THE GARUDA PURANA 34 страница48. An astringent decoction named Paftcapallavaka is very efficacious in diseases of the mouth. They are the sprouts of Patola, Nimba, Jambira, Amra and Malati. 49. The juice of Lasuna, Ardraka, Sigru, Paruli, Mulaka and Kadali made lukewarm forms a good eardrop in ear troubles. 50. In Otorrhoea with acute pain and a humming sound, powdered rock salt dissolved in the juice of the leaves of Snuhi and made slightly warm is very effective. 51. In acute otitis, oil cooked in the juice of the leaves of Jati is efficacious. In ear-ache Sunthi oil or mustard oil, slightly warm, shall be poured into the ears. 52. Milk cooked in Pancamull juice, Citraka, Haritaki, Ghi and jaggery. This soup called Sadanga (Six ingredients) Yusa quells catarrh. 53. Diseases of the eyes, diseases of the stomach, cold (catarrh), ulcers, and fever — these five ailments subside in five days by fasting. 54. The juice of Dhatri poured into the eyes cures the inflammation in the area. A paste of Sigru, Darvi, Rasafijana and rocksalt in honey when applied over the eyes also serves the purpose. 55. Powdered Haridra, Daru, Sindhuttha, Rasafijana and Gairika applied round the eyes removes eye troubles. 56. Abhaya fried in ghl and Triphala soaked in water when applied around the eyes removes eye troubles. Sunthi, Nimbadala powdered with very little rock salt can be applied to the eyes to remove small eruptions, itching sensations and pain. 57. One part of Abhaya with two parts of Aksa and four parts of Amrta well boiled can be used as decoction or pasted with honey and ghee can be used as a lambative (Avaleha) to cure eye pains. 58. Sticks or wicks made of Candana, Triphala, Puga 1 Palasa and Tarumulaka dissolved in water cure all types of Timira. 59. Marica ground to paste in curd, forms a good collyrium to cure night blindness. Ghi with milk Well cooked with Triphala decoction and residue when drunk at night fall will cure Timira quickly. 60-61. Pippali, Triphala, K$ara, Irondust, rocksalt and juice of Bhrngaraja is called Gu< Jikafijana. It removes piles, Timira, kotha and eye ailments. 62-63. Vatikas or tablets made of Trikatu, Triphala, Saindhava, Manahsila, Ketaka, Sarikhanabhi, Jatl flowers, Nimbaka, Rasafijana, Bhrngaraja, ghee, honey and milk well pasted together cure all sorts of eye ailments. 64. Burnt roots of Erantjaka or the flower of Mucukundaka 2 ground with Kafijika applied over the forehead cure headache. 65. Oil cooked with one pala each of Satamuli, Erandamula, Cakra and Vyaghri can be used as errhine in curing disorders of Vayu and Kapha as well as Timira and diseases of super clavicular regions. 66. Lavana, Visva and jaggery or Pippali with rock salt is very effective in Bhujastambha (paralysis of the arms) and in all super clavicular afflictions. 67. In the migraine called Suryavarta the treatment is the application of errhines. Astringent decoction of Dasamula drugs with ghee and rock salt can be used as an errhine also. It cures aching pain of the limbs as well as Suryavarta and headache. 68. A compound of Suvarcala, Ajaji, Madhuka and Nilotpala stirred in curd and drunk with honey shall save a woman afflicted with leucorrhea of the Vataja variety. 1. Areca catechu. 2. Pterospermum ocerifolium. 69-70. In the Pittaja type of leucorrhea the juice of Vasaka, or that of Gu^ucl should be administered with Amalakf bija soaked in water and sweetened with honey and sugar. For the alleviation of Paruju type (jaundice) of leucorrhea a woman should take the juice of Amalaki and honey or the juice of the root of Karpasa with the water with which rice has been washed. 71. A paste of Tarujuliyaka roots and Rasaftjana taken through the medium of water with which rice has been washed and honey cure all forms of leucorrhea. Roots of Kusa grass pasted with water with which rice has been washed and drunk will cure all sorts of leucorrhea.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTYTWO. Diseases. Dhanvantari said: 1. O Su$ruta, I shall explain the mode of treatment for the peculiar disorders of women, please listen. In all Yonivyapat (Vaginitis, etc. ) types of disorders, measures to quell V& yu are recommended. 