THE GARUDA PURANA 33 страницаJambu fruit destroys Vayu, Kapha and Pitta and produces Visfambha form of indigestion as it is astringent. 27. Tinduka 6 fruit destroys Kapha and Vayu; Badara destroys Vayu and Pitta. Bilva generates Vayu and causes Vi$tambha. Priyala 7 dispels Vayy. 28. Rajadana 8 fruit, banana, jack fruit and coconut generate semen and flesh. They are sweet, emolient and heavy. 29. Draksa (grapes) Madhuka and Kharjura (dates) and Kumkuma 9 dispel disorders in blood and Vayu. The ripe Magadhl 10 is sweet and destroys Pitta and disorders due to dyspnea. 1. Citrus medica. 2. Artocarpus lakoocha. 3. Identity not clear. 4. See fn. 1. 5. Rhus parviflora. 6. Dispy ros tomentosa. 7. Buchanania lanzan. 8. Perhaps Mimusops bexandra ( GVDB, p. 336). 9. Crocus sativus 10. A synonym of pippali, GVDB 9 p. 305. 30-32. Ardraka 1 is relishing, appetising aphrodisiac and Kapha-Vayu-destroying. So also Sunthi, Marica, and Pippali. Physicians say that pepper is non aphrodisiac. Hinga (Asafoetida) dispels enlarged spleen, pain and constipation and disorders of Vayu and Kapha. YavanI 2, Coriander and Cummin seeds destroy Vayu and Kapha. Rock salt improves eyesight and destroys all dosas. It is an aphrodisiac. 33. Sauvarcala (Sechal) salt is purgative, heating in potency and it dispels acute pain in the cardiac region. The Vida Salt is heating in potency, removes pain, dispels Vayu and is sharp. 34. Romaka salt generates Vayu, is sweet, heavy, liquefhcient and relishing. Yavaksara (Nitrate of potash) is an appetiser and is efficacious in- all disorders of i the heart, throat and jaundice. 35. Sarjiksara (Barilla) is caustic, appetiser, sharp and tearing (used to make abscess burst). Nabhasa (Rainwater) dispels all do$as and poison. It is light and relishing. 36. Nadeya (River water) is parchifying and generates Vayu; The Sarasa water (of the lake) is sweet and light; the water of VapI (natural tank) dispels Vayu and Kapha and that ofTadaga (artificial tank) generates Vayu. 37. The Nairjhara (fountain) water is relishing, sharp, light and dispels Kapha. It induces digestion. The well water is appetising and generates Pitta. The Audbhida (Artesian well) water dispels Pitta. 38. The water where sun’s rays fall during the day and the moon’s beams at night is free from all defects and is equal to rain water (sky-water). 39. Hot water dispels fever, bronchitis, corpulence, Vayu and Kapha. Boiled and cooled water dispels three do§as but kepi overnight increases dosas. 40. Cow’s milk dispels Vayu and Pitta and is emulsive, heavy and rejuvinating. Buffalo’s milk is heavier than cow’s milk, emulsive and impairs digestive fire. 41. The milk of a goat dispels blood dysentery, asthma, dyspnea and Kapha. Women’s (breast) milk improves eyesight, cures Rakta Pitta and is saline. 1. Ginger. 2, The same as yav& ni = T rachyspermum amrai. GVDB, p. 328. 42. Curd generates Pitta and Kapha and dispels Vayu and is an aphrodisiac. Churned sour cream dispels all dosas and cleanses all vessels of the system. 43. Fresh butter dispels diarrhoea, piles, etc; Products of milk turned sour like Kilata (the solid residue of sour milk) are heavy and cause Kustha. 44. Butter milk, according to the former writers, dispels the three do? as and is very efficacious in diarrhoea, tumour, piles, jaundice, dysentery and enlarged spleen. 45. Ghi is an aphrodisiac and sweet. It dispels Vayu, Pitta and Kapha. Cow’s ghi improves intellect, eyesight and after medication and purification dispels dosas. (Vayu, Pitta and Kapha). 46. Medicated and purified ghi dispels loss of memory, epileptic fits, insanity, fainting and other disorders. The ghee prepared from the milk of goat and other animals has the same good properties as cow’s milk. Goat’s urine dispels Kapha and Vayu, germs and poison. 