THE GARUDA PURANA 29 страница19. The thirst generated by taking in greasy, pungent, acid and saline stuffs is due to Kapha. The thirst due to the loss of lymph and other secretions is an indication of onset of consumption; 20. The thirst generated by the admixture of atrophy, fainting and fever with other chronic ailments is called Upasargatmika (foreboding evil)
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND F1FTYFIVE. Diseases. Dhanvantari said: 1. I shall explain the pathology of Madatyaya (distemper due to inebriation) as mentioned by sages. Wine is sharp, acid, dry, parchifying and light and induces quickness in sexual intercourse. 2. It pervades even the minutest capillaries of the system but its effect on the fat is just opposite. The qualities of sharpness etc. mentioned by the sages have disturbing effect on the mind. 3. Excessively drunk, wines and spirits are fatal. With their qualities of sharpness, etc. they destroy the vitality of the addict and bring about sluggishness. 4. Exciting the sense organs wine upsets the mind. On taking it for the first time or second time it may have an exciting and exhilarating effect on the drinker. 5-6. The fool carried away by indecision and uncertainty considers it pleasing. A king who becomes an addict to wine becomes unbridled like an unchecked serpent. There is nothing that he will not do in his inebriation: Wine is the source of unspeakable mischiefs and supports wickedness. 7-9. It is the sole guide of wretchedness that has a hundred paths leading to it. Bereft of all energetic actions the addict in the third stage of inebriety may yearn for wine always The sinful wretch has now come to a stage worse than death. He cannot distinguish between righteousness and evil, pleasure and pain, honour and dishonour, and wholesome and unwholesome. Withered up and deluded, highly pleased at times and dejected at other he loses his power of memory and falls unconscious. Well built strong persons of gluttonous habits may not become too intoxicated after drinking wine over a heavy meal. 1 0. The ailment of inebriety may be caused by the three humours — Vayu, Pitta and Kapha severally or in combination. Unconsciousness and pain in the heart characterize all varieties. 11-13. Thirst engendered by frequent loose motions, mild dejection, fever and nonrelish for food, constipation, darkness of vision, hiccough, difficulty in breathing sleeplessness, excessive perspiration, obstruction of ordure (Visthambha), intumescence, and mental agitation too characterize all types of inebriety. The patient is in a dreamy state and does not speak when addressed. Due to the attack of Pitta there is a burning sensation, fever and perspiration, fainting and a continuous palpitation of the heart. Due to the action of Kapha there is vomiting, disquietude, sleepiness and Udaragaurava (Tympanites — heaviness in the stomach due to gas trouble). 14-15. In the ailment of inebriation due to the action of all humours in combination all the symptoms can be observed. Those who knowingly take to wine become victims thereof and lose the power of thinking and mental disorders set in. Everything is pleasing to them whether a chip of wood or an article of food. They do not differentiate between them. Due to the action of Vayu many of these symptoms occur. The patient spits out mucous matters of phlegm and experiences parchedness of throat and somnolence. 16. He does not brook sounds. His sound is distracted. He feels Rheumatic pain all over the body. His heart and throat are effected. He falls into fainting fits. He gasps for breath. Excessive thirst, nausea and fever also oppress him. 17. A person who controls himself and intelligently refrains from drinking wine, is never afflicted by any disorder whether physical or mental. 18-19. Deluded persons of irascible temperament indulging in injudicious diet suffer from the three disorders of inebriation, epileptic fits and abject prostration more and more powerful in the order of enumeration. This is due to the obstruction of ducts carrying fat, blood and other lymphatic secretions. Inebriation is caused by the derangement of all the humours, impure blood, and presence of wine and toxic matter in the system. 20. In the ailment of inebriation due to the derangement of Vayu, the patient becomes anaemic and all brightness of complexion vanishes. The body assumes a coarse dark reddish hue. The patient becomes deceitful in behaviour and fickleminded. 21. The intoxicated person becomes irritable and quarrelsome due to the affliction of Pitta and his body assumes a reddish yellow hue. The affliction of Kapha is responsible for the symptoms of somnolence, loose irrelevant talks or when the patient appears to be in a trance. 