2-3. VacS, Upakuftcika 1, Jati, Vasaka, Rocksalt, AjajI, Yavak$ara, and Citraka shall be fried in ghi and then dissolved in water. Sugar shall be added. If this is taken the pain around the vagina, palpitation of the heart, piles and enlarged spleen get subdued. 4. By applying the paste of the leaves of Badari the rupture of the Vagina can be cured. An application of the paste of Lodhra and Tumbiphala gives firmness to the muscles round the vagina. 1. Nigella saliv&. 5. Ghi medicated with Paflcapallavas (five sprouts), Ya$ji, Arka and Malati flowers and cooked in sunshine is a sure remedy in leucorrhea. It removes foul smell from the vaginal passage. 6-7. Jap5 flowers with Kafijika and a prastha of Jyoti$matidala 1 pasted with Durv& shall be taken. Citraka with sugar and powdered Dhatri, Aftjana and Abhayd. shall be drunk with water. This arrests excess of menstrual flow. Errhines or potions of Laksmana with milk taken in enables conception. 8. Aivagandh& taken with ghee and half an Adhaka of milk enables conception. Even a sterile woman taking ghee medicated with Vyo$a and Kesara is sure to conceive. 9. Milk well boiled with the roots of Ku£ a, Ka£ a, Urubuka and Goksuraka taken with sugar by a pregnant woman removes her pain in the womb, uterus, etc. 10. Application of the pastes of Pafha, Langali, Apamarga or kujaja separately to the navel, lower abdomen and vagina of a woman in her labour ensures easy delivery. 11. The pain that a woman experiences after delivery, in the heart, head, urinary bladder, etc. is called Arkanda. Then she must take sour cream with Yavak$ara dissolved in lukewarm water. 12. A decoction of Da& mula drugs taken with ghee quells all post-parturient pains. Powdered Sal! rice taken with milk will increase her breast milk. 13. The juice of Vidiri flowers and the root of Karpasa also has the same property. A soup of Mudga is rejuvinating. It purifies the breast milk of a wet nurse. 14. A lambative (Avaleha) made of Kugfha, Vaca, Abhaya, Brahml, Madhuka honey and ghee shall be given to the infant as it heightens the colour of the complexion, splen dour and longevity. 15. If the breasts of the mother are deficient in milk, the child can be fed on goar’s milk or cow’s milk of the same quality. The swelling on the navel of the child subsides by means of fomentation with heated clay. 1. Celastrus paniculatus. 16. If the child has vomiting, cough and fever, a compound of Lauha, Mustaka and Ativisi shall be taken. If the child has dysentery Musta, Sunjhf, Vi? a, Aruna and kufaja shall be taken. 17. A compound of Vyo? a, Honey and Matulunga removes hiccough and vomiting. Ku^ha, Indrayava, Siddhartha, Nife, and Durvi remove Ku${ha. 18. Bathing (the infant) with a decoction of Mahamuntfitika 1 and Udicya wards off the malignant influences of planets. It may be smeared with a paste of Saptacchada, Abhayi, Ni & and candana. 19. Amulets with Sarikha, Abjablja, Rudraksa, Vaca, Lauha, etc. shall be worn. Om karh tarh gam gam obeisance to Vaxnaeya. Om Horti Hath Hah. With this mantra Santi (ceremonies for peace) shall be made for the sake of children. Maijana and Balidana also for the same purpose. Orh Hrirfi take Ye Your Bali from the Bdlagraha (the planet afflicting the child) but spare the child — Svdhd. 20. The root of Siri$a drunk with the water with which rice is washed removes poison. The root of white Var$abhu drunk with rice washings cures snake bite. 21. Tandullya, chamber soot, Ni£ a rock salt, curd, ghee and honey pasted together and drunk remove poison. 22. A decoction of the root of Ankota drunk with ghee removes poison. That which dispels old age and sickness is a rejuvinating medicine. 23. Abhaya should be taken (in the six seasons) beginning with the rainy season along with rock salt, sugar, SuQthi, Ka^a, honey and jaggery respectively by a person wishing for the benefits of the rejuvinating medicines. 24. At the end of fever (convalescing after fever) one shall take a single Abhaya or two Vibhitakas or four Dhatrls in honey and ghl, one shall recover soon and live for a hundred years. 