Divya Prabandham 7 страницаippOThu nAn ondrum seyyEn yembirAn! kAppida vArAy.
Purport Browny lasses with soft busts made sand-food & raised; toy houses with sand that You kicked and razed! Scorned, You ate not! Gods worship You thrice at vellarai! Won't harm You now! my Lord! get rid off evil eye.
(4) kaNNil maNal kodu thoovik kAlinAl pAynThanai yendrendru yeNNarum piLLaigaL vanThittu ivarAl muRaippadugindrAr kaNNanE! veLLaRai nindrAy! kaNdArOdE thImai seyvAy! vaNNamE vElaiya thoppAy! vaLLalE! kAppida vArAy.
Purport Threw sand into their eyes, kicked when asked; complaints galore from Your pals and others made Krishna of Vellarai! none spared in your ploy You match the color of ocean, get rid off evil eye!
(5) pallAyiravar ivvooriR piLLaigaL thImaigaL seivAr yellAm unmEl andrip pOgAThu yembirAn! nee ingE vArAy nallArgaL veLLaRai nindrAy! gyAnach chudarE! un mEni sollAra vAzhththi nindrEnThich soppadak kAppida vArAy.
Purport Lads in Thousands reside this place for mischief; Not all blames can be Yours, come here, my Chief ! Enlightened one! noble souls surround You at Vellarai Limitless praise to thy form, get rid off evil eye!
(6) kanjan karukkondu nin mEl karuniRach chemmayirp pEyai vanjippaThaRku viduththAn yenbathOr vArththaiyum uNdu manju thavazh maNi mAda maThiL thiruveLLaRai nindRAy! anjuvan nee angu niRka azhaganE! kAppida vArAy.
Purport Furious Kamsa incites Poothana, a red haired dark devil, to harm You, thus they speak; I am afraid, beware of evil Walls and mansions touching cloud-high in Thiru vellarai where You belong. Come away, O beauty, shrug off evil eye!
(7) kaLLach chagadum maruThum kalakkazhiya uThai seiTha piLlai arasE! nee pEyaip pidiththu mulai uNda pinnai uLLavARu ondrum aRiyEn oLiyudai veLLaRai nindRAy! paLLikoL pOThu iThuvAgum paramanE! kAppida vArAy.
Purport Disguised demons, Cart and twin trees, gone with Your kick; O Prince, You sucked milk from monster's breast very quick! Ignorant I am about You, You shine at Thiru vellarai! Time to sleep, the highest one! get rid off evil eye!
(8) inbamaThanai uyarththAy! imaiyavarkku yendrum ariyAy! kumbak kaLiRatta kOvE! kodungkanjan nenjiniR kootRE! chembon maThiL veLLaRaiyAy! selvaththinAl vaLar piLLAy! kambak kabAli kAN anguk kadithOdik kAppida vArAy.
Purport O, giver of highest pleasure, dear to each celestial! You killed a rut elephant and then Kamsa, a bestial; Rich You are! residing in golden walled Vellarai! Someone lurks, skull in hand! run! get rid off evil eye
(9) irukkodu nIr sangil kondittu yezhil maRaiyOr vanThu nindrAr tharukkEl nambi! sanThi nindru thAy solluk koLLAy sila nAL thirukkAppu nAn unnaich sAththath thEsudai veLLaRai nindRAy! urukkAttum anThi viLakku indRoLi koLLa yEtRugEn vArAy.
Purport Reciting vedas, brahmins hold water in conch for thy protection O Listen to me few more days, stand not at the road junction! Illumined being You are! holding the reins at vellarai; Come let me show lamp to your face to ward off evil eye!
