THE GARUDA PURANA 36 страница16. “Namaste Isa Varadaya Akarfini Vikarsini Mugdhe Svaha. ” The man and woman must rub the vaginal passage and penis with the oil after repeating this mantra, O Sankara. 17-18. Mercury must be mixed with the juice ofjatika and the seeds of Punarnava Amrta Durva, Kanaka and Indravarunl 1. This compound must be put in a crucible. This Rasa is a great death-giving agent. Milk taken with honey and butter removes wrinkles and greying it hair. 19. Copper burnt with the compound of honey, butter, jaggery, and juice of Karavella becomes silver. Now hear me explain the process of converting it into gold. 20. A Pala of lead, yellow Dhattura flower and a twig of Langalika burnt together makes it converted into Gold. 21. A yogin seated in Samadhi posture with a lamp burning with the oil of Dhattura, cannot be seen even by those who are in heaven. 22. A clay model of a bull grappling a frog shall be fumigated with the smoke of this Dhattura oil lamp. The clay frog will bellow like a living bull, O Sankara. 23. An oil lamp burns down the insect Khadyota. Both burning together produce a great conflagration. 24. O Rudra, burn the dead body of a rat. The ashes when rubbed over the body produce a severe burning sensation. When sandal wood is applied or drunk he will be free from the distress. 25. Apply the ichor of an elephant in rut to its own eyes, O Siva. The elephant will be victorious in battles. The man also becomes a great hero. 26. Keep a piece of ivory in the mouth of water snake and throw it in water. It will stay steady in water as on land. 27. A compound of the eyes, teeth, bones, blood and suet in oil must be smeared over the body. The man can stay under water for three days. 28. The eyes of crocodile, the heart of a tortoise, the suet and bones of a rat and the suet of a SiSumara (porpoise) pasted together and applied over the body enable a man to stay under water as in his own house. 29-30. Iron filings drunk with butter milk cure jaundice. Roots of Tanduliyaka and Goksuraka drunk with milk remove chlorosis and all ailments of the mouth. The roots of Jatl and Kola drunk with buttermilk cure impaired digestion. 31. The roots of Ku£ a or BakucI taken with buttermilk cure indigestion. Roots of BakucI taken with sour gruel dispel diseases of the teeth. 32. O Siva, roots of Indra-Varuni drunk with water remove poison of drinking. The roots of Surabhika cure disorders due to the derangement of Vayu. 33-35. Powdered Gufija plastered on the head with sour gruel cures headache. Powdered Bala, Atibala and Yasti mixed with honey and sugar taken by even a sterile woman enables her to conceive. There is no doubt. Roots of white Aparajita, ground together with Pippali and SunthI and applied over the head remove acute headache. Drinking clusters of Nirgundika removes goitre. 36-37. Ashes of the leaves of KetakI taken with jaggery or Sarapunkha taken with butter milk cures enlarged spleen. Juice of Matulunga taken with jaggery and butter remove disorders due to Vayu and Pitta. Drinking Sunthi, Sauvarcala and Hingu removes all heart pains.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTYFIVE. Diseases. Hari Said: ). Om Namo Ganapataye (obeisance unto the Lord of Ganas). This is the mantra of Lord of Ganas that gives wealth and learning. 2. After reciting this eight thousand times a man shall tie his tuft and enter litigation. He is sure to win. By repeating this a hundred limes he will be a favourite of all men. 3. O Rudra, Repeating this mantra a thousand and eight times the devotee shall offer a thousand and eight libations of black gingelly seeds soaked in butter. The king will be under his control in three days. 4. The devotee shall observe fast on the eighth and fourteenth days of the lunar fortnight and worship Vighnarat (Ganesa). Thereafter he shall offer a thousand and eight libations of gingelly seeds and raw rice grains. He shall be invincible in battle. All people are bound to serve him. 5. Having repeated this mantra for eight thousand times and then for eight hundred times the devotee shall tie his tuft and then enter the Royal court or the court of litigation. He is sure to win. 6. He who repeats this mantra after placing Hrimkara and Visarga (mystically) on the forehead of women is sure to keep them under his control. 