25-28. Aivagandh& decoction drunk with milk and ghee dispels all body ailments. Juice of Ma^dukaparni, the nectarlike juice of Vidari, Tila, Dhatri and Bhffigar& ja taken in enables one to live for a hundred years. A compound of Trikatu, Triphala, Vahni, Gu< JucI, Satavari, Vitfariga and oxide of iron taken with honey quells a number of diseases. Triphala, Kana, Sunthi, Gu< Juci, Satavari, Vitjariga, Bhfngaraja etc purified and regularly taken dispel all illness. Powdered Vidarl taken with honey and ghee increases sexual virility enabling one to conquer ten women. 29. GhI should be cooked with Satavari residue with ten times milk and taken in with honey, sugar and Pippali. It is a good digestant. 30. Massage, application oil, errhine, emetics and purgatives ire mentioned as Paflcakarma (five activities). 3!. There are six seasons in the year beginning with Magha (Dec-Jan. ) and each consists of two months. In them one shall rseort to warning oneself with fire, or take honey, milk or milk products (as ordained). 32-34. In SiSira and vasanta the company of women is recommended. But one shall not sleep during the day. In the rainy season too day sleep must be avoided. Moon beams in Sarat, Sali, Mudga, Rain-water, boiled water — all these are wholesome. Oil extracted from Nimba, Atasi, Kusumbha Sigru, Sar$apa, Jyoti$mati, Mulaka, etc dispels worms, Ku^ha, diabetes, and headache due to deranged Vayu and Kapha. 35-33. The drugs Dacjima, AmalakI, Kola, Karamarda, Priyalaka, Jambira, Nagaranga, Amrataka and Kapitthaka generate Pitta, subdue Vayu and bring about derangement of Kapha. Jala, Jimutaka, Iksvaku, Kufaja, Krtabandhana and Dhamargava shall be used in all sorts of emetics. In the morning Madana, Indrayava and Vaca can be used as an emetic. A person has lobse bowels due to Pitta, constipation due to Vayu and Kapha and normal state when all the do$as are in equilibrium. When Pitta is deranged Trivet is a good purgative. 39. Nagara, Trivrt and rocksalt taken with sugar and honey is a purgative. Haritaki and Vitfanga with cow’s urine is also a purgative. 40. Oil extracted from Eragda and decoction ofTriphala twice in quantity can be used as purgative. In disorders due to excessive action of Vayu the patient must be fed before applying emetics. 41. For the application of enemate hollow bamboo sticks six, eight or twelve angulas in length with the cavity as large as a Karkandhu fruit shall be used. The patient lies in a supine position. 42. In Niruha (enema without oil) also this is the process. The dosage of clysters in the small one is half a pala, that in the middle is three palas and that in the full one is six palas. 43. One part of Pathya, two parts of Aksa and four parts of Dhatri purified with the juice of Satavari, Amrta, Bhfhga, Sindhuvara, etc., cures all sorts of pains.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTYTHREE. Diseases. Dhanvantari said: 1-4. I shall enumerate the drugs coming under the classes Madhuradi, etc., which dispel various ailments. The chief drugs in Madhura (sweet) class are: — Sali, §astika, Godhuma (wheat), milk, ghi, Rasa (juice), honey, Majja, Srngataka, KaSeru, Irvaru, Gok$ura Gambhlri, lotus seed, grapes, dates Bal&, coconut, sugarcane, Atmagiipta, Vidari, Priyalaka, Madhuka, Tala and Kugmanda. Each of these is curative of epileptic fits and burning sensation. It soothes the sense organs. If taken in excess it produces worms and disorders of Kapha. 5. Drugs of Madhura type produce dyspnea, cough, sweet taste in the mouth, Aphonia, tumours, goitre, elephantiasis, Gu^alepa, etc. 6-7. D& dinia, Amalaka, Amra, Kapittha, Karamardaka, Matulunga, Amr& taka, Badara, Tinti< jl fru. it, Curd, Buttermilk Kafijika, Lakuca, Amlavetasa and Lona are Amla varieties (Acid) of drugs. These with Su^thi are great digestant and appetising medicines. 8. These Amla drugs generate Vayu and mucous secretions. They have aphrodisiac properties. They give a burning sensation. They soothe the system. If they are taken in excess they may sour the teeth. 