(10) pOThamar selvakkozhunThu puNar thiruveLLaRaiyAnai mATharkkuyarnTha asOThai magan thannaik kAppitta mAtRam vEThap payan koLLa valla vittu chiththan sonna mAlai pAThap payan koLLa valla paththaruLLAr vinai pOmE
Purport Best among mothers, Yasoda, verily a goddess of wealth; Calls her Son, Lord of vellarai, to rid evil eye for His health! These songs sung by Vishnu Chiththa, vedic scholar of fame, who learn these, their karmas sure run back as they came!
second ten ninth thirumozhi
Summary Krishna plays intolerable mischief in His boyhood. He enters others' houses in the neighborhood and steals butter, sweets and savories and goes about cheating cowgirls. Neighbors complain about Krishna to Yasoda. Yasoda struggles to cope with the increasing complaints and at the same time wonders at Krishna's extraordinary deeds.
(1) veNNai vizhungi veRung kalathai veRpidai ittu aThan Osai kEtkum kaNNabirAn katRa kalvi thannaik kAkkakillOm unmaganaik kAvAi puNNiR puLip peyThAl okkum thImai purai puraiyAl ivai seiyyavalla aNNaR kaNNAn Or maganaip peRRA asOThai nangAyun maganaik koovAy
Purport Gulps butter, loves ramming empty pots & the crashing sound! we can't stand anymore; stop Him from mastering this art! Like rubbing tamarind on the wound; His terrible acts abound; that matches His naughty brother; Yasoda! call back your tot!
(2) varuga varuga varuga inge vAmana nambI varuga ingE kariya kuzhal seyya vAy mugathu em kAguththa nambI varuga ingE ariyan ivan enakku indru nangAy! anjanavaNNA asalagaththAr paribavam pEsath tharikkakillEn pAviyenukku ingE pOTharAyE
Purport Hey girl, I'll take care of my boy, you can go now, Yasoda says: Vamana! Rama! with lovely dark hair and sweet red lips! O dark one! come fast, nice faced! banish my sins with no delays! how can they abuse You, unlucky I am, I can't come to grips
(3) thiruvudaip piLLaithAn thIyavARu thekkam ondrum ilan thEsu udaiyAn uruga vaitha kudathodu veNNai uRinji udaithittu pOnThu nindrAn arugu irunThAr thammai aniyAyam seyvaThuthAn vazhakkO asOThAy! varuga yendru unmagan thannaik koovAi vAzha ottAn maThusooThananE
Purport Rich, though, Your Son not ashamed of mischief but prides! He scooped all the butter, yells a woman! smashed the pots! stood innocent ! why justify this injustice that He presides! Call back Your Son, lest our lives would be in knots!
(4) kondal vaNNa! ingE pOTharAyE kOyiR piLLAy! ingE pOTharAyE then thirai soozh thiruppErk kidanTha thirunAraNA! ingE pOTharAyE undu vanThEn ammam yendru solli Odi agam puga AychchithAnum kandu yeThirE sendru yeduththuk koLLak kaNNapirAn kaRRa kalvi thAnE.
Purport Treasure of Srirangam! Dense cloud hued! pristine Thiruper, where You recline! Sriman Narayana ! rushing in, You say You had food! Yasoda who picks Him up, wonders in vain!
(5) pAlaik kaRanThu aduppu yeRa vaithup palvaLaiyAL yenmagaLiruppa mElaiagaththE neruppu vEndich chendru iRaip pozhuThu angE pEsi nindrEn sALakirAmam udaiya nambi sAithup parugittup pOnThu nindrAn Alaikku karumbin mozhi anaiya yasoThai nangAy! unmaganai koovAy.
Purport O sweet Yasoda! with milk pot on kiln, stood my girl guarding; Up I went to fetch firewood but spent a while chatting; Alas! Lord of Saligram, Your Boy from nowhere, came lurking! the spotless one consumed all milk! take back Him without ranting!
(6) pOThar kaNdAy ingE pOThar kaNdAy pOTharEn yennAThE pOThar kaNdAy yEThEnum solli asalagathAr yEThEnum pEsa nAn kEtkamAttEn kOThukalam udaikkuttanEyO! kundru yeduthAy! kudam Adu kooThA! veThap poruLE! yen vEnkadavA! vithaganE ! ingE pOTharAyE
Purport when called, You don't show up, Yasoda laments; O Lovable! no more abuses at You I can take You lifted a mountain, hurled pots; Vedas thou represents! Lord of Thiruvenkadam! master of all arts, come for my sake!