7. With great concentration he shall place the Nyasa mantras mystically in the organ of reproduction in the maidens and repeat the mantras. There is no doubt in this that he will be able to make the maidens swell with love. 8. Pure in body and mind he who offers ten thousand libations will be able to keep women under his control by merely looking at them. 9. He who puts on his forehead a Tilaka with pasted Gorocana Patra, Manahsila and Kunkuma keeps women under his control. 10. He who puts on his forehead a tilaka with pasted Sahadevi Bhrrigaraja, Sveta Parajita and Vaca keeps the three worlds under his control. 11. He who puts on his forehead a Tilaka by means of sticks made ofGorocana and Minapitta (gall offish) with the little finger of his left hand keeps the three worlds under his control. There is no doubt. 12. She who puts on her forehead Tilaka with Gorocana treated with her own menstrual blood keeps under he control any man whom she sees. There is no doubt. 13-15. O Hara, O I $ vara, fumigating with a compound of Nage$vara, Saileya, Tvak, Patra, Haritakl, Candana, Kustha, Suk? ma Aila and Rakta£ ali is a great instrument of fascination through the arrows of Kamadeva (Cupid) O Mahadeva. O Sankara beloved of Parvatl, he who after his sexual intercourse takes his semen with his left hand and smears the left leg of his beloved with it becomes her favourite lover. 16. Smearing the penis with Saindhava, excreta of a pigeon and honey, O Mahadeva, a man can satisfy any woman. 17. Take five red flowers of any species and equal quantity (by weight) of Priyangu and grind them into a paste. He who smears his penis with this, gives thrilling pleasure to his partner whom he can enslave. 18 He who smears his penis with a compound of A£ vagandha, Mafiji${ha, flowers of Malati and white mustard is loved by women. 19. The root of Kakajangha drunk with milk removes pulmonary consumption. They who regularly take a compound of A£ vagandha, Naga Bala, jaggery and Ma$a retain the same health and vivacity of young men. 20. O Rudra, powdered Triphala alone or with Lohacurna taken with honey removes Parinamaiula. (Gastralgra). 21. Drinking of boiled water with £ ambukak$araka too serves the same purpose. O Siva, the horn of a deer burnt in fire taken with cow’s butter removes cardiac and back pain. 22. Vr? adhvaja Hingu, Sauvarcala and Sunthi boiled iu water with Mahau§adha and drunk removes all colics. 23. Root of Apamarga taken with sea-salt removes impaired digestion and colic. 24. Sprouts of Vata washed with water with which rice has been washed should be drunk O Rudra, with butter milk. O Sankara, it dispels dysentery. 25. O Bhutapa, (Siva) Half Kar$aof the roots of Arikoja 1 ground into paste with rice washings and drunk removes all sorts of dysentery and diarrhoea. 26. Marica, Sunthi, powdered barks of Kufaja and jaggery taken in increased proportion of twice the former and drunk removes all sorts of diarrhoea. 27. O Siva, pills made of a compound of the roots of white Aparajita, Haridra, cooked rice, Apamarga and Trikafuka pasted well undoubtedly remove the great sickness of cholera. 28. O Bhutega, Triphala, Aguru, Silajatu and Haritaki powdered separately and taken with honey, O Sankara, destroys all sorts of urinary complaints. 29-30. A Pala each of Manahiila, Marica and Sindura ground into powder and cooked in a copper vessel with exudations of Arka and gingelly oil and dried in sunshine and drunk with exudations of Snuhi and Saindhava removes colic. 31-33. Trikapi, Triphala, Alakta gingelly oil, Manah& la, leaves of Nimba, flowers of Jatl, Sankhanabhi and Candana cooked well in goat’s milk and urine and made into sticks should be used as collyrium for the eyes. Wall-eyes, eyecoatings, night-blindness etc. heal. Powdered Vibhitaka taken with honey removes dyspnea. 