47. Gingelly oil is extremely efficacious in jaundice, dropsy, cutaneous afflictions, piles, tumour, enlarged spleen and diabetes. It destroys Vayu and Kapha and is conducive to the growth of hair and strengthening of the body. 48. Mustard oil dispels worms and jaundice, Vayu and Kapha and disorders due to corpulence. The linseed oil affects the eyes but dispels Pitta and Vayu. 49. The oil extracted from Ak? a (the seed of the bead of rosaries) dispels Kapha and Pitta. It is conducive to the growth of hair. It soothes the skin and blood vessels. Honey is exalted as the remover of the excess of the three dosas as well as generator of Vayu. 50. (Honey) dispels hiccough, dyspnea, worms, vomiting urinary disorders, poison and thirst. Sugarcane dispels Raktapitta. It is conducive to strength, growth of Kapha and is an aphrodisiac. 51. Molasses produce Pitta and are sharp. The spirituous extract of jaggery and unrefined sugar is light. Candy is an aphrodisiac, cmolient, sweet and is efficacious in disorders of blood. Pitta and Vayu. 52. Jaggery dispels Vayu and Pitta, and produces Kapha. Old treacle is very wholesome and is a purifier of blood. 53. Treacle sugar along with ghee is an aphrodisiac and dispels Rakta Pitta. All kinds of wine produce Pitta due to their acidity and dispel Kapha and Vayu, 54. Sauviraja wine is sharp and generates Rakta Pitta. Manda (gruel) made of fried rice is appetising and digestive. It is wholesome. 55-56. Peya (gruel with plenty of water) is light diuretic and restores deranged Vayu. Peya with butter milk, pomegranate, Vyo§a, jaggery, honey and Pippall dispels cough, bronchitis and diarrhoea. Payasa (Milk pudding) produces Kapha and is conducive to strength. Kr£ ara (rice, gingelly seeds and black gram cooked together) destroys Vayu. 57-58. A soup of watery nature is an emolient. Taken lukewarm it is relishing and light. Soup with bulbous roots, radish and fruits well cooked with ghi or oil is heavy and rejuvinating. In lukewarm state it is light. Vegetables cooked in steam and well seasoned after squeezing out water are wholesome. 59. A Yusa (soup without salt) made of Datfima and Amalaka generates gastric fire and dispels Vayu and Pitta. A yusa prepared with redish dispels cough, breathing disorders, cold and Kapha. 60. A Yusa made with Yava, Kola and Kulattha dispels Vayu and is beneficial to the voice. That prepared with Mudga and Amalaka is astringent and des roys Kapha and Pitta. 61. Curd with jaggery dispels Vayu. Saktu (flour of fried grain) is sharp and generates Vayu. Sa§kuli (Coiled fried Jaleb! ) fried in ghi is an aphrodisiac and generates gastric fire. 62. Foodstuffs with cooked meat are rejuvinating; cakes are heavy; things fried in oil impair eyesight; those cooked in water or steam are difficult to be digested. 63. Hot mandakas (gruel) are wholesome, cooling in potency and heavy. After food, water is to be taken. It is destructive of thirst and exhaustion. 64-65; A person careful about Anupana shall be free from poison and illness. Poison resembling the neck of a peacock brings about discoloration. Even the smell, touch or taste of poison brings great anguish to those who swallow it. If it is smelt an ailment of the eyes which cannot be cured even by great physicians results. The characteristic symptoms of poisoning are shivering, yawning, etc.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY. Diseases. Dhanvantari said: 1. Fever is of eight types inasmuch as it is produced by the dosas severally or in twos or in combination or by external casual factors. Water boiled with these drugs: — Musta 1, Parpafaka 2, USIra 3, Candana 4, Udlcya 5 and Nagara 6 and then cooled should be given to the patient to quench his thirst and rise in temperature. 2. A decoction made of Nagara, Devakasta 7 8 9, Dhanyaka and the two Bjrhatis should be given to a fever patient. It is digestive and dispels fever. 3. A Kasaya or astrigent decoction made of Aragvadha Abhaya 10, Musta, Rikta 11 and Granthika 12 is digestive and very efficacious in an Amajvara (fever with mucous secretions) attended with colic. 1. Cy perus rotindus or C. scariosus. 2. Perhaps the Furoaria species. ( GVDB, p. 239-40. 3. Vetiveria zizanioides. 4. Santalum alloum. 5. Identity not clear. 6. A synonym of drdraka. 