22-26. The combined action of all the dosas brings about all the above symptoms as well as obstruction of the circulation of blood and paralysis of the limbs. If the patient exhibits a loathsome desire or fails to recognize familiar voices it is an indication of derangement of Pitta. He may be exhausted utterly and go to deep sleep but the body may be shaking vigorously: The signs of an affliction of Vayu must be carefully noted. The inebriated patient may either see the sky red, blue and black or without seeing anything sink in darkness. He may regain consciousness immediately but may experience pain in the cardiac region, a shivering sensation and vertigo. In epileptic fits brought about by derangement of Vayu the patient has hiccough and brownish red colour of the skin. Afflicted by Pitta the patient, seeing the sky red and yellow, may sink into swoon. When he wakes up he perspires profusely and is oppressed with excessive thirst and a burning sensation. During the fit a portion of the body may be yellow and the other blue. His eyes may be red, yellow or crimson. 27-28. In Kapha affliction the epileptic patient sees the sky enveloped with clouds as it were, sinks into a deep coma and regains consciousness very late. He complains of disquietness in the cardiac region. There is salivation. Heavy and benumbed in limbs he falls in a thud like a goat in the unconscious state. In the combined action of all the dosas it appears like an Apasmara (epilepsy). 29-30. He falls down motionlessly and does not have any frightful convulsive movements of limbs. In the ailment of mada, murccha, the morbid humours spread themselves out and become calm without medication when the patient sinks into prostration. Speech, body and the mind do not function properly but he does not Jose strength. 31. Patients who fall down in prostration, fall like logs of wood, no better than dead but with risk of death. 32. If the treatment is not immediately carried out he may die like a person in a deep sea full of crocodiles. 33. A person in prostration (like the person in the sea) should be immediately taken out of it. A person suffering from inebriation may be irritated or pleased, it is certain. 34-35. Used judiciously wine relieves persons of worries, otherwise leads him to hell. It gives ability to work, helps the natural functions, and blesses with beauty. Judicious use of wine is like that of nectar.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTYS1X. Diseases. Dhanvantari said: 1 -3. O Susruta, I shall explain the pathology of Arsas (Piles) ailments. Among the condylomatous (pinlike) growths in the fk$h those that obstruct the anus are called Ar£ as. The deranged humour defiling the skin, flesh and the fat makes many shoots of flesh of diverse shapes in the region of the rectum. They are called Ar£ as (Piles). In brief, they are of two types sahaja (congenital) and Anantarottha (postnatal). 4. The passage of the rectum is five and a half Angulas long. There, dry stone-like lumps three and a half angulas long grow. 5-6. Blood vessels passing through the entrails come to these lumps and split open. Hence, within an angula from without, bleeding occurs in the region of these condylomatous growths. Hair about one and a half angulas in length grow beyond them. In the congenital type of piles the cause is the discomfort of the child in the womb. 7. The creation of the seeds of piles is due to the misdeeds of the parents. Curse of gods also may be the cause. In the piles due to the combined action of the dosas it is the food taken in that creates the seeds. 8. All ailments congenital in nature are incurable. The piles of congenital type are rough, ugly looking, pointing inward and pale, yellow in colour. The disorders brought about by them are dreadful. 9. Piles are of six types when caused by dosas after the birth. The three different dosas severally or their combinations in twos make up the six varieties. The dry piles are due to Vayu and Kapha and the wet ones due to Pitta. 10. When more and more faces accumulate in the gastric fire that reduces the food taken before into faeces, if the person indulges in excessive sexual intercourse the dosas become aggravated. 11-14. The Apana Vayu (genito-urinary illiac nerve force) becomes aggravated due to various such causes as: — drinking in a fitful state, taking in hard indigestible foodstuffs, frequent rubbing of the belly, eyes and throat with the palms, contact with very chill water, continuous riding for a long time, suppression of natural urges and evacuating them with difficulty, dysentery, constipation, pulling things and in woman miscarriage and painful labour. 15-16. When the Apana becomes excited the faeces get obstructed in the flexus of the rectum and condylomatousgrowths occur on their knotty joints. Its indications are low gastric function, obstruction to the removal of ordure, pain in the bones and calves of the legs, vertigo, burning sensation in the eyes, intumascence and either loose motions or constipation. 