(7) sennel arisi siRu paruppuch seiTha akkAram naRu ney pAlAl pannirandu thiruvONam attEn pandum ippiLLai parisu aRivan innamugappan nAn yendru solli yellAm vizhungivittup pOnThu nindrAn unmagan thannai asOThai nangAy koovik koLLAy ivaiyum silavE.
Purport savories with rice, ghee, grain and cane sugar; made for His twelve Tiruvonam star birthdays together O Yasoda! He ate them all and looks for more & bigger! these are few of your Son's many pranks, take Him away from here!
(8) kEsavanE ! ingE pOTharAyE killEn yennAThu ingE pOTharAyE nEsamilAThAr agaththu irunThu nI viLaiyAdAThE pOTharAyE thUsanam sollum thozhuththai mARum thondarum nindra idaththil nindru thAy solluk koLvaThu thanmam kaNdAy ThamOTharA! ingE pOTharAyE.
Purport Refuse not O Kesava! come near by my side! play not in the homes of your foes; stand not with those who scoff at You, come aside! Heed mother's word that's dharma and come now close.
(9) kannal ilattuvaththOdu seedai kAreLLin undai kalaththil ittu yen agam yendru nAn vaiththup pOnThEn ivanpukku avaRRaip peruththip pOnThAn pinnum agampukku uRiyai nOkkip piRangu oLi veNNaiyum sOthikkindrAn unmagan thannai aSoThainangAy! koovikkoLLAy ivaiyum silavE.
Purport Sweet balls and savories I made and kept; He barged in and ate them all without a trail; He came back to check if some butter is still not swept! These are His tricks! call Him back without fail !
(10) solli larasip paduThi nangAy soozhaludaiyan un piLLai thAnE illam pugunThu yen magaLaik koovik kaiyil vaLaiyaik kazhaRRik kondu kollaiyil nindrum koNarnThu viRRa angoruththikku av vaLaikoduththu nallana nAvaR pazhangaL kondu nAnallEnendru sirikkindrAnE.
Purport Hey Yasoda! You get enraged when we arraign Him for misdeeds Stepping into my home, He takes off my girl's bracelet; runs to the backyard, swaps it for blackberries and feeds; He then swears 'nothing I did',such stories He relate.
(11) vandugaLith thiraikkum pozhil soozh varupunal kAvirith thenna rangan paNdavan seiTha kirIdai yellAm pattar pirAn vittuchiththan pAdal koNdivai pAdik kunikka vallAr gOvinThan than adiyArgaLAgi yeNThisaikkum viLakkAgi niRpAr iNaiyadi yenthalai mElanavE
Purport Groves with beetles humming & cauvery waters surround; is the place where meditative lord of Srirangam resides Azhwar sings His glories and pastime stories abound; Those who recite these end up serving Govinda who provides!
second ten tenth thirumozhi
Summary Krishna torments the cowgirls by taking away their clothes while they were away bathing in the river. He refuses to give the clothes back despite the girls beg Him to do so. As this mischief is played by Krishna unabated, the girls complain to Yasoda, but to no avail. Unable to bear the trouble, they feel that their lives would end if this goes on unchecked. They wonder why Krishna takes a tough stance against them even as He is engaged in the role of protecting His devotees and punishing the evil doers, which is amply evidenced by His Avatars. Periazhwar narrates the Lord's punishing attitude towards cowgirls contrasting with instances of His protective and kinder aspects.
(1) AtrilirunThu viLaiyAdu vOngaLai sEtrA leRinThu vaLaithugil kaikkondu kAtrin kadiyanAy Odi agampukku mAtramum thArAnAl indru mutrum vaLaithiRam pEsAnAl indru mutrum
Purport While we play by the river side, He throws mud at us; getaway with our dresses and bracelets, then run swiftly into His house, answers not our calls We are done ! no word about our bracelets, We are done !
