CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTYSEVEN. Diseases. Dhanvantari said: 1-2. O Susruta, I shall tell you about the pathology of Vatarakta. Incompatible articles of fare, injudicious eating, anger, sleeping during the day, keeping awake at night, etc. cause the derangement of Vayu and blood, generally in persons of easy going temperament and delicate body and those who are extremely obese and indulge in injudicious eating and conduct. 3. When the blood in the body is contaminated by a blow or due to the impurities injected by cool things or Vayu generating stuffs the aggravated Vayu proceeds along a deviating path. 4. When obstructed by the blood of such a nature the Vayu of the first variety (Prana) vitiates the same blood and then produces foul wind through the anus or coos like a cuckoo and generates Vatarakta. 5. When piles grow due to the vitiated blood the Vayu courses through the body and generates vomiting and other symptoms slowly. 6-7. An affection like Ku$$ha or Arbuda (carbuncle, swelling) shall then rise. There may be itching sensation, throbbing, excruciating pain, breaking pain, heaviness and insensibility in knees, calves, thighs, hips, shoulders, hands, feet and the joints of limbs: The symptoms occur and vanish, recur again sometimes. 8. Sometimes it starts from the root of the feet and sometimes jrom the hands and getting aggravated courses through the whole body like the poison of a mouse. 9. The Vayu (and the vitiated blood) located in the skin and the flesh rises up and after some time becomes grave and acute and attacks all the fundamental constituents of the body (Dhatus). 10. The Vayu located at the bones and marrow produces intumescence, knotty eruptions and suppurations. The Vayu located in the narrow constricted places like hips produces copper coloured or tawny or red colour in the skin, 11. Sometimes the Vayu courses in the body as if piercing everything within. Sometimes it courses like a whirlwind in circuits and makes the body lame or limping. 12. When Vayu is prevalent the pricking pain, throbbing and breaking pain is very much. The swelling is hard and rough and black in colour or tawny. Sometimes it increases. Sometimes it subsides. 13. Constriction of the nerves and junctions of the fingers, gripping pain tn the limbs, excruciating pain; abhorrence of chillness, non contiguity; rigidity, shivering and insensibility (in limbs). 14. The Vayu located with blood produces tumour giving great pain and a piercing achu. It is copper coloured. It gives a very peculiar irritating sensation. Whether glossy or rough it never subsides. It is as it were like a bowl full of mucous substance. 15. When Pitta too is aggravated the following symptoms are observed: — A burning sensation, swooning, perspiration, epileptic fits, inebriety, thirst, not yielding to the touch, painful discharge, drying up, suppuration and excessive heat. 16. When Kapha is aggravated the following symptoms are observed: — rigidity, heaviness, insensibility, glossiness, (numbness), chillness, itchness and slight pain: When two or more dosas combine the symptoms of either occur. 1 7. Ailments caused by a single morbid principle can be cured; those caused by two dosas can be alleviated by medication though not cured completely A Rakta pitta caused by three do§as is terrible and should be avoided. 18. The Vayu located in the extremities and joints attacks the blood and both permeating each other generate excruciating pain and take away the life. 19-20. Vayu is of five types. Pr& na (one of them) is hard and rough. Hence, when it gets aggravated by injudicious conduct (of the patient), fasting, excessive eating, hurt from a blow, suppression or rapid egress of the natural urges, it produces affliction to the eyes, etc, and catarrh, burning sensation, thirst, cough, dyspnea etc. follow. 