17. Obstructed from the front, the wind moves about below the umbilicus and when the patient breathes with difficulty it comes out with blood. 18. A rumbling sound in the entrails, eructation, profuse belching of saline stuff, excessive urination, scanty faeces, non-inclination to take food, vertigo, sour taste in the mouth. 19. Pain in the head, back and chest, lassitude, yearning for sensuous pleasures, anger due to frustration or neglect of service by others are also observed. 20. Sometimes the symptoms give rise to the suspicion of other ailments such as diarrhoea, wasting disease, jaundice, enlargement of the spleen and dropsy. All these diseases increase when piles begin to grow. 21. When the Apana returns, it is obstructed by these growths and so it aggravates other vital airs moving among the sense organs and parts of the whole body. 22. Then it produces a parched condition in the seats of Pitta, Kapha, urine and faeces and obstructs the gastric fire. Then usually all the piles grow. 23. The patient becomes lean, his enthusiasm and jolly spirit vanishes; he becomes dejected, emaciated, pallid in face, and appears like a worm eaten tree, sapless and devoid of shade. 24-25. AH the disorders mentioned in Yaksma (Pulmonary consumption) distress him. They give rise to acute pain in the vulnerable joints, Cough, excessive thirst, dryness in the mouth, dyspnea, catarrh, lassitude, aching pain in the limbs, nausea, sneezing, intumescence, fever, debility, deafness, rigidity and the disease gravel — all these torment him. 26. Completely emaciated, with voice broken, he sinks into a trance and frequently spits. He does not show any inclination to take food He has pain in all joints, bones, chest, navel, anus and the thigh joints. A kind of bilious matter begins to ooze out of the anus. It resembles water with which meat has been washed. 27. Some of these piles are dry but others are found to suppurate and burst; they are caused by Pitta and are of the colour of turmeric. 28. These piles generated by aggravated Vayu are dry and rough. They are faded, reddish or brownish in colour and uneven. 29. They are of unequal sizes and shapes, curved, sharppointed with their external ends cracked and severed. They resemble the fruits of Bimba Kharjura 1, Karkandhu 2 3 and Karpasa 8 seed. 30. Some of them resemble Kadamba flowers, and some those of the white mustard. Acute pain in the head, sides, shoulders, calves, thighs, thigh joints, etc. is felt. 31. Sneezing, eructation, obstruction to the removal of ordure, catching pain in the heart and non relish for food, cough, dryspnea, impaired function of the digestive system, ringing noise in the ears and vertigo are further symptoms. 32. A patient distressed with these disorders passes stools with great difficulty. It is scanty. A loud sound is produced while evacuating the slimy frothy stuff. 33. The skin, nail, faeces, urine, eyes and face are black in colour. Chronic enlargement of the spleen, drooping and globular tumours (Asfhlla) occur. 34. The condylomatous growths of piles due to the derangement of Pitta are bluish in colour at the opening and red, yellow and black otherwise. They exude bloody, watery stuff through their small tips. They smell like raw meat. They are soft to the touch and hang loosely. 35. Some of them resemble the tongue of a parrot, split liver or the mouth of a leech. Burning sensation, fever and perspiration, thirst, epileptic fits, non-relish for food and loss of sense are the symptoms at the time of suppuration. 36. The faeces are hot, liquid in form, bluish, reddish and yellow in colour and undigested. The piles are thick in the middle like barley grain. The skin, nail etc are green or yellow in colour. 1. Phoenix dactylifer or p. ac& ulis (Refer GVDB p. 131). 2. Zizyphus nummularia. 3. Glossypium barbadens. 37. If Kapha be the cause the piles are deep rooted, thick, less painful, white in colour, of decaying appearance, glossy, globular in shape and unyielding. 38. Lubricious, rigid, smooth and mild they produce an itching sensation and the patient finds it pleasant to handle them and scratch them. Some of them are like the bamboo shoots or the seed of the jack fruit or the teat of a cow. 39. There is catching pain at the thigh joints, rectum, bladder and navel. Dyspnea, cough, disquietude in the cardiac region, salivatiou non-relish of food and catarrh are the symptoms. 40. Strangury (difficulty in passing urine), sluggishness of head, shivering chilliness are experienced. Impotency, impaired gastric function, vomiting and all the disorders in undigested state are also found in the patient. 