Divya Prabandham 12 страницаponvayiRRil poovE pOlvaan podhu naayakampaaviththu irumaandhu pon saaykkumpunal arangamE.
Purport Sixteen thousand Devis surround & serve the Lord; who's their husband & dwarakA's chief; He's on board srirangam where the proud fresh lotus flowers compare them to the lotus on His golden belly & swear!
(5) aamaiyaayk kangaiyaay aazhkadalaay avaniyaay aruvaraikaLaay naanmukanaay naanmaRaiyaay vELviyaayth thakkaNaiyaayth thaanum aanaan sEmam udai naaradhanaar senRu senRu thudhiththiRainchak kidandhaan kOyil poomaruvip puLLinangaL puLLaraiyan pukazh kuzhaRum punal arangamE.
Purport Tortoise, gangA, deep sea, earth, mountain & the four- faced, 4-vedas, the offerings are all His forms of yore; one who has garuda as vehicle, is revered by nAradA, the saint in the watery srirangam, where birds sing His praise & faint!
(6) maiththunanmaar kaadhaliyai mayir mudippiththu avarkaLaiyE mannaraakki uththaraithan siRuvanaiyum uyyakkoNda uyiraaLan uRaiyum kOyil paththarkaLum pakavarkaLum pazhamozhivaay munivarkaLum parandha naadum siththarkaLum thozhudh iRainchath thisai viLakkaay niRkinRa thiruvarangamE.
Purport He made pAndavAs' beloved tie her hair & made them kings; raised son of abhimanyu (parikshit) from dead & brings grace to srirangam where devotees, elders, pandits, folks and siddhAs pray to the Lord who radiates light all around!
(7) kuRal biramachaariyaay maavaliyaik kuRumb adhakki arasuvaangi iRaippozhidhil paadhaaLam kalavirukkai koduth thugandha emmaan kOyil eRippudaiya maNivaraimEl iLaNYaayiRu ezhundhaaRpOl aravaNaiyinvaay siRappudaiya paNangaL misaich chezhumaNikaL vitteRikkum thiruvarangamE.
Purport As a short brahmachAri, He sought 3 feet land straight from mahAbali; crushed his pride, took away his State; gave him the underworld; He's in srirangam like a rising Sun; on blue gem hill; rests on snake's red-gem-hued hood like none!
(8) urampaRRi iraNiyanai ukirnudhiyaal oLLiyamaar puRaikkavoonRi sirampaRRi mudiyidiyak kaNpidhunga vaay alarath thezhiththaan kOyil urampeRRa malark kamalam ulakaLandha sEvadipOl uyarndhu kaatta varambuRRa kadhirch chennel thaaLsaayththuth thalai vaNakkum thaNNarangamE.
Purport Body torn by sharp nails, chest pierced, head & crown smashed; eyes gouged, screaming hiraNyA, emboldened by boons, was thrashed to death by Him who's in the cool srirangam, where the paddy bowed; the lotus flower, like His tall feet that measured earth, stood proud!
(9) thEvudaiya meenamaay aamaiyaay Enamaay ariyaayk kuRaLaay moovuruviniraamanaayk kaNNanaayk kaRkiyaay mudippaan kOyil sEvalodu pedaiyannam sengamala malar ERi oosalaadip poovaNaimEl thudhaindh ezhu sem podiyaadi viLaiyaadum punalarangamE.
Purport As radiant fish, tortoise, boar,man-lion, a minikin man, parasurAmA, rAmA, krishnA & kalki, He killed the evil clan! Male & female swans enter lotus, play rubbing each other & smear pollens, in the water rich srirangam where the Lord brings cheer!
(10) seruvaaLum puLLaaLan maNNaaLan seruchcheyyum naandhakam ennum oruvaaLan maRaiyaaLan Odaadha padaiyaaLan vizhukkai yaaLan iravaaLanpakalaaLan_ennaiyaaLan Ezhulakap perum puravaaLan thiruvaaLan inidhaakath thirukkaNkaL vaLarkinRa thiruvarangamE.
