THE GARUDA PURANA 30 страницаIt is called U§navata. 37. Pitta and Vayu in the urinary bladder of a constitutionally parched up person or thoroughly weary man may cause deficiency of urine accompanied by pain and burning sensation. The ailment is called Mutraksaya. 38-40. If either kapha or pitta or both are affected by Vayu the passage of urine is very painful'. It is a thick fluid yellow, red or white in colour. There is a burning sensation. It may have the colour of bile or powdered conch shell. It may be dry in some cases. It may have all the colours too. The ailment is called Mutrasada. Thus all ailments in the context of urination have been explained in detail.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTYNINE. Diseases. Dhanvantari said: 1. 1 shall now explain the pathology of Pramehas (Diabetes), please listen O Susruta. Diabetes consists of twenty varieties. Ten are caused by Kapha, six are caused by Pitta and four are caused by Vayu. Fat, urine and phlegm are the seats of disorders. 2. A patient of Haridrameha passes hot faeces and urine having the colour of turmeric and smelling like saw flesh. A patient of Maftjisthameha passes urine like the water with which Indian madder is washed (yellowish red). 3. A patient of Raktameha discharges flesh smelling hot saline red urine. A patient of Vasameha frequently discharges urine mixed with fat and having the colour of fat. 4-5. ~A patient of Majjameha passess urine charged with marrow and resembling marrow. A patient of Hastimeha discharges a continuous copious flow of urine containing slimy mucous matter. 6. A patient of Madhumeha discharges urine like honey. It is of two types. 7-9. When the Vayu gets aggravated due to deficiency of dhatus and its path is obstructed by the do§as the patient begins to exhibit the symptoms and without any apparent reason he shows signs of amelioration and aggravation by turns. It then becomes incurable. All pramehas, neglected at the outset, turn into Madhumeha in course of time. All those cases of Prameha where the excretions are sweet like honey can be classified under Madhumeha. 10. The common disorders in the Pramehas caused by Kapha are indigestion, nonrelish for food, vomiting, somnolence, cough and catarrh. 11. The characteristic symptoms in Meha caused by deranged Pitta are: — Pricking pain in the bladder and urethra, bursting of the scrotum, fever, burning sensation in the body, thirst, sour eructations, epilepsy and loose bowels. 12. The Vayu afflicted person exhibits the following symptoms: — Udavarta (Prolapsus of the anus), shivering, pain in the heart, morbid longing (for bitter and astringent food-stuffs), Colic, sleeplessness withering up, dyspnea and cough. 13. Ten types of abscesses caused by the neglect of Prameha are: — (1) Saravika (2) Kacchapika (3) Jvalini (4) Vinata (5) AlajI (6) Masurika (7) Sar$apika (8) Putrini (9) Vidarika and (10) Vidradhi. 14. The main cause is food stuff, sweat, sour, saline, oily, heavy, lubricious and cold in combination with Kapha. 15. Newly harvested grains, wine, dal soup, gravy, jaggery and milkproducts in excess cause sharing the bed or seat as a patient may also cause the same. 16. The defiled Kapha located in the urinary bladder first defiles the body, secretions like sweat, and the tat and flesh. Then it produces Pramehas. 17. The Kapha makes the blood mixed with urine when Kapha etc. are exhausted. When Kapha subsides V£ yu brings the dhatus to the bladder. 18. The curability or otherwise and the necessity to wait in the case of Pramehas shall be decided by understanding the underlying cause. If the dosas are eliminated the disease can be cured, if they are aggravated the sickness persists. 19. The general characteristic of all Pramehas is copious urination turbid in nature. By the combination of dosas different disorders are observed. The different types of Prameha are classified according to the colour of the urine, 20. The patient of Udakameha (Polyuria) passes clear copiouscool odourless urine like water. It is slightly lubricious and turbid. 21-22. The patient of Iksumeha discharges excessively sweet wine, like sugar-cane juice. The patient of Sandrameha (Chyluria) passes thick urine resembling state rice gruel. 23. The patient of Surameha passes urine like wine transparent at th? surface but leaving a sediment at the bottom. The patient of Pisfameha passes copious urine white-like pasted rice. He has horripilation at the time of urination. 24. The patient of Sukrameha (Spermatorrhoea) passes une highly charged with semen resembling it in colour. The patient of Sikatameha passes urine with sediments like grains of sand. 25. The patient of Sitameha passes copious ui ine cold and sweet. The patient of Sanairmeha passes urine slowly in broken jets. The patient of Lalameha passes slimy, shreddy urine like saliva. 