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THE GARUDA PURANA  35 страница

1. Lannea grandis.

538 Garufa Purdna 23. Jati leaves must be chewed well and kept in the mouth for some time. This cures sores in the mouth. By chewing and eating seeds of ko$a, teeth shaking in their roots become steady.

24. Chewing Mu§{aka, Ku$tha, Ela Yaspka, Balaka and Dhanyaka with honey removes bad odour from the mouth, O Hara.

25-26. Daily intake of astringent, pungent and bitter vegetables fried in oil removes fetid smell from the mouth and all ulcers of the gum and teeth are removed by this.

27. Gargling with sour gruel mixed with oil removes the pain due to the burning of the mouth on account of lime while chewing betel, O Siva.

28-29. Just as mucous secretions of Kapha are generated by chewing Sun$hl so also the application of the lambative prepared with leaves of Matulunga, Ela, Yasti, Madhu, Pippali and the leaves of Jati, cause the same. Chewing the sprouts of Sephalika proves effective in curing goitre.

30-31. O Sankara, by extracting! the impure blood from the veins of the nostril Jihvika is quelled. The juice of the seeds of Sirisa cooked with fourtimes that of Haridra can be used as an errhine, O Bhutesa, for removing headache. An instan taneous relief from sore throat also is possible.

32. By chewing the root of Guflja all the worms in the teeth perish. An astringent decoction of Kakajangha, Snuhi, and Nill mixed with honey, O Siva, destroys worms originating in and affecting the teeth.

33. Rubbed with the ghi cooked in milk with Karkafa, feet as well as teeth do not produce a coarse sound in gnashing.

34-37. O Siva, (in the above case) it is enough if teeth are rubbed with Karkafapada alone. Fruits of Jyoti§matI must be soaked in water for twentyone days and ground into paste with the pulp of white Abhaya. If this compound is used for rub|»ng the teeth it removes dark spots and tartar in the- teeth.

A compound of powdered Lodhra, Kumkuma, Maflji$tha, Loha Ka ley aka, Yava, rice grain and Ya$timadhu with water can be applied over the face by ladies for making it bright and shining.

38. A prastha of Taila (oil) is to be cooked with two parts of goat’s milk and kar$aka each of Raktacandana Mafiji$tha and Lak§& or Ya$|Imadhu and Kumkuma. This gives bright lustre to the face in seven days.

39-41. Water boiled with Sun^hl, powdered Pippali, Guduci and Kan^akarika when drunk improves digestion. O Siva

(Pramathesvara — lord of spirits) it removes the ache due to the deranged Vayu. A decoction of Karafija, Karkafa, Uiira, Brhatl, Kafurohini, and Gok$ura when drunk quells vertigo, burning sensation, Pittajvara, emaciation and fainting.

42. A decoction of powdered Pippali with milk, honey and ghee when drunk quells palpitation of the heart, cough, and chronic intermittent fever.

43. The usual dosage for all drugs in decoction is half a Kar? a. O Vrsabhadhvaja, according to the age of the patient slight alteration is also recommended.

44. Watery portion squeezed out of cowdung mixed with the juice of Kakajangha and drunk with milk quells Vismajvara (chronic intermittent fever).

45-46. Milk boiled with Sunthi also cures visama jvara.

Yasjimadhu, Mur J i, rock salt, Bfhadphala used as errhine induces sleep. The above compound can be mixed with Marica and honey, O Siva, to make them more soporific.

47-48. Band" " ing the head with the roots of Kakajangha induces sleep. Oil cooked with sour gruel and Saijarasa and applied with cold water allays heat and burning sensation due to fever with contamination of blood.

49-50. A decoction of Sail! 1, Saiv& la, Agnimantha, Sunjhi, Pasanabhedaka Sobhafijana or Gok$ura, Vanupa 2 3, Channa 8, and the root of Sobhafijana with Hingu and Yavaksara removes Pitta and Vayu.

51. Water boiled with Pippali, root of Pippali and Bhallataka when drunk quells colic epileptic fits.

1. Identity not clear.

2. Crataeva nurvala.

3. Identity not clear.

52. Asvagandha, Mulaka and the clay from anthill applied as a plaster, O Rudra, quells Urustambha (paralysis of the thighs).