21. Prana located on the top of the clavicle produces constriction of the throat, loose motions, vomiting, nonrelish for food, flowing of the nose and such diseases as goitre (Galagantfa), etc. 22. Vyana (second type of Vayu) becomes vitiated and aggravated by too much of walking, bathing, playing, sexual exercises, coarse and incompatible (foodstuffs) fright, delight, sorrow, etc. 23. It then impairs manliness, enthusiasm and strength, grief, confusion in the mind, fever, piercing pain all over the body, horripilation, insensibility (somnolence), etc. 24. (Vyana produces) Kus{ha, Erysipelas, exhaustion of the whole body and other disorders. Samaria (Third type of Vayu) is defiled by incompatible and undigested foodstuffs that are too cold and of assorted nature. 25. It is defiled by untimely sleeping and waking up and produces pain, enlargement of the spleen, diarrhoea and diseases of liver and lungs. 26-27. Apana (fourth type of Vayu) is aggravated by the intake of coarse and heavy cooked rice, forcible blow, suppression of natural urges, too much of travelling, getting up and going round, etc. and produces disorders int he digestive organs and their seats, defects in urine and semen, piles, prolapse in the rectum and other places. 28-29. Due to lassitude, rigidity and heaviness, the Sama (undigested mucous matter) pervades all the limbs. Due to its glossiness the disorders are lethargy, chillness, swelling and impaired digestion. The itching sensation is due to the loss of roughness and similar palliative measures. The Nirama (free from mucous) shall be known by the opposites of Tandra (lassitude), etc. 30. They mention many enveloping factors for the Vayu. If it is enveloped by pitta and its symptoms, the disorders are: — Burning sensation, thirst, pain, vertigo, darkness of vision and desire for pungent, hot, acid, saline, parchifying food and cool things. 31. If it is enveloped by Kapha too much of yearning and craving is evinced for fasting, labour, hard and coarse things and hotness. Chillness and heaviness are felt. Pain is experienced. Butter and milk are desired much. Pungent things are liked. 32. If V& yu is enveloped by Kapha, the disorders are pressure felt on limbs, disquietude, heaviness and non relish for food. If Vayu is enveloped by blood acute pain and burning sensation in the skin and flesh is experienced. 33. A red intumescence is found to occur with ringlike grooves all round. The swelling is hard with flesh. Disquietude and eruptions are also observed. 34. If the Vayu is enveloped by fat it is called A< jhyavata. The swelling produced by it is incurable. It is either shifting or fixed; soft to the touch and pleasing to the eyes. 35. If it is covered it feels hot to the touch; it is cool to the touch when not covered. If the Vayu is enveloped by Majja (marrow) the swelling grows irregularly with surrounding eruptions. The patient feels pleasure in rubbing it with the hand otherwise it is painful. 36. When the Vayu is enveloped by Semen, there is norapidity or force in the swelling. When what is taken in is digested there is surely some relief. 37. If the Vayu is enveloped i> y urine, urination takes place with the distension of the urinary bladder. If the Vayu is enveloped by pores there is constriction and it splits the place of its seat. 38. The patient falls down with an attack of fever and the food taken is assimilated. The defiled semen further afflicted by food is discharged slowly. 39. If the Vayu is enveloped by all the dhatus (seven fundamental constituents of the body) there is pain in the buttocks, thigh joints and the back. When the V& yu courses in the opposite direction the heart is afflicted. 40. When die Pra$a is enveloped by Pitta the disorders are vertigo, fainting pain and burning sensation. When Vyana is enveloped all round by Pitta the disorders are pain, lassitude aphome and burning sensation. 41. When Samana is enveloped by Pitta the disorders are exhaustion, obstruction to the activities of the limbs, distress of mind with pain, loss of heat, perspiration, disinclination (towards everything) and thirst. 