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THE GARUDA PURANA  38 страница

5. If lion is stationed in the chamber of the banner acquisition of wealth, etc. is the result. Dog stationed in the chamber of the banner indicates worries over maid-servants, pleasure, etc.

6. Bull seen in the chamber of the banner indicates worries over position and gain. Seeing a mule in the chamber of the banner indicates misery, pain, etc.

7. An elephant seen in the chamber of the banner presages worry over position, victory, etc. A crow stationed in the chamber of the banner indicates worries over pain and loss of wealth.

8. Seeing a banner in the chamber of smoke indicates misery first and then wealth. Seeing smoke in the chamber of the smoke presages quarrels and miseries.

9. If lion is stationed in the chamber of the smoke it indicates mental worries and acquisition of wealth. Dog stationed in the chamber of smoke prognosticates victory and gain.

10. Seeing a bull in the chamber of smoke presages acquisition of women, cows, horses, wealth etc. Seeing a mule in the chamber of smoke indicatessickness and loss of wealth.

1. GaneSa, Lord of Gagas, the younger son of Lord Siva. He is represented in iconography with the head of an elephant possessed of a single tusk.

11. If elephant is seen in the chamber of smoke it indicates acquisition of kingdom, victory etc. If crow is stationed in the chamber of smoke it presages destruction of wealth and lei ngdom.

12 Seeing banner in the chamber of the lion one can prognosticate acquisition of kingdom, etc. If smoke is stationed in the chamber of the lion it indicates acquisition of virgin’s wealth.

13. If lion is stationed in the chamber of lion it indicates victory and meeting with friends. Dog stationed in the chamber of the lion indicates worries about women and acquisition of village.

14. Seeing a bull in the chamber of the lion indicates acquisition of house, field and gain. Seeing elephant in the chamber of the lion indicates ownership of a village.

15. Seeing an elephant in the chamber of the lion indicates health, longevity, happiness, etc. If crow is stationed in the chamber of the lion it indicates acquisition of virgin’s grains, good qualities.

16. Seeing a banner in the chamber of a dog indicates worries of the position, pleasure, etc. Smoke stationed in the chamber of the dog indicates quarrels and failure in business.

17. If lion is stationed in the chamber of the dog it inditates successful achievement in business. If dog is stationed in the chamber of the dog it will result in loss of wealth.

18. Seeing a bull in the chamber of the dog the patient will be free from sickness. Seeing a mule in the chamber of the dog there is fear of quarre 1.

19. Seeing an elephant in the chamber of the dog indicates a re-union with sons and wife. If a crow is stationed in the chamber of the dog it indicates affliction and ruin of the family.

20. Seeing a banner in the chamber of the bull indicates honour in the royal court, pleasure etc. If smoke is stationed in the chamber of the bull it indicates royal favour and happiness.

21. If the lion is stationed in the chamber of the bull it indicate! all round fortune, wealth, etc. If dog is stationed in the chamber of the bull it augurs strength, splendour and love.

22. Seeing a bull in the chamber of the bull indicates fame, satisfaction, pleasure, etc. Seeing a mule in the chamber of the bull indicates great gain, etc.

23. Seeing an elephant in the chamber of the bull indicates acquisition of women and elephants. If a crow is stationed in the chamber of the bull it indicates gain of good position and honour.

24. Seeing banner in the chamber of the mule indicates illness, sorrow, etc. If smoke is stationed in the chamber of the mule it indicates fear from thieves.

25. If lion is stationed in the chamber of the mule it indicates honour, fame, victory, etc. If dog is stationed in the chamber of the mule, it indicates torment and loss of wealth.

26. Seeing a bull in the chamber of the mule indicates pleasure and reunion with the beloved. Seeing a mule in the chamber of the misery, affliction can be prognosticated.

27. Seeing an elephant in the chamber of the mule indicates pleasure, acquisition of sons, etc. If crow is stationed in the chamber of the mule it indicates quarrel and sickness.

28. Seeing a banner in the chamber of the elephant indicates acquisition of women, victory, splendour, happiness, etc. If smoke is stationed in the chamber of the elephant it indicates acquisition of wealth and grain.

29. If lion is stationed in the chamber of the elephant it indicates victory and achievement of success. If dog is stationed in the chamber of the elephant it indicates health, happiness and prosperity.