53. The root of Bfhatika ground into paste with water and drunk quells Sanghatavata.

54. The root of Ardraka and Tagara drunk with buttermilk dispels Jhiftjinlvata like the thunderbolt felling a tree.

55. The drug Asthisamhara taken with a single meal everyday, or drunk with gravy dispels deranged Vayu and sets broken bones right.

56. Powdered fried grain mixed with goat’s milk and ghee can be applied to the feet to relieve them of aching sensation. There is no doubt.

57. A compound of honey, ghee, rock salt, Siktha (cooked rice), jaggery, Gairika, Guggula and Sarjarasa when applied as plaster gives relief to affected lungs.

58. O Vrsabhadhvaja, clay-eaten soles of the feet smeared with mustard oil must be warmed over a smokeless fire for quick relief.

59. Ghi medicated with Sarjarasa, Jiraka, and Haritaki and pasted with cooked rice can be applied over scalds and burns for instantaneous relief.

60. Heated oil mixed with ashes of Yava frequently applied over scalds and blisters heals them.

61. Fried and powdered Tila mixed with butter from buffalo’s milk and Bhallata applied as an errhine removes cardiac colic, and applied as a plaster heals ulcers.

62. Karpura and butter from cow’s milk must be applied over a cut from any weapon and bandaged with a white cloth, O Sankara. O Vrsabhadhvaja, it will cease to give pain and will not suppurate.

63. A sword cut heals when the juice of the root of Amra is applied. When smeared with ghee it does not begin to turn into an ulcer.

64. SarapunkhS, LajjSluka. Paths, and their roots ground into paste in water and applied to sword-cuts heal them.

65. Root of Kakajangha applied to ulcerating wounds for three days removes their suppuration, pain and fetid odour.

66. Pain caused by a blow can be quelled by fomentation with the root of Apamarga cooked in water and oil.

67. O Sankara, Abhaya, rock salt and Sunjhl ground into paste with water when taken in quells indigestion.

68. Roots of Nimba worn round the waist remove excruciating pain in the eyes. If the root of Sana is eaten with Tambula it removes the disorder of urination with semen discharge.

69. Haridra cooked in steam with rice, root of white mustard and seeds of Matulunga applied over the body for seven days give it a bright hue.

70. O Vrsabhadhvaja, the juice of the leaves of white Aparajita and Nimba or the juice of Madhuka pith used as an errhine removes the evil influence of Dakinis, manes and Brahmaraksasas.

71. When moon enters the star Pusya cull the roots of white Jayantl 1, white Aparajita, Arka and Citraka, grind all these into paste and prepare Vatikas thereof. If a man marks his forehead in the form of a Tilaka with these Vatikas, women will be under his control.

72-73. O Rudra, Pippali, iron filings, Sunthi, Amalaka, rocksalt, honey and sugar taken in equal quantities must be ground into paste. A daily dose of this compound, of the size of an Udumbara fruit for seven days makes the man strong and longlived. He may live even up to two hundred years. The mantra, Orh Jha Th< T^a employed in all activities involving charms blesses one with everything one wishes for.

74-77. Take a crow’s nest from the tree and burn it over the funeral pyre. If the ashes are cast on the head of the enemy, O Sankara, the enemy will be driven from his place of rest. O Rudra, hear some more such black devices of high potency. If a man places the faeces of his enemy on the hide of a wild rat and ties it round his waist band the enemy will suffer from suppression of stools. O Hara, if the name of any man is written on a mango leaf with the blood of a black crow and that leaf is cast among filthy substances he is sure to be eaten by crows. A woman also can be killed like this.

1. A synonym of agnimantha.

78. Sugar, honey, goat’s milk and equal quantities of Tila and Goksuraka must be cast off (with the desire for the extinction of the enemy). It is sure to destroy him, O Hara..

79. Hundred twigs of Bilva dripping with the blood of an owl and a black crow must be put into the sacrificial fire by reciting the names of two enemies. These two persons are sure to be bitter enemies.

