THE GARUDA PURANA 39 страницаKaksi, Pankaparpati, ) Samaksi kadhatu, Tapya, ) Tapyutthasambhava ) 64. Sila, Manahsila, Naipali ) Red sulphate of Arsenic, kulati ) Alam, Manastalaka, Haritala — Tri-sulphide of Arsenic. 65. Gandhaka^andhapasana, ) Sulpher. Rasa, Parada ) Tamra, Audumbara, Sulva ) Mercury Copper; Mlecchamukha ) 66-67. Adrisara, Ayas, Tiksfla ) Iron, steel. Lohaka ) Maksika, Madhu, Ksaudra ) Honey. Pu$parasa ) Jyestha — Watery gruel. Kafijika, Sauviraka Sita, — Sour gruel. Sitopala, Mats> angli, Sar- ) Sugar, kara ) 68. Trisugandhi, Trijataka ) Cinnamon, Cardamom and ) Gassia (equal parts). Caturjataka ) The above with Mesua ) Ferrea. 69. Paficakola ) Five drugs Pippali, Pippali) mula, Cavya, Citraka ) and Nagara. 70. Priyangu, Kanguka — Panicum Stalicum. Xoradusa, Kodrava — Paspalum Scroliculatuip. Tripufa, Pufa, Langaka 71-72. Satina, Vartula, Venu Picuka, Pittala, Ak$a Vidalapadaka, Karsa Suvarna, Kavalagraha Palardha, Sukti 73. Pala, Bilva, Mu§ti Prasrti Afljali, Ku^ava 74. Astamana, Mana Prastha A< Jhaka 75. Kamsyapatra, Drona Tula Bhara 76. The measurements and Kalapa ) Lathyrus Sativus. ) Pisum Sativium. A weight of sixteen Magas. — Half a Pala. — One Pala. ) Two Palas. — Four Palas. Eight Palas. Four Ku^avas. Four Prasthas. Four Adhakas. Hundred Palas. — Twenty Palas. weights thus mentioned are for solid matters. In liquids these measures should be taken as. double. 77. Bhadradaru, Devakasjha ) Pinus Deodara. Daru, Devadaruka ) Kustha, Amaya — Drug Kusfha. Mamsi, Naiad arhsana — 78. Sarikha, Suktinakha, SarikhI — Couch. Vyaghri, Vyaghranakha — Tiger’s claw. Pura, Palankasa, Mahlsaksa, ) Bdellium. Guggulu ) 79. Rasa, Gandharasa, Vola — Myrrh. Sarja, Sarjarasa — Resin. Priyangu, Phalini Syama, - ) See ante. Gaurikanta ) 80. Karafija, Naktamala, Putika, Cirabilvaka Sigru, Sobhafljana Jfianamana ) 81. Jaya, Jayant!, Sarani Nir- ) See before; gundi 9 Sindhuvaraka ) Morata, PiluparnI — See before. Tundh Tundikerika — See before. ) Pongamia glabra. ) Horse-radish. 62. Madana, Galava, Bodha, Ghota, Gho{I Caturangula, Sampaka Vyadhighata 83. Aragvadha, Rajavfksa Raivata Dasfaka, Atitikta, Kantaki Vikankata 84-85. Nimba, Arista Pafola, Kolaka Vayastha, ViSva, Chinna Chinnaruha, Amrt£ VatsadanI, Gu< jud Kiratatiktaka, Bhunimba Kandatiktaka ) Randia Denmctorum, ) ) Kamila. ) — Cassia Fistula ) Flacourtia Romontchi. ) — Mclio Azadirachta. ) Tinaspora Cordifolia. ) Agrathotcs Chirayta. Suta said: 86. O Hari, these are the names of drugs obtained in the forest. O Saunaka, now I shall mention Grammar as narrated by Kumara Karttikeya.
CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND FIVE. Grammar. Kum& ra said: 1. O Katyayana, I shall explain grammar in brief for a proper understanding of the formation of words (from bases) and to help children to learn the derivatives. 2. Words are either Subantas or Tihantas. (Substantives or verbs). ‘Sups are the seven case endings. Su, Au, Jas are the terminations in the nominative and vocative. The base is called Pratipadika. 3. A Pratipadika must be a meaningful word devoid of Dhatu and Pratyaya (root and termination). 4. Am, Au, Sas are the terminations in the Accusative case. What is done is Karma (object). In the object Accusative case is to be used. So also when the words Antara and Antarena are used. 5. T &, Bhyam, Bhis are the terminations in the Instrumental case. They are to be added to the instrument or agent. That through which something is done is called Karana, Karta is he who does it. 6. Ne, Bhyam, Bhyas are the terminations in the Dative case. They are to be used to Sampradana Karaka. Sampradana is he to whom something is desired to be given, something is owed or something is appealing. 7. Nasi, Bhyam, Bhyas are the terminations in the Ablative case. They are to be used with Apadana Karaka. That from which something moves away, or is taken off, or drawn, something is feared is called Apadana. 8. Nas, Os, Am are the terminations in the Genitive case. They are to be added to the chief in the relationship of possession. Ni, Os, Sup are the terminations in the locative case. They are to be added to the Adhikarana (the base). 9. Adhara (support) is Adhikarana. When verbs implying protection are used, Ablative is used. What is desired and what is disliked are also called Apadanaka (i. e. Ablative is used). 10. Ablative is to be used when Pari, Apa and Ah, Itara and Rte are used so also with the words denoting quarters. When Ena is used Accusative terminations are to be added to ‘Karmapravacaniyas’ 1 2 3 11. In VTpsa and Itthambhava 8 the symbol used in Abhi; in severance the symbols are Pari and Prati. Anu is used in these senses and also in the sense of Saha (with). In Hinartba (without) Anu and Upa are used. 12. When going or attempt at it is implied Accusative or dative can be used. In the case of inanimate object of the root ‘Man’ when disrespect is implied both the cases are used. 13. In combination with Namafr (obeisance), Svasti (Hail), Svadha, Svaha, Va$aj (sacrificial offerings), Alam (competant) and Tadarthya (for that purpose) Tumarth& t (in order to) dative case is used. 1. A term for certain prepositions, particles or adverbs when they are not connected with verbs and govern a noun in some case. 2. Repetition of words to imply continuous or successive action. 3. Being in a certain state. 14. Instrumental case is used with ‘Saha (accompanied by), in an attribute and a defective limb. While denoting time and abstract notions both Locative and Genitive are used. 15. Both of these are used in denoting ownership, lordship, chieftaincy, kinship, “born of” and ‘‘Nirdh& ra^a’ (specificating one from many). Only Genitive in ‘Hetuprayoga’ (for that reason). 16. In the objects of verbs implying memory, doing, exertions for, violence to, and in subjects of derivative verbs. 17. In the use of Past Participles ‘Ni^ha Genitive is not used. There are two kinds of bases substantives and roots. 18-19. Bhu, Va and other roots take Tin terminations. La means Lakara i. e. tenses and moods which are ten in number Tip, Tas, Anti are the terminations in the third person. Sip, Thas, Tha are the terminations in the second person. Mip, Vas, Mas are the terminations in the first person. These above terminations are in the Parasmaipada. In the Atmanepada, Te, Ate, Ante are the terminatious in the third person and Se, Athe, Dhvc are the terminations in the second person. 20. E, Vahe, Mahe are the terminations in the first person. Even if the names are used the terminations of the third persons are appended. 21. In denoting ‘You’, second person and in denoting T, first person is used. Bhu etc. are the roots. Similarly Sannantas etc. are also called roots. 22-23. When the present tense or past tense with the use of ‘Sma’ is to be implied Lat is to be used. In denoting the past, not of the same day, Lan or Lun can be used. In denoting benediction, injunction, permission, etc. Lot > s to be used. It can be used in advice, invitation, enquiring after health, prayer and blessings. 24. Lit is to be used for all past not observed personally by the speaker. Lut signifies futurity. In denoting conditional, Lfn is used. Sometimes Lot is used in the sense of Lit. 25-26. Krt suffixes can be used in Impersonal Passive and Active voices. They are Trn, Tavya, Aniya, Satf etc.
CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND SIX. Grammar. Stita said — 1-10. Now I shall give the ready made examples in accordance with the Samhitas — Vipra+Agram = Vipragram ' Sa+Agata = Sagata Vi+Idam = Vidam Su-fUttamam = Suttamam Pifr+Rsabha = Pitrr? abha Langala-f-I$a = Langallsa Manas+I? a = Manisa Ganga+Udakam = Gangodakam Tava-fLakara e= Tavalkara Rna+Rna = Rnarna Pra+Rna = Prarna Sita+Arta = Sitarta Sa+Aindri = Saindri Sa+Ukira = Sokara Vadhu+Asana = Vadhvasana Pitr+Artha Pitrartha L+Anubandha = Lanubandha Ne+E =s Naye Jc+Et = Jayet Nai+Aka Nayaka Lo+Ana = Lavana Gau+Afr Gavaji Te+Ete = Ta Etc Te+I^varati = Ta I^varah Devi+Grha = Devigjrha Atho+Atra = Atho Atra A+Avehi = A Avehi Paju+Imau Paju Imau Ami+ASvah as Ami ASvah §aj+Asya $a< 2asya Tat+Na Tanna Vac+S vak §at-j-DaUmi Tat+Caret Tat+Lunati Tat-hJalam T at + $ma£ an aka Sugan+Atra Paean + At ra Bhavan+Chadayati Bhavan+Jhanatkara Bhavan-fTarati Sam+Smrtam Bhavan-f-Likhati Tam+Cakre Bhavan-fSete Api+AmI Aml-f-Idrsam Bhavan+Dinam Tvam+Tarasi Tvam+Karosi Sat+Arcanam Kah-f-Garet Kah+T akarena Kah+Kuryat Kah+Phale sthitah Kah+Sete Kal> +§andah Kah-f Arthah Kalj-|-Y& ti gauravam Kah-f Iha+Atra Kah+Eva Ahuh+Devah Devali+Ahuh Ahuh+Ca Bhos+Vraja Svapub+ Vi§nuti+ vrajati Gofr+Pati Dhu$+pati E^al^+Vrajet « §addalani = Taccaret » Tallunati Tajjalam = Tacchmasanaka Sugannatra = Pacannatr^ = Bhavamscchadayati = Bhavaftjhanatkara = Bhavamstarati = Samsmrtam » Bhavallikhati — Taficakre BhavarHete = ApyamI =» AmidrSam = Bhavafldinam « Tvantarasi = Tvankarosi = Sadarcanam = KaScaret = Kastakarena = Kahkuryat =: Kahphalesthitah Ka& ete = Kassandah — Korthafr = Koyatigauravam = Ka Ihatra = Ka Eva — Ahiirdevafr = Deva Ahufo = Ahugca = Bho Vraja Svapurvi$nurvrajati = Gospati = Dhuspati = E$a Vrajet Safc-fSyat Sa Syat SaJji-f®® Sa Ca Kuti-f-Chay& = Kuficchaya Tath^+Cbiya » Tathacchaya Other Sandhis are to be understood similarly. 11-26. Compounds are six in number. Saddvija—A good brahmin (Karmadharaya) Trivedi«A group of three platforms (Dvigu) Tatkfta, Tadartham ) Vrkabhiti; Jftanadakja ) Tatpurusa T& tvajfte ) Yaiodhana Bahuvrihi Adhistri, Yathoktam Avyayibhava Devar? imanavah Dvandva Pantjava, Saiva, Brahmyam, Brahma ti. These are examples of Taddhitas. Deva, Agni, Sakhi, Pati, AmSu, Kra$$r, (Krostu), Svayambhu, Pitf, Nf, PraSastr — All these are Masculine. The Halantas (Consonant ending) Asrk, Ksmabhrt, Kravyat, Mrgavidh r Rajan, yuvan, Pathin, Pu§an, Bramhahan, Ahan, Vid, Vedhas, U£ anas, Anadvah, Madhulif Kasthatak? are alsomasculine. Vana, Vari, Asthi, Vastu, Jagat, Saman, Ahan,. Karman, Sarpis and Tejas are neuter. J& yky Nadi, Lak? ml, Sri, Stri, Bhu, Vadhu, Bhru, Punarbhu, Dhenu, Svasr, Mafr, Camu — These are feminine. Similarly Vak, Srak, Dik, Krudh, Yuvati, Kakup, Dyau, Up& vft, Sumanah, U? nik are also faminine. Qualities can be used in any gender according to the substantives Sukla, Kilala, Sucih Gramani, Sudhih. Bahu, Kamalabhuh, Kartr, Svamatr Svanaufc, Satya — all these are Masculine. Dirghapat — mesculine. The Sarvan& mans (Pronouns) are Sarva, Viiv a, Ubhaya, Ubha Anya Anyatara (suffixes Patara, Patama ), Piirva, Apara, Adhara^ Yavat, Kim, Yu? mat, Asmat — These are Alingas and used in all genders. Sftioti, Juhoti, Jahati, Dadhati, Dlpyati, Stilyati Putriyati, Dhanayati, Trutyati, Mriyate, Cid? ati, Ninl? ati. These are examples of verbs. The special declensional forms of Sarva are Sarve Sarvasmai, Sarvasmat, Sarvatah Sarvef& m, Sarvasmin. Similarly ViSva is to be declined. In Purva, alternative forms Purvasmit,. Purvat; Purve, Purvab; Purvasmin, Purve are to be noted. 27. The readymade examples of subantas and tinanta are simply noted only in a few cases. Katyayana has mentioned everything in detail after hearing the same from Kum& ra.
CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND SEVEN. Prosody. Stlta said: 1. With an obeisance tcf V& sudeva, the preceptor Ganefe, 1 Siva and Sarasvati I shall tell the ignorant about the metres which are classified according to matras 2 or varijas. 8 2. According to the position of Guru 4 or Laghu in the beginning, in the middle or in the end; there are eight Ganas 6 namely, Ma-gana 7 Nagana 8, Bha-gana 9, Ya-ga^a 10, Ja-gana 11, Ra-gana 18, Sa-gana 18, and Ta-gana 14. 3. A vowel is Guru when it is followed by a consonant, Visarga, or a conjunct. A Dlrgha 15 vowel is always Guru. A vowel which is followed by Anusvara or which comes in the end is also Guru. It is of two M& tras. 1. GaoaGa(iefa ( SSED, p. 178). 2. Syllabic instants. 3. Syllables. 4. Long syllable ( — ). 5. Short syllable ( w ). 6. Syllabic feet each consisting of three syllables are distinguished from one smother according to the position of long and short syllables (in the beginning, in the middle, in the end). 4. When the order of Laghu and Guru varies, it is called & loka. When there is pause, it is called Yati. 5. A quarter is called a Pada. When the quarters are equal, it is called Sama. When the quarters are un-equal, it is •called Vi sama Hence the metres are of three types — Sama 1, Ardha-sama 2 3, and Visama 8.
CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHT. Prosody. Sftta said: 1. Arya is of eight Ganas out of which the odds should not have Ja-gana. The sixth one may be Ja-gana or Na-gana with Laghu, and the foot should end with it (the sixth Gana), after the second Laghu. . 2. The seventh Gana from the beginning consists of Laghu. In the second half of Ary&, the foot ends with the fifth Gana. When the foot ends with the first three Ganas in each half, it is called PathyS. When the foot ends after the first three Ganas in each half, it is called Vipula. 3. When the second and the fourth ones are Ja-ganas flanked by two Gurus, it is called Capala. When the first half is like Capala and the second half like Ary& or Pathya or Vipula, it is called Mukha-Capala When the first half is like Arya and the second half like Capala, it is called Sajaghana. 4. When the first half and the second half both are like the first half of Ary&, it is called Giti. When the first half and the second half both are like the second half of Arya, it is called Upagiti. When the first half is like the second half of Arya and the second half is like the first half of Arya, it is called Udgiti. 1. Equal. 2. Half-equal. 3. Unequal. 5. When one more Guru is added after the first half of Arya it is called Aryagiti. When there are six Matras in the odds and eight Matras in the even feet and after each feet there is Ragana, Laghu and Guru, it is called Vaitaliya. 