuraraith thEya vaLargindRaan kaNgaL irundhavaa kaaNeerE ganavaLaiyeer vandhu kaaNeerE.
Purport He took an Avataar on this Earth, by being born as a child to Nandagopa (to be understood figuratively). He dispelled the fears and hard times of the demigods of heavenly planets by quelling the might of asuras. Ever admiring the great abilities of Krishna, Yasoda invites the ladies with golden bracelets to see the beautiful eyes of Krishna.
(17) paruvam nirambaamE paarellaam uyya thiruvin vadivokkum devaki pettra uruvu kariya oLimaNi vaNNan puruvam irundhavaa kaaNeerE pooNmulaiyeer vandhu kaaNeerE
Purport Even at the young age, as a little child, Krishna decimated the asuras for the welfare of the worlds and its' inhabitants. He is now born from the womb of Devaki, an aspect of Mahalakshmi, and possess a body that has the color of a black pearl. Yasoda gets attracted by His sharp eye brows and summons the ladies, their breasts decorated with ornaments, to come and see the beauty.
(18) maNNum malaiyum kadalum ulagEzhum uNNun thiRaththu magizhnthuNNum piLLaikku vaNNa mezhilkoL makarak kuzhai ivai thiNNam irundhavaa kaaNeerE Sei yizhaiyeer vandhu kaaNeerE
Purport At the time of great dissolution, Emberumaan swallows the earths, mountains, oceans and the seven worlds and tucks them happily inside His stomach for their protection till they are released back. Such unimaginable Supreme being, now taken birth as a mortal, is wearing fish-shaped ear ornaments and Yasoda, yet again, calls upon the ladies, adorned with ornaments, to come and see this Child.
(19) mutrilum thoothaiyum munkaimMel poovaiyum sitRilizhaithuth thiritharu vOrgalLai patrip paRiththukkondu Odum paramanthan netri irundhavaa kaaNeerE Nerizhaiyeer vandhu kaaNeerE
Purport Krishna would be looking for the little girls playing the game of house construction from the mud and stones stacked on the streets, utensils and other equipments. He would grab their hands and snatch away all their possessions and run away. Tired of running, small droplets of sweat would be visible on Krishna's forehead. Yasoda invites the ladies, wearing excellent ornaments on their body, to catch sight of Krishna.
(20) azhagiya paimponnin KolangaikkoNdu kazhalgaL sadhangai kalanthu yengu maarppa mazha kandrinangaL maRiththuth thirivaan kuzhalgaL irundhavaa kaaNeerE kuvimulaiyeer vandhu kaaNeerE
Purport Krishna wielded a nice stick, made of pure gold, in his hands to control the calves while He wandered the streets of Gokulam as a cowherd boy. The ornaments and the anklets adorning His legs used to make melodious musical sounds that kept the herds in a group without going astray. Yasoda invites the ladies with conical shaped breasts to have a look at the curly hairs of Krishna. Through this pAsuram AzhwAr intends to glorify the Lord from His lotus Feet to the Head, is the opinion of scholars.
(21) suruppaar kuzhali yasodai munsonna thiruppadha Kesaththai then pudhu vaippattan viruppaa luraiththa irubadho dondrum uraippaar pOy vaikunthath thondruvar thaame.
Purport In this pAsuram, AzhwAr says that he, belonging to the land of beautiful Srivilliputtur, rendered these pAsurams with authority, reflecting Yasoda's living experiences with Sri Krishna at the time of His divine birth, glorifying His immense bodily beauty- from Feet to Head, the stories of which she profusely shared with the ladies of Gokulam. Those who recite these 21 pAsurams will go to Sri Vaikundam and render service to the Lord.
first ten third thirumozhi
Summary Yasoda sends Krishna to sleep by singing lullabies (cradle songs). She tells Him how all gods queued up for giving presents to Him and that He should go to sleep.
(1) maNikkam katti vayiram idai katti ANippon naalseidha vaNNach chiruththottil pENi unakku piraman viduthandhaan mANik kuRaLanE thaalElO ! vaiyyamaLanthaanE thaalEO!