9. (Excessive intake of Amla) causes looseness of limbs, burning sensation and coarseness in the voice, throat, mouth and heart. Excited by the gastric fire it makes wounds and ulcers suppurate. 10. The salts are Yavak$ara, Sarjika, etc. The saline group acts as a laxative, liquefacient, digestant and generator of mucous secretions. Its potency permeates the whole system rapidly. 11. Exclusive and excessive intake of saline articles tends to obstruct the ducts of the system and produces itching sensation in the limbs, Kojha, tumours and discoloration of the skin. It aggravates Raktavata, Pittarakta, loss of manliness and pain in the sense organs. 12-13. Vyo$a, Sigru, Mulaka, Devadaru, Ku^haka, Laguna, Valgujiphala, Must a, Guggulu, Langali. These drugs form the Pungent group. They are appetising, purifying and anti-Kapha. They subdue Ku$tha and itching sensation. They remove corpulency, lassitude and worm infections. They reduce secretion of semen and fat. Exclusively and excessively taken they produce vertigo, burning sensation, etc. 14-17. Krtamala, Karira, Haridra, Indrayava, sweet Kanfaka, sweet Vetra, the two varieties of Brhatl, SahkhinI, Guduci, Dravanti, Trivrt, Man^ukaparnl, Karavellaka, Vartaku Karaviraka. Vasaka, RohinI, SarikhapuspI, Karkofl, Jayantika, Jati, Varunaka, Nimba, Jyoti$matI and Punarnav& form the bitter group of drugs. They set the secretions of serum, lymph, etc flow. They are relishing and appetising. They purify the ducts, remove fever and thirst, prevent fainting and reduce itching sensation. 18. Excessive intake of bitter drugs dries up faeces, urine and mucous secretions. It removes paralysis of the mandible, wry neck, convulsive pain, headache and ulcers. 19-20. Triphala, Sallaki, Jambu, Amr& taka, Vafa and kindred tlrugs, Tinduka, Vakula, S& la, P& laihka, Mudga and Gillaka form the astringent group of drugs. They are absorbant. They produce granulation in ulcers. They arrest and dry up mucous secretions. Exclusively and excessively taken they give rise to pain in the chest and generate parchedness of the mouth, fever, distension of the abdomen and paralysis of the mandible (wry mouth). 21-22. Haridra, Kustha, Lavana, Me? agpigl, the two types of Bala, Kacchur&, SallakI, Punarnava, Satavari, Agnimantha, Brahmadandi, £ vadam§tra, Erantfaka, Yava, Kola, Kulattha, etc., Karsagi, Dagamula (ten drugs): these drugs severally and in combination remove excess of Vayu, Pitta and Kapha. 23-25. Satavari, Vidari, Balaka, Ugira, Candana, Durvi, Vafa, Pippall, Badari, Sallaki, Kadali, Utpala, Padma, Udumbara, Patolaka, Haridra, Guqla, Kusjhaka, Satapuspi, Jatf, Vyosa, Aragvadha and Langall are called Kapha-subduing group of drugs. Among lardaceous substances, ghi, oil, fat and marrow are the most excellent. 26-29. Those who like to improve intelligence, memory, understanding power and digestive faculty must take ghee regularly. In a Pitta patient ghee alone should be administered. In a Vata patient it is administered with salt. In a patient of excess of Kapha it shall be administered with Vyosa and alkalis. Similarly, in the case of patients of glandular tumour, sinus, worms, obesity and deranged Kapha and Vayu also. Oil is administered to the patients of hardened bowels for the sake of lightness and firmness. So also in persons whose fundamental constituents have been weakened by exposure to gusts of wind, sunshine and rain, bearing of burden, excessive sexual indulgence and physical exercises. In persons who have coarseness of the skin, pain, debility, quick digestion and constriction of vessels due to Vayu (oil can be administered). Now ( I shall explain) Yonikarma in chronic headache. The vein is first cauterised before enema ta is used. 30. A full dose of clyster is one pala, three Ak§as in the middle one, and half a pala in the small one, in the case of oil, decoction and medication. 31. In Sneha Karmas (administering oil or ghee) hot water is given along with ghee but separately in the case of oil. A pitta patient undergoing Sneha treatment shall drink over hot water if he feels thirsty. 