6. When after each feet of Vaitaliya, there is Ragana and Yagai^a, it is called Aupachandasika. 7. When Bha-gana is followed by two Gurus, it is called Apatalika. When the second Matra is dependent and there is Laghu in all the feet, it is called Daksinantika. 8. When the second is dependent in the odd feet, it is called Udicyavj-tti. When the fourth and the fifth Matras are dependent in the even feet, it is called Pracyavrtti. When both the characteristics are these, it is called Pravfttaka. 9. When all the feet are even like the even feet of Pravrttaka it is called Ekapadika. When all the feet are like the odd feet of Pravrttaka, it is called Caruhasinl. The aforesaid metres come under the category of Vaitaliya. 10. When N-gana and Sa-gana do not come after the first syllable, and Ya-gana comes after the fourth syllable, it is called Vaktra. When there is Ja-gana after the fourth syllable in the even feet, it is called, Pa thy a- vaktra. If it is so in the odd feet, it is called Viparita-pathya-vaktra. 11. When there is Na-gana after the fourth syllable in the odd feet, it is called Capaia-vaktra. When the seventh syllable is Laghu in the odd feet, it is called Vipula. In the opinion of Saitava, it is so in all the feet. If there is Ma-gana after the fourth syllable it is called Ma-vipula; if Ra-gana, Ra-vipula; if Na-gana, Na- vipula and ifTa-gana, Ta-vipula. 12-13. When these are sixteen Laghus in each feet, it is called Acala-dhfti. When the ninth syllable is Laghu and the last one Guru, it is called Matra-sama. If there is Ja-gana or Na-gana with Laghu after the fourth Matra, it is called VilSoka, When these are four Laghus in feet, it is called Vanavasik&. 14. When the fifth, the eighth and the ninth Matra in each foot is Laghu, it is called Citra of sixteen M& tras. A mixture of the metres of even Matras is called Padakulaka. 15. When the number of Vardas is deducted from the total number of Matras in the metre we get the number of Gurus. When the number of Gurus is deducted from total number of Matras in the metre, we get the number of Laghus. When the number of the Laghus is deducted from the total number of Matras in the metre and the resultant is divided by two, we get the number of Gurus. 16. When there are twenty eight Laghus in the first half and thirty Laghus in the second half, it is called Sikha. The reverse of this is Khaftja. 1 7. When there are sixteen Gurus in the first half and thirty-two Laghus in the second half, it is called Ananga-krida. When there are twenty-seven Laghus in both the halves, it is called Rucira. 18. Thus I have told about the metres based on Matras. . Now I shall tell you about those based on Vardas.
CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND NINE. Prosody. Sdta said: 1. When there is one Guru in each foot, it is Sri Uktha. When there are two Gurus in each foot, it is called Stri-Atyuktha. The metre which has Ma-gana in each foot is called Nari; which has Ra-gana likewise is Mrgi — Maghyi. When Ma-gana is followed by a Guru, it is called Kanya-Pratistha. 2. When the same is followed by two Gurus, it is called Pafikti-Suprati$$h£. When there is one Ta-gapa and one Yagana in each foot, it is called Tanu-madhya. When there is one Na-gana and one Ya-gai^a, it is called Bala-lalita — Gayatri. 