41. The faeces come out in profusion. They have the colour of suet. They contain mucous kapha matter. The piles do not crack nor do they bleed. Skin, etc., have grey colour and are glossy. 42. In the piles caused by the combined action of all dosas all the symptoms can be observed. If they are caused by the impurity of blood such symptoms as are in the Pittaja type can be observed. 43. They resemble the shoots of Va{a or Guftja berries or coral. The faeces are hard and hot and contaminated. 44. If the motions are many the blood gushes out suddenly. The skin of the patient is like that of a frog. He suffers all disorders due to the deficiency of blood. 45-47. The patient loses the colour of his complexion, strength and mental gaiety. His vitality is impaired. His sense organs do not function properly. By taking hard foodstuffs dehydrating the faeces, like Mudga 1, Kodrava 2 3, Jambira®, bamboo shoots, Bengal gram, etc., the wind becomes aggravated in the region of the rectum and obstructs the ducts flowing down and dries up the waste matter. 1. Phaseolus radiatus 2. Paspalum screbiculatum. 3. An Allium species (Refer GVDB. p. 164). 48. It absorbs the moisture of faeces and urine and makes them thick with disastrous consequences. As a result of it acute pain in the viscera, back, cardiac region and the sides results. 49. Tympanites, Ascites, accumulation of faeces, colic, pain in the bladder and intumescence in the cheeks are likely to follow. 50. The deranged Vayu taking an upward course causes vomiting, non-relish for food and fever. Palpitation of the heart, diarrhoea, suppression of urine and dysentery are also caused. 51. Deafness, dyspnea, acute headache, consumption, catarrh, faecal disorder, thirst, enlargement of the spleen dropsy, etc., follow. 52. All these caused by the derangement of Vayu are terrific. Piles bring about even death. 53. Piles grow in the rectum of those persons whose viscera are attacked by Vayu even without the exciting factors. The congenital piles as well as those that grow in the inner grove of the rectum are incurable. If the digestive power is maintained palliation is the only alternative. 54. Growths of condylomatous nature caused by any two of the do§as in combination and those in the second flexus are incurable if left untreated for a year. 55. Those piles that grow in the external groove as well as those caused by a single do$a can be easily cured if they are of recent origin. 56. Condylomatous growths are said to grow on the penis, etc., as well as in the navel too. They are like the Gandupada (the pillow footed worm or Earthworm) and are lubricious and soft. 57. The wind Vyana in combination with Kapha brings about growth of piles on the outer skin like nails rough to the touch and firm. They are called Carmakila. 58. The roughness and piercing nature of the piles is due to Vayu; the blackness at the top is due to Pitta; and their glossiness, knotty nature and colouration are due to Kapha. 59. An intelligent man must exert himself in quelling the piles quickly. Otherwise they may lead to graver disorders and asitis.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY SEVEN. Diseases. Dhanvantari said: 1. O Susruta, I shall explain the pathology of dysentery and diarrhoea. They are of six types, the dosas severally and in combination produce four varieties and fear and sorrow produce two types. 2-3. Dysentery is usually caused by drinking too much of water. The Vayu becomes aggravated due to the injudicious intake of dry foods, fatty stuffs, fried things, gingelly seed cakes, shoots and germinated sprouts and inordinate quantities of wine, day-sleep, worms and suppression of natural urges for excretion. 4. The aggravated Vayu causes the downward rush of the blood extinguishing the gastric fire. Then it permeates the inner chamber of food and faeces and liquefies the waste matter. 5. The indication of its imminent onset is an acute pain in the chest, rectum and viscera, perspiration all over the body and constipation. 6. Distention of the abdomen, indigestion and absence of fever are due to Vayu. The patient passes scanty faeces without any sound but with constant interruptions. 7. The waste matter is hard, turbid, frothy and knotty. A burning sensation in the fleshy region of the rectum is felt. The lubricious surface is cut up. There is a prolapse in the constricted anus. The patient gasps for breath and has horripilation alHover the body. 8-10. In the pittaja type diarrhoea the waste matter is yellow, black, turmeric coloured and grass coloured with blood mixed with it. It has a fetid smell. The patient has a burning sensation, excessive thirst and epileptic fits. If the cause is kapha there is an acute pain in the anus with burning lensation. The waste matter is thick, slimy and scanty in a continuous flow. If the three dosas in combination cause diarrhoea, all the symptoms and particularly horripilation, severe pain, and heaviness in bladder, belly and anus are observed. The patient loses sense and thinks what he has done as not done. 11. If extreme fright agitates the mind the patient passes stool even as he lies down. The Vayu liquefies it and it passes out in warm jets. 12. If extreme agony causes diarrhoea the symptoms are as in Vataja and Pittaja types. In brief, diarrhoea can be divided into two ( 1 ) Sama or with mucous and (2) Nirama or without mucous. 