34. Pippall, powdered Triphala, honey and Saindhava cure all types of fever, cough, consumption, and catarrh. 35. Devadaru powder soaked and purified in goats’ urine twentyone times and applied as collyrium to the eyes cures night blindness, eyecoatings and depilations of eyelashes. 36. O Rudra, a compound of Pippall, Ketaka, 9 Haridra, Amalaka and Vaca cooked in milk and applied as a collyrium to the eyes cures all ocular afflictions. 37. O Siva, O Hara, Roots of K& kajangha and Sigru kept in the mouth and chewed well remove all germs in the teeth. 1. Alangium salvifolium. 2. Pandanus tectoriu.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTYS1X. Diseases. Hart said: 1-2. The essence of Giujuci taken with honey removes Prameha (diabetes and urinary complaints). Roots of Gohalika mixed with gingelly seeds, curd and butter cooked well dispels strangury, O Sankara. The same taken with sauvarcala removes hiccough. 3. O Rudra, powdered Gorak$a and roots of Karka^i drunk with washings of Vasya for three days dispel gravel and similar urinary complaints. 4. Roots of Malati collected in summer and cooked in goats’ milk when drunk with sugar cure strangury gravel and jaundice. 5. Roots of Dvijayasti ground into paste in water with which rice has been washed when applied as a plaster cure serofula, hydrocele and goitre. 6. The above compound with the admixture of Rasaftjana and powdered Haritaki when applied to the penis cures loss of manhood and virility, there is no doubt. 7. By applying the paste of the roots of Karavira or Pugaphala to the genitals, loss of sexual vigour can be cured. O Rudra, I shall mention another medical compound. 8. By applying the paste of the roots of Danti, Haridra and Citraka, fistula in ano is cured. I shall mention another treatment. If the blood is sucked off by leeches, fistula in ano can be cured. 9. Washed with the water of Triphala the locality should be smeared with the paste of cat’s bone. Then bleeding ceases. There is no doubt in this. 10. Haridra should be purified many times with the exudations of Snuhl and formed into Va(tk& s. O Vr^abhadhvaja, an application of this cures ^iles. Gho? aphala and Saindhava ground into paste together is a sure remedy for Piles. 11. Butter made from the cow’s milk cooked with Trikatuka and drunk with the washings of Pal£ ja and K$ara, three times in Volume cures Piles. 12. By eating Bilvaphala, or black gingelly seeds with butter, bleeding piles can be cured. 13. O Vr? abhadhvaja, equal quantities of Yavak? ara, powdered Sunthl and jaggery early in the morning improves digestive power. 14-15. Water boiled with Sunjhi and drunk improves digestion. O Rudra, powdered Haritaki, Saindhava, Citraka and Pippali drunk with hot water increases appetite and hunger, Pig’s flesh taken tfith butter increases appetite and hunger.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTYSEVEN. Diseases. Hari said: 1. O Sankara, pound the leaves of Hastikarnapalasa. O Siva, a hundred Palas of this powder is a great cure for all ailments. 2. If the above powder is taken with milk O Vj" §abhadhvaja, for seven days the man gains the power of memory, O Rudra, and becomes as powerful and valorous as a lion. 3. If the powder is taken with milk for sixteen days, O Rudra, the body begins to glow like a ruby, the shape and features become brilliant and he can live even for a thousand years. 4. Taken with honey and butter it is conducive to longevity. Taken with honey it enables one to live even for ten thousand years. 5. Taken daily with curd it builds up the body as strong as adamant and makes the man endowed with keen power of memory and a great favourite of young maidens. 6. Taken with sour gruel it enables a man to live even for a thousand years with thickly grown glossy hair. 7. Taken with Triphala it enables the man to live for a hundred years with a divine body free from wrinkles and grey hir and without any defect in the eyes. 8-9. If the powder is taken with butter even a blind man begins to see. When applied over the head with buffalo’s milk it turns grey hair black. O Vrsabhadhvaja, hair begin to grow even on a bald head. The powder used for massage with oil removes wrinkles and grey hair. 10. By using it as an unguent one is freed from all ailments. If it is applied as a collyrium with goat’s milk for a month, the lost eyesight can be regained. 