Purport He rules garudA, who's adept in fighting, & the Earth; He wields peerless sword 'nandagam' which goes forth & kills foes; My lord who's in Srirangam, is kindly! He's Sri's spouse! ruler of 7 worlds who gives joy fondly!
(11) kain naakaththidar kadindha kanalaazhip padaiyudaiyaan karudhum kOyil thennaadum vadanaadum thozha ninRa thiruvarangam thiruppadhiyin mEl meynnaavan meyyadiyaan vittuchiththan viriththa thamizh uraikka vallaar eNYNYaanRum emperumaan iNaiyadikkeezh iNaipiriyaadhu iruppar thaamE.
Purport One who got rid of agony of a big-trunked-tusker & wields; fiery disc, the people of north & south pray; He shields in srirangam even as the truthful periAzhwAr praises Him in 10 tamil verses & those reciting will attain Lord's feet & win!
fourth ten tenth thirumozhi
Summary When death knocks at one's door, the body & mind may become so weak that one won't be able to utter Lord's divine Names and be able to go to His Abode. Who can think of Him when yamA's men frighten and terrorize the one who is on the verge of death. periAzhwAr, therefore, pleads with Lord that he constantly utter His Names when he's in good shape and that, the Lord, keeping this in mind, should save him at the moment of death. We are left with no choice but to simply follow AzhwAr's method, namely- repeat His divine Names at all times.
(1) thuppudaiyaarai adaivadhellaam sOrvidaththuth thuNaiyaavarenRE oppilEnaakilum ninnadaindhEn aanaikku nee aruL seydhamaiyaal eyppu ennaivandhun aliyumpOdhu angu Edhumn aanunnain inaikkamaattEn appOdhaikku ippOdhE sollivaiththEn arangathth aravaNaippaLLiyaanE
Purport Weak & unfit, I seek Your shelter, knowing You'll protect, like once You saved the elephant from getting wrecked; when disease & death comes knocking, I may not think of Thee; Lying on serpent-bed in srirangam, save me, now I make this plea!
(2) saamidaththu ennaikkuRikkoL kaNdaay sangodu sakkaramEndhinaanE naamadiththu ennai anEkathaNdam seyvadhaa niRparn amanthamarkaL pOmidath thuunthi Raththu eththanaiyum pukaavaNNam niRpadhOr maayai vallai aamidaththE unnaich chollivaiththEn arangathth aravaNaip paLLiyaanE
Purport Oh, who holds Conch & Discus; who in srirangam lies on serpent-bed; yamA's men, with tongue folded, waiting to punish me when I am dead; Deluded, I cannot think of You then even for a moment or pray; let me submit now, protect me in every possible way!
(3) ellaiyilvaasal kuRukach chenRaal eRRi namanthamar paRRumpOdhu nillumi nennum upaayamillai nEmiyum sangamum EndhinaanE sollalaam pOdhE un naamamellaam sollinEn ennaik kuRikkoNdu enRum allal padaavaNNam kaakkavENdum arangathth aravaNaip paLLiyaanE
Purport When death strikes me & yamA's men come my way; I have no idea how to stop them from dragging me away; With Discus & Conch,lying on serpent-bed in srirangam, You must remember to protect me always for I speak Your names reposing trust!
(4) oRRaividaiyanum naan mukanum unnaiyaRiyaap perumaiyOnE muRRaulakellaam neeyEyaaki moonRezhuththaaya mudhalvanEyaa aRRadhu vaaNaaLivaRk enReNNi ancha namanthamar paRRaluRRa aRRaikku neeennaik kaakkavENdum arangathth aravaNaip paLLiyaanE
Purport Neither matchless sivA nor brahmA knows Your endless fame! You're the Universe, syllable OM, primeval One, all the same. When yamA's men thinking 'his life's done' frighten & catch me; Oh! who sleeps on snake-bed in srirangam, protect me & not flee!