3. In Madalekha, there is Ma-gana and Sa-ga^a followed by Guru — U? nik. In Citrapada two Bha-ganas are followed by two Gurus. In Vidyunm& la, two Ma-ganas are followed by two Gurus. 4. In Magavaka, there are Bha-gana, Ta-gana, Laghu and Guru. In Hamsaruta, there are Ma-ga$a, Na-gana and two Gurus. In Sam& nlka, there are Ra-gaga, Ja-gana, Guru and Laghu. In Pramanika. there are Ja-gana, Ra-ga^a, Laghu and Guru. Vitana is dissimilar to these two. So these are the Anusfup-metres. 5. Halamukhl has Ra-gaga. Na-gana and Sa-gana. Si$ubhyta has two Na-gagas and one Ma-gana — Bj-hati. Virajita has Sa-gana, Ma-gana, Ja-gana and Guru. 6. Panava has Ma-na-ya-gagas and one Guru. Mayurasarini has ra-ja-ra-gagas and one guru. Rukmavati has fiha-masa-ganas and one Guru. 7. Matta has Ma-bha-sa-ganas and Guru. Manorama has na-ra-ja-gagas and Guru. Upasthita has Ja-gana, Sa-gana and Ta-gana followed by a Guru. Pankti has been told. 8. Indravajra has two Ta-ganas, Ja-gana, and two Gurus. Upendravajra has Ja-ta-ja-ganas and two Gurus. 9. Upajati begins or ends with any one of the above two metres (i. e. it is a mixture of Indravajra and Upendravajra). Sumukhi has Na-ja-ja-ganas and Laghu and Guru. Dodhaka has three Bha-ganas and two Gurus. Salini has Ma-ja-ta gagas and two Gurus. 10. Vatormi has ma-bha-ta-gagas and two Gurus and Yati is after the fourth and the seventh syllables. Sri has bha-tana-gagas and two Gurus with yati on the fifth and the sixth syllables. 1 1. Bhramara-vilasita has ma-bha-na-gagas and Laghuguru. Rathoddhata has ra-na-ra-gagas and Laghu-guru. Svagata has ra-na-bha-gagas and five Gurus. 12 Vrtta has na-na-sa-gagas and two Gurus. Smadrika (Bhadrika) has na-na-ra-ganas and Laghu-guru. Syenik& has raja-ra-gagas and Laghu-guru. Sikhag^ita has ja-sa-ta-gagas and two Gurus. Thus Tristup-metre has been stated by Mahatma Pingala. 13-14. Candravartma has ra-na-bha-sa-gagas. Vam$astha has j a- ta-j a- ra-ganas. Indravarpia has ta- ta-j a- ra-gagas. Tojaka has four Sa-gagas. Drutavilambita has na-bha-bha-ragagas. Puta has na-na-ma-ya-gagas with Yati after the eighth and fourth syllables. Mudita Vadana has na-na-ra-ra-ganas. Kusuma-vicitra has na-ya-na-ya-gagas. 15. Jaloddhatagati has ja-sa-ja-sa-gagas (with Yati after every six syllable). Sragvigi has four ra-gagas. 16. Bhujangapray& ta has four ya-ganas. Priyamvadi has na-bha-ja-ra-ganas. Manimala ta-ya-ta-ya-ganas. 17. Lalita has ta-bha-ja-ganas. Pramitaksara has sa-jasa-sa-ganas. Ujjvala has na-na-bha-raganas. 18. VaigvadevI has ma-ma-ya-ya-ganas with yati on fifth and seventh varnas. Jaladharamala has ma-bha-sa-maganas with Yati on the fourth and eighth varnas. 19. Ksami has na-na-ta-ta-ganas and Guru with Yati on the seventh and sixth varnas. PraharsinI has ma-na-ja-raganas and guru with yati on the third and tenth varnas. 20. Rucira has ja-bha-sa-ja-ganas and guru with yati on the fourth and ninth varnas. Mattamayura has ma-ta-yasaganas and Guru with Yati on the fourth and ninth varnas. 21. MaftjubhasinI has sa-ja-sa-sa-ganas and Guru. Sunandini has sa-ja-sa-ma-ganas and Guru. Candrika has na-na-ta-ta-ganas and Guru with Yati on the seventh and sixth varnas. 22. Asambadha has ma-ta-na-sa ganas and two gurus with yati on the fifth and ninth varnas. Aparajita has na-narasa-ganas and Laghu-guru. 23. Praharana-kalika has na-na-bha-na-ganas and laghu-guru. Vasanta-tilaka ( Sirhhonnata) has ta-bha-ja-jaganas and two Gurus. 