80. Oil cooked in the milk of a bear with the flesh of the fish Rohita if applied over the body cures all ailments. The washings of sandalwood used as an errhine facilitates the reappearance of fallen hair.

81. He who holds a Lahgalika 1 bulb in his hand and rubs it over his body, removes the arrogance of Hydrocele (he will be cured of it).

82. O Isvara, O Siva, one can take away the life of blazing (poisonous) serpents even if they are in their holes, by means of the blood of a peacock.

83. If a serpent Ajagara (Boa constrictor) is burnt to ashes in a funeral pyre and the ashes are cast off in front of the enemies they will be struck down.

84. If they are cast off with the following mantra their destruction will be more terrible: —

Om Tha Tha Tha, Cdhihi Cdhihi Svdhd. Orh Udaram Pahihi Pdhihi Svdha.

85. When the moon enters the asterism Pusya cull the root of Sudarfana and keep it in the middle of the house;

Serpents will avoid that house.

86. Roots of Arka plant soaked in the oil of Siddhartha and dried in the sun and made into wicks remove the serpents on the way.

87-89. The flesh of a cat, its excreta and Haritala well cooked in goat’s milk should be smeared over the body of a rat.

The rat thrown into a house will drive away other rats from the place. O Rudra, there is no doubt about it. Fumigating with the vapours of a compound consisting of Triphala, Arjuna flowers, Bhallataka, Sirlsaka, Laksa Sarjarasa, Vitfanga and Guggula destroys all flies and mosquitoes.

1. Gloriosa superba.




Hari said:

1-2. A woman shall repeat the mantra Om N& rayanyai Sv& hd and give the man she loves Tambula medicated with a compound of Brahmadandb Vaca, Kustha, Priyarigu and Nagakesara. After giving the betel-leaf she must repeat the Om Harih Harih Sv& hd. The man to whom it is given will surely be under her control.

3. Cow’s tooth, Haritala, and crow’s tongue powdered together and deposited on the head of a man will make him be under the control of the person who deposits it. But if the victim had kept a garland of white mustard flowers in his house this will not be effective.

4. There will be perpetual quarrel in the house at the threshold of which Vaibhitaka and Sakhotaka with the roots and leaves are deposited.

5. A woman shall grind the flesh of Khafijarita bird with honey and apply the compound to her vaginal passage during the period of menstruation. Her husband will be her slave.

6. Fumigating one’s body with a compound of Aguru,.

Guggulu, Nilotpala and jaggery one shall be a great favourite in the Royal threshold.

7. ATilaka (mark on the forehead) with the root of white Aparajita ground with Rocana will enable one to captivate anyone he sees in the royal palace.

8. Kakajangha, Vaca, Kus{ha, leaves of Nimba, Kumkuma and one’s own blood compounded together will enable any one to control others.

9- Take the blood of a wild cat and purify it by cooking it in the oil of Karafija. Smear a lotus leaf with this and holding this above Rudragni (funeral pyre) take the root as well and make a collyrium of all together. If this is applied to the eyes one can be invisible.

10. The mantra to be recited is as follows: — Orh namah Khadgavajrapdriaye Mahd-Yak$asendpataye Svahd Orh Rudrarh Hr& iii Hrirh Vara§aktatvarit& vidy&. Orh Mdtarah Stambhayata Sv& hd. The root of Mahasugandhika kept round the hips arrests the rapid emission of semen.

11. Reciting the following mantra Orh Namah Sarvasattvebhyah Namah Siddhirh Kuru Kuru Svdhi seven times, the man should whirl the flowers of Karavlra in front of women. He can bring under his control whomsoever he wishes.

12. Brahmadandi, Vaca and Patra should be ground into paste with honey and applied over the organ (of generation). The woman will never wish for another husband.

13. Clumps of Brahmadantji kept in the mouth at the time of sexual intercourse will arrest the rapid emission of semen. Roots of Jayanti kept in the mouth will give the man splendid victory in cohabitation.

14. Roots of Bhrrigaraja ground into paste with semen and applied to the eyes like collyrium will enable any woman to captivate her lover.