11-12. Seeds of Palasa are to be gathered in the month of Sravana and dehusked. Powder them well and take half pi Karsa of it daily with butter after due worship of Lord Hari. The diet is to be restricted to old rice of the §a? ti variety. Water is to be abjured. The man can live for a thousand years free from wrinkles and grey hair. 13-14. Cull the roots of Bhrngaraja when the moon is in Pusya star. Powder tjicm well. The powder is to be taken daily with Sauvlra for a month. The man becopies free from wrinkles and grey hair. He will be endowed with the strength of an elephant. He can live even for five hundred years with the power of hearing unimpaired. O Rudra, the course must be started on the day when the moon enters the asterismof Pusya.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTYEIGHT. Diseases. Hari said: 1. A cut from a sharp instrument, filled with butter immediately gets healed without inflammation and pusformation. To stop excessive bleeding, roots of Apamarga must be squeezed with hands and the juice must be poured into the wound. 2. O Rudra, if the tip of any weapon or any other foreign matter gets embedded in any wound, roots of Langalika and Hijjala must be squeezed and poured over the wound. O Sankara, even if the foreign matter had been there for a long time it comes out instantaneously. 3. Roots of Bala or of Me§a£ fngi ground into paste with water and applied over sinuses make them subside even if they be of long duration. 4. Powdered roots of Kanku applied over sinuses quell them. The diet of the patient must be restricted to cooked Kodrava rice with curd from buffalo’s milk. 5. Brahmaya? fi fruits ground into paste with water and applied over the skin remove the disorder due to impurity in the blood. There is no doubt in this. 6-8. Ashes of Yava, Vidanga, Gandhapa$ana and Sunjhl treated with chameleon’s blood and applied cures carbuncles and tumours, O Siva. Root of Sobhafljana and burnt linseed mixed with white mustard and applied over knotty tumours with buttermilk not turned sour, cures it. 9. Root of white Aparajita ground into paste in water with which rice has been washed can be used as an errhine to drive away malignant hosts of Bhutas (evil ghosts). 10. An errhine prepared with the flower of Agastya with Marica removes colic, O Siva. A paste with the slough of a serpent, Hirigu, leaves of Nimba, Yava and white mustard removes malignant spin. 11. A collyrium prepared with Gorocana, Marica, Pippali, Saindhava and honey wards off the evil influences of planets and Bhutas, O Siva. 12. Fumigating with Guggulu and the tail of the owl wards off the influence of evil planets. A patient of Caturthaka fever shall be wrapped with a black cloth and fumigated thus. He will be cured.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTYNINE. Diseases. Hari said: 1. Dropping the juice of the flower of white Apar& jita flowers in the eyes heals the coating of the eyes. There is no doubt in this. 2. O Nllalohita, O Surasuravimardana (Siva the destroyer of Devas and Asuras ), by chewing the roots of Gok§ura one is relieved of the pain due to germs in the teeth. 3. A woman patient of enlarged spleen must apply the paste of the root of white Arka in cow’s milk to her vaginal passage, after fasting during the menstrual period. She will be freed of the pain due to the tumour. 4. The flower of the white Arka should be culled after duly reciting the mantras before. After the purificatory bath at the cessation of the flow of blood duringmenses she must tie it round her hips. This will facilitate her conception and delivery (in the natural course). 5. O Hara, the root of Palasa or Apamarga tied round the wrist dispels all sorts of fever and wards off the evil influence of Bhutas and ghosts. 6. O Paramesvara, the root of Vjrscika drunk with water kept overnight, removes the burning sensation due to fever. 