42. When Apana is enveloped by Pitta the disorders are burning sensation, yellow colour in the faecal matter, increase of Rajas (quality of passion, etc. ), heat, and urination with distension. 43. When Prana is enveloped by Kapha the disorders are (rumbling) sound, obstruction to the ducts, ptyalism (excessive salivation), perspiration and difficulty in inhaling and exhaling. 44. When Udana is enveloped by Kapha the disorders are heaviness of limbs, non-relish for food, aphasia (loss of speech) and aphonia (loss of Voice). When Vyana is enveloped by Kapha the disorders are loss of strength and colour and constriction of bones in the joints. 45. When Samana is enveloped by Kapha the disorders are heaviness of limbs, obesity, loss of awareness of many functions, non perspiration and impaired digestion. 46. If Apana is enveloped by Kapha the disorders are mucous discharges along with urine and faeces. Thus Vatarakta ailments are of twenty two types. 47. Each of the five types of Vayu can be enveloped by the other four. Thus twenty different enveloping factors are obtained. 48. When Apana is enveloped by Prana the disorders are disquietude, dyspnea, cold, headache, palpitation of the heart and dryness of the mouth. 49. When Prana is enveloped by Udana, debility is the result. All the other Avaranas (enveloping factors) must be carefully observed by the physician and understood. 50 The increase and decrease of the activities of the Vayus are based on their seats. Pitta can be the enveloping factor of all the five (Prana, etc). 51. When Pitta and other dosas are in combination their seat is along with the Prana and others in combination. There are many such combinations of Pitta etc. 52. (The physician) shall observe them attentively from the symptoms shown. Their buying together is gradual. Even the firm ones recur again and again. 53. Life and longevity depend on the Prana and strength depends on Udana. If the two are afflicted there is loss of life and strength. 54. If the Vayus with their enveloping factors, or their dislodgement from their seats are understood then even incurable ailments can with effort be made harmless. 55. By neglecting the Vayus when enveloped these disorders occur: — Abscesses, enlarged spleen, palpitation of the heart, tumours, impaired digestion, etc. 56. O Sugruta, the pathology of the different ailments as narrated by the sage Atreya has been explained by me to distinguish the different ailments and to know the means of increasing the longevity of men. 57. Thus diagnosing the different ailments one should proceed ahead with the treatment. Triphala 1 2 (Three kinds of myrobalan) is the panacea for all ailments when used in conjunction with honey, ghee and jaggery. 58. Triphala used in conjunction with Vyosa, Satavari 3 Guduci 4, Agnividanga 5 removes all sickness. 59-60. $atavarf, Guduci, Agni 6 Sunfhi 7, Mu? alika 8, Bala 1 2 3, Punaraava, Bfhati Nirguntfi 4 5 6 Nimbapatra Bhrngarija, Amalaka 7 8, and Visaka shall be soaked in Vasaka juice along with Triphali and purified seven times or once. 1. Three fruits, viz., Terminalia Chebula. T. Bcllerika and Emblica Officinalis. 2. Combination of Zingiber officinale, Piper Ion gum, P. nigrum. 3. Asparagus racemosus. 4. Cocculus cordifolius. 5. Identity not clear. 6. Perhaps citraka«= plumbago zeylanica or P. rosea. ( GVDB, pp. 4, 156). 7. Zingiber officinale. 8. A species of chlorophytum or curcicligo orchioides (GVDB, pp. 312, 178), 61. The above medicine can be used in powder form, or in pills or in the form of Vatik& s (tablets) or prepared in ghee or squeezed into oil or in decoction. The same removes every illness especially emaciation. The dosage is one pal», or half a pala, one Kar$a or half a Kar? a.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTYEIGHT. Diseases. Dhanvantari said: 1. O Susruta, I shall succinctly explain the recipes of medicinal compounds removing all ailments for the sake of longevity of all living beings. 