30. Seeing a bull in the chamber of the elephant indicates royal honour, wealth, etc. Seeing a mule in the chamber of the elephant indicates misery first and pleasure afterwards.

31. Seeing elephant in the chamber of the elephapt indicates fields, grains, happiness etc. If crow is stationed in the chamber of the elephant it indicates acquisition of wealth and grains.

32. Seeing banner in the chamber of the crow indicates failure in ventures. If smoke is stationed in the chamber of the crow it indicates involvement in quarrels and misery.

33. If lion is stationed in the chamber of the crow it indicates quarrels and misery. If dog is stationed in the chamber of the crow it indicates great fear and split in the house.

34. Seeing a bull in the chamber of the crow indicates fall from position, terror, etc. Seeing a mule in the chamber of the crow indicates loss of wealth and defeat.

35. Seeing an elephant in the chamber of the crow, indicates wealth, fame, etc. If a crow is stationed in the chamber of the crow it indicates a visit to a foreign land.




Bhairava said:

1. O Goddess! I shall explain the subjugation of Vayu.

This will indicate success or failure as the case may be. Vayu, Agni, Jala and Sakra 1 are the four auspicious things.

2. Vayu stationed in the right and left sides flows in various directions. If it takes an upward course it is designated Agni. If it takes a downward course it is designated Varuna (or Jala).

3. Mahendra (or Sakia) is the stationary Vayu taking the middle course. In the bright half of the lunar month it is stationed in the left side. In the dark half it is stationed in the right side. Once it rises it follows the same course for three days and changes thereafter.

4-5. At the beginning of a fortnight it flows upwards and then comes down. If its rise is along the sun’s path and its setting is along the moon’s, all the good qualities increase, otherwise there is obstruction. There are sixteen periods of transit in the course of a day and night, O bright-faced lady!

1. Indra, lord of the gods but here it means wind.

6. At the close of a period of an hour and a half when the Vayu changes its course there is a likelihood of a man losing his normal health.

7-9. If the course of the Vayu is in the right side that period is good for taking food or indulging in sexual intercourse Wielding a sword, going to the battle out of one’s own will, etc. are to be undertaken when Vayu is taking its leftward course.

When Vayu is stationary or the course is favourable asking questions (study, seeking knowledge, etc. ) is good. When the Vayu is in the Mahendra state, no evil befalls him. In the atmosphere if the Vayu takes a right hand course there is drought. If it takes a leftward course there will be rain.



Medical treatment of horses and elephants.

Dhanvantari said:

1-4. I shall explain the Ayurveda of horses wherein all things connected with them and their treatment are mentioned in detail. There are many types of horses fit only to be set aside They are: — Kakatundi (crow-lipped),

Krsnajihva (blacktongued), Rksasya (bear-faced), Usnataluka (hot-palated), Karala (fierce looking) Hinadanta

(Deficient or lacking in teeth), Srngi, (horned), Viraladan taka (few-toothed), Ekaruja (single -tes tided),

J& tan< Jakaficuka (Born with Scrotal tumour), Dvikhurl-cleft hoofed), Stan! (Teated), Marjarapada (cat-footed),

Vyaghribha (resembling tigers), Ku? thavidradhisannibha appearing as if affected by Kus^ha and tumours), Yamaja (Twin-born), Vamana (diminutive in size), Marjaraloana (cat-eyed) and Kapilocana (monkey-eyed). The first clcass horse is the Turkish (Turuskaja). The middling is five hastas tall and the lowest, three hastas tall.

5. Those horses whose limbs arc not short, whose ears are short and whose hue is of a mixture of many colours lightly shaded live long and are not afRicted.

6-7. Ways of guarding against evil are the worship of Revanta, sacrificial offerings and feeding of brahmins. A compound of Sarala, leaves ofNimba, Guggulu, Sar? apa, Tila, Vac&, and Hingu with butter should be tied round the neck of a horse.

Ulcers affecting horses are of two types ( 1 ) due to extraneous causes (2) due to derangement of humours.

8. Vataja type of ulcers is marked by delayed suppuration, the Kaphaja ulcers suppurate quickly, the pittaja type of ulcers gives a burning sensation at the throat and ulcers due to impure blood do not pain much.