(5) paiy aravinaNaip paaRkadaluL paLLikoLkinRa paramamoorththi uyyaulaku padaikka vENdi undhiyil thORRinaay naanmukanai vaiya manisaraip poyyenReNNik kaalanaiyum udanE padaiththaay aiya-ini ennaik kaakkavENdum arangathth aravaNaip paLLiyaanE
Purport Oh great one! who reclines on serpent hood in the milky ocean! out of Your navel came brahmA for uplifting world's creation! Its You who created yamA thinking people may abadon Your laws; Lying on snake-bed in srirangam, please save me from yamA's jaws.
(6) thaNNena villai namanthamarkaL saalakkodumaikaL seyyaa niRpar maNNodu neerum eriyumkaalum maRRum aakaasamu maakininRaay eNNalaam pOdhEun naamamellaam eNNinEn ennaikkuRik koNdu enRum aNNalE nee ennaik kaakkavENdum arangathth aravaNaip paLLiyaanE
Purport Showing no mercy, yamA's men would punish me at their best; You are indeed Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space & all the rest! Lord of all! when I was good, I spoke all Your divine Names; resting on snake-bed in srirangam, save me from hell's flames!
(7) senchol maRaip poruLaaki ninRa dhEvarkaL naayakanE emmaanE enchalil ennudaiy innamudhE Ezhulakumudaiyaay ennappaa vanchavuruvin namanthamarkaL valindhu nalindhu ennaip paRRumpOdhu anchalamenRu ennaik kaakkavENdum arangathth aravaNaip paLLiyaanE
Purport You're the meaning of great words of vedAs, You're the God-head! You're faultless, nectar & the Lord of 7 worlds that're spread! My father! who reclines on snake-bed in srirangam! when yamA's men come furious to catch me, rescue me & say 'don't fear', then!
(8) naanEdhu munmaaya monRaRiyEn namanthamar paRRi nalindhittu indha oonE pukEy enRum OdhumpOdhu angEdhum naan unnai ninaikkamaattEn vaanEy vaanavarthangaLeesaa madhuraip piRandha maamaayanE en aanaay nee ennaik kaakkavENdum arangathth aravaNaip paLLiyaanE
Purport I know not Your mystical nature! when yamA's men torture me; and push me into another terrible body, I'll not think of Thee! Lord of celestials! Oh, born in mathurA, You possess magical powers! You're in srirangam on snake-bed, save me from those dreadful hours.
(9) kunReduththu aanirai kaaththaaayaa kOnirai mEyththavanE emmaanE anRumudhal inRaRudhiyaa aadhiyan chOdhi maRandhaRiyEn nanRum kodiya namanthamarkaL nalindhu valindhu ennaip paRRumpOdhu anRangu nee ennaik kaakkavENdum arangathth aravaNaip paLLiyaanE
Purport My Lord! You saved cows by lifting the Hill & herded them; Till now, never did I forget Your form, which is radiant gem! when the deadly yamA's men hold me & get ready to torture me; You, who lie on serpent-bed in srirangam, save me & set me free!
(10) maayavanai madhusoodhananai maadhavanai maRaiyOrkaLEththum aayarkaLERRinai achchudhanai arangathth aravaNaip paLLiyaanai vEyar pukazh villipuththoorman vittu chiththan sonnamaalai paththum thooya manaththanaraaki vallaar thoomaNi vaNNanukkaaLar thaamE.
Purport One with great powers, slayer of madhu, spouse of Sri, scholars' dear, cowherds' Head, who lies on snake-bed with glee; is sung by periAzhwAr of fame in ten verses like a garland; staying pure who reads this will serve blue-gem-hued in His land.
fifth ten first thirumozhi
Summary AzhwAr expresses his lowly nature, helplessness and lack of knowledge of anything other than uttering Lord's names. He says that if we can take to His names and constantly remember Him, then we can soon attain nArAyaNA's abode.