7. A synonym of tfewidtfrw=Cedrus deodara. 8. Coriandrum sativum. 9. Cassia fistula. 10. A synonym of harftaki. 1 1. Identity not clear. 12. A synonym of pippalimula. 4. Madhukasara, Sindhuttha 1, Vaca, Osana 2 and Kana 3 must be taken in equal parts and ground into fine powder. This, mixed with water, is a good medicine to restore a person from an unconscious state. 5. A decoction made of Trvrt 4, Vi& Ua 5, Triphala, Katuka and Aragvadha along with Ksara (Alkali) is a good purgative. When drunk it dispels fever of all varieties. 6. A decoction made of Mahausadha 6, Amrta 7, Musta, Candana, Usira and Dhanyaka taken with sugar and honey dispels Trtiyaka (Tertian) fever. 7. Strips of Apamarga, Jata tied round the waist with seven red threads on a Sunday cure the Trtiyaka fever. 8. If one performs Tarpana with gingelly seeds to a sonless ascetic who has passed away in the nothern bank of the river Ganga he will be cured of Aikahika (intermittent) fever. 9. A decoction of Gutfuci, Triphala, Vasaka, Rjvika and Bala along with its rudiment cooked with ghee removes fever. 10. A decoction of Dhatri 9, Siva 10, Kana and Vahni 11 dispels all sorts of fevers. I shall now explain the various remedial measures for dysentery attended with fever. 11. A decoction prepared with PrSniparni 11, Bala, Bilva, Nagara, Utpala, Dhanyaka, Patha 13, indrayava, Bhunimba, Musta, Parpafaka and Mahau? adha cures dysentery with fever and mucous discharge. 1. Identity not clear. 2. Any one of the paUcakola group of drugs. ( GVDB, p. 55). 3. Identity not clear. 4. Operculina turpethum. 5. Trichosanthes bracteata. 6. A synonym of Su^thi, 7. Either guduci or haritaki. 8. Identity not clear. 9. A synonym of imalaki. 10. Perhaps haritaki (GVDB, p. 400) 11. A synonym of citraka. 12. Uraria picta. 13. CUsampelos pari era. 12. A decoction with Nagara, Ativi^a 1, Musta, Bhunimba, Amrta and Vatsaka 2 cures all kinds of fever and all sorts of dysentery. 13-14. Water boiled with Musta, Parpataka, Udicya and Srngavera 3 can be given to an Atisira (dysentery) patient. Along with his food he must take Salaparnl 4 5, PrSniparni, Brhatl, Kanfakarika, Bala, §vadam$tra 6, Visvadi 6, Pa{ha, Nagara and Dhanyaka. It is efficacious. 15. A decoction made of Visva and the seed of mango fruit taken with unrefined sugar and honey is a cure for Atisara. Similarly, Kutaja bark with Kana is also efficacious. 16. A decoction of Vatsaka, Ativisa, Tisva, Kana and Kanda is very efficacious in Atisara with blood, colic and mucous discharge. 17. Now the treatment of Graham (diarrhoea) is explained. Graham is the result of impaired digestion. Ghi with the decoction and residue of Citraka dispels diarrhoea. It is appetising and efficacious in disorders of enlarged spleen, tumour, Ascites, colic and piles. 18-19, Five kinds of salt viz. Sauvarcala, Saindhava, Vitfanga, Audbhida and Samudra (of sea water) shall be used here. Three ways of the treatment of piles are: surgical operations, cauterisation and alkaline remedies. Buttermilk freshly made is also efficacious in piles. 20. Gu^uc! with Pippali, Abhaya fried in ghee or Trvrt with Amlalonika 7 can be taken for destroying piles. 21. A mixture of gingelly seeds with sugarcane juice dispels piles and Ku$fha. Paftcakola (five spices), Marica and Tryusana improve digestion. 1. Aconitum hcierophyllum. 2. A synonym of kutaja. 3. A synonym of drdraka. 4. Desmodium gageticum. 5. A synonym of Gokfvra. 6. A synonym of Suiftlhi. 7. Identity not clear. 22. Harftaki taken frequently with Nagara, jaggery or rocksalt is an appetiser. 23. A decoction of Triphala, Amrta, Vasa, Tikta, Bhunimba and Nimba taken in with honey quells jaundice and chlorosis. 24. A confection made ofTrvrt, Triphala, £ yami and Pippali with honey and sugar is very efficacious in Sannipataja fevers and Haemoptysis. 25. As long as Vas& is available and there is hope to live why should patients of Haemoptysis, Pthysis and cough despair. 26. A decoction of Aparusaka 1 2 3, Mrdvlka and pathy& taken with sugar and honey quells cough, bronchitis and haemoptysis. 