7. The same tied round the tuft removes intermittent fever. When drunk with the washings of Vasya it quells all poisons. 8. A man is sure to be inimical with any one, man or woman, to whom he hands over the root of Lajjaluka soaked in his own semen. 9. He who drinks cow’s butter medicated with the roots of Patha surely mitigates the baneful influences of all kinds of poisons. There is no doubt in this. 10. If the ears are filled with the juice of the root of Raktacitraka as well as Sirica along with Vasya water, jaundice and chlorosis are sure to be dispelled. 1 1. The root of white Kokilak^a 1 cooked with goat’s milk when drunk for three days cures Consumption. 12. The flower of coconut palm drunk with the goat’s milk dispels the three types of Vatarakta. 13. Roots of Sudariana must be wreathed into a garland. Worn round the neck it dispels the fever “Tryahika” (Tertian) and wards off adverse planets and ghosts. 14. The excellent root of white Gufija must be gathered when the moon enters Pu$ya star. This kept in the mouth removes several kinds of poison, 15. The same root along with stems tied round the wrist or the neck wards of evil planets. Culled and tied round the waist on the fourteenth day of the dark fortnight it removes the fear of lions and other beasts of prey, O Nilalohita (Siva). 16. O BhuteSa the root of VisQukranta tied round the ears with a silken cord removes the fear of crocodiles, O l£ a.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY. Diseases. Hart said: 1. The root of Aparajita drunk with cow’s urine removes goitre. There is no doubt in this. 2. A decoction of the root of Indra-varugi taken duly or an errhine with the paste of the juice of Jingi^i with SukaSimbi grains and cold water removes many kinds of pain in arms or neck. 3. Aivagandha, Pippali and the two drugs Vaca and Ku$tha ground into paste with butter from buffalo’s milk when applied to the penis or chest alleviate the pain in the ducts of penis and the cardiac region. 1. Astercantha langifolia. 4. Powdered Ku? (ha and Nagabala pasted with butter and applied over the breasts of young women give them a shapely beauty. 5. Indravarunika must be uprooted and cast off far away shouting the name of the patient of splenic enlargement. He is relieved of the ailment. 6. Root of Punarnava of the white variety drunk with rice washings removes abscesses. There is no doubt in this. 7. Ashes of burnt Kadall leaves boiled in water and drunk quell all sorts of dropsy and Ascites. 8. Roots of Kadali cooked well in butter and jaggery and swallowed destroy the worms in the abdomen. 9. Daily intake of powdered Nimba leaves and Amalaka early in the morning quells Kusfha and similar cutaneous afflictions. 10. A compound of Haritaki, Vitfanga, Haridra, white mustard, Roots of Somaraja and Karaftja, and Saindhava ground into paste in cow’s urine removes Kustha. 11. One part of Triphala and two parts of the seeds of Somaraja taken in along with the observation of strictness in diet cure ring worm, O Siva. 1! J. Sour butter milk boiled with cow’s urine with salt in a vessel of bell metel thickly applied removes Kustha. 13. A plaster of Haridra, Haritala, Durva and rock salt pasted with cow’s urine removes ring worm Pama and skin poisons. 14. Seeds of Somaraja pasted with butter and honey taken in remove white leprosy. O Rudra, butter milk must be taken as Anupana (subsequent drink). There is no doubt in this. 15. Root of white Aparajita purified recurrently in its own washings applied for a mouth, O Rudra, quells leucoderma. 16. Butter from buffalo’s milk, Sindura and Mancaka applied over the affected part removes Pama (scabies) and Piles, O Vj$abha-Dhvaja (Siva). 17. O Isvara, Dry roots ofGambharl cooked and taken with milk is a remedy for Suklapitta. 18. “^Seeds of Mulaka ground with the juice of Apamarga and applied over the body, O Rudra, quell Silhika. 19. Haridra mixed with the ashes of Kadali quells Silhika. Ashes of Rambha 1 and Apamarga mixed with Erantfa if applied over the body, O Mahadeva, remove scabs immediately. 