9-10. What we call due to extraneous causes is the wound caused by weapons, etc. In order to wash off the impurities in the wounds and ulcers the following compound i 9 used: Roots of Eranda, two shoots of Haridra, Citraka, Vi$vabhesaja l 2

and Rasona 8 or Saindhava well ground with butter milk and sour gruel. Tila, fried grain flour pasted with curd and salt or a paste of Nimba leaves and ball of rice applied over a wound purifies and heals it.

11-13, A compound of powdered Pa tola, Nimba leaves, Vaca, Citraka, Pippali Sfngavera given to the horse with water for a drink destroys worms, mucous discharges, intoxication and deranged Vayu. If there is cutaneous affection the horse must be bled and a decoction ofNimba leaves, Pafola, Triphala and Khadira must be given to the horse.

14. Application of mustard oil is effective in Kus^has with ulcers. A decoction ofLajuna, etc. administered as a drink alleviates it.

15-17. In certain afflictions when errhines become necessary either the juice of Matulunga or that of Mamsi should be used for that purpose. The first day’s dosage is two Palam weight. Every day it has to be increased by a Pala. The maximum for a first class horse is eighteen Palas. In the middling it is fourteen and for the lowest class of horse it is eight Pala weight. Errhines are not to be administered in Autumn or summer.

1. Zingiber officinale.

2. Allium sativum.

18. In a Vataja type of disease the medium is oil in combination with sugar, butterand milk. In a Kaphaja type Vyo§a with mustard oil must be the medium. In a pittaja ailment with water Triphala can be used as the medium.

19. A horse regularly fed on §as{ika Sali grains and milk will never come to a state of being condemned. A golden coloured horse or one of the complexion of ripe Jambu fruit is never to be condemned.

20. A horse slightly injured should be given Guggulu and fed on milk pudding. It will be immediately relieved and be normal.

21. In a Vataja ailment the diet of a horse is Sali grains and milk. In a Pittaja ailment a Kar§a of gravy with Mudga soup, honey and butter shall be given.

22. In Kaphaja diseases mudga or Kulattha can be given.

If the horse is affected with deafness and deranged kapha it should be fed with pungent and bitter articles of diet. If the ailment is of Tridos? origin Guggulu is to be administered along with its mouthfuls (of grass, etc).

23-24. In all ailments Durva should be given along with other grasses. On the first day a Pala weight of it is to be given.

Increasing it by a Karsa every day, up to five Palas per day can be given. In drinks or diet eight Palas should be the maximum limit, in the middling it is sixty and in the lowest type it is forty.

25-26. If the horse is affected by Kustha, ulcers, or lameness it shall be administered with the decoction of Triphala;

if it is affected by impaired digestion or tumour it shall be administered with cow’s urine. If it is affected by Vatapitta or ulcers it is administered with cow’s milk and butter; for lean horses the diet shall be supplemented by meat.

27. In the mornings during Autumn and summer horses should be given five Palas of well powdered GuducI with butter.

28. This quells ailment, nourishes, increases strength and splendour. It can be given alone or in combination with some Alkali.

29. Along w ith the administration of Guduci, four palas (in the case of the middling) and three palas (in the case of lowest type of horse) of Satavarl and A£ vagandha also must be given.

30. When suddenly the horses assume uniformity in colour and features or die together it must be immediately considered as an epidemic.

31. Sacrificing Horses, giving oblations or feeding of Brahmins may cause their suppression. Or Haritakikalpa can be resorted to.

32. Haritakf is soaked in cow’s urine and Taila (oil) and salt is added. On the first day, five such Harltakls are given.

Every day the dosage is increased by five Haritakis till the maximum of hundred in the case of the best horse, eighty in middling and sixty in the least one is reached.

33. I shall now explain Gajayurveda (treatment etc. of elephants). The medical decoctions etc. mentioned before are efficacious in elephants too. The dosage is four times of that of a horse. All ailments can thus be cured.

34. In an epidemic among elephants the alleviation is by means of a pacifying rite (Santi Karma) 1 by the worship of gods and brahmins and the gift of a Kapila (pale-brown or tawny) cow.

35. The physician must observe fast and tie a consecrated garland round the tusks of the elephant along with Vadk and Siddarthaka drugs equally consecrated.

36. The worship of Sun, Siva, Durga, Sri and Visnn protects the elephant. Oblations must be given to Bhutas. The elephant must be bathed with four pitcherfuls of water.