15. Handing over betel leaves with clumps of Aparajita with Nilotpala is an effective means of captivating others. 16-18. The regions where Candrakalas (erotic centres)

are located in men and women are Big toes, feet, heels, knees, pelvis, navel, chest, abdomen, armpits, throat, cheeks, lips, eyes, forehead and head. In men they are in the right side and in women they are in the left side. By tickling these centres love can be aroused. Different centres from the head to the toe should be tickled in the bright half and from toe to head in the dark half. In the KamaSastra (Science of Erotics) sixty four arts and measures of fascination have been fully explained by which man and wife can enamour mutually. Girls and women are charmed by close embraces.

19. Rocana, fragrant flowers, Nimba flowers, Priyangu, Kumkuma and Candana marking the forehead can keep the whole world captivated. The mantra to be recited in this process of fascination is: —

20. Om Htirii Gauri Devi, Saubhagyaih Puru$ava$y& di Dehi Me.

Oth Hritii Lak$mi Devi Saubhagyaih Sarvarh TrailokyaMohanam [O Goddess Gauri, give unto me all fortunes and amiability of children. O goddess Laksmi, give unto me the fortune that charms the three worlds].

21. O Rudra, sweet scents, turmeric, saffron, etc. applied over the body, fumigations, flowers, incense, etc, are things that charm others.

22. By applying a plaster of Duralabha, Vaca, KushaJ:

Kumkuma and Satavari ground into paste in oil, to the vaginal passage, a woman can charm her lover.

23. Fumigating her vaginal canal with the smoke of Nimba twigs a woman will become fortunate enslaving her husband.

24. Butter taken from buffalo’s milk, Kusjha, Madhuvastika, etc applied to the vagina makes a woman fortunate in conjugal bliss and her husband her slave.

25. Cook Madhuyasti, Kantakarika and cow’s milk taken in equal quantities in water and reduce the entire thing to onefourth. This decoction drunk hot enables a woman to conceive quickly.

26. Seeds of Matulunga should be purified and cooked in milk. Drinking this a woman will be able to conceive. There is no doubt in this.

27. A woman desiring to beget a male child must drink ghee medicated with seeds of Matulunga and roots of Eran^a.

28. Asvagandha cooked in milk and mixed with ghee is a good medicine enabling conception. Seeds of Palaia ground into paste with honey when drunk by a woman in menses stop the menstrual flow as well as conception.




Hari said:

1-2. O Rudra, after cleaning the teeth with an astringent decoction of Haritakl apply a paste of Haritala, Yavaksara, Patranga, Raktachandana, Jati, Hingulaka and Laksa well cooked, over the teeth. O Rudra, by this means teeth will turn red. There is no doubt.

3. Cook Mulaka in low fire by steaming and then squeeze out its juice. This is a good ear drop arresting the fetid discharge from the ears.

4. Take leaves of Arka and heat them in low fire. The juice squeezed out of these leaves is a good remedy for earache.

5. Oil cooked and medicated with Priyangu, Madhuka, Yasti, Dhataki, Utpala leaves, Mafijistha, Lodhra, Laksa and the juice of Kapittha when applied to the vaginal passage removes fetid leucorrbic discharges.

6. A medicated compound of dry Mulaka and Sunthi burnt to ashes, Hingu, Mahausadha, Satapuspa, Vaca, Kusfha Daru and Sigru is a great rejuvinating elixir.

7-8. Oil medicated and cooked with Sauvarcala Yavaksara, Sarjaka, Saindhava, Granthi, Vidam, Musta, four lines of Madhu, juice of Matuluriga and juice of Kadali, undoubtedly arrests all sorts of foul discharges.

9-10. Mustard oil poured into the ears destroys all worms.

O Hara, these seven drugs: —

Haridra, Nimba leaves, Pippali, Marica, Vidangabhadra Musta and Vi$vabhe§aja ground into paste with cow’s urine and made into pills constitute a great medicine. Even a single pill dispels indigestion, two pills will cure cholera.