32. A person who has been made Dipt& gni (of good digestive power) and varcasnigdha (motion-oily) must be given such treatment as ensures pacifying the deranged Vkyu. Persons suffering from coarseness must be given Sneha treatment and those of extreme glossiness, parchifying treatment. 33. In the case of disorders due to Vayu and Kapha in combination or separately diaphoratic measures are to be used with a compound of & yam& ka, Koradosa, Anna, buttermilk, Pinyaka and fried grain flour. These measures are not for excessively corpulent, coarse, weak or swooning persons.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND SE VENT If FOUR. Diseases. Dhanvantari said: 1-3. O SiiSruta, I shall enumerate some medicated ghees and oils quelling ailments. A prastha of ghee must be cooked with an Aksa of each of the drugs §ankhapu? pl, Vaca Brahmi, Soma, Brahma, Suvarcala, Abhaya, Gu< JucI, A{aru? aka and Vaguji, a prastha of the juice of Kantak& ri and a prastha of milk. This is called Brahmi ghj-ta. It heightens memory, power and intellect. 4. Gh! is to be cooked with the following drugs in full or as many as are available: — Triphaia, Citraka, Bala,. Nirguntfl, Nimba, Vasaka, Punarnava, Gu^uci, Bfhatl and Satavari. This medicated ghl quells all ailments. 5-7. Half an Atfhaka of oil is to be cooked in the decoo tion of a hundred balks along with the residue of Madhuka, Maflji$tha, Candana, Utpala, Padmaka, Sukpnaila, Pippali, Ku$fha, Tvagela, Aguru, Kesara, Aivagandhk, Jlvanlya drugs and an Adhaka of milk. After this is well cooked in low fire it must be kept in a silver vessel. This oil is called Balya and is a favourite of kings. It removes all disorders of Vayu and all Dhatu derangements. 8-13. A prastha of Sat& varf juice, a prastha of milk, a kar? a each of the drugs Satapu? pa, Devadaru, Mams! 1, Saileyaka, Bala, Candana, Tagara, Ku$fha, ManahSila and Jyoti? mati and a prastha of ghi or oil must be cooked well. This is called Narayaga Ghrta or Taila (as the case may be). Vi? nu Himself has given this recipe. It is highly efficacius in hunchbacks, dwarfs, lame persons, deaf persons, persons of defective limbs, lepers, those affected by Vayu, those who are unable to satisfy their partners in sexual intercourse, those whose limbs have been weakened by old age and debility. Diseases affecting the skin, veins, sinews, etc. are quelled by this medicated oil or Ghrta. 14-16. (Oil or ghee can be used in the following medical preparations) (1) Satavari and Gu< Juci, (2) Citraka, Vyosa, Mrnbaka and Nirguruji, (3) Juice ofPrasarani and Kanfakari, (4) Var$abhu and Bala, (5) Vasaka, Triphala Brahmika, Erandaka, Bhpigaraja, Yasfi, Mu? all, DaSamula, Khadira and Vafa. Tablets, confections or powders of the above drugs too are efficacious in all sorts of ailments. 17. The powders, etc, can be taken with ghee, honey, water, candy, jaggery etc., salt or pungent things. They cure all ailments. 18-19. An intelligent man shall cook oil with Citraka, Arka, Trivft, Yavanl, Hayamaraka, Sudha, Bali, Ganika, Saptapari^a, Suvarcika and Jyoti§matI. This is called Ni? yandana Taila and is very efficacious in fistula in ano. 20. This efficacious oil, consisting of drugs, Citraka, etc suppresses all ailments. It purifies, enables tissues to grow and gives good colour to the skin. 21-23. Cook mustard oil in combination with Ajamoda Sindura, Haritala, the two sorts of Ni$i, two Klaras, Phena, Ardraka, Sarala, IndravarunI, Ap& m& rga, Kadala, Syandana and goat’s urine in low fire and add cow’s milk. This Ajamod& dika taila is very effective in goitre. 1. Nardostachys jat& m& ihsi. 24. A skilful physician shall cook to the correct point, shall purify the ripened suppurating sores, and shall use this Taila for the growth of the tissues and smoothness of skin.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTYFIVE. Diseases. Rudra said: 1. Thus Dhanvantari who is Visnu Himself, explained to Su$ruta and others. Hari then said to Hara explaining different medical preparations quelling ailments. Hari said: 2. O Sankara, in all fevers the first process is to make the patient fast. Then he must be kept in a place where gusts of wind do not blow. Only boiled water should be given for drinking. 