Purport The four faced Brahma lovingly presents Krishna a grandeur golden cradle, decorated with precious stones, interlaced with diamonds.The One who took avatar as Thrivikrama, please sleep! O! You measured the worlds with Your feet, please sleep!
(2) udayaar ganamaNiyOdu oNmaa thuLampoo idaiviravik kOththa yezhilthezhgi nOdu vidaiyERu kaapaali Esan viduthandhaan udaiyaay azhEl azhEl thaalElO ! ulagamaLanthanE thaalElO !
Purport Lord Siva, who rides a bull for his commuting and has various names such as Kaapaali*, Esan** etc., has sent a silk belt for the waist, interwoven with golden beads and a pendant for you Krishna! Don't cry, don't cry, please sleep! the Lord who measured the worlds, please sleep. [Notes: * Siva gets the name 'Kaapaali' since he severed one head of Brahma out of the five heads he had originally.** Siva is known as Esan, because He possesses eight great wealth. ]
(3) entham piraanaar yezhilthiru maarvarkku sandha mazhagiya thaamaraith thaaLarkku indhiran thaanum yezhiludaik kiNkiNi thandh uvanaay nindraan thalElO ! thaamaraik kaNNanE, thaalElO !
Purport One who has lotus like feet and broad beautiful chest, my Lord, you have been given lovely toy that makes rattling bell sounds ( another meaning ankle-bells) by demigod Indra. He is still out there, please take a look. Now sleep! lotus-eyed Krishna, please sleep!
(4) sangin valampuriyum sEvadik kiNkiNiyum angaich chari vaLaiyum naaNum aRaiththodarum angaN visumbil amarargal pOththandhaar sengaN karumugilE thaalElO ! devaki singamE thaalElO !
Purport The demigods belonging to the expansive heavens, have presented You with items such as the great valampuri conch, ankle bells for the feet, nice looking bracelets for the hands, shoulder-wear ornaments and golden waist thread with pendant. O, the red-eyed and black complexioned Krishna, please sleep! lion-cub born of Devaki's womb, please sleep!
(5) yezhilaar thirumaarvukku yErku mivaiyendru azhagiya aympadaiyum aaramum kondu vazhuvil kodaiyaan vayichchi ravaNan thozhudhu uvanaay nindraaan thaalElO ! thoomanI vaNNanE thaalElO !
Purport Kubera of pure heart, the god of wealth, has come with a pearl necklace which had the impressions of Vishnu's panchaayuda, the five weapons namely, conch, discus, dagger, mace and bow. Thinking that this ornament will best suit Your majestic chest, he is standing there with great reverence for You. O Krishna, please sleep, you resemble a pristine blue bead, please sleep!
(6) Odhak kadalin oLimuththi naaramum chadhip pavaLamum chandhach charivaLaiyum maadhakka vendru varuNan viduthandhaan chOdhich chudarmudiyaay thaalElO ! sundharath thOLanE thaalElO !
Purport A string of lustrous pearls picked from the great oceans, nice bracelets and shoulder-wear made of pure coral gems were the invaluable presents brought to You by the god of seas, Varuna. O, You've a glow on your crown, please sleep !lovely shouldered Krishna, please sleep!
(7) kaanaar naRundhuzhaay kaiseidha kaNNiyum vaanaar chezhunchOlaik kaRpagaththin vaasigaiyum thennar malarmEl thirumangai pOththandhaaL kOne ! azhEl azhEl thaalElO ! kudandhai kidandhaanE thaalElO !
Purport A garland of fresh forest tulasi plants and another one made out of heavenly grown karpagam flowers for the forehead, were the gifts sent to You by Mahalakshmi. who is always seated on the honey filled red colored lotus flower. O my prince, Krishna, don't cry, don't cry, please sleep! one who is in a reclining posture in Thirukkudandhai divya desam, please sleep!
(8) kachchodu poRchurikai kaambu kanagavaLai uchchi maNichchutti oNthaaL niraipoRpoo achchutha nukkendru avaniyaaL pOththandhaaL nachchu mulaiyundaay thaalElO! naaraayaNaa azhEl thaalElO !