1 1. These pills mixed with honey remove Patala (coating in the eye) taken in with cow’s urine remove tumours. Wicksthus made are called Sankari Varti and are called efficacious in all sorts of eyesores.




Han said: —

1. Equal parts of Vaca, Marhsi, Bilva, Tagara, Padmakesara, Nagapuspa and Priyarigu powdered together and used for fumigating the body enables the man to become as handsome as Cupid himself.

2. A paste of Karpura and Devadaru with honey applied over the penis enables a man to enamour any woman.

3. After sexual intercourse a man should take the discharged semen with his left hand and apply the same to the left hand of the woman whom he wants to keep under his power. She will never wish the company of any other man.

4. Orfi Raktacdmun^e Amukam Me Vaiarn Anaya Anaya Orh Hrirh Hrurh Hrah Phaf. Repeat this mantra ten thousand times and apply a tilaka mark on the forehead with your own blood and Gorocana. You can keep everyone under your control, O Sankara.

5-8. Saindhava, Krsnalavana, Sauvira, Matsyapitta, honey, ghi and sugar pasted together should be applied to the Vaginal passage. A man having sexual intercourse with that woman will never approach another woman. A compound of & ankhapu§pl, Vaca, Mamsf, SomarajI and Phalguka 1 pasted with butter taken out of buffalo’s milk must be formed into pills. Lotus with its stalk should be pasted with milk and ghee.

The pills are to be purified with this juice and inserted into the vaginal passage of a woman. Even if she had given birth to ten children the local muscles will be so toned as to make her seem a virgin.

9-11. A compound of Sarsapa, Vaca, fruits of Madana, Cat’s faeces, Dhattura and the hair of a woman when fumiated destroys caturthaka fever (quotidian fever) and the fever due to the malignant influence of Dakinis. A compound of flowers of Aijuna, Bhallataka, Vitjangaka, Bala, Sarjaras, Sauvira and Sarsapa when fumigated drives out serpents, fleas, lice, flies and mosquitoes.

12. Powdered Bhulata inserted into the vaginal passage induces numbness of the local muscles.




Hari said:

1. Tambula pasted with ghi, honey, salt and milk in a copper vessel removes pain in the eyes.

2. A lambative made of Haritaki, Vaca, Kustha, Vyosa, Hingu and Manahsila taken with honey and ghi dispels cough, hiccough and Asthma.

3. Powdered Pippali and Triphala shall be licked with honey, Catarrh, cough and chronic acute dyspnea will be removed.

4. The aches of Citraka along with its roots and the powder of Pippali shall be licked with honey. O Vrsadhvaja, dyspnea, cough and hiccough shall subside.

5. Equal quantities of Nilotpala, Madhuka and Padmaka taken with sugar and washings of rice quell all disorders in the blood.

6. Powdered Sunfhi mixed with sugar and honey and taken in makes the voice as sweet as that of a cuckoo.

7. A compound of Haritala, Sankha, and ashes of plantain leaves all pounded well and rubbed over the body is a great depilatory.

8. Lavana, Haritala, fruits of TumbinI pasted with the juice of Lak$& is also a fine depilatory.

9. Sudha Haritala, Ash of Sankha, Manahsila and Rock salt must be ground into paste with goat’s urine. This removes all unwanted hair immediately after application.

10-11. Sankha, Amalaka Patra and flowers of Dhataki ground into paste with milk and kept in the mouth for a week gives a shining glossy lustre to the teeth.




Hart said:

1. In the seasons of Vasanta (spring) Grlsma (summer) and Sarad (Autumn) use of curd is not recommended. It is very good in Hemanta, Sisira and the rainy season.

2. Sugar taken with butter makes the intellect keen.

Daily intake of old jaggery, about a pala per dose, makes the man so strong that he can satisfy a thousand women, O Hara.

3. Kustha powdered well and ground into paste with ghl and honey must be taken at bed-time. It dispels wrinkles and greying hair.

4. O Sankara, Atasi, Masa and Godhuma ground into paste with ghl and powdered Pippall when applied over the body make it shine with lustre like that of Kandarpa (Cupid).