27. The juice of Vasa with candy and honey when drunk arrests bleeding. Milk drunk with the juice of Sallaki, Badarl, Jambu, Priyala, Amra, Arjuna or Dhava 8 has styptic power. 28. A patient prostrated by chronic consumption becomes free from all ailments and shines like a Deva if he drinks ghi medicated and purified with the juice of Nirguruji roots, fruits and leaves. 29. A confection made of Haritaki, Kan&, Sunfhl and Marica with jaggery destroys cough and quells thirst and repugnance for food. 30. Ghi, a Prastha by volume cooked with thirty palas (weight) of each of the juices of Kantakari and Gutjucl quells cough and improves digestion. 31. A decoction of Kr? na 4, Dhatri, Sita and & un{; hi taken with honey destroys hiccough. A patient of Asthma shall drink the juice of Bhargi 5 and Viiva with hot water. 32. A person suffering from hoarse voice shall keep in his mouth catechu soaked in oil or Pathya with Pippali or Pathya with Nagara. 1. A synonym of v& saka, 2. Terminalis arjjuna. 3. Anogeissus tali folia. 4. A synonym of pippali. 5. Clerodondum serratum. 33. Powdered Vidanga 1 and Triphala powder taken with honey removes vomiting. A decoction of Amra and Jambu can also be taken with Maksika (honey). 34. Triphala is a cure for vertigo and epileptic fits when drunk with honey. It removes all sorts of vomiting and quenches thirst. 35. Paficagavya drunk quells hysteria and disorders due to adverse planets. Kusmandaka juice with Yasjika 2 also serves the same purpose. 36. Old ghl cooked with Brahmi juice, Vaca, Kustha 3 and Sankhapuspi 4 shall be taken in for quelling insanity and Grahapsmara. 37. Medicated GhI cooked with A^vagandha 5 6 decoction and residue in milk four times as much is an aphrodisiac. It increases flesh and quells sterility. 38. A decoction of cchinna with the powder of NUI and Mundirika with honey and ghee when drunk, quells Vatarakta of the worst type. 39. Five Haritakis taken with jaggery quell Kusfha, piles and disorders due to Vayu. The juice of GuducI, its powder, decoction or its residue too has the same power. 40. GhI cooked with milk and the decoction of Kala and GuducI and their residue quell Vatarakta, Kustha and Vranas (Abrasions). 41. Triphala taken with Guggulu removes Vatarakta and epileptic fits. Guggulu taken with cow’s urine removes Urustambha (paralysis of the thighs). 42-43. A decoction of Sunfhl and Gok$uraka removes disorders and pains due to Sama Vata. A decoction of Da$amula, Amrta, Eranda, Rasna 7 8, Nagara and Daru taken with Marica (pepper) and jaggery removes great tumours. A confection made of them removes cough and quells thirst and repugnance for food. 1. Embelia ribes. 2. A synonym of madhuka. 3. Saussurea lappa. 4. Convolvulus pluricaulis. 5. Withania somnifera. 6. Indigofera tinctoria. 7. Pluchea lanceolata. 8. A synonym of devaddru 44. Take thirty palas of the juice of each of Kantakari and Guduc! and cook it with a prastha of ghl. It removes cough and pain in the heart. It is an appetiser. 45. The decoction of Krsna, Dhatri, Sit& andSunthi with Marica and rock salt taken with castor oil removes even acute Sama Vata. 46. A decoction of Bala, Punarnava, Eramja, two types of Brhati and Gok$ura drunk with salt and asafoetida destroys Vata Sula (flatulent colic). 47. The boiled decoction of Triphala, Nimba, Yastika, Katuka and Aragvadha drunk with honey removes burning sensation and colic. 48. Triphala water with Yastika quells Pariflamarti (a variety of colic). Dross (Mandura) purified in cow’s urine mixed with Triphaia powder and licked with honey and ghee removes colic arising from the three dosas. 49. Two parts of Trivrt, four parts of Krsna and five parts of HaritakI mixed with equal quantity of jaggery and made into pills remove constipation in the bowels. 50. Powdered HaritakI, Yavaksara, Pippali and Trivrt taken with ghl remove Udavrata (tympanites with constipation). 51. Trivrt, HaritakI and Syama soaked and purified in Snuhi 1 juice must be dried (in the sun) and formed into Vapka (tablets). These Vapkas taken with cow’s urine destroy Anaha ( constipation). 