20-21. Burnt ashes of Kusmanda creeper mixed with cow’s urine and Haridra pasted with water must be cooked in a crucible lutoed with buffalo dung over a low fire, O Vpsabhadhvaja. An unguent of this compound, O Igvara produces shapeliness and beauty of limbs. 22. A compound of gingelly seeds, mustard, two sorts of Haridra and Kusfhaka applied over the body as an unguent turns body odour into a sweet fragrance. 23. Application of Durva and Kakajangha too similarly increases the beauty day by day. An application of the paste of flowers of Arjuna leaves of Jambu and Lodhra removes the bad odour of the body. 24. A person who smears his body with a solution of Lodhra water and powdered Kanaka is never affected by the rigours of summer. 25. Sprinkling profusely with milk relieves the body of the defects of heat. An unguent of Kakajangha is a good cosmetic. 26. A decoction of Yasjlmadhu and juice of Vasaka drunk with sugar and honey is a curative for Raktapitta (Haemoptysis) chlorosis and Jaundice. 27. Mere juice of Vasaka taken with honey quells Haemoptysis. Taking in cold water in the morning quells even acute catarrh. 28. O Mahesvara, powdered Vibhitaka, Pippall and Saindhava taken with sour gruel cures the hoarseness of voice (Aphonia). 29-30. In cases of Asthma the patient takes a decoction of powdered Amalaka, Manahsila, root of Bala, leaves of Kola and Guggulu with cow’s milk; and smokes a Varti in Badari fire, prepared with Jatlpatra, Kolapatra, and Manahsil&. Undoubtedly he will be cured. 1. A synonym of kadali 31. Powdered Triphala and Pippal! taken with honey before the meal relieve thirst and fever. 32. A decoction of Bilvamula, and Guduci drunk with honey removes three types of vomiting undoubtedly. Durva ground into paste with rice washings removes vomiting.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND NINETYONE. Diseases. Hart said: 1. Roots of white Punarnava must be taken out on a day when the moon enters the Pusya star and should be drunk with water. No serpent will ever come near him nor infest his house. 2. O Vrsadhvaja, he who wears as an amulet the image of Garuda made of bear’s teeth, will never be bitten by a serpent in his life. 3. O Rudra, Serpents will find their fangs ineffective in him who drinks a decoction of the root of Salmali in water. 4. If the rootLajjaluka is culled on a day when the moon enters the Pusya star and tied round the wrist or its paste is smeared over the body he will undoubtedly be able to catch hold of a serpent with impurity. 5. If the root of white Arka culled under the auspices of the asterism Pusya is drunk with cold water, the poison due to the bites of insects or the sepsis due to sword cut etc. is quelled. 6. Smearing with the paste of the root of Mahakala in sour gruel quells the poison of Vodras and Dundubhas (different kinds of water snakes). 7. Roots of Tanduliyaka soaked in rice washings and pasted, taken with clarified butter remove all kinds of poisons. 8. Roots of either Nfli or Lajjaluka but not both, pasted with rice washings, if drunk, remove the poison due to insect bite. 9. Jhe expressed juice of Kusma^da taken with jaggery or sugar and milk is an antidote for the poison due to insect bite. 10-12. The expressed juice of Kodrava root taken similarly removes loss of sense. Yastimadhu taken with sugar and milk removes the poison of a rat in three days. If the mouth is burnt due to excess of lime while chewing betel leaves, three mouthfuls of cold water drunk will stop salivation. Ghi taken with sugar arrests intoxication and inebriety. 13. O MaheSvara, boiled water drunk with the roots of black Ankota destroys undigested poison within three days. 14. O Mahadeva, the cow’s fresh butter mixed with Saindhava quells the pain due to scorpion bite. 15-16. O Siva, swallowing the compound of Kusumbha, Kumkuma, Haritala, ManahSila, Karaftja, and ground root of Arka removes human bite poison, O Sankara. Applying the oil from an oil lamp the poison of insects and Kharjuraka (scorpion) is removed. There is no doubt in this. 17. The place of bite must be smeared with a paste of Sunthi and Tagarapadika. By smearing these the poison of the sting of a honey bee is quelled. 