5. Yava, Tila, Asvagandha, Musall and Sarala 1 ground into paste with jaggery and taken in regularly make the man young and strong.

6. A decoction of Hingu, Sauvarcala, and Sunthl when drunk dispels Parinama Sula (a type of Gastralgia) and impaired digestion.

7. Dhataki and Somaraji ground and cooked with milk and taken regularly, make the weakest man the stoutest. There is no doubt.

8. Sugar taken with honey and butter makes one strong.

A consumptive patient taking to a diet of milk can nourish himself and become intelligent.

1. A synonym of trivrt.

9-10. Powdered Kulira 1 drunk with milk dispels tuberculosis Bhallataka, Vi< Janga, Yavaksara, Saindhava, ManahSila and Sankhacurna powdered and cooked with oil is a great depilatory. There is no doubt about it.

11. Leech ground into paste with the juice of Malura and applied to the palm gives it the power to hold fire.

12. The juice of Salmali mixed with urine of a mule and thrown into fire extinguishes it immediately.

13. Take the abdomen of the she crow and paste it with the suet of a frog. Pills made of this compound cast into fire can extinguish fire immediately.

14. Muntfitvak, Vaca, Musta, Marica and Tagara chewed well give the power to lick even fire immediately.

15. Gorocana and Bhrrigaraja powdered and pasted with ghi act as a protection against rain with this mantra Orh Aganistambhanam Kuru Kuru.

16. Orh Namo Bhagavate Jalarh Stambhaya Sam Sam Sam Keka Keka Cara Cara 0 Siva. This is the mantra to numbify water. It benumbs water.

17. If a person buries the bones of a vulture and a cow along with Puja garlands at the threshold of the enemy’s house he is sure to die.

18-19. If a man or woman squeezes red flowers of five different species of plants and mixes the juice of the same with Kuiiikuma, his or her own blood and a pala of Rocana and marks his forehead he or she can captivate any one.

20-21. Brahmadandi administered in food or drink' on a day when moon enters the Pusya star is a captivating charm.

A pala of Yaspmadhu cooked in water, O Mahesvara, and drunk dispels suppression of faeces and urine and cardiac colic.

The mantra Orh Hrum Jah removes the poison of a scorpion, O Rudra.

22. Pippall, Srngavera, Saindhava, Marica and Kustha ground into paste with butter and curd is an antitoxic remedy whether used as an errhine or a beverage.

23. O Siva, Triphala, Ardraka, Kustha and Candana cooked with ghi and drunk or applied as a plaster removes poison.

1. A synonym of karkanasrngi.

24. A compound of the eyes of dove, Haritala and Manah& la removes poison as Garucja kills serpents.

25. O Vrsabhadhvaja, Saindhava, Tryusana powder, curdand ghi pasted together when applied over the body remove the poison of scorpion.

26. A decoction of Brahmadaruji and Tila drunk with Traika$uka removes Gulmas, O Rudra, and obstructed blood.

27. Milk taken with honey prevents haemorrhage. The navel and the Vaginal canal must be smeared with the root of Atarusaka. A woman in labour easily delivers of her child.

28. O Vrsadhvaja, sugar, honey and rice washings drunk quells Raktatisara (blood dysentery).




Hari said: —

1. A decoction of Marica, Srngavera, Kutaja and Tvaca when drunk removes Graham (diarrhoea) O Siva, with the crescent moon for crest.

2-3. Pippali, Pippallmula, Marica, Tagara, Vaca, Devadaru juice, and Pa^ha must be ground into paste with milk. When drunk, this removes dysentery. A collyrium made of Marica and Tila flower removes chlorosis.

4. O Rudra, Equal quantity of HaritakI and jaggery taken with honey is a good laxative, there is no doubt about it.

5. Triphala, Citraka, Citra, and Ka(ukarohini constitute a good purgative and a remedy for Orustambha (paralysis of the thighs).

6. A decoction of Haritaki, Srhgavera, Devadaru and Candana cooked with goat’s milk and root of Apamarga or JayantI remove Orustambha in seven days.

7. rpills made of a compound of Ananta, fijiigavera (finely powdered) and equal quantities of Guggula and jaggery arc very effective in all disorders of Vayu, nerves and sinews and impaired digestion.