37. The diet of the elephant must be consecrated with mantras. The elephant must be smeared with holy ashes. The pure auspicious propitiation of the Bhutas will protect the elephant.

38-39. A pungent decoction of Triphala, Paflcakola, Dasamula, Vidarigaka, Satavari, Guduci, Niinba, Vasaka, and Kimsuka 2 is very efficacious in quelling all ailments of an elephant. Thus I have summarised what is mentioned in the two Ayuiveda treatises (that of horses and that of elephants).

1. Observances or ceremonies calculated o remove calamities.

2. Bute a monosperma.




Hart said:

1. O Siva, a single fresh root of punarnava or apam& rga, when inserted into the vagina of a woman, is capable of removing the local pain. It can also alleviate the young mother’s pain experienced during delivery.

2. The roots of Bhumi-Ku$m& iida alongwith the powder of Sali 1 2 3, ' if taken with milk for a week, increase the milk in women’s breasts.

3. O Siva, the paste of roots of Indra-varuni removes, the pain in female-breasts. It may be cooked in butter and a bread be prepared out of it which, when eaten, will remove the vaginal pains, O Siva.

4. If the vagina has come out, then apply to it the paste of Karavella 8 roots; it will attain its natural position, there is no doubt about it 5. The roots of Nil! 4 and Potola 5 6 when pasted into a solution of tila and butter and applied to (the patient), remove the Jv& la-gardabha disease.

6. O Rudra, the roots of Pafha, 7 when ground in the scum of boiled rice and drunk, remove papa-roga. 8 Kustha roots taken in the same way also act likewise.

7. The solution of Vasya, when drunk with honey,, relieves the internal itching pain experienced during the paparoga, O Siva.

8. Equal quantity of butter and lak$a, when drunk with milk, cure pradara, 9 there is no doubt in this.

1. V ariant i& li-tai i < fula -v& rini.

2. CitruUus-colocynthis.

3. Momordica charantia.

4. Indigo.

5. Trichosanthes Diecca.

6. A skin disease.

7. Clypca Hernamdifolia.

8. Perhaps small-pox (SSED p. 331)

9. Leucorrhoea.

9-10. O Siva, the powder of Dvijaya& i and Trikafuka when drunk with the decoction of sesame, removes women’s Raktagulma; and is a good emanagogue for young ladies, O Siva.

1 1. The bulbs of Red Lotus, when drunk with sugar and sesame, cure abortion in women. The flow of blood can be stopped with the help of cold water.

12-13. O Rudra, a decoction ofKaftjika, Sarapunkha, Hingu and rock-salt hastens the delivery in women. If the roots of Matulunga are tied to the waist, they quicken the delivery.

14. Tf, after pronouncing the name of the pregnant woman, the roots of Apamarga are taken out fully, then a son will be born. If broken, a daughter will be born.

15. If the roots of Apamarga are placed on the head of the pregnant woman; the pain in her embryo will disappear, there is no doubt about it.

16. O Siva, if the vagina is filled with Karpura, Madanaphala and Madhuka, it will be good even for that of an old woman, what to speak of the young ladies.

17. If a tilaka of Gorocana is applied on the forehead of a child and he is made to drink kusjha with sugar, he will be free from the fear of poison, ghosts, planets and diseases, O Siva.

18 Constant wearing of Sarikhanabhi, Vaca, Kustha and iron by children, protects them against children’s ailments, O Siva.

19-20. If a man drinks the powders of Pal& £ a, Vidanga and Amalaka with honey and cow’s butter, he will instantly become highly intelligent and if he drinks the same continuously for a month, he may even win old age and death, O Mahadeva.

21. O Rudra, if one takes the seeds of Pallia alongwith butter, sesame and honey for one full week, then old age disappears.

22. If a man takes the powder of Amalaka alongwith honey, oil and butter continuously for one month, he will become young and master of speech, O Rudra.

23. O Siva, if the powders of Siva and Amalaka are taken alongwith honey or water every morning, they give strength to the nasal parts.

24. If a man takes every morning the powder of Kus{ha alongwith butter and honey, he will possess virtually a fragrant body and may live for one thousand years.

25-26. When the seeds of Masa, split and without husk, are soaked dry in butter and boiled iii milk, and are taken by a man alongwith honey, butter and milk, he will be able to satisfy hundred women from that very moment, O Mahideva, there is no doubt about it.