52. Tryusana, Triphala, Dhanya, Vidanga, Cavya and Citraka boiled and made into Kalka (residue) shall be purified with ghi. Taken in, this quells all disorders of Vayu and enlarged spleen. 53. Roots of Nagara taken with milk or Sauvarcala with Sivaghrta (ghl from the milk of she-jackal, half its quantity drunk) quell palpitation of the heart. 54. Powdered Kana, Pa$& nabheda, Ela and Silajatuka drunk with the washings of rice and jaggery gives hope of life to a patient of strangury. 1. A species of Euphorbia. ( GVDB, p. 459). 2. Bergenia ligulata. 55. A decoction of Amrta, N& gari, Dhatri, Vajigandhi and Trikanfaka shall be drunk in all ailments of Vayu, colic and strangury. 56. Yavak? ara (carbonate of potash) with an equal quantity of sugar removes all kinds of strangury. Nidigdhika 1 juice with honey quells difficulty in passing urine. 57. Salt with Triphala kalka (residue or paste) gives relief in suppression of urine. Powdered Karcura also can be inserted into the urethra of the penis ( to induce flow of urine). 58. A decoction of the root of Sigru drunk lukewarm quells heat (white urinating). Juice of Dh& tri and Ni$a with honey removes all sorts of urinary ailments. The decoction of Triphala, Daru, Darvi and Abja taken with honey removes urinary troubles. 59. A person wishing to be stout shall avoid keeping awake, sexual intercourse, physical exercise and worries. Obesity should be gradual. 60. A person accustomed to eat Yava and Syamaka and to drink sweet water will become stout. Hot boiled rice with maQda (gruel) makes one lean. 61. Fried barley powder with honey, or a compound of Cavya, Jiraka, Vyo§a, Hirigu, Sauvarcala and Amala is appetising and destructive of fat. 62. A prastha of ghl with equal quantity of milk shall be cooked with Kalka of Citraka and Utpala twice in quantity soaked in four times water and twice (cow’s) urine. This is an antidote for all types of Ascites. 63-64. Starting with ten pieces of pippali and increasing it by ten every day the administration shall be continued for ten days. Then it shall be reduced by ten every day. Milk shall be taken along with it. The diet on these days shall be milk and Ya? tika. The same can be practised with Kjrsiia or Mudga. If a thousand pieces of or other drugs are thus taken in all one shall be stout, live long and be free from dropsy and Ascites. 1. A synonym of kattakajfi. 65. GhI cooked and purified in the residue (Kalka) of the decoction of Punamava is a remedy for Anasarca. A patient of Anasarca, tumour, etc. shall take pippall with milk in cow’s urine or jaggery with equal quantity of Abhaya or VUva. 66. Castor oil taken in with a decoction of Bala with milk is a sure remedy for distension, hernia, colic, etc. 67. Pathya residue mixed with Kfsna and Saindhava and the oil extracted from roasted castor seeds is a sure remedy of Hydrocela. 68. Scrofula is cured by the administration of the root of Nirguruji as an errhine. Fomentations with the decoction of Snuhl and GaniJIrika 1 remove tumours. 69-70. Goitre can be cured by plastering with the paste of Hastikarna 2 and Palana. Plastering with the paste of Dhattura, Eraruja, Nirgundi, Var$abliu, Sigru and Sar? apa dispels terrible long standing elephantiasis. Plastering with Sobhafijanaka, Sindhuttha and Hingu makes abscess subside. 71. Plastering with Sarapunkha 3 with honey heals all sorts of ulcers. Smearing with the paste of Nimba leaves makes ulcers non-septic. 72-73. A paste of Triphala, Khadira, DarvI and Nyagrodha cleanses ulcers and wounds. A physician shall wash and clean a fresh wound giving much pain with warm ghee with Yasti-Madhuka. An intelligent physician shall cure fresh wounds by casual factors by means of plastering. 