3. All fevers are subdued by dry fomentations, O I$vara. The decoction of Guduci and Mustaka removes Vatajvara. 4-6. Listen, the decoction of Duralabha 1 removes pittajvara. A decoction of Sunfhi, Parpaja, Musta, Balaka, USIra, Candana, Ghi and Duralabha removes the fever of Kaphaja type. A decoction of Balaka, Su^hi and Parpafa cures all types of fever. A decoction of Tiktaka, Eranda, Guduci Sunthi and Mustaka removes Pitta jvara. Now hear other types of medical compounds. 7-8. A decoction of Balaka, Ufira, Pa{h&, Kanfakari and Mustaka and Surad& ru removes fevers if cooked with Dhanyaka, Nimba and Musta and taken with honey. A decoction of Triphala, Pafolapatra and Guduci removes all kinds of fever. This increases appetite and dispels disorders due to V& yu. 911. Haritaki, Pippali, Amali and Citraka powdered together is a remedy for fever. The above boiled with Dhanyaka, Ufira and Parpafa or Amalaki, Guduci, and Candana and taken with honey cures fever of every type. Now listen to the compounds removing Sannipataja fever. 12. An astringent decoction of Haridra, Nimba, TriphalA Mustaka and Devadaru with Katurohini 1, leaves of Panola when drunk removes fever arising from the three do? as. 13. N£ gabal& powder taken with powdered Kantakari, N& gara, Gu< juci and Pu? kara removes cough, asthma, etc. 14-15. In fever due to Kapha and Vayu the thirsty patient should be given hot water. Water boiled with ViSva, Parpataka, Usira, Musta and Candana and cooled later can be given to quell thirst, vomiting, fever and burning sensation. In Vataja fever, a decoction of Bilva and other drugs of Paficamula group is very effective. 1 6. The root of Pippali is appetising. In Vatajvara a decoction of Guduci and ViSva gives great relief. A decoction of Parpata and Nimba taken with honey removes Pitta jvara. 17. Even after remedial measures if the patient does not regain consciousness, his legs or forehead must be cauterised with an ironrod. 18. A purgative decoction of Tikta, Pafa, Panola, ViSala, Triphala and Trivrt taken with milk removes all kinds of fever.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTYSIX. Diseases. Lord said: 1. Within seven nights even a bald man will grow his hair if a plaster of burnt ashes of elephant’s tusk%ith Rasafijana and goat’s milk is applied. 2. Oil cooked with the juice of Bhrngar& ja one fourth in volume and mixed with Gufija powder enables the growth of hair. 3. Rub the bald head with Ela, Maihsi, Ku$fha and Mura and plaster it with Gunjaphala. This will cure Candralupta (baldness). 1. Picrorhiza kurroa. 4. By plastering with powdered stones of mango fruit hair become fine. Application of Karafija, Amalaka, El & and Lak$a cures Aruna (redness). 5. Application of plaster of the powdered pulp or mango stones gives the hair a thickness and silky gloss. They grow with firm roots very long and glossy. They never fall off. 6. Anointment of the head with a medicinal oil cooked with Vidanga, Gandhapa$ana and ManahSila with four times cow’s urine destroys lice and dandruff. 7. O Vr^abhadhvaja, (Siva whose banner has the emblem of a bull) if fresh burnt conch ashes mixed with filings of lead are applied as a paste, hair turns darkblack and glossy. 8-9. Equal parts of Bhrngaraja, iron-filings, TriphalS, Bijapuraka, Nili and Karavira cooked with an equal quantity of jaggery constitute a powerful hairdye that can turn white hair black. 10. Pulps of the seeds of mango fruits Triphala, Nili, Bhrngaraja, burnt Lohacurna and Kafijika constitute a good hair dye turning it black. 11. Seeds of Cakramardaka, Ku§tha, and roots of Eranda ground into a good paste in hot sour gruel (Kafijika) and applied on the head or forehead cure every sort of headache. 12-13. Oil is to be cooked with rock % salt, Vaca, Hingu, Kustha, NageSvara, Satapuspa and Devadaru. In this medicated oil mix the watery portion squeezed out of cowdung, one fourth of it in volume. This compound is very effective as an eardrop for all sorts of earache. 