27. Mercury is made suitable with the help of sulphur and castor oil. This mercury gives strength when taken.

28. When milk, in which the seeds of huskless Masa and Simbi have been cooked, is drunk alongwith the oil of Apamarga, it makes one capable of satisfying a hundred women.




Hari said:

1. To a cow, who is not fond of her calf, her own milk should be given mixed with salt; the calf will be loved by her.

2. If a dog’s bone is tied to the neck of a cow or a buffalo; the germs from their bodies will be shed off, there is no doubt about it.

3. By making the cattle eat the roots of Guftja, their horns are cast off.

4. The juice of Varuna-phala. 1 pressed with hands and applied to the biped or the quadruped makes their germs shed off, O Siva.

5. O Rudra, if the powder of Jaya is filled in the wounds, they are healed up. If the urine of elephant is drunk by cows or buffaloes, their ailments are cured.

1. Crataeva nurvala.

6. If the oxen drink the powders of Masura and Salt pounded in whey and mixed in the milk of a cow or a buffalo, it will be beneficent to them.

7. If the leaves of Sarapunkha are administered with salt, they cure the disease called Vari-sphofa in the manes of horses.

8. O Hara, when the leaves of Ghrta-kumari are administered alongwith salt, they cure the itches in the manes of horses.



Medicinal drugs.

Suta said:

1. Thus Dhanvantari explained to Su^ruta the science of Ayurveda (medicine). I shall now mention the different names of drugs in brief.

2. Sthira, Vidarigandha, Salapafni and Am£ umati are the names of Desmodium Gangeticism. Lari gall, Kalasi, Krosf upuccha and Guha (Mucuna Pruriens).

3. Varsabhu and Punarnava — (Spreading hogweed —

Boerhnaria Diffusa) Kathilya and Karuna (Hairy mordica Momardica Charantea)

Eraruja, Urubuka, Amarda, ) Castor seed Riconus comaniVardhamanaka ) nis.

4. Jha$a, Nagabala — Sida Spinosa.

Svadamstra, Goksura — Tygo phylleae Tribulus terestris.

Satavarl, Vara, Bluru ) As paragus Racemosus.

Pivari, Indivari, Var! )

5. Vyaghri, Brhatl, Krsna, ) Solanum Janthocarpum Hamsapadi, MadhuSrava )

Dhamani, Kantakari, SimhI )

Ksudra^Nidigdhik^ )

6. VfScika, Tryamrta, Kal! ) Mucuna Pruriens.

Vi$aghnl, Sarpadamsprika, )

Markafl, Atmagupta, )

Ar$eyl, Kapikacchuka )

7. Mudgaparni, K? udrasaha — Phaseolus Trilobus.

Masaparni, Mahasaha — Ternamuns Labialis.

Nyagrodha, Vata — Banyan Tree.

ASvattha, Kapila — Ficus Religiosa.

8. Plaksa, Gardabhancla ) Thaspesia Pahulnea.

Parkati, Kapltana )

Partha, Kakubha, Dhanvl ) Farminalia Arjuna. Arjuna and all Arjuna’s ) names )

9. Nandi vrksa, Prarohi, Pusti- — a species of Fig.

kari Vaftjula, Vetasa — Calamus rotong.

Bhallataka, Aru$kara — Semecarpus Anacardium.

10. Lodhra, Saravaka, ) Symplocas Racemosa.

Dhrsta, Tirifa )

Mahajambu, Brhatphala ) Euginea Jambolana.

Balaphala (Second Variety) )

11. Nadeyl, Jalajambu ) Wild Jamboline.

(Third Variety) )

Kana, KrsnopakuficI Saun^I, ) Piper Longum.

Magadhika, )

12. Pippall Pippalimula, — Piper officinarums.

Granthika Osana, Marica „ — Piper Nigrum.

£ un$hi, Visva, Mahausadha — dry ginger.

13. Vyo§a, Kajutraya, — (The three above together).

Tryusana Langali, Hal ini, ) Pothes officinalis.

SreyasI, Gajapippali )

14. TrayantI, Trayamana ) Thalictrum Faliolosum a Utsa, Suvaha ) variety of the above.

Citraka, Sikhi, Vahni all ) Plumbago Zeylanica.

names of fire )

15 §a4grantha, Ugra, Vaca ) Sweet flag.