(2) kundalam thAzhak kuzhal thAzha nANthAzha eNthisai yOrum iRainchith thozhuthEththa vandamar pUnguzhalAr thugil kaikkondu viNthOy maraththAnAl indru mutrum vEndavum thArAnAl indru mutrum.
Purport His ear rings swing, curly hair sways, neck chain dangles, He is worshiped by all from the eight sides; Just bee-kissed flowers on our hair; our clothes gone, we're in tangles He sits atop sky high tree. We are done as He refuses and strides!
(3) thadampadu thAmaraip poigai kalakki vidampadu nAgaththai vAlpatri Irththu padampadu painthalai mElezhap pAinThittu udambai yasaiththAnAl indru mutrum uchchiyil nindrAnAl indru mutrum
Purport When the evil snake entered, the large lotus pond shook as it splashed the waters and spewed venom, locals terrified Lord pulled its tail and danced on its open soft hood. Look ! we are done! He dances on top of snake's hood. We are petrified!
(4) thenukanAvi seguththu panagani thAneRinThitta thadampeRun thOLinAl vAnavar kOnvida vanTha mazhaithaduththu Anirai kAththAnAl indru mutrum avaiyuyyak kondAnAl indru mutrum
Purport Hurled Denukasura high at a palm tree; the demon and the devilish fruits fell and perished. Muscled up, held aloft a hill to shelter cows from Indra's rain spree We are done! He succoured cows, we are finished.
(5) Aychiyar chEri aLaithayir pAlundu pErththavar kandu pidikkap pidiyundu vEyththadan thOLinAr veNNai koL mAttAthu angu AppuNdirunThAnAl indru mutrum adiyundazhuThAnAl indru mutrum
Purport guzzling thin curd and milk from the cowherd women's place; disgruntled, He returns for some butter but gets caught Denying His butter, the women tied Him up without grace We are done! He gets beaten and cried, we are distraught.
(6) thaLLith thaLar nadaiyittu iLam piLLaiyAy uLLaththi nuLLE avaLai YuRanOkki kaLLaththinAl vanTha pEychchi mulaiyuyir thuLLach suvaiththAnAl indru mutrum thuvakkaRa uNdAnAl indru mutrum
Purport A toddler He was, yet knew the mind of poothana the devil ! who came to feed Him with a poisoned breast He sucked the milk from her breast with a thrill ! We are done, He drank the poisoned milk, we are not so blest.
(7) mAvali vELviyil mANuru vAychchendru moovadi thAvendru iranTha im maNNinai Oradiyittu iraNdAmadi thannilE thAvadiyittAnAl indru mutrum TharaNi yaLanThAnAl indru mutrum
Purport Begging three feet land from king mahabali in the sacrificial rites He tricked the king, one foot He measured the whole earth the second foot that He threw up measured the heavenly heights O We are done, He measured the worlds, our lives no more worth.
(8) thAzhaithaNNAmbal thadampeRum poygaivAy vAzhum muThalai valaippattu vAThippuN vEzham thuyarkeda viNNOr perumAnAy AzhipaNi koNdAnAl indru mutrum aThaRku aruL seiThAnAl indru mutrum
Purport A big pond with lotus flowers and lilies abound where a cursed crocodile caught the elephant with its jaws Lord rushed to the call and His discus had the croc downed We are finished. He liberated the tusker. but we suffer without a cause !
(9) vAnath thezhunTha mazhai mugil pOl engum gAnaththu mEynThu kaLiththu viLaiyAdi yEnath thuruvAy idanTha im maNNinai thAnaththE vaiththAnAl indru mutrum Tharani yidanThAl indru mutrum
Purport Black as dark cloud He takes the form of a boar roams around forest searching food and plays with delight He dives deep into ocean and retrieves Earth from its core We are done, He recovered the globe, But we see no light.