14. O Siva, rock salt dissolved in sheep's urine poured into the ears removes fetid smell, foul discharges and worms in the ears. 15. Pouring the juice of Malatl flowers and leaves into the ears or pouring cow's urine alone into the ears arrests fetid discharges from the ears. 16-17. A paste prepared from Ku$jha, Masa, Marlca, Tagara, Kppali, Apamarga, ASvagandha, Brhati, white mustard, Yava and Tila with honey and rock salt applied over the penis removes its numbness, over the arms their paralysis and over the ears makes them grow larger. 1 8. Mustard oil cooked well with Bhallataka, Brhati, Datjima and bark can be applied to the penis to make it longer.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTYSEVEN. Hari said: 1. There is no doubt in this that the eye salve prepared from the juice of the leaves of Sobhaftjana with honey cures all ocular affections. 2-3. Eighty flowers of Tila and Jati mixed with Upanimba, Amala, Sun^hi, Pippali and Tantfuliyaka must be dried in shade and prepared in the form of Vafis. These Vatis can be pasted in rice washings and applied to the eyes like collyrium. It removes all Timira defects. 4. The pulp of the stones of Vibhltaka Sankhanabhi, ManahSila, leaves of Nimba, and Marlca must be ground into paste in goat’s urine. As an eye salve this compound removes the troubles of the wall-eyed and the night-blinded. Timira and afflictions of the coat of the eyes are also quelled. 5-6. Four parts of Sankha, two parts of Manah£ ila (realgar) and one part of rock salt are to be ground into paste and dried in shade and formed into Vajika. This can be applied like collyrium: It cures Timira and Pafala and is very effective in Pifijata (mucus excretion of the eyes). 7-8. Trikafu, Triphala, fruits of Karafija, rock salt and the two kinds of Rajani 1 are to be ground in the juice of Bhrngaraja and applied as collyrium. It cures Timira, etc. 9. Roots of A{aru$aka ground into paste in sour gruel and applied thickly over the eyes remove all sorts of pain in the eyes. 1. Haridr& and Dftru-haridr&. 10-12. A decoction of Satadru and the root of Badari taken in gives relief from aching sensation in the eyes. Mustard oil cooked with the root of Apamarga and ground into paste with rock salt, milk and sour gruel in a copper vessel can be used as a collyrium. O Sankara, Pifijata (accumulation of mucus in the eyes) is removed by this while applying this collyrium one shall reapeat this mantra: — Om Dadru Sara Krorfi Hrirh Thah Thah Dadru Sara Hrirh Hrim Om Um Urh Sara Krim Krim Thah Thah. The nine Durgas called Adyas can be brought under one’s control. 13. An eyesalve prepared with Bilvaka and roots of Nil! quells Timira instantaneously. 14. A stick or a wick prepared with Pippall, Tagara, Haridra, Amalaka, Vaca and Khadira ground well can be applied as collyrium in all eyesores. 15. A person who holds water in his mouth and washes his face and eyes regularly in the morning every day can keep himself free from eyesores perpetually. 16. Roots of white Eranda and its leaves cooked with goat’s milk can be used for fomentation in Vataja eyesores. 17. Candana, rocksalt, Vrddhapalasa, Haritaki, Patala flowers, Nili and Cakrika made into a collyrium remove eyesores. Gufija roots ground into a paste in goat’s urine quell Timira. 18. The body of a jaundice patient must be rubbed with rods of silver, copper and gold and the above paste applied as a plaster. He will get relief, O Rudra. 19-20. Smelling or drinking the decoction of Ghosa fruit dispels chlorosis and jaundice. The juice of Daqlimapuspa, Durva, Alaktaka and Haritaki used as an errhine removes haemorrhoid growths in the nose and Vatarakta. 21. O Vrsabhadhvaja, Nilalohita, (both mean Siva) Roots of Jingini 1 ground into paste in its own juice can be used as an errhine in Nasarsas (haemorrhoid growths in the nose). 22. Gh! from cow’s milk, Satjarasa, Dhanyaka, i; ocksalt, Dhatturaka and Gairika must be cooked well and ground into paste with cooked rice and oil. This can be applied if there is an ulcer in the lips or if they are split.