26. The patient of Ksarameha passes urine alkaline in character in smell, colour, taste and touch. The patient of Nllamcha passes bluish urine and the patient of Kalameha passes urine black like ink. 27. Abscesses usually occur in vulnerable joints and fleshy portions in the body. An abscess elevated at the extremities and dipped in the centre, producing no discharges nor giving any pain is called Sar& vika since it resembles a saucer in shape. 2l£ An abscess giving a burning sensation and resembling the back of a tortoise shall be known Kacchapika by scholars. The abscess large in size and blue in colour is called Vinata. 29. At the time of its incubation the abscess Jvalini gives excruciating pain and a burning sensation. The abscess Alaji is terrible. It is either red or white and is surrounded by blisters. 30. An abscess resembling a Masura dala (lentil seed) is called Masurika. Small clusters of abscesses resembling mustard seeds in the tongue are called Sar§apika. They are very painful. They suppurate too. 31. The abscess Putrini is of various sizes. Some are large, some small and some very minute. The abscess Vidarika is hard and round like the bulbous root of Vidarl (an esculent tuber). 32. An abscess with the characteristics of Vidradhi (Erysipelas) is called Vidradhika. The abscesses Putrini and Vidarika give intolerable pain and are fatty. 33. Many other abscesses occurring suddenly due to the deranged Pitta are less fatty. Their virulence is in accordance with the aggravation of the dosas. 34. In a patient of defiled fat these abscesses occur even without Prameha. They are not recognized as long as the colour is not clearly developed. 35. Without the characteristic symptoms of Prameha if a patient passes urine red in colour or resembling the washings of turmeric he is a victim of Raktapitta (urethral haemorrhage). 36-37. Perspiration, foul smell in the limbs, lassitude and looseness in the limbs, inclination to lie down, sleep, or take food, burning sensation in the chest, eyes, tongue and ears, thickness of the tips hair and nails and their profuse growth, fondness for cool things, parchedness in the throat and palate, taste of sweetness in the mouth, burning sensation in hands and feet, all these are the symptoms indicating the onset of Prameha. Ants move about in the urine of the patient. 38. Thirst and sweetness of urine and similar disorders of various forms occur when the illness progresses. When the symptoms are full the type occurs. When the other dosas subside the Vfitaja type may occur. 39. Prameha caused by Pitta and Kapha exhibits the entire symptoms simultaneously and that caused by sexual indulgence exhibits them gradually. Pittaja Prameha can be checked or alleviated. If the Prameha is not fully developed it can be cured.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY. Diseases. Dhanvantari said: 1-3. I shall now describe the pathology of Vidradhi (Erysipelas) and Gulma (Intumescence), please listen O Susruta. If stale or very hot, dry, coarse and parchifying foodstuffs are taken, or if abnormal activities are indulged in, if hard and uneven beds are used the blood becomes vitiated. Then it vitiates the skin, flesh, fat and bones and takes refuge in the abdominal cavity and produces intumescence inside and outside the body. It gives excruciating pain. It may be elongated or circular in shape. This is called Vidradhi. 4. The do$as either severally or in combination produce on the surface of the body on different limbs knotty intumescences due to exuding contaminated blood. 5. Inside, they are in the form of inflammations very terrible, deep seated and exuding. They grow like anthills. They impair digestion. 6. They usually occur in the umbilical region, urinary bladder, liver, spleen lungs, heart, abdomen and the thigh joints. When there is palpitation of the heart they give excruciating pain. 7. At the time of incubation it is black in colour and at the time of ripening or suppurating it becomes red. It is irregular information: It brings in loss of consciousness, vertigo, constipation, suppression of urine and noisiness in movement. B In the pittaja type it is red, copper coloured or black producing thirst, fainting, fever and burning sensation. In the kaphaja type it quickly incubates and suppurates. A little greyish in colour it gives an itching sensation. 9. Shivering, chillness to touch, numbness of the affected part, yawning, nonrelish for food and heaviness are the symptoms. The Sannipataja type is slow in growth and does not suppurate. It is irregular in formation. 1 0 Looseness of the bowels is the common characteristic of both the external and the internal vidradhi. It assumes a black colour, surrounded by blisters and is attended with an intolerable burning pain and fever. 