Purport Goddess of Earth ( Bhoomi Piratti in tamil) sends in superior gem-studded pendant for the forehead and flower shaped golden ornaments with a specific request to hand them over to You as her presents for You. O Krishna, you sipped the poisonous milk from poothana's breasts, please sleep now! Narayana, please sleep without crying!
(9) meithimiRum naanappodiyOdu manjaLum seiyya thadankaNNukku anjanamum sindhuramum veiyya kalaippagi kondu uvaLaaynindRaaL ayyaa azhEl azhEl thaalElO ! arangaththaNaiyaanE thaalElO !
Purport Goddess Durga Devi, riding a male deer, has given turmeric for the purpose of bathing You,Krishna; perfumed powders for applying on the body, mascara for the reddened wide eyes and sindhoor (vermilion) for applying on the forehead. Look! Durga Devi is standing there with these presents for you, O lord, don't cry, don't cry, please sleep! one who eternally resides in Srirangam on the bed of a serpent. please sleep !
(10) vanjanaiyaal vandha pEichchi mulaiyunda anjana vaNNanai aaychchi thaalaattiya senchol maRaiyavar sErpudhuvaip pattan sol yenjaamai vallavarkku illai idarthaanE.
Purport Krishna, the dark complexioned Lord, who drank poisonous milk from poothana's breast, was thus made to sleep by Yasoda by way of singing lullabies and narrating daily incidents. AzhwAr says that he, coming from Srivilliputtur, a place known for abundant Vedic Scholars, has shared these with us. Those who contemplates these pAsurams will have no troubles calling on them.
first ten third thirumozhi
Summary Yasoda sends Krishna to sleep by singing lullabies (cradle songs). She tells Him how all gods queued up for giving presents to Him and that He should go to sleep.
(1) maNikkam katti vayiram idai katti ANippon naalseidha vaNNach chiruththottil pENi unakku piraman viduthandhaan mANik kuRaLanE thaalElO ! vaiyyamaLanthaanE thaalEO!
Purport The four faced Brahma lovingly presents Krishna a grandeur golden cradle, decorated with precious stones, interlaced with diamonds.The One who took avatar as Thrivikrama, please sleep! O! You measured the worlds with Your feet, please sleep!
(2) udayaar ganamaNiyOdu oNmaa thuLampoo idaiviravik kOththa yezhilthezhgi nOdu vidaiyERu kaapaali Esan viduthandhaan udaiyaay azhEl azhEl thaalElO ! ulagamaLanthanE thaalElO !
Purport Lord Siva, who rides a bull for his commuting and has various names such as Kaapaali*, Esan** etc., has sent a silk belt for the waist, interwoven with golden beads and a pendant for you Krishna! Don't cry, don't cry, please sleep! the Lord who measured the worlds, please sleep. [Notes: * Siva gets the name 'Kaapaali' since he severed one head of Brahma out of the five heads he had originally.** Siva is known as Esan, because He possesses eight great wealth. ]
(3) entham piraanaar yezhilthiru maarvarkku sandha mazhagiya thaamaraith thaaLarkku indhiran thaanum yezhiludaik kiNkiNi thandh uvanaay nindraan thalElO ! thaamaraik kaNNanE, thaalElO !
Purport One who has lotus like feet and broad beautiful chest, my Lord, you have been given lovely toy that makes rattling bell sounds ( another meaning ankle-bells) by demigod Indra. He is still out there, please take a look. Now sleep! lotus-eyed Krishna, please sleep!
(4) sangin valampuriyum sEvadik kiNkiNiyum angaich chari vaLaiyum naaNum aRaiththodarum angaN visumbil amarargal pOththandhaar sengaN karumugilE thaalElO ! devaki singamE thaalElO !
Purport The demigods belonging to the expansive heavens, have presented You with items such as the great valampuri conch, ankle bells for the feet, nice looking bracelets for the hands, shoulder-wear ornaments and golden waist thread with pendant. O, the red-eyed and black complexioned K