74-76. The physician shall resort to cooling processes for subduing Pitta and the heat of the blood. A decoction of Bamboo bark, Eranda bark and Svadam? tra bark drunk with honey, Hiftgu and rock salt will let out the dislodged iblood inside the viscera. For the sake of maintaining normal health rice shall be taken or Yav& gu (gruel) drunk with rock salt and along with the juice ofYava, Kola and Kulattha. The juice of Karafijari? ta and Nirgufld destroys worms in the ulcers. 1. Perhaps Albizzia julibrissin or Dalbergia sericea [GVD B, p. 133) 2. Leea macro phyl la (i GVDB % p. 469). 3. Tephrtfeia purpurea. 77. Guggulu with Triphala powder made into Vatakas (tablets) relieves pain, dispels constipation and purifies ulcers. They become non-septic. 78. A medicated oil cooked with the juice of Durva, and Kampilla with the kalka of the bark of DarvI is an important remedy in cases of ulcers.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTYONE. Diseases. Dhanvantari said: 1. O SuSruta, please listen. I shall explain the remedial measures for fistula sinus and other disorders. A sinus should first be surgically operated and treatment proceeded with as in other wounds. 2. A fistula, sinus, colic etc. can be cured by the medicated ghee with equal quantities of Guggulu, Triphala and Vyosa. 3. The oil extracted from the juice of Nirgundi is a cure for sinuses and malignant ulcers. By drinking, smearing or administering as errhine this oil is efficacious in Pama Scabies. 4. Pills made of Guggulu, Triphala and Krsna in the proportion of 3: 5; 1 are wholesome for those who suffer from oldema, enlarged spleen, piles and fistula in ano. 5. In the cutting of veins in the middle of the penis the purity of the locality and in syphilis avoidance of suppuration should be maintained carefully — otherwise the penis may slough off. 6. A decoction of Pafola, Nimba, Bhunimba and. Guduci drunk with Guggulu and Khadira dispels syphilis. 7. Charred ashes of Triphala burnt in an ironpan made into a paste with honey must be smeared on the sores in syphilis. The sores will heal instantaneously. 8. A medicated ghee cooked with decoction and residue of Triphala, Nimba, Bhunimba, Karafija, Khadira, etc. is highly efficacious in syphilis. 9-10. On locating the fracture of a bone it shall be first washed with cold water. Then it must be plastered with clay and bound with Darbha grass. The diet of the patient must be black gram meat, ghee, milk and a soup of gingelly seeds. Restorative and constructive diet and drink should be given to him. 11. Let the patient be on a diet of garlic, honey, fried grain water and sugar residue. Broken, cut or dislodged bones will be set right instantaneously. 12. Equal parts of A^vattha, Triphala and Vyosa should be added to Guggulu of the same quantity in the aggregate. Application of this heals fractures of bones and joints. 13-14. Emetics, purgatives and bleeding are to be employed in all forms of Kustha. A decoction of Vaca, Vasa, Pa tola and the barks of Nimba and Phali 1 should be drunk with honey as it is constructive and dispels Vayu. The purgative is by means of Trivrt, DantI and Triphala. 15. Oil medicated with ManahSila and Marica dispels Kustha. In all forms of Kustha the above oil should be applied. The patient must take five kinds of myrobalans and rice with treacle. 16. Plastering with Karafija and Tagara soaked in cow’s urine as well as rubbing with Karavlra after applying oil dispels Kustha. 17. A paste of Haridra, Malaya, Rasna, Gu< Juci, Tagara Aragvadha and Karafija applied over the body removes all kinds of Kusthas. 18. A paste of Manal> $ila, Vi< Janga, Vaguji, Sarsapa and Karafiji soaked in cow’s urine removes Kustha and the body shines like the sun. 19. Plastering with Vi< Janga, Aitjavaca 2, Kustha, Niia, Sindhuttha and Sarsapa soaked in water and cow’s urine removes ring worm and other cutaneous affections. 1. A synonym of p. iyafigu, 2. “Perhaps Airdvati, said to be a synonym of n& gabald ( GVDB ) p. 60). 20. Prapunnifaka 1 seeds, Dhatrl, Saijarasa, and Snuh! soaked in Sauvira urine can be applied as an unguent in ring worm. 21. Aragvadha leaves are to be ground into paste with Aranala. This removes ring worm, Kittima, Ku? tha and Psoriasis. 