11. The external abscess due to contaminated blood is a sign of Pitta. Such abscess in the internal regions is peculiar to women. There is another Vidradhi due to wounds with a weapon, or hitting with something. 12. The blood originating from the wound is tossed by the Vayu and it aggravates pitta and produces a vidradhi of grave disorders exhibiting the symptoms of both Pitta and contaminated blood. 1 3. Difference in the disorder is due to the difference in the seat of the abscess. If puffing up is the disorder in an abscess in the umbilical region that in the bladder is strangury. 14. An abscess in the spleen will cause difficulty in inhaling and exhaling and excessive thirst. An abscess in the lungs produces constriction in the throat. An abscess in the heart produces pain all over the body. 15. An abscess in the abdomen or its side produces loss of sense, Tamaka Sv& sa (a peculiar dyspnea) and digging pain in the heart. 16. If there is an abscess in the thigh joints internally or externally or in the hips or on the back the pain will be in the sides and the wind will be obstructed at the rectum. 17. The state of incubation, that of ripening and that of fully ripened tumour in the inside are to be known as very like those of any swelling. An internal abscess occurring above the umbilical region sends out the exudation after suppuration through the mouth and the others through the anus. 18. In a vidradhi formation in rectum mouth or umbilical region the do? a can be known from its suppuration. A sannipataja vidradhi shows alteration from its seat. 19. The Vidradhi in the umbilical region or in the urinary bladder, externally or internally when ripe, bursts. That which is fully grown suppurates but under-developed is infested with disorders. 20. Sinful wicked women suffer from internal abscesses when the child in the womb dies; an inflammation occurs there very thick. 21. An abscess on the breasts of women has all the characteristics of an external abscess. The blood in women is very subtle. Hence small girls do not suffer from internal abscess. 22-23. An aggravated but obstructed Vayu in its path generally causes swellings. From the region between scrotum and the thigh joints it reaches the nerve vessel passing beyond the testicles and oppresses it. Thus it causes its swelling and a vitiation of the fat in the locality. It is called Vrddhi (Hydrocela). It is of seven types. 24. Due to the affliction of Vayu, in the case of Vrddhi whether external or internal there is excessive micturition. The swelling becomes inflated, parched and rough to the touch accompanied by a burning sensation. 25. Due to the affliction of Pitta the swelling resembles a ripe Udumbara fruit (Ficus Indica) attended with heat, burning sensation and suppuration. Due to the affliction of Kapha the swelling is heavy, glossy and slightly painful. It produces an itching sensation. 26. Due to the affliction of contaminated blood, the swelling becomes compact, dark in colour and covered with bulbous eruptions on its surface. All the symptoms of Pittaja Vrddhi are present. Due to the action of fat defiled by Kapha the Vrddhi is soft and rounded like a palm fruit. 27. This ailment is called Mutraja Vrddhi as the patient habitually suppresses the passage of urine. There are no hair on the swelling. It is soft and quiet but is disturbed on movement. 28. Plunging into chill water, and taking in foodstuffs aggravating the V& yit produces strangury and ringlike markings beneath the scrotum. 29-30. Suppression of faeces and passage of urine and abnormal activities of the limbs causes the aggravation of the V& yu that affects the virility of the patient and takes the blood downwards. This causes knotty swelling in the thigh joints. 31. Neglected at the outset this Vrddhi turns into Gulina (enlarged spleen, etc. ) and produces in its wake many disorders like distension, etc. Firmly pressed it goes in with a sound but comes out swelling again. 32. The Rakta Vrddhi is incurable. Vata Vrddhi continues in the same size with a network of coarse blue and red veins like a window covered with a woollen net. 33. There are seven types of Vrddhi due to the dosas severally and combined in diverse ways and the eighth one happens in women due to the contamination of menstrual blood. 34. Fever, dysentery, fainting, vomiting, chillness and hunger make even a strong man emaciated. 35. The patient who takes boiled rice and drinks too much or fasts or takes bath is soon overwhelmed with fits of fainting. 