2-3. By the intake of astringent, pungent, bitter, acid or parchifying foodstuffs, anxiety, inordinate sexual intercourse, physical fatigue, fright, grief, keeping awake at night, loud talking, carrying heavy loads, undue exertions and pulling hard, Vayu gets aggravated during the rainy season, when the food is digested or at the close of the day. 4-5. By the intake of hot acid, saline, alkaline and pungent foodstuffs, by taking food before perfect digestion, exposure to sunshine, warmth of fire, drinking of spirituous liquors and anger, Pitta gets aggravated. When the food is in the process of digestion, in the midday, after the rainy season, in summer and at midnight. 1. Crataeva Rexburghii. 2. Boerhavia Procumbens 3. Solanum indicum. 4. Vitex negundo. 5. Leaf of Azadirachota Indie a. 6. Eclipta prostrata or E. Erecta. 7. Emblica officianalis. 8. Lippia Nodiflora. The chapter describes the three humours, their disruption as the cause of diseases, the seven ingredients of the body, the three humours with their characteristics. 6-7. By the intake of sweet, acid, saline, fatty, heavy and very cold articles of food, by taking in newly harvested rice, flesh of animals living in marshy places and lubricious stuffs, want of sufficient exercise, sleep during the day, and luxurious easy going habits, Kapha gets aggravated immediately after food, or at dusk or in the spring season. 8-9. The symptoms of aggravation of Vayu are these: — Roughness of the body, contraction of limbs, aching pain, obstruction to the passage of waste matter, insensibility, horripilation, rigidity, emaciation, a dark brown complexion, looseness of limbs, increase in exertion, etc. Hence ailments in which these symptoms are seen are those produced by Vayu aggravation. 10. Burning sensation, heat, wetness of feet, anger without reason, lustfulness, exhaustion, pungent and acid (eructation), foul smell in the sweat like that of a dead body, fainting, excessive thirst, vertig, yellow and green colour — these are the symptoms of Pitta affliction in men. 11-12. Glossiness of the body, sweet taste in the mouth, delayed execution of things, obstruction, paralysed numbness, satiation, amassedness, anasarca, chillness, heaviness, itching sensation, and overwhelming attack of sleep are the symptoms of Kapha aggravation. Ailments caused by two dosas in combination must be known by the combination of symptoms. 13. A Sannipataja ailment exhibits all the symptoms as it is caused by all the do§as in combination. The body is the receptacle and base for all the do? as, dhitus (fundamental constituents of the body) and waste matter. 14. Equilibrium of do? as indicates normal health; if any of them increases or decreases it indicates sickness. Fat, blood, flesh, suet, bones, marrow and semen are the seven Dhatus. 15. V£ yu, Pitta, and Kapha are the three dosas. Faeces, urine etc. are called Malas (Waste matter). V& yu is cool, light, subtle, cause of loss of voice, strong and unsteady. 16. Pitta is acid, pungent, hot; unripeness, undigestedness is the cause of sickness. Kapha is sweet, saline, glossy,, heavy and lubricious. 17. Vayu is seated in rectum and buttocks; Pitta is located in the digestive cavity; Kapha is located in the abdomen, throat and joints of the cranium. 18. Things of pungent, bitter and stringent taste aggravate Vayu; things pungent, acid and saline in taste aggravate Pitta; Things sweet, hot and saline aggravate Kapha. 19. These are administered in reverse order to quell the aggravated dosas. Do$as coming back to their normal seats quell the ailment and bring relief. 20. Sweet taste improves the power of vision and increases lymph secretions and the Dhatus. An acid taste at the end is relishing, appetising and digestant. 21. A bitter taste is appetising, curative of fever, remover of thirst, laxative and cause of emaciation. An astringent taste excites pitta, is scraping, rigidifier and absorbant. 22. A drug is good if it is the receptacle of tastes, potency and relieving after-effects. A drug consistent in taste and after-effects has all properties. 23. The poteney of a drug is twofold: feta (cooling) Usna (Heating). The Paka or digestive transformation of the tastes is twofold sweet and pungent. 