13. In the Sama type the waste matter emits fetid smell. There is swelling, obstruction to the passage of ordure, and salivation. The opposite characteristics are observed in Nirama type. Due to Kapha none sinks. 14. Atisara (diarrhoea) not given careful attention may lead to Graham (acute dysentery) by taking in articles of food bringing about the quenching of gestric fire. 15. Atisara is so called because there is plenty (Ati) of evacuation (Sara) of digested Sama or Nirama waste matter. Hence, it is very active and virulent naturally. If Sama is undigested it becomes shattered; if digested it does not become Pakva (fully ripe and digested). 16. A chronic Atisara with the accumulations leads to GrahaQi disorder which is of four types, the three do? as severally and collectively being the cause. 17-21. The general symptoms of the onset of GrahanI are: — exhaustion of the limbs, purification of the body with delay (delayed evacuation), a little salivation, draught in the mouth, non relish for food, thirst, vertigo, binding pain in the abdomen, vomiting and ringing in the ears. Some of these symptoms are also seen: — Weakness and emaciation of the body, acute Tamaka fever, epileptic fits, numbness in the head and thighs, intumescence in hands and feet, drowsiness, parchedness of the palate due to the action of the wind, darkness of vision, noisy echo in the ears, pain in the sides, thighs, thigh joints, neck, etc. and acute cholera. 22. In weak patients the symptoms are very pronounced, hunger and thirst greatly oppressing them. There is inflation of belly during the process of digestion or on the completion of the same. After taking meal the patient gets some relief. 23. In the Vataja type of Graham the following indications can be seen. Palpitation of the heart, enlargement of the spleen, piles, jaundice, loss of sense, passing of either loose or hard lumpy dry waste matter with froth and loud report, gasping for breath and hiccough. The motion is frequent. 24. In the Pittaja type of Grahani the waste matter is either yellow or bluish yellow and liquid in nature. Acid eruptions, burning sensation in the heart and throat, nonrelish for food and excessive thirst are also seen. 25-27. Difficulty in digestion, painful motion, vomiting, non relish for food, burning sensation in the mouth, frequent spitting, cough, disquietude and catarrh, sensation of bulkiness in the heart, distension and heaviness of abdomen, eructation with defiled sweetness, lassitude, horripilation, etc. are the specific features of the Kaphaja type. The waste matter is thick split up and charged with mucous matter. Even if the patient is not lean he feels weak. In the Sannipataja Grahani all the symptoms are observed. 28-29. The first three types are very disorderly. All the symptoms mentioned before are observed in Grahani too. Eight ailments are called Maharogas (great illnesses). They are incurable. They are: — Rheumating gravel in urine (or stone in bladder), leprosy, epilepsy, dropsy, gonorrhoea, piles and Grahani.
CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTYEIGHT. Diseases. Dhanvantari said: 1-3. Now I shall explain the pathology of Mutraghata (suppression of urine or strangury), Susruta, please listen. The urinary bladder, its top or outlet, the penis, the hip, the scrotum and the rectum, all these are covered by a single peritoneum and are situated in the pelvic cavity. Though the bladder is placed with its face down it is continuously filled with urinary secretions through the ducts carrying them and always exuding them. Dosas entering these secretions produce twenty diseases. 4-J. Strangury and diabetes affect the vulnerable joints of the pelvis containing the bladder, thigh joints and the penis. In the Vataja type the urine is scanty and emitted constantly with the greatest pain. In the Pittaja type it is yellow giving rise to pain and burning sensation. In the Kaphaja type it is red. The patient feels heaviness in the bladder and penis. Intumescence is also found there. 6-7. The urinary discharge is lubricious or tawny in colour in a combined action of all dosas. When the deranged Vayu turns the face of the bladder and dries it up the urine is charged with Pitta, Kapha or semen and a terrible gravel is formed like a lump of Gorocana which is a limb of the pitta matter. 