24. Indu-vadana has bha-ja-sa-na-ganas and two Gurus. Suke£ ara has na-ra-na-ra-gaiuis and Laghu-guru. Thus Sarkarl(Sakvari? ) has been described. 25. Safikala has fourteen Laghus and one Guru. If Yati is on sixth and ninth varnas, it is called Srak. If Yati is on the eighth and seventh varnas, it is called Ma^i-guna-nikara. 26. Mai ini has na-na-ma-ya-ya-ganas with Yati on the eighth,, and seventh Varnas. Prabhadraka has na-ja-bhaja-raganas t 27. Ela has sa-ja-na-na-ya-ganas. Chitralekha has mara-ma-ya-ya-ganas with Yati on the seventh and eighth Vargas. Thus Ati£ arkari has been described. 28. Vfsabha-gaja-jprabhita has bha-ra-na-na-na-gagas and Guru with Yati on the seventh and ninth varnas. VaninI has na-ja-bha-ja-ra-ganas and Guru. Thus As$i has been defined by Piiigala. 29. Sikharinf has Ya-ma-na-sa-bha-ganas and LaghuGuru with Yati on the sixth and eleventh varnas. Pfthvl has Ja-saja-sa-ya-ganas and Laghu-Guru with Yati on the eighth and ninth varnas. 30. Vamsa-patra-patita has Bha-ra-na-bha-na-ganas and Laghu-Guru with Yati on the tenth and seventh Varnas. Harini has Na-sa-ma-ra-sa-ganas and Laghu-Guru with Yati on the sixth, fourth and seventh Varnas. 31. Mandakranta has Ma-bha-na-ta-ta-ganas and two Gurus with Yati on, the fourth, sixth and seventh varnas. Narttataka has Na-ja-bha-ja-ja-ganas and Laghu-Guru with Yati on the seventh and the tenth Varnas. 32. If the Yati is on the seventh, sixth and fourth Varnas, it is called Kokilaka. So for Atyasp. Kusumitalata has Matana-ya-ya-ya-ganas with Yati on the fifth, sixth and seventh Varnas. So for Dhrti. 33. Meghavisphurjita has Ya-ma-na-sa-ra-ra-ganas and Guru with Yati on the sixth and seventh Varnas. Sardulavikridita has Ma-ja-ja-sa-ta-ta-gaijas and Guru with Yati on the twelfth and seventh Varnas. 34. So far Atidhrti metre has been told. Now will come Krti. Suvadana has Ma-ra-bha-na-ya-bha-ganas and LaghuGuru with Yati on seventh, seventh and sixth Varnas. 35. Vrtta has Ra-ja-ra-ja-ra-ja-ganas and Guru-Laghu. So far Krti. Sragdhara has Ma-ra-bha-na-ya-ya-ya-ganas with Yati on the seventh, seventh and seventh Varnas. So far Prakrti. 36. Bhadraka, has Bha-ra-na-ra-na-ra-na-ganas and Guru with Yati on the tenth and twelfth Varnas. So far Akrti. Asvalaiita has Na-ja-bha-ja-bha-ja-bha-ganas and Laghu-Guru with Yati on eleventh and twelfth Varnas. 37. Mattakrida has Ma-ma-ta-na-na-na-na-gartas and Laghu Guru with Yati on the eighth and fifteenth Varnas. So for Vikrti. Now Sankrti is told. 38. Tanvi has Bha-ta-na-sa-bha-bha-na-ya-ganas with Yati on the fifth and seventh Varnas. Krauftcapada has Bhamasa-bha-na-na-na-na-ganas and Guru with Yati on the fifth, fifth, eighth and eighth Varnas. 39. So far Atikrti metre has been told. Now Utkrti is being told. Bhujangavijrmbhita has Ma-ma- ta-na-na-na-rasaganas and Laghu-Guru with Yati on the eighth, eleventh and seventh Varnas. 40. Apavaha has Ma-na-na-na-na-na-na-sa-ganas and two Gurus with Yati on 9, 6, 6, 5 Varnas. 41. Can< Javrttiprapata has Na-na-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-raganas. Many varieties of this Dantfaka-metre are formed by the addition of one Ra-gana in each of them.
CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND TEN. Prosody. SUta said: 1-2. Upacitraka has Sa-sa-sa-ganas and Laghu-Guru in odd feet, and Bha-bha-bha-ganas and Guru-Guru in even feet. Drutamadhya has bha-bha-bha-ganas and two Gurus in odd feet and Na-ja-ja-ya-ganas in even feet. 3-4. Vegavatl has Sa-sa-sa-ganas and Guru in odd feet and Bha-bha-bha-ganas and two Gurus in even feet. Bhadraviraf has Ta-ja-ra-ganas and Guru in odd feet and Ma-sa-ja-ganas and two Gurus in even feet. Ketumati has Sa-ja-sa-ganas and Guru in odd feet and Bha-ra-na-ganas and two Gurus in even feet. Akhyanaki has Ta-ta-ja-ganas and two Gurus in odd feet and Ja-ta-ja-ganas and two Gurus in even feet. 5. The opposite to the same is Viparitakhyanaka as illustrated by Pingala. 6. Pu$pitagra has Na-na-ra-ya-ganas in odd feet and Naja-ja-ra-ganas and Guru in even feet. Aparavaktra is called Vaitaliya and Pugpitagra is called Aupacchandasika. 7. Vanmatl has Ra-ja-ra-ya-ganas in odd feet and Ja-raja-ra-ganas and Gurus in even feet.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVEN. Prosody. Suta said: 1. Padacatururdhva has 8 Varnas in the first foot, 12 in the second, 16 in the third and 20 in the fourth. 2. When in a Padacatururdhva all the Varnas are Laghu except the last two which are Guru, it is called Apida. - 3. Kalika has 12, 8, 16 and 20 Varnas in each foot respectively. Laval! has 12, 16, 8 and 20 Varnas in respective feet. Amrtadhara has 12, 16, 20 and 8 Varnas in its feet. 4. Udgata has Sa-ja-sa-ganas and Laghu in the first foot, Na-sa-ja-ganas and Guru in the second, Bha-na-ja-ganas and Laghu-Guru in the third and Sa-ja-sa-ja-ganas and Guru in the fourth. 5. Saurabhaka has Ra-na-bha-ganas and Guru in the third feet and other feet are like those of Udgata. Similarly. Lalita has Na-na-sa-ganas in the third feet, the rest being like Udgata. 6. Upasthitapracupita has Ma-sa-ja-bha-ganas and two Gurus in the first foot, Sa-na-ja-ra-ganas and bruru in the second, Na-na-sa-ganas in the third and Na-na-na-ja-ya-ganas in the fourth. 7. Vise$ahas Na-na-sa-na-na-sa in the third foot, the rest being like Upasthitapracupita. 8. Similarly, Suddhavirad, Ar? abha has Ta-ja-ra-ganas in the third foot and the rest like Upasthitapracupita. 9. If there are odd syllables or odd feet like five or six in a metre, it is known as Gatha like ‘DaSadharmam (Mbh 5. 33. 82).
CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND TWELVE. Prosody. SUta said: 1. In Prastara first all Gurus should be noted down: Then Laghu should be noted down below the first Guru and the rest should be done as before. In Nasja Laghu should be written for even numbers and Guru should be written for odd numbers. The same holds good about the half of numbers. 2. In Uddisjaka upon each Varna numbers beginning from one should be written respectively multiplied by two. The numbers of Laghu should be added and then one should again be added. 3-5. [Being not clear are left untranslated]
CHAPTER TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN. Dharma-Sastra. Stita said: 1. The conduct of Brahmins and others which Brahma heard from Hari and explained to Vyasa, I shall explain to you, O Saunaka. 2. After knowing fully the Vedic Texts and Smrti Texts one shall perform what is enjoined in the Vedas. If that is not possible one shall do what is mentioned in the Smrti texts. 3. If he is unable to perform even that an intelligent man shall perform acts of good conduct. Sruti and Smrti are the two eyes of Brahmins for the proper understanding of duties. 4# What is mentioned in the Sruti is the greatest virtue; the next one is what is mentioned in the Smrti texts. Activities of the virtuous are the next ones. All the three are eternal virtues. 5. Truthfulness, gifts, sympathy, noncovetousness, learning, sacrifice, worship and restraint are the eight holy characteristics of the virtuous. 6. The brilliant sense organs of the virtuous and their physical bodies never get tainted with sin like the lotus with water. 7. For all castes virtuous actions are very important; truthfulness, sacrifice, austerities and gifts are the symbols of Dharma.