(10) angamalak kaNNan thannai yasOThaikku mangai nallArgaL thAmvanThu muRaipatta angavar sollaip puThuvai kOn pattan sol ingivai vallavarkku EThamondrillaiyE
Purport Gracious cowgirls lamented lotus-eyed Krishna's mischief their pleas to Yasoda gets narrated by Periazhwar, Srivilliputtur's head who composed these words as pasurams in brief No evil attaches to those who recite these as said.
third ten first thirumozhi
Summary Hitherto Yasoda was of the opinion that Krishna is an innocent boy like others in His category. But, increasingly, she comes across His super-normal activities, which on the one hand baffles her and on the other makes her afraid. He also plays terrible mischief with the girls in the village. She is neither able to control nor admonish Him. A gradual realization dawns on Her that He is none other than the Supreme in human form. Realising His true form, She becomes afraid to feed Him her breast milk.
(1) than nEr Ayiram pillaigalOdu thaLarnadai ittu varuvAn pon yEy neyyodu pAl amuThu undu oru puLLuvan poyyE thavazhum minnEr nuNNidai vanjamagaL kongai thunja vAyvaiththa pirAnE! annE! unnai aRinThu kondEn unakku anjuvan ammam tharavE
Purport Toddling alongside thousands of Your mates, Sneaking into houses, gulping golden ghee and milk innocently crawling, sucking toxic breast of woman who laid baits You are not a normal child, My Lord, afraid I am to feed You milk
(2) ponpOl majanam Atti amuThu oottip pOnEn varumaLavu ippAl van pArach chagadam iRach chAdi vadakkil agam pukku irunThu minpOl nuNNidaiyAl oru kanniyai vEtruruvam seiThu vaiththa anbA! unnai aRinThu kondEn unakku anjuvan ammam tharavE
Purport Bathing Your golden body and feeding You milk, I took leave; Before I returned, You smashed the wheel-a demon in disguise; You then entered a house in north, morphed a lass by Your magic weave; Afraid I am, to feed You milk, now I know that You are big and wise.
(3) gummAyathodu vennai vizhungik kudath thayir sAyththup parugi poim mAya maruThu Ana asuraraip pondruviththu indru nI vanThAy im mAyam valla piLLai nambI! unnai enmaganE enbar nindrAr ammA unnai aRinThu kondEn unakku anjuvan ammam tharavE
Purport Devouring softly cooked pulses, butter, & binging curds; felling twin trees that were possessed of evil to the core; Standing now here, You are capable of magical feats beyond words; others say 'my child' but not me; I'm afraid to feed You anymore!
(4) mai Ar kaN mada Aychchiyar makkaLai maiyanmai seiThu avar pinpOy koy Ar poonthugil patrith thani nindru kutram pala pala seiThAy poyyA unnaip puRam pala pEsuva puththagathukku uL kEttEn iyyA unnai aRinThu kondEn unakku anjuvan ammam tharavE
Purport Taking aside mascara eyed cowherd girls holding their frilled dress; enticing them, You followed them to a secluded spot; unleashing amorous deeds, others gossip about You no less; Your stories fill a book!I am afraid to feed You, You're not a tot!
(5) muppOThum kadainThu Indiya vennaiyinOdu thayirum vizhungi kappAl AyargaL kAviR koNarnTha kalathodu sAythup parugi meippAl undu azhu piLLaigaL pOla nI vimmi vimmi azhugindra appA! unnai aRinThu kondEn unakku anjuvan ammam tharavE
Purport Splurging on fresh butter, curd and later; gulping down milk from pots that cowgirls carry; then drinking mine too and cried, like a cheater! Lord! to feed You milk, I am afraid and wary!