8. In all cases the deranged Kapha is an exciting factor in Asmarl. Its premonitory symptoms are: — Inflammation of the urinary bladder and excruciating pain all round it in that region. 9. The urine gets obstructed in the bladder. There is difficulty in passing urine. There is fever and nonrelish for food. The general indications are pain in the umbilical region, foreskin of the prepuce and the lop of the urinary bladder, etc. 10. When there is obstruction in the passage by the gravel the micturition is delayed and painful. If the patient passes urine after a long retention the urine is clear and crystal coloured and he feels great pain. 11. If it is excited it comes out with blood and fleshy matter. There is pain in the passage. In the Vayuja concretion of urine the patient grinds his teeth and shakes violently. 1 2. The patient feels that something stops the urine and afflicts the navel, he evacuates the bowel with a gaseous discharge and urinates in drops frequently. 13. The Asmarl is tough and dark in colour. It appears to be studded with thorns. Pitta brings about a burning sensation in the bladder. It appears hot as if being cooked. 14. The concretions appear like the stones of Bhallataka fruit red, yellow and white in colour. Due to the affliction of Kapha the bladder appears to be inflicted upon and is heavy and cool to the touch. 15. In infants the Asmarl is large, glossy and honeycoloured or white. Many children are affected by it. 16-17. Since they have not grown large or fully developed they can be extracted easily. The Sukrasmari or concretion in semen is generated by suppression of emission and it is dreadful. The aggravated vayu collects and dries up the semen unreleased or dislodged from it soriginal seat within the scrotum. It is then called Sukr asmarl. 18. It produces a painful swelling in the bladder and micturition is very painful. The semen secreted becomes dry if there are Sukra£ marl formations. 19. An attack of fever or chronic cough makes the urinary concretions into Sarkara (gravel). The internal Vayu splits and crushes these concretions and sends them out along with the urine. If the Vayu takes an averse course they lie within the bladder and mature. 20. The aggravated Vayu may make the top of the bladder let out urine. Sometimes it may obstruct the flow of urine and from its seat it may generate pain. 21. It may cover up the bladder or lifting it, it may scatter it about, then a great pain is felt with throbbings and irritation. 22. When the bladder is thus afflicted the urine may come out in drops. The continuous flow is obstructed; this disease is called Vatavasti. 23. It is difficult to be cured. The second one is still more difficult to be cured. The powerful Vayu comes in between the path of faeces and the bladder. 24. It generates a kind of thick knotty round raised concretions called Vatasthila (Globular seed like concretions caused by Vayu. ) They are found both in the faeces and in the urine. 25-26. A sickness called Vatakuncjalika is produced when semen is retained for a long time without emission. The deranged Vayu lies within the bladder in a coil and gives great pain. It whirls after obstructing the urine. There is rigidity, heaviness and convolution in the bladder. Urine is passed out bit by bit. 27-28. The urine being obstructed does not pass out completely. After the passage of urine there is a slight pain. When the Vayu is obstructed by the collection of urine it returns to the umbilical region or lower abdomen and produces pain. There is no distension but due to loss of strength faeces are collected and obstructed. 29-30. Urine may enter the abdominal passage by the pressure of wind and stay in the bladder or umbilical region and flow out gradually. It may or may not be painful. It is without cessation. Its residue is dried up. 31. Inside the bladder near its entrance there is a knotty small firm concretion like gravel. It is called Mutragranthi. 32. Sometimes a man in his sexual intercourse may not discharge semen immediately although it might have been dislodged from its seat. This is due to the action of Vayu. But when he begins to urinate the semen may come out either before or after urination. 33. The urine then appears like water washing down ashes. The stuff is called Mutrasukram (Spermatorrhoea) Sometimes weak persons or those of harsh nature are afflicted by Vayu when passing stools. 34. The faecal matter may get into the urinary tract and hence the urine drop may have the smell of faeces. This is called Mutravighata. 35-36. The Vayu aggravated by Pitta, physical exercises, excessive intake of sharp acid food stuffs and inflammation may generate a burning sensation in the urinary bladder and urine mixed with blood or blood alone comes out in hot jets.