Sveta, Haimavati )

Kufaja, Vrk? aka, Sakra ) Wrightia Anti-dysenterica Vatsaka, Girimallika )

16. Kalinga, Indrayava, Arisja Mustaka, Kaunti, Harenuka and all names of cloud 17. Ela, Bahula Suksmaila, Truti

Padma, Bharngi, Kariji, Brahmanaya$tika 18. Murva, Madhurasa, Tejani, Tiktavallika Mahanimba, Brhannimba Dipyaka, Yamanika 19. Vitfanga, KrimiSatru, Ramatha, Hingu AjajI, Jlraka Karavl, Upakuflcika 20. Katuka, Tikta, Katuka rohini Tagara, Najta, Vakra, Coca, Tvaca, Varangaka 21. Udicya, Balaka, Hribera and all names of water Patraka and names of leaves Cor aka and names of thieves 22. Hemabha, Nagakesara and all names of elephants Asrk, Kumkuma, KaSmlra, Vahlika 23. Ayah, Loha Pura, Kutanata, Mahi? aksa, Palankasa 24. Kaimarl, Katphala, Sriparni Sallaki, Gajabhak§ya, Patri, Surabhi, Sravas 25. Dhatrl, Amalakl Ak? a, Vibhitaka Pathyft, Abhaya, Putana Haritak!

26. Triphala, Phalatrika ) seeds of the above.


) Mariscus’ Cyprus.


— Cardamom — Smaller Cardamom.

) Clerodendron, Siphonan) thus.

) Sanseveria Zeylanica.


) Ptychotis.


) Embelia Ribus.


— Cummin Seeds.

— Nigella Sativa — Black Hellibore.

) Cinnamon bark.


) Pavonia Odorata.


) Lourus Cassia.


) Mesua Ferrea.


) Saffron.


— Iron filings.

) Kutannat.


— Myrica Sapida.

) Bos Wellia Scrrata.


— Emblic Myrobalans.

— Terminalia Belirica.

) Indian Myrobalans.


— The three above together.

Udaklrya, Dlrghvpita ) Karaflji.

KaraAja ) Liquorice root.

27. Ya? fi, Yasjyahvaya, )

Madhuka, Madhuyasfika ) Woodfordia floribondia.

Dhataki, Tamraparnl, )

S a manga, Kuftjara ) White Sandalwood. 28. Sita, Malayaja, Slta )

GoSIrsa, Sitacandana ) Red Sandal wood.

Raktacandana )

29. Kakoll, VIra, Vayasya )

Arkapuspika ) Rhus Succedania. Srngf, KarkatasrrigI, Maha- ) ghosa ) Manna of Bamboo.

30. Tugakslri, Subha, VamSI )

Vamsalocana ) Vitis Vinifera (grapes)

Mrdvlka, Draksa, Gostanika —

31. Uiira, Mfnala, Sevya, ) Juncus odoratus.

Lamajjaka )

Sara, Gopavalli, Gopi, Bhadra — Hemidesmus Indicus.

32. DantI, Katankateri — Cascinium Fenestratum.

Darunisa Haridra, Rajani, ) Turmeric.

Pltikaand all names of night)

33. VrksadanI, Chinnaruha, ) Tinaspora Cordifolia.

Nllavalli, Rasamrta )

Vasukota, VaSira, Kampilla — Polanisia Icosundra.

34. Pasanabhedaka, Arista ) Coleus Amboinicus.

Asmabhit, Kuttabhedaka )

Ghanfaka, Suskaka, Vaca, ) Pentaptera tomentosa.

Sucaka )

35. Surasa, Bijaka, Pitasala — Indian Kinotree.

Vajravrksa, Mahavrksa ) Uphorbia Neralfolia.

Snuhl, Sruk, Sudha, Gu^a )

36. TulasI, Surasa, Upastha — Holy basil Kutheraka, Arjunaka, Parni, ) Assinium Bajilicum Saugandhiparnika ) 37. Nila, Sindhuvara, Nir- ) Vitex trifolium, gundi Sugandhkia, Sugan- ) dhiparnl VasantI Kulaja )

38. Kallyaka, Pltakastha Kataka — Yellow Sandalwood.

Gayatri, Khadira, Kandara — Acacia Catechu.