(1) vaakkuth thooymaiy ilaamaiyinaalE maadhavaa unnaivaayk koLLamaattEn naakku ninnaiyallaal aRiyaadhu naanadhanchuvan envasamanRu moorkkup pEsukinRaan ivanenRu munivaayElum ennaavinukku aaRREn kaakkai vaayilum katturaikoLvar kaaraNaa karuLak kodiyaanE
Purport mAdhavA! my impure tongue doesn't deserve to speak about You; though it knows only You, I am afraid what it might do! You're angry that I am foolish, yet I can't stop it's blahs Primal Cause! You've garudA's flag! accept my words as crow's caws!
(2) sazhakku naakkodup unkavisonnEn sangusakkaram Endhu kaiyanE pizhaip paraakilum thammadiyaar sol poRuppadhu periyOr kadananRE vizhikkum kaNNilEn nin kaNmaRRallaal vERoruvarOdu enmanam paRRaadhu uzhaikkuOr puLLi mikaiyanRu kaNdaay oozhi yEzh ulakuNd umizhndhaanE
Purport O Conch & Discus wielder! my tongue utters all wrong! Tolerate me, as elders have done to their boys for so long; You're my refuge; in deluge You gulped 7 worlds & spit! How can an extra dot on a deer be a blot? so, deem my flaws fit!
(3) nanmai theemaikaL onRum aRiyEn naaraNaa ennum iththnaiy allaal punmaiyaal_unnaippuLLuvampEsip pukazhvaan anRu kaNdaay thirumaalE unnumaaRu unnai onRum aRiyEn OvaadhE namO naaraNaa venban vanmai yaavadhu unkOyilil vaazhum vaittaNavan ennum vanmai kaNdaayE.
Purport I know not good or bad except nArAyaNA, the sacred word! nor do I speak deceipt to get favours from You, my Lord! other than ever uttering namO nArAyaNa, I know no other way! its my pride that I stay as a vaishNavA in Your temple & pray!
(4) nedumaiyaal ulagEzhum aLandhaay ninmalaa nediyaay adiyEnaik kudimai koLvadhaR kaiyuRa vENdaa kooRai sORivai vENduva dhillai adimai yennum akkOyinmai yaalE angangE avai pOdharum kaNdaay kodumaik kanchanaik konRu ninthaadhai kOththavan thaLai kOL viduththaanE
Purport Growing tall, You measured seven worlds, O pure One! Doubt not, I am Your servant; shelter or food, I seek none! these come unsought when I serve You, O Lord! You may see! You killed evil kamsa & broke shackles to set Your father free!
(5) thOtta millavaL aaththozhu Odai thudavaiyum kiNaRum ivai yellaam vaattaminRi unponnadik keezhE vaLaippakam vakuththuk koNdirundhEn naattu maanidaththOdu enakku aridhu nachchuvaar palar kEzhalonRaagi kOttumaN koNda koLkai yinaanE kuncharam veezhak kom bosiththaanE
Purport Garden, wife, cows, cowshed, pond, land and well! all these I see in Your golden feet dwell! though some prefer living with town folks, I see its not worth! O You smashed the tusk of elephant & as Boar, brought up Earth!
(6) kaNNaa naanmukanaip padaiththaanE kaaraNaa kariyaay adiyEn naan uNNaa naaLpasi yaava dhonRillai OvaadhE namO naaraNaa venRu eNNaa naaLum irukkesuch chaama vEdha naaN malar koNdu un paadham naNNaa naaL ava thaththaRu maagil anRu enakku avai pattini naaLE.
Purport O krishnA! the primal Cause, You created the 4-faced One! O dark cloud hued! when I ate not, there was hunger none; When I repeated not 'namO nArAyaNa' nor worshiped Your feet with fresh flowers & vedas, its the day I starved & didn't eat!
(7) veLLai veLLaththin mEl oru paambai meththai yaaga viriththu adhan mElE kaLLa niththirai koLkinRa maarkkam kaaNa laangol enRaasai yinaalE uLLamsOra ukandh edhir vimmi urOma koobangaLaay kaNNa neerkaL thuLLam sOraththu yilaNai koLLEn sollaay yaanunnaith thaththuRu maaRE.