18-19. In the above case a paste of Satapuspa, Saindhava and butter does great good. O Mahadeva, an application of a paste of the seed of Sirlsa cooked in milk removes the poison of dog bite. Frog bite is to be treated by burning the site of bite and pouring water there. 20. O Siva with moon for crest, rat poison is quelled by drinking the juice of Dhatturaka mixed with milk, butter and jaggery. 21. Gargling with water boiled with the barks of Vata Nimba and Sami removes the pain due to poison in mouth or teeth. 22. O Lord of Uma, application of a paste of Devadaru and Gairika or a compound of Nagesvara, the two varieties of Haridra, and Majlfhika 1 quells the poison of spider. 23. There is no doubt in this that a compound of the seeds of Karaftja, barks of Varuna, Tila and Sarsapa quells poison. 1. Perhaps the same as MaAji$thika = rubia cordifolia. 24. The itching sensation of the horse can be removed in ten days, O Hara, by applying the paste of Kumar! patra with butter and salt.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND NINETYTWO. Diseases. Hari said: 1-3. Take eight parts of Citraka, sixteen parts of Surana 1 four parts of Sun{hi, two parts of Marica, three parts of Pippalimula, four parts of Vitjanga, eight parts af Musalika, and four parts of Triphala. Take jaggery double the quantity of these drugs and prepare a Modaka (sweet meat) of them. This is a sure remedy for impaired digestion, jaundice chlorosis, dysentery, indigestion and enlarged spleen. 4-7. Take these drugs each weighing ten palas: — Bilva Agnimantha, Syonaka, Pa tala, Paribhadraka, Prasaranl, A$vagandha, Brhati, Kantakarika, Bala, Atibala, Rasna, Svadam$tra, Punarnava, Eran< ja, Sariba 2, ParnI, Guduci and Kapikacchuka. They are to be boiled in pure water. When reduced to one fourth pour the decoction into an oil vessel and cook again. Four times this quantity of cow’s or goat’s milk must be poured and Satavari and Saindhava equal to the oil must be added. 8-9. I shall mention the names of the drugs the residence of which is to be added: — Satapuspa, Devadaru, Bala, ParnI, Vaca, Aguru, Kusfha Mamsi, Saindhava and Punarnava. Each of these must be a pala in weight. The oil thus prepared can be used for anointing or as an errhine or as a potion. 10. This oil is a cure for cardiac pain, pleurodynia goitre, hysteria and Vatarakta. The man shall regain lost man hood. 1. Amorphophallus campanutatus. 7. perhaps S& riv& »(l ) Hemidesmus indicus (ii) Cryptelepis bachanami (GVDB, p. 429-30). 11. By taking in this oil even the she-mule can conceive without risk to life. O Hara, what then about woman? Horses and elephants affected by deranged Vayu can be cured with this. Man afflicted by deranged Vayu should be given this oil. 12. Mustard oil cooked with Hingu, Tumburu and Surqhi is an efficacious ear drop for pain in the ear (otalgia). 13-14. Oil cooked in a decoction of dry Mulaka and Sunthi reduced to ashes, Hingula and Nagara with four times of butter milk is a sure remedy for deafness, otalgia, and fetid discharges from ears. By pouring this oil into the ears all geims can be killed. 15-17. Oil cooked with the following drugs is a sure remedy for all sorts of earache. The ashes of dry Mulaka and Sunthi, Hingula, Nagara, Satapuspa, Vaca, Kustha, Daru, Sigru, Rasaftjana, Sauvarcala, Yavak$ara, sea salt, Granthika, Vida Musta, Madhu (honey) and Sukta four limes in quantity, juice of Matuluriga and Kadall. 18. Deafness, rumbling sound in the ears, fetid discharges and germs in the ears can be cured by pouring this oil into the ears. 19. The germs are killed instantaneously, O Siva, with the moon for crest. This taila or oil is called Ksarataila and it removes all sorts of impurities in mouth and teeth. 20-22. The Candanadi oil: — Oil is cooked with these drugs; — Candana, Kuhkuma, M& rhsi, Karpura, Jatipatrika, fruits of Jatl, Kakkola, Puga and Lavahga, Aguru, Kustha, Kasturi, Tagarapadiga, Gorocana, Priyangu, Bala, NakhI, Sarala, Saptaparna, Laksa, Amalaki and Padmaka.