39. Indlvara, Kuvalaya Padma, ) Lotus.

Nllotpala, Saugandhika, )

Satadala, Abja, Kamala )

40. Ajavarna, Cija — Shoria Robusta.

Vajikarna, Agvakarna — Indian Sal tree.

Slesmataka, Selu, Bahuvara ) Cordya Myxa with narrow ) leaves.

41. Sunandaka, Kakud, ) Andropogon citratus. Bhadra ChatrakI, Cha- ) trasamjftaka, all names of ) umbrella )

Kabari, Kumbhaka, Dhrsta, )

Ksudvidha, Dhanakrt, )

42. Krsnarjaka Karala, )

Kamamana )

PracI, Bala, Nadlkranta ) Leea Hvita.

Kakajangha, VayasI )

43. MusikaparnI, Bhramantl, ) Croton Polyandrum.

Akhuparnika )

Visamusti, Dravanam, Kesa- ) Melia Azendarach.

mu§fi )

44. Kiriilihi, KatukI — Black hellebore, Dantaka, Amlavetasa — Sorrel-Acido Zeyfolia.

A^vattha, Bahupatra Bhu- ) Phyllanthus hiruri.

Amalakl )

45. Arusaka, Patrasuka, Kslrl, ) Minronsopia Hexenbra.

Rajadana )

Mahapatra, Dadima, Karaka — Pomegranate.

46. Masuri, Vidali, Saspa ) Ipomea Tarpethum. Kantakakhya, Mahas- ) yama Vrksapadi )

47. Vidya, Kumbhi, Nikum- ) bha, Tribhangl, Triputi )

Trivrt. )

Saptala, Yavatikta, Carma, ) Origaum Vulgaris.

Carmakasa )

48. SankhinI, Sukumarl, ) Kalmegh.

TiktaksI Aksiplluka )

Gavaksi, Amrta, Sveta Girikarni, Gavadam 49. Kampillaka, Raktanga, Gunda, Rocanika Hemakslrl Gauri, Kaladugdhika 50-51. Garigeruki, Nagabala Visala, IndravarunI Tarksya Saila, Aftjana Rasafijana Mocarasa, Salma’iiniryasa Pratyak - puspl, Khari, Apamarga, Mayuraka 52. Simhasya, Vrsa, Vasak Afarusaka Jivaka, JivaSaka, Satl Karbura 53. Katphala, Somavrksa, Agnigandha, Sugandhika Satanga, Satapuspa, Misi Madhurika 54. Pu$kara, Puskaramula Yasa,

Dhanvayasa, Duhsparsa, Duralabha 55. Vakuci, SomarajI Somavalli Markara, KeSaraja Bhrngaraja 56-57. Edagaja, Cakramarda Surangi, Tagara, Snayu Kalanaga, Vayasi, Mahakala, Vela, Tandullya, Ghanastana Iks vaku, Tiktatumbi Tiktalabu 58-59. Dhamargava, Kosataki, Yamini Vidyut, Kftabhedana, Jimutaka, Khuddaka, Dcvatadaka ) Colocynth.


) Melloctus Phillipinesis.


— Yellow variety Phillipinesis.

— Black Phillipinesis.

— Side Spinosa.

— Colocynth.

) Extract of Indian Barbary.


— Bonabax Malabaricum.

) Achyranthus Aspera.


) Adhatoda Vasaca.


) Curcoma Gedoaria.


) Myrica Sapida.


) Dill seed Aurthum gravey) leus.

— Alpotaxis auriculata.

) Alhagimaurorun Fogonia ) Arabica.

— Serratula Anthelmintica.

) Wedelia Calendulacea.

— Cassiatora. ) Leeia Hista (? ) ) Bottle gourd.

) Laffu Aegyptiaca.

) A variety of the above.

Grdhradana, Grdhranakhi ) Caparis Sepiaria.

Hingukakadani )

60. Asvari, Asvamaraka ) Sweet Scented Oleander Karavira ) Nerrium Odorum.

Sindhu, Saindhava, Sindhut- ) Rock Salt, tha, Manimantha )

61-62. Ksara, Yavagraja — Carbonate of Potash Barilla.

Yavaksara )

Sarjika, Sarjikaksara, Kasi£ a, ) Green Sulphate of iron.

Puspakasisa Netrabhesaja )

Dhalukagi, Tsakasi )

63. Saura§{rimrttikak§ara, ) Iron pyrites.


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