Purport Desirous of seeing Thee lying on snake-bed in the milky ocean in yogic sleep, my mind melts, thrilled & overcome by emotion! my eyes shed tears and lying down in my bed, I can't get sleep; Reveal the way to attain Thee, as it seems far and deep!
(8) vaNNa maalvaraiyE kudaiyaaga maari kaaththavanE madhusoodhaa kaNNanE karikOL viduththaanE kaaraNaa kaLiRatta piraanE eNNuvaar idaraik kaLaivaanE Eththarum perungeerththi yinaanE naNNi naan unnai naaLthoRu mEththum nanmaiyE aruLsey empiraanE
Purport Like an umbrella, You lifted the big and colorful gOvardhanA hill! to save cows & cowherds from rain! killed madhu with Your skill! Saved an elephant*, but killed the other**; Great Lord! the Cause! Thinking of You one is saved! make me Your devotee without a pause! *gajEndran was saved from a crocodile's clutches **kuvalayApeedam got killed by Sri Krishna
(9) nambanE navinREththa vallaargaL naadhanE narasinga madhaanaay umbar kOn ulakEzhum aLandhaay oozhiyaayinaay aazhi munnEndhi kamba maakari kOL viduththaanE kaaraNaa kadalaik kadaindhaanE empiraan ennai yaaLudaith thEnE EzhaiyEn idaraik kaLaiyaayE.
Purport O trust worthy! You're the master to those who sing Your praise! narasimhA! Lord of celestials! measured worlds without a faze! Saved frightened tusker from trouble! primal Cause indeed You're! You churned ocean! honey! save this poor soul, My Lord without par!
(10) kaamar thaadhai karudhalar singam kaaNaviniya karunguzhal kuttan vaamanan en marakadha vaNNan maadhavan madhusoodhanan thannai sEma nangamarum pudhuvaiyar kOn vittu chiththan viyan thamizh paththum naama menRu navinR uraippaarkaL naNNuvaa rollai naaraNanulakE
Purport Father of manmathA! a lion to those who hate! lovely boy with dark hair, a minikin, green gem hued Lord gives joy! mAdhavA! madhusUdhanA! thus sings periAzhwar a decad in tamil; those who recite would soon reach His abode by His will.
fifth ten second thirumozhi
Summary periAzhwAr states that diseases occupying his body due to accumulation of sins committed since a long time have no place now because of presence of Lord who chose to enter his body (He likens 'body' to a town/city) and guards it like a fortress.
(1) neyk kudaththaip paRRi ERum eRumbukaL pOlnirandhu engum kaikkoNdu niRkinRa nOykaaL! kaalam peRa uyyappOmin meykkoNdu vandhu pukundhu vEdhap piraanaar kidandhaar paikkoNda paambaNai yOdum paNdanRu pattinam kaappE.
Purport O diseases! You occupy the body like ants swarming ghee-pot; leave soon & live! Lord of vedAs, with snake-bed over the cot; has chosen to reside within me and lie down without a frown; Its not the old body anymore for He's now protecting the town!
(2) chiththira kuththan ezhuththaal thenpulakkOn poRiyoRRi vaiththa ilachchinai maaRRith thoodhuvar OdiyoLiththaar muththuth thiraik kadaRsErppan moodhaRivaaLar mudhalvan paththark kamudhan adiyEn paNdanRu pattinam kaappE.
Purport Tearing chithragupthA's books, stamped by yamA, the southern king; his men ran & hid! The wavy pearled sea is where Lord has His wing! He's the head of learned celestials & devotees' nectar; I serve Him; my body isn't the old one anymore, as He guards the city to the brim!
(3) vayiRRil thozhuvaip piriththu vanpulach chEvaiy adhakki kayiRRum akkaaNi kazhiththuk kaalidaip paasam kazhaRRi eyiRRidai maNkoNda endhai iraappakal Odhuviththu ennaip payiRRip paNiseyyak koNdaan paNdanRu pattinam kaappE.
Purport Lord freed me from the prison of my mother’s womb, shut the desires of my 5 senses & this body of nerves and flesh, like dousing fires; He who rescued Earth, as a Boar, saved me from yamA's noose & court; taught me good ways day & night;now guards the old body like a fort!