36. Without resorting to emollient or diaphoretic measures, drying up measures shall be used or those measures provoking free flow of blood shall be used whether the patient is free from defiled do$as or not. 37-38. In the case of the Vataja Vidradhi the wind and the defiled matter can be eliminated separately or collectively. The Vayu mixed with blood passing through the ducts obstructs their upward or downward passage and produces pain. The swelling Gulma can be felt by the hand in a knotty globular shape. It feels a little hot. 39. The Vayu lodged in the abdomen becomes hard and coarse due to fasting or obstruction to the passage by Kapha and waste matter. 40. The aggravated Viyu continuing in its own locatious acts independently, while located in the seat of any other do$a it is dependent on that dosa. The consolidated lump, of kapha in combination with dirt occupying the bladder, umbilical region, thoracic cavity and sides is called Gulma. 41. In the Vataja type of gulma, headache, fever, inflammation of the spleen, rumbling sound in the entrails, a pricking pain in the limbs, loose motions, and difficult painful urination are the symptoms. 42. There is swelling (Sotha or Anasarca) in the limbs, mouth or in the feet, impaired gastric function, parchedness and black colour of the skin etc. due to the fickleness of Vayu. 43. Like a blind man groping about rolling his eyeballs without realising the place where he is, the gulma rolls about as if a number of ants have covered it. It throbs. 44. Due to Pitta, burning sensation is felt. There are acid eructations, epileptic fits, loose motions, sweating thirst, chlorosis (Haridrya) and swellings all over the body. 45. The deranged kapha is aggravated or diminishes and scorches its seat. There is rigidity due to kapha, non relish for food, a feeling of exhaustion, heaviness of head and fever. 46. Obesity, lassitude, disquietude whiteness or blackness of skin etc. are observed. The swelling becomes hard and fixed and the patient has steady sleep for a short while. 47. Inflammations caused by two do$as in combination affecting their own respective seats and exhibiting their own symptoms prove fatal. 48-49. Rakta gulma (ovarian tumour) found only in women is caused by all dosas and exhibits severe pain and burning sensation. It suppurates quickly. It is hard and raised and is incurable. If a woman suffering from uterine trouble exposes herself to gusts of wind during her menstrual period the Vayu principle gets aggravated. 50. It obstructs the passage of menstrual flow of blood which collecting in the abdominal cavity produces symptoms of pregnancy. 51. Disquietude, milk in the breasts, craving desire for various foodstuffs etc. as in pregnancy and waywardness are also seen. In combination with Vayu, Pitta accumulates in the vaginal passage. 52. The blood is too collected there. All the symptoms of Vataja and Pittaja gulmas are observed. In the womb the seat of blood there is acute pain. 53. There is vaginal discharge with fetid smell and lencorrhoea with pain. Enlarged spleen also appears like pregnancy sometimes. All these are due to unnatural desire for sexual intercourse. 54. It suppurates slowly and the vidradhi does not grow again. If that is contaminated with impure blood it suppurates quickly. 55-56. Since it gives a burning sensation quickly it is called Vidradhi. If a gulma occurs on another gulma there is burning sensation and pain in the spleen. Digestion is impaired, colour of complexion is faded and strength diminishes. The natural urges are suppressed. If the previous symptoms are not present the symptoms of an external abscess are present. There is not much pain in the viscera or the limbs. 57. Pallour, cough, bulging out of the abdomen, rumbling sound in the abdomen with excruciating pain and distension are also present. 58. The wind is obstructed above and below. It is called Anaha. If there is the outcome of thick seed-Jike thing with knotty grips it is called A§{hila. 59. When the Vayu originating from the stomach gives rise to an excruciating pain and all other symptoms too are present it is called Pratyasthila. 60-61. Profuse eructation, suppression of faeces, insatiation, rumbling sound in the entrails, severe distension, inability to digest, etc. are the symptoms of an imminent Gulma.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTYONE. Diseases. Dhanvantari said: — 1. I shall explain the pathology of Udara (Ascites, dropsy, flatulence) O Su^ruta, please listen. All ailments affect the man of impaired digestion. The more so in the ease of Udaras. 2. Due to the accumulation of waste matter many ailments such as indigestion etc. are produced. The Vayus going up or down when obstructed make the Pravahini (the ducts of the digestive system) in-operative. 3 The Prana vayus defile the Apana vayus and incarcerate them in the inter spaces of flesh and skin after producing the inflammation of the abdomen. Udara ailment is of eight types. 