(6) karumbAr nIL vayaR kAy kathirch chennelaik katRanirai maNdith thinna virumbAk kandru ondru kondu viLangani vIzha eRinTha pirAnE! surumbAr menkuzhaR kanni oruththikkuch choozhvalai vaiththuththiriyum arambA! unnai aRinThu kondEn unakku anjuvan ammam tharavE
Purport With cows grazing around the Paddy fields-like sugarcane towers; You saw a vicious calf pretend & threw it over a bad apple-wood tree; its fruits fell, now You eyed a girl with bee-kissed flowers; O Playful, Afraid I am to feed You milk, I know You are great and free.
(7) maruttAr menkuzhaR kondu pozhil pukku vAivaiththu av Ayartham pAdi suruttAr menkuzhaR kanniyaR vanThu unnaich chuttrum thozha nindra chOThi! poruL thAyam illEn emberumAn! unnaip petra kutram allAl matru ingu arattA unnai aRinThu kondEn unakku anjuvan ammam tharavE
Purport The soft sound of Your flute makes one enchanted; Lovely cowgirls with thin hair surround and worship thee; illumined You stood, my Lord ! Nothing material I was granted except You, a naughty child! To feed You milk, I am at sea!
(8) vALA Agilum kANagillAr piRar makkaLai maiyanmai seiThu thOLAl ittu avarOdu thiLaiththu nI sollap padAThana seiThAy kELAr Ayar kulaththavar ip pazhi kettEn vAzhvillai nanThan kALAy! unnai aRinThu kondEn unakku anjuvan ammam tharavE
Purport Unaware of You, some dislike You, even if You do no wrong; You stop not at seducing girls, hugging and romancing them Everyone says You're a disgrace to us, defeated I cannot prolong Lovely child of Nandagopa! to think of feeding You makes me dumb!
(9) thAymAr mOr viRkappOvar thamappanmAr katrA niraip pinbu pOvarnI AyppAdi iLang kannimArgaLai nErpadavEkondu pOThi kAyvArkku endrum ugappanavE seiThu kaNdAr kazhaRath thiriyum AyA! unnai aRinThukondEn unakku anjuvan ammam tharavE
Purport women folk steps out to sell butter milk and men to graze cows their girls alone at home ; stealthily You go to meet them eloping with them to Your place, do things that suits Your foes Boy! You wander, enraging all! to feed You milk, I dare not come!
(10) thoththAr poonguzhal kanni oruththiyaich chOlaith thadam kondu pukku muththAr kongai puNarnThu irA nAzhigai moovEzhu sendra pin vanThAy oththArkku oththan pesuvar unnai urappavE nAn ondrum mAttEn aththA unnai aRinThukondEn unakku anjuvan ammam tharavE
Purport Taking her to the woods, the girl with a bunch of flowers on her hair; embracing her breasts where a pearl necklace swayed; ridiculed by Your foes, You returned home past midnight, so unfair I have no strength to rebuke You. To feed You milk; I am dismayed
(11) kArAr mEni niRaththu embirAnaik kadikamazh poonguzhal Aychchi ArA innamuthu uNNath tharuvan nAn ammam thArEn endra mAtram pArAr tholpugazhAn puThuvai mannan pattarbirAn sonna pAdal yErAr innisai mAlai vallAr irudIkEsan adiyArE
Purport These songs musically crafted by Periazhwar of Srivilliputtur fame speaks about the Lord, who resembles dark dense cloud; and Yasoda with scented flowers on hair, is scared to feed, coz of His name; those who read these, will serve Hrusheekesa with heads bowed
third ten second thirumozhi
Summary These pAsurams depict Yasoda's intense love for Krishna. She sends Krishna behind grazing calves. However she laments that by sending Him behind calves and to roam in forests, she has not only, unnecessarily, prevented Him from displaying His mischievous deeds in Thiruvaippaadi town, but committed a grave sin in subjecting Him to harsh environment of forests and mountains. Come, let us also share her pain.