8. Cull the SarikhapuspI plant with roots and leaves when Pusya star is in conjunction with moon and cook it in goat’s milk. It is a good remedy for hysteric fits.

9. A decoction of Asvagandha and Abhaya in equal quantities is a sure remedy for Raktapitta (Haemorrhage).

10. Take a mouthful of powdered Kustha and Haritakl and wash it down the throat with cold water. All sorts of vomiting vanish.

11-12. A decoction of Guduci, Padmaka, Arista, Dhanyaka and Raktacandana removes fevers due to Pitta and Kapha, vomiting, burning sensation, and thirst and improves digestion. With the mantra Om Hum Namah Sankhapuspi is to be tied to the ears. Then recite the following mantra. All fevers will be dispelled — Om Jambhini Stambhini Afokaya Sarvavyadhin Me Vajrena Thah / hah Sarvavyddhin Me Vajrena Phat.

13. Take the flower and recite the above mantra eight hundred times and hand it over to the patient and touch his nail. O Rudra, the Caturthaka and other types of fever calm down immediately.

14. A compound of Jambuphala, Haridra and the slough of a serpent fumigated removes all fevers and especially the quotidian.

15. Oil should be cooked with Karavira, Bhrngapatra, Lavana, Kustha and Karkata in four times cow’s urine. This removes itches, Vicarcika and Kustha. By anointing this all ulcers heal.

16. Pippali and honey or sweet diet or the bulbous root Surana cure enlarged spleen.

17. Pippali and Haridra pasted with cow’s urine must be inserted into the rectum. It removes piles.

18-19. An oral administering of Ardraka with goat’s milk is a cure for enlarged spleen. Saindhava, Vijanga, Somaraji, Sarsapa, the two types of Rajani and Visa must be ground into paste with cow’s urine and applied with leaves of Nimba, etc. This removes Kustha.




Hari said:

1. Rajani and the ashes of Kadali when pasted remove blotches and scabs. A decoction of one part of Kusjha and two parts of Pathya if drunk removes all aches of the pelvic region.

2. Abhaya taken with butter, sugar and Pippali removes piles; there is no doubt in this.

3. Cook powdered A{arusaka leaves in butter over a low fire. Plastering with this cures piles effectively.

4-5. A decoction of Guggulu and Triphala removes fistula in ano. Cook AjajI and Sfngavera in curd and gruel.

This taken with salt cures strangury. Yavaksara taken with sugar is also a remedy for strangury.

6. The excreta of Khaftjarlta and the foam of a horse mixed with Sobhaftjana fumigated or applied to the eyes as a collyrium makes the man invisible even to the gods. O Siva what then about mere mortals?

7. Burn Yava and paste it with gingelly oil. An application of this is a sure remedy for burns and scalds. An application of the paste of Lajjalu and Sarapunkha with butter is also similarly effective.

8. This mantra is to be recited — “Om Namo Bhagavate tha tha cchindhi cchindhi. Jvalanam Prajvalitam Nasaya NaSaya Hum Phat”.

9-10. Roots of Nirgundl tied round the wrist cure all types of fever. Roots of white Guftja must be cut into seven pieces and tied to the wrists remove piles. There is no doubt in this. Visnukranta pasted with goats’ urine and applied over the body affords a great protection from thieves and tigers.

1 1. Roots of Brahmadandl enable one to do many wonderful acts. Powdered Triphala taken with butter removes Kustha.

12. Butter cooked and medicated with Punarnava, Bilva and Pippali removes hiccough, cough, Asthma and bronchitis.

Internally. administered to women, it facilitates conception.

13-15. The drugs mentioned before are to be cooked with milk and butter and daily taken with honey and Sugar.

They secrete semen profusely. Vitfanga, Madhuka, P£ {ha, Mamsi, Sarjapasa, Haridra, Triphala, Apamarga, Manahsila, Udumbara and Dhataki must be ground to paste in gingelly oil. This applied over the penis and vaginal passage gives very great pleasure to the man and woman in their sexual embrace.


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