24. Physician, Medicine, Patient and plenty of nurses — these four are the important constituents in the process of treatment. Any deficiency in them renders the process unfruitful. 25. A physician shall start his work after thoroughly understanding the habitation, season, age (of the patient), digestive power, physical temperament, nature of his constitution, drug, physical strength and the ailment. 26. That country is called Sadharana (common or ordinary) which has both the characteristics [of Jangala (hilly forest) and Anupa (marshy lands)]. A patient is a Bala (child) till the sixteenth year, till the seventieth year Madhya (middle aged) and Vrddha (old) thereafter. 27. Kapha, Pitta and Vayu respectively predominate in the three stages of life. All modes of treatment except those involving alkaline, surgical and fire operations are to be followed in a debilitated or aged person. 28. A lean person must be given Brmhana (treatment making one stout) and to a corpulent man the treatment is Kar? anam (reducing bulk). A body of medium structure should be maintained as it is. Thus three kinds of bodies shall be known. 29. The strength of a patient should be understood from his steadiness, exercises, and gaiety of mind. An enthusiastic adventuresome man does not show signs of decline or decay 30. Drink and diet though opposed to his temperament yet giving him relief and pleasure are termed his Satmya or second nature. 31. If the pregnant woman takes Kapha- generating foodstufis the child will be Kapha prakjrti (Kapha- temperamented). The same is the case with Vayu generating and Pitta generating foodstuffs. If a balanced diet is maintained the child shall be Samadhatu (having all fundamental constituents in proper proportion). 32. A Vata temperamented person is lean, harsh and volatile. He has few hair and he prattles in dream. 33. A pitta-temperamented person is irritable, scholarly and perspiring too much. His hair turn prematurely grey. He dreams of fiery blazing things. 34. A Kapha temperamented person is of steady mind, subtle in speech and of gay disposition. He has glossy hair. In dreams he sees water and rocks. 35. If a person exhibits the traits peculiar to two or three do? as he must be considered mixed- temperamented. The predominant traits will be those of the predominant do? a. 36. The digestive power is sluggish, sharp, irregular or normal if Kapha or Pitta or V& yu predominates or remains in equilibrium. 37. The normal one should be preserved; the irregular one is to be remedied by curbing Vayu; the sharp one by antidotes to Pitta and the sluggish one by eliminating Kapha. 38. The root cause of all ailments is indigestion resulting in the annihilation of the gastric fire; Indigestion is of four types— Ama, Amla, Rasa and Vi? tambha. 39. The Ama sort of indigestion causes cholera, sluggishness of the heart, etc. The antidote for this is the administration of an emetic with the washings of the drug Vac^ 1 with salt. 40. Due to Amla (acidity) the disorders, non secretion of semen, vertigo, fainting fits and excessive thirst are observed. The remedy there, is drinking of unboiled cold water and inhaling chill air. 41. In the Rasa type of indigestion (affecting lymph secretion) the symptoms are breaking pain in the limbs, sluggishness of the head and repugnance for food. The remedy in this case is complete abstention from food and drink and sleep during the day. 42. The two symptoms of acute pain and enlarged spleen indicate the Vi^tambha form of indigestion marked by suppression of faeces and urine. Diaphoretic measures and salt water for drinking are the antidote in this case. 43-44. The types of indigestion Ama, Amla, and Vi? fambha are respectively caused by Kapha, Pitta and Vayu. A sensible man (suffering from any of these) shall plaster his stomach with a paste of Hingu, 1 Tryusana and Salt and take a nap in the day time. All sorts of indigestion will be dispelled. Hosts of illness result from unwholesome articles and hence one should forsake all unwholesome articles. 