22. VagujI taken hot with milk dispels Ku$tha. Gingelly seeds, ghi, Triphala, honey, Vyosa, Bhallata and sugar taken in equal parts act as aphrodisiac. They are conducive to increase brain power and dispel Kustha of persons who err due to lust. 23. Powdered Vi< Janga, Triphala and Krsna with honey will be a good leha (lambative) in these ailments: — Kusfha, worms, Diabetes, sinuses and fistula in ano. 24. He who eats for a month Ni£ a and Amalaka with Abhayarisfa will conquer Kustha thereafter. There is no doubt. 25. Ashes of Mango and Khadira sprouts burnt in a pot and pasted with Aksa juice, Dhatrl juice, and honey is rejuvinating and dispels Kustha. 26. By drinking the decoction of Dhatrl and Khadira along with VagujI one can remove quickly leucoderma as white as conch and the moon. There is no doubt. 27. The patient will conquer leprosy by drinking the oil extracted from Bhallataka within a month. Khadira water taken with other beverages conquers Ku$fha. 28-30. The medicated ghi cooked with Vasa, GuducI, Triphala, Pa$ola, Karafijaka, Nimba, A£ ana 8 and Kr$na — Vetra decoction and residue dispels Kustha like Vajra the thunderbolt of Indra. The patient lives for a hundred years. 31. Juice of Durva grass is to be cooked with four times of oil. Taking bath after smearing with this oil removes all skin diseases such as itches, Pama, Vicarcika and Kacchu. 32. Oil duly cooked with the drugs, bark of Druma, Arka, Kustha, Lavana, Citraka and Garidirika with cow’s urine removes Kustha and all sorts of ulcers. 1. Perhaps prapunndfa, a synonym of Cakramarda. 2. A synonym of dtvadh Upa. 3. Identity not clear. 33. Dhatri, Nimbaphala and Citraka soaked in cow’s urine removes itches. A decoction of Vasa, Amrta, Parpafika, Nimba, Bhunimba, Markara, Triphala and Kulattha taken with honey cure Amlapitta (Acidity). 34. Triphala, Panola and Tikta cooked into a decoction and drunk with sugar and Ya§tlmadhu is a sure remedy for fever, vomiting and acidity. 35. Ghi cooked duly with any of the drugs: Vasa, Tikta, or Pippali or Guda-kusmanda can be used to remove acidity. • 36. Pippali with honey dispels acidity. A confection made of Pathya, Pippali and jaggery dispels disorders of Kapha and impaired digestion. 37. Grind together Ajaji 1 and Dhanyaka and cook them well in a prastha of ghi. Duly taken, this removes disorders of Kapha and Pitta, non relish for food, impaired digestion and vomiting. 38. A decoction made of Pippali, Amrta, Bhunimba, Vasakarista, Parpata, and Khadirarisfa removes fever with acute pain and carbuncle. 39. Ghi cooked with Triphala juice and Trivyta shall be administered as a purgative to quell fever with erysipelas. 40. A decoction known as Astaka-kvatha (Eight drugged) is prepared with the eight drugs: Khadira the three myrobalans, Ari§fa, Pafola, Amrta and Vasaka, and it conquers Romantika (Measles) and Masurika (small pox). 41. The above decoction dispels Kusfha, Visarpa (Erysipelas), Visphota (carbuncle) and scratching sensation. Dusting the powder of Lasuna cures the skin disease called Masaka. 42. In case Carmakila begins to fade and decay and in Masaka and Tilakalaka (dark spots and sabaceous growths) first scarify them with the surgical knife and cauterise with fire or alkalis without leaving even a bit. 43. A paste of Patola and Nili dispels the ailment Jalagardabha. Oil cooked with Guflja fruits and juice of Bhfngaraja removes itches and Kapalaku§tha. 1. A synonym of jiraka. 44. The pulp of the seed of mango fruits cooked with Triphala, Nila, Bhrngarajaka, Lauhacurna and Kanjika turns the hair deep black. 45 Take two prasthas of ksiri, Isa and Arka leaves well squeezed into juice with a pala of Madhuka. Cook all well in a Kudava of oil. This is efficacious in preventing hair from turning grey due to old age. 46-47. In stomatitis, gargling with Triphala is very effective. Chamber soot nitrate of potash, Patha, Vyosa and Rasafijana too can be used for such gargles. Well powdered Lodhra, Triphala and Citrak should be held in the mouth with honey for dispelling ailments of throat and teeth.