(1) anjana vaNNanai Ayar kOlak kozhunThinai manjana mAtti manai gadORun thiriyAmE kanjanaik kAynTha kazhaladi nOvak kandrinpin en seyap piLLaiyaaip pOkkinEn elle pAvamE
Purport Black hued Lord of the cowherd clan, usually set free after a bath; stalked now from His ways of playing in others' homes; whacked Kamsa then with His feet, but now His legs in pain; slack I am, that I let Him go behind calves; Oh, Its a grave sin.
(2) patru manjaL poosip pAvai mArodu pAdiyil chitril sidaiththengum thImai seiThu thiriyAmE katruth thooLiyudai vEdar kAnidaik kandrinpin etrukken piLLaiyaip pOkkinEn ellE pAvamE
Purport Smears turmeric on the girls and so He plays; tears into their toy houses built with sand and gravel fears surround as He roams in dusty hunters' forests cheers no more, I sent Him behind calves, Oh, Its a grave sin.
(3) nanmaNi mEgalai nangai mArodu nAdoRum ponmAni mEni puzhuThi yAdith thiriyAmE kanmaNi nindraThir kAnaTharidaik kandrinpin enmaNi vaNNanaip pOkkinEn ellE pAvamE
Purport Wearing gem bedecked jewels in their waists, the girls would play pairing Him; His golden body would then be covered in dust Sparing not His freedom, I sent Him into harsh hilly forest behind calves Daring indeed I am in sending Him like that, Oh Its a grave sin.
(4) vaNNak karunguzhal mAThar vanThalar thootrida paNNip pala seiThu ippAdi engun thiriyAmE kaNNukku iniyAnaik kAnaTharidaik kandrinpin eNNaRkku ariyAnaip pOkkinEn ellE pAvamE
Purport Lovely coiffed cowgirls complaining about Him Bubbly Krishna keeps playing mischief in the town Lively He is, yet made to roam in terrible forest behind calves Dumbly I sent Him away, Oh Its a grave sin.
(5) avvav vidam bukku avvAyar peNdirk kaNukkanAy kovvaik kanivAi koduththuk koozhamai seiyyAmE evvunj silaiyudai vedar kAnidaik kandrinpin Theivath thalaivanaip pOkkinEn ellE pAvamE
Purport Locking His red lips with those of cowgirls Talking sweet words, He, the lord of gods, wanders Blocking Him from being His self I sent Him behind calves and; walking among hunters in forest; Oh Its a grave sin.
(6) midaRu mezhu mezhuththOda veNNai vizhungip pOy padiRu pala seiThu ippAdi engun thiriyAmE kadiRu pala thiri kAnaTharidaik kandrinpin idaRa ven piLLaiyaip pOkkinEn ellE pAvamE
Purport Gulping butter smoothly down the throat He runs; Hopping, He enters homes and makes off with things; Stopping Him doing all these, I sent Him behind calves and; flopping in forest where wild tuskers roam, Oh Its a grave sin.
(7) vaLLi nudang idai mAThar vanThalar Thootrida thuLLi viLaiyAdith thOzharOdu thiriyAmE kaLLi yuNangu veng kAnaTharidaik kandrinpin puLLin thalaivanaip pOkkinEn ellE pAvamE
Purport Slender waisted cowgirls make complaints about Krishna; pretender He is, unheeded, He jumps and plays with His friends. offender I am, the lord of Garuda is sent behind calves. Tender is His feet, roasted in hot forest sands, Oh Its a grave sin.
(8) panniru thingaL vayitriR kondavap pAnginAl enniLang kongai amuTha mootti yeduththi yAn ponnadi nOvap pulariyE kAniR kandrinpin ennilang singaththaip pOkkinEn ellE pAvamE
Purport Borne Him twelve months in my womb with Love Born like a young Lion, I fed Him my breast milk and nurtured Morn I sent Him into forest behind calves Torn I feel; that I put His golden feet in pain, Oh, Its a grave sin
(9) kudaiyunj seruppung kodAThE ThAmOTharanai nAn udaiyung kadiyana ooNdru vembaraR kaLudai