45. Hot water taken after honey is a good digestant. Milk is incompatible with bamboo shoots, curd and fish. 46. The big five root drugs (Mahat Paftcamula) are Bilva, 4 Sona 6, Gambharl 6, Pajala 7, and Ganikarika 8. They are appetising and they dispel excess of Kapha and Vayu. 1. Acorus calamus. 2. Asfoctida. 3. Also called Trikatu. It is a combination of Black Pepper, long Pepper and dry Ginger. 4. Acgle Marmelos. 5. Bignonia indica. 6. Gmelina arborca. 7. Bignonia suaveolenffs 8. Premna spinosa. 47. The small Paficamula drugs are Salaparni 1, Prgniparni 2, two types of Bfhati 3, and Goksura 4 and they dispel excess ofVayuand Pitta. They are aphrodisiac in character. 48. Both these two groups together are called Da jamula 5 drugs. They cure all fevers of Sannipataja type. They are very good in cough, asthma, somnolence and pain in the sides. 49-50. Madicinal oils, ghees and pastes prepared with these are very good in Alaka ailments (Sannipataja). Drugs with four times water shall be boiled and reduced to onefourth. Add four times of butter or oil to this with equal quantity of milk. The Kalka or residue will be one fourth of the oil or butter. This medicated butter of good paka (proper cooking) is a good clyster in troubles with urinary bladder. The hard kalka can be applied over the body and the soft dust can be used as an errhine. 51. The gross body and the sense organs must be well thought of. If they are in their proper function that is called normalcy of health. A person destined for longevity must be properly attended to. 52. A person whose activities of the sense organs are perverted hasten towards death’s door. A person who hates the physician friends and elders and he who loves enemies too follows suit. 53. He whose heel bones, knees, forehead, jaw bones, cheek bones suffer from prolapsus, dies ere long. 54. Left eye sinking in the socket; dark tongue, deranged nose, black lips dislodged from their seats, and a face turned black — all these indicate death and hence those patients must be given up. 1. Desmodium Gangeticum or Hedysarum G. 2. Flemionitis cordifolia. 3. Solanum Indicum. 4. Tribulus Lanuginosus. 5. Ten roots.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTYNINE. Diseases. Dhanvantari said: 1. In order to distinguish between what is wholesome and what is not, I shall tell you the rules of proper food and drink. The red species of Sal! (paddy) dispels the excess of all the three dosas. It removes thirst and fat. 2. MahaSali is a good aphrodisiac. Kalama dispels both Kapha and Pitta. The Gaurasa${ika generally dispels the three dosas and is heavy. It is Slta in potency (cooling). 3. Syamaka is absorbant, parchifying and productive of Vayu principle. It dispels Kapha and Pitta. Similar properties are observed in Priyangu, NIvara and Koradu? a species of food grains. 4. Yava (barley) taken frequently generates Vayu, Slta in potency and dispels Kapha and pitta. Godhuma (wheat) is an aphrodisiac and cooling in potency. It dispels Vayu. It is sweet and heavy. 5. Mudga 1 pulse dispels excess of Kapha, Pitta and Blood. It is astringent, sweet and light. Masa 2 (Black gram) is strengthening, aphrodisiac and heavy. It dispels Pitta and Kapha. 6. The Rajamasa 3 is not an aphrodisiac. It dispels excess of Kapha and Pitta and removes disorders due to Vayu. Kulattha (Horse gram), dispels Kapha and Vayu and removes the disorders of dyspnea, hiccough and enlarged spleen. 7. Makusthaka 4 5 dispels the fever due to Raktapitta, it is cooling in potency and astringent. Canaka (gram) generates Vayu, dispels Kapha and Pitta, destroys manly virility. It is styptic. 8. Masura 6 (lentil) is sweet, cooling in potency, astringent and it dispels Kapha and Pitta. Kal& ya 1 too has all these properties. It generates Vayu excessively. 1. Phaseolus mungo. 2. Phaseolus radiatus. 3. Dolichos catjang. 4. Phaseolus Acoritifolius? 5. A variety of Lense. 