4. The different dosas severally and in combination give rise to four. The spleen, the thigh joints, wounds and fluid watery substances are the four other causes giving rise to four types of Udara. People affected by Udara have dry palate and lips. The hands, feet and the abdomen pain very much. 5. Inability to move about, deficiency in strength, inability to eat, distension of the abdomen— all these are symptoms of the onset. Patients look like ghost. 6. Appetite is lost, distaste for everything is experienced. At the time of digestion a burning sensation is felt. He who is not particularly mindful of taking food after digestion is injudicious in his diet. 7. His strength diminishes, limbs become emaciated, even a slight activity makes him breathe hard, he shirks work: he is dejected; he becomes lean. 8. Pain in the bladder joints always, fever and indigestion even after a light meal, loss of strength etc. occur in a Jafhararogin (a patient of Ascites). 9. Free somnolence and lassitude, loose motions bit by bit, burning sensation, intumescence, distension in the entrails — all these are to be found in an Udara roga due to watery accumulation (serous fluid). 10. Patients of Ascites due to serous fluid definitely die and they need not be bewailed. A rumbling sound is heard inside the belly. The external surface is charged with a network of veins like a window. 11. When Vayu subsides after exciting the navel and the entrails and producing disorders, pain is felt in the chest, hips, navel, anus and the thigh joints. 12. The Vayu comes out with a loud report (breaking the wind) the patient passes a little urine. He is not eager for anything; the mouth is devoid of taste. 13. In the Vatodara there is intermescence in hands, feet, face and stomach and pain in the sides of the stomach, abdomen, hips and the back. The joints seem to break. 14. Dry cough, pain in the limbs, heaviness of the nether regions of the body, suppression of stool, blackness or reddish colour in the skin etc. and varied tastes in the mouth — these are the symptoms of Vataja types of Ascites. 15. A breaking piercing pain is experienced in the abdomen. The surface is covered with a network of blue or black veins. The abdomen becomes distended and wonderful sounds are heard from within. 16. It is the Vayu that makes the sound and produces the pain as it courses all about. In the Pittaja type of Ascites, fever, epileptic fits, burning sensation and bitter taste in the mouth are the symptoms. 17. (Other symptoms are) Vertigo, dysentery, yellow' colour in the skin etc., greenish hue in the abdomen, having yellow or copper coloured network of veins on the surface of the abdomen, profuse perspiration and burning sensation. 18. The person feels that fumes escape from his stomach that is soft for the touch. He complains of pain as digestion takes place quickly. In the ailment of Ascites due to kapha excessive lassitude, perspiration, oedematous swelling of limbs and heaviness are experienced. 19. Moreover somnolence or painful sleep, nonrelish for food, dyspnea, cough, white colour in the skin etc. are also observed. The stomach is glossy and covered with net work of veins black and white in colour. 20. If the serous fluid increases the abdomen becomes hard, cool to the touch, firm and heavy. If the cause is the combined action of all the humours all the symptoms are present. 21-22. Defiled by all humours (dosas) the waste matter with the contaminated blood comes to the abdomen and begins to putrefy. It produces an ailment of Ascites which is rapid in suppurating and very terrible. It produces emaciation epileptic fits and vertigo: During cold and windy days the ailment exhibits signs of aggravation. 23-26. Due to excessive intake of food, agitation, excessive travelling or drinking, injudicious use of beverages, misuse of emetics etc. the spleen which is on the left side gets dislodged and becomes enlarged. Or its enlargement may be caused by the obstruction of blood through fatty substances. This Asthita (seedlike growth) is very hard and raised like the back of a tortoise. While growing gradually it spreads all over the abdominal cavity and is attended with dyspnea, cough, thirst, dryness of the mouth, distension of the abdomen, fever, yellowness of skin, epileptic fits, vomiting, burning sensation and fainting. 27-28. The network of veins is crimson, blue or yellow colour or it may have various colours. Tympanites with suppression of stools, fainting, burning sensation in the chest and fever may supervene. Heaviness (of other organs), taking of food without appetite or hardness (of itself) may cause the dislodgement of the Yakrt (Liver) from the right side of the body as in the case of spleen. 