(4) mangiya valvinai nOykaaL! umakkum Orvalvinai kaNdeer ingup pukEnmin pukEnmin eLidhanRu kaNdeer pukEnmin singap piraanavan emmaan sErumthiruk kOyil kaNdeer pangap padaadhu uyyappOmin paNdanRu pattinam kaappE.
Purport O diseases, caused by accumulated sins, its bad time for you; It's not easy to enter here; go away to survive, don't rue! Know that my Lord, Lion God, has His home within my frame; and protects this old body, flee if you have any shame!
(5) maaNik kuRaL uruvaay amaayanai enmanaththuLLE pENik koNarndhu pukudha vaiththuk koNdEn piRidhinRi maaNikkap paNdaaram kaNdeer valivan kuRumbar kaLuLLeer! paaNik kavENdaan adamin paNdanRu pattinam kaappE.
Purport He came as manikin; did stunning feats! He's a gem stone! I made Him enter my heart so that I am never alone! O awful senses! flee if you don't want to live short; this body is not old anymore; He guards it now like a fort!
(6) uRRa vuRupiNi nOykaaL! umakku onRusollukEn kENmin peRRangaL mEykkum piraanaar pENum thirukkOyil kaNdeer aRRam uraikkinREn innam aazhvinaikaaL! umakku ingu Or paRRillai kaNdeer nadamin paNdanRu pattinam kaappE.
Purport O terrible diseases tormenting this body for long! listen! Lord who tends cows now stays within me strong! O lingering troubles! no use sticking with me anymore! Its not the old body but is guarded to the core!
(7) kongaich chiRuvarai yennum podhumbinil veezhndhu vazhukki angOr muzhaiyinil pukkittu azhundhik kidandh uzhalvEnai vangak kadal vaNNan ammaan valvinaiy aayinamaaRRi pangap padaavaNNam seydhaan paNdanRu pattinam kaappE.
Purport Obsessed with mountain like breasts & thin waist; fainted & fell into a pit; in the dark hell I paced; Ocean hued Lord changed the effects of my sinful frame! He guards me like a fort & saved me from shame.
(8) EdhangaL aayina vellaam iRangaliduviththu ennuLLE peedhaka vaadaip piraanaar pirama kuruvaaki vandhu pOdhil kamalavan nencham pukundhum en senniththidaril paadha vilachchinai vaiththaar paNdanRu pattinam kaappE.
Purport Lord who wears silk robe & teaches wisdom as a guru enters me and wipes out all my sins and faults from view; He then keeps His lotus feet on my head to bless; My body is not like old; its now a fortress, no less!
(9) uRakal uRakal uRakal oNsudaraazhiyE! sangE! aRaveRi naandhakavaaLE! azhakiya saarngamE! thaNdE! iRavu padaamal irundha eNmarulOka paaleerkaaL! paRavai yaraiyaa! uRakal paLLiyaRaik kuRikkONmin.
Purport O radiant Discus! O nAndagam! the sword that slays foes! O pAnchajanyam! O sArnga, the lovely bow! O mace that shows! O guardians of 8 directions! O king of birds! sleep not! my body is His sleeping place! look after me without a thought!
(10) aravath thamaLiyinOdum azhakiya paaRkadalOdum aravindhap paavaiyumthaanum akampadivandhu pukundhu paravaith thiraipalamOdhap paLLi koLkinRa piraanai paravukinRaan vittuchiththan pattinam kaavaR poruttE.
Purport Along with His snake bed, milky ocean & lotus like beloved; Lord entered the body with ocean waves that dashed & shoved; & reclined in his heart; thus periAzhwAr sang in praise of Lord for protecting his body like a fortress always!
fifth ten third thirumozhi
Summary periAzhwAr states that he was caught in the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. But once he had the vision of Lord in thirumAlirunjchOlai, everything changed. He says that he would not let the Lord go away from Him anymore.