9. Adhakl 2 dispels Kapha and Pitta and is conducive to the generation of semen. Atas! a is Pitta Producing and Siddhartha 4 dispels Kapha and Vayu. 10. Tila (gingelly seed ) is alkaline, sweet, oily, strengthening, heat producing and pitta generating. The different minor seeds destroy strength, parchify and are cooling in potency. 11-12. Citraka 6, Ingudi 7, Nalika 8, Pippali 9, Madhu 10, Sigru 11, Cavya 12, Carana 18, Nirgundi 14, Tark^ri 16, KaSamardaka 14, and Bilva destroy Kapha and Pitta; remove germs and are light and appetising. Varsabhu 17 and Markara 18 destroy Vayu and Kapha and remove all defects and disorders. 13. Eranda 19 is bitter in taste. KakamacI 20 destroys excess of the three dosas. Cangeri 81 removes Kapha and Vata. Sarsapa 22 (mustard) generates all do$as. 14. Kausumbha 23 is similar to Sarsapa; Rajika 24 generates Vayu and Pitta. Nadlca 1 destroys Kapha and Pitta. Cucu is sweet and cooling in potency. 1. Pisum arvense. 2. Cajanus indicus. 3. Linum alsitatissimum. 4. Perhaps white veriety of Brassica campestris. ( GVDB, pp. 433, 426 - 7 > 5. Sesamum indicum. 6. Plumbago Zeylamica or p. rosea. 7. Terminalia catappa. 8. Perhaps a species of Ipomoca (GVDB, pp. 223 - 4 ). 9. Piper longum. 10. Honey. 11. Moringu Pterygosperma 12. Perhaps Piper chaba (GVDB, p. 155). 13. Identity not clear. 14. Vitex negundo. 15. Sesbania aegyptiaca. 16. Identity not clear. 17. Boerhavia Procumbens. 18. Identity not clear. The name Markava is used for Bhpigar& ja. 19. Ricinus communis. 20. Solanum nigrum (GVDB, p. 86. ) 21. Oxalis corniculata. 22. Brassica campestris. 23. Identity not clear. 24. Brassica juncea or B. nigra. 15. Padmapatra (Lotus leaf) destroys dosas. Tripufa 2 is extremely V& yu-generating. Kaksara 3 destroys all do$as. Vastuka 4 is highly appealing. 16. Tandullya 5, Palankya 6 and others are anti-toxic. Raw Mulaka 7 (radish) generates dosas, hut cooked in steam dispels Vayu and Kapha. 17. Karkotaka 8, Vartaka 9, Pajolaka 10, and Karavellaka 11 when cooked and eaten destroy all dosas and are good for heart and throat. 18. Kusmanda 12 is diuretic, relishing and destroys all dosas. It is highly efficacious in Ku${ha, urinary diseases, fever, dyspnea and asthma as well as the disorders due to the derangement of Pitta and Kapha. 19. Kalinga 13 and Alabu 14 destroy Pitta and produce Vayu. Trapu§a 15 and Irvaruka 18 generate Vata and Kapha and ward off Pitta. 20. Vfksamla 17 destroys Kapha and Vayu; Jamblra destroys Kapha and Vayu, Dadima 18 (Pomegranate) is astringent and destroys Vayu. Nagarangaphala 19 (orange) is heavy. 1. Identity not clear. 2. Perhaps Pisum arvense or Ladhyms sativus ( GVDB p. 194). 3. Identity not clear. 4. Chenopodium alloum. 5. Amaranthus spinosus. 6. Spinacia oleracca. 7. Raphanu sativus. 8. Momordica dioica. 9. Solanum melongena. 10. Trichosanthes dioica. 1 1. Momordica charantia. 12. Cucurbita pepo. 13. Flolarrhena antidysenterica {GVDB, p. 84). 14. Lagenaria siceraria. 15. Cucumis sativus. 16. Identity not dear. The name Undruka is used for cucumu melo. 17. Qarcinia indica. 18. Punica granatum. 19. Citrus reticulata. 21. Kesara and Matuluriga 1 2 3 are appetising and destroy Kapha and Vayu. Masa removes Vayu and Pitta and destroys the glossiness of the skin, heat and disorders of Vayu. 22. All varieties of Amalaka are sweet, relishing and aphrodisia but produce Amla type of indigestion. Haritaki induces taste for food, is holy and nectarlike. 23. Lakuca 8 is sweet and generates all Do§as; Vakula 8 destroys Kapha and Vayu; Bijapuraka 4 is efficacious in enlarged spleen, dyspnea and asthma and removes the disorders due to Viyu and Kapha. 24. Haritaki is a laxative; destroys Kapha and Vayu as well as three dosas. The fruit of Tintidi 5 is laxative, acid, and removes Vayu and Kapha. 25. Kapittha (horse apple) is astiingent and dispels do$as; when ripe it is heavy and antitoxic; when unripe it produces Kapha and Pitta but ripe it increases Pitta. 26. Ripe Amra (mango) generates Vayu and produces flesh, semen and strength and heightens colour (of the skin).