29. When the liver suppurates and when the faecal matter accumulates in the rectum the patient will be afflicted by piles, tympanites and other sorts of disorders. 30-31. The aggravated Vayu obstructs faecal matter, pitta and kapha. When Apana is also similarly obstructed by it there is pain and fever. Moreover, cough, dyspnea^ severe pain in the thigh pain in the head, limbs, umbilical region and sides, non-evacuation of bowels, nonrelish for food, vomiting and permeation of the abdominal cavity by defiled wind are observed. 32. A permanent network of blue or red veins covers the outer surface of the stomach. Above the navel, generally, it takes the shape of a coin’s tail. 33. When wounded by bones or weapons in the stomach the liver begins to suppurate emitting much pus through the wound. 34. Only the unripe ones having mucous come through the anus which is little by little. Although it has a fetid smell it is lubricious and yellowish red in colour. 35. What remains fills the abdominal cavity and begins to work disorders. It increases beneath the umbilical region and assumes the form of serous fluid. 36. When the do? as get aggravated and all the symptoms such as dyspnea, thirst and vertigo appear the ailment is called Chidrodara by some and Parisravyudara by others. 37. This happens in an emaciated person of impaired digestion by drinking too much of water, or drinking with great deal of joy. 38. The V& yu and Kapha become aggravated through such injudicious conduct and obstruct the path of acid secretions of the stomach and it increases to the extent of water taken in even if it be a drop. 39. Due to its aggravation the Udara roga is accompanied by thiist and pain in the anus and the ears. There is cough, dyspnea and nonrelish for food. The surface is covered with a network of veins of various colours. 40. Because the abdomen is full of water, it is soft to the touch. There is agitation and shivering in the Dakodara. The abdomen is firm and glossy. It covers the nerves. 41. If neglected, all types of Ascites lead to further liquefactions of the serous accumulations and even the outlets of the ducts and joints. 42. If perspiration is obstructed the internal contents grow further. That serous fluid filling the stomach causes K? atodara ailment. 43. The dropsy becomes firm, heavy and spherical and does not produce an y sound when pressed. The patient gets weaker every day. When the nerve is touched it moves. 44-45. The disappearance of the veins is an indication of Sannipataja type. All the different types of Udara exhibit the symptoms of serous fluid within a fortnight and are incurable from their very inception.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTYTWO. Diseases. Dhanvantari said: — 1. O SuSruta, I shall tell you the pathology of Papdu (Chlorosis and Jaundice) and that of Sotha (Oedema and Anasarca). All the morbid humours with Pitta as their leader become aggravated due to various exciting factors mentioned before. 2. The more powerful of the do? as lead them on and toss them about all over the body. Finally when they come to rest they permeate alFthe ten Dhamanis (Nerves). 3. The kapha, skin, blood and the flesh are defiled. Different colours are given to the skin. 4. Among the colours the colour of yellow-like turmeric is predominant. Hence the ailment is called Pandu. A sort of heaviness of the body is caused by Vayu. 5. In the Amaja type (where much matter is present) the main constituents, Dhatus of the body, lose their consistency and become lighter. The patient becomes deficient in blood (Anaemic). The quantity of fat is diminished. The bones are not substantial. The sense organs do not function properly. 6. The limbs get thinner and thinner; clammy sweats exude in the cardiac region. Pain in the eyes, rigidity in the face and salivation are observed. 7. The patient does not feel much thirst. He abhors chillness. With his dishevelled hair fluttering in the air he patiently suffers from fever of equal intensity. He coughs, has pain in the ears and has vertigo. 8-10. The ailment is of five types, four of them being caused by the do$as severally and in combination and the fifth by eating earth. The premonitory signs are perspiration in the region of the heart, dryness of the skin, nonrelish for food, scanty yellow urine and absence of perspiration. The Vayu causes a stupor, excruciating pain, wetness all over the body, a sort of black or vermillion colour and dryness in the veins, nails, eyes, faeces and urine, intumescence dryness of mouth and nostrils, scantum of faeces and numbness in the sides. 1 1. The Pitta causes greenish or yellow colour in the vein, etc., fever, vanish of vision of light (darkness), thirst, emaciation of the body, swooning, foul smell, fondness for cold things and bitter taste in the mouth.