(1) thukkach chuzhalaiyaich choozhndhukidandha valaiyaiaRappaRiththu pukkinil pukkunnaik kaNdukoNdEn inip pOkaviduvadhuNdO? makkaL aRuvaraik kallidaimOdha izhandhavaL thanvayiRRil sikkena vandhupiRandhu ninRaay! thirumaal irun chOlai yendhaay!
Purport Caught in the net surrounded by swirling pond of grief; I cut this bond by seeing the divine form of my Chief! He showed up in Devaki's womb as her 6 kids got stoned & hit lord of thirumAlirunjchOlai! I won't let you easily quit
(2) vaLaiththu vaiththEn inip pOkalottEn unthan indhiraNYaalankaLaal oLiththidil nin thiruvaaNai kaNdaay nee oruvarkkum meyyanallai aLiththengum naadum nakaramum thammudaith theevinai theerkkaluRRu theLiththuvalancheyyum theerththamudaiththirumaalirunchOlai yendhaay!
Purport I got You trapped so You can't slip! it's my decree in Your wife's name! Don't try tricks to hide & flee; You aren't true! thirumAlirunjchOlai is where You stay where all take dip in clear waters to keep sins at bay!
(3) unakkup paNiseythirukkum thavamudaiyEn, inippOy oruvan thanakkup paNindhu kadaiththalai niRkai nin saayaiyazhivu kaNdaay punaththinai kiLLip pudhuvavikaatti unponnadi vaazhkavenRu inakkuRavar pudhiyadhuNNum ezhil thirumaalirunchOlai yendhaay!
Purport Till now I am fortunate in serving You true; How can I think of another, will it not defame You? The place kuravA men pluck fresh millets from ground to cook food for You is the lovely mAlirunjchOlai mound!
(4) kaadham palavum thirindhuzhanRERku angOr nizhalillai neerillai un paadha nizhalallaal maRROru yirppidam naan engum kaaNkinRilEn thoodhusenRaay! kuru paaNdavarkkaay angOr poysuRRam pEsichchenRu pEdhancheydhu engumpiNam padaiththaay! thirumaal irunchOlaiyendhaay!
Purport I roamed a long way in distress, but couldn't see a shelter or water or living place except shadow of Thee; As pAndavAs' envoy, You told lies & ensured there's fight & dead bodies; You're in mAlirunjchOlai with all Your might!
(5) kaalum ezhaakaNNa neerum nillaa udalsOrndhu nadungi kural mElum ezhaamayirk koochchumaRaa ena thOLkaLum veezhvozhiyaa maalukaLaa niRku menmananE! unnai vaazhath thalaippeydhittEn sElukaLaa niRkum neeLsunaisoozh thirumaal irunchOlai yendhaay!
Purport Legs won't walk, eyes shed tear, body tires & shaken; Voice quivers; I horripilate, shoulders fall & weaken; Thus elated, I spend my life in Your thoughts & pray; Fishes play in ponds of mAlirunchOlai where You stay!
(6) eruththuk kodiyudaiyaanum piramanum indhiranum maRRum oruththarum ippiRaviyennum nOykku marundhaRi vaarumillai maruththuvanaay ninRa maamaNivaNNaa! maRupiRavithavirath thiruththi unkOyiR kadaip pukappey thirumaalirunchOlaiyendhaay!
Purport Not sivA with a bull-flag, brahmA, indra or none knows medicine to stop rebirth; O blue-gem hued one! You're in thirumAlirunjchOlai as a doctor for me! Make me live at Your temple doorstep, its my plea!
(7) akkarai yennumanaththak kadaluLazhundhi unpEraruLaal ikkarai yERiyiLaith thirundhEnai anchalenRu kaikaviyaay sakkaramum thadakkaikaLum kaNkaLum peedhaka vaadaiyodum sekkar niRaththuch chivappudaiyaay!thirumaalirunchOlaiyendhaay!
Purport Caught in the futile ocean of this life, I torment; Say 'fear not'! lift me up! show grace, not dissent; O Lord of thirumAlirunjchOlai! with discus in hand, mighty armed, golden attired, red-sky hued,You stand!