Divya Prabandham 4 страница(9) paalodu ney thayiroN chandhodu cheNpagamum pangayanalla karuppooramum naaRivara kOlanaRum pavaLach chenthuvar vaayinidaik kOmaLaveLLimuLaipOl sila pallilaga neelaniRaththazhagaa raim padaiyin naduvE nin kani vaayamudha mitRu muRindhu vizha yElu maRaip poruLe yaaduga sengeerai yezhulaga mudaiyaa yaaduga vaadugavE
Purport When You dance sengeerai, attractive, flowery, sweet, delicious smells emanate from You. The sweet smell of milk, curd and ghee which You consume often and the fragrance of sandalwood paste, and chempaka flowers which You adorn on You daily comes out from Your body. When You open Your little mouth and smile, the fragrance of lotus flower and camphor encircles the place, and as You open Your coral colored lips, the milky teeth shines like silver buds. O Krishna! perform the dance such that the nectar filled saliva drops from your mouth. The controller of seven worlds, please dance sengeerai!
(10) sengamalk kazhalil chitRidhazhpOl viravil sErthigazhaazhigaLum kiNkiNiyum araiyil thangiya ponvadamum thaaLa nan maadhuLaiyin poovodu ponmaNiyum mOdhira mungiRiyum mangala vaimpadaiyun thOLvaLaiyungkuzhaiyum makaramum vaaLigaLunj chuttiyu moththilaga yengal kudik karasE yaaduga sengeerai yezhulaga mudaiyaa yaaduga vaadugavE
Purport Your toes are like the petals of lotus flower. You wear exquisite toe rings, ankle bells, golden thread on the waist with pearls and beads interlaced, rings on the fingers, bracelet on the wrists, necklace with panchaayuda
(five weapons) symbols, shoulder rings, ear rings and pendant on the forehead. O! the King of cowherd clan, dance sengeerai gently swaying these ornaments as you dance! the architect of seven worlds, dance!
(11) annamum meenuruvu maalariyung kuRaLum aamaiyu maanavanE yaayargaL naayaganE yennavalangaLai vaayaaduga sengeerai yEzhulagumudaiyaa yaadugavaaduga vendru anna nadai madavaaLasOdai yugandha parisu aana pugazhp pudhuvaip pattanuraiththa thamizh innisai maalai gaLip paththum vallaar ulagil yendisaiyum pugazh mikkinbama dheidhuvarE
Purport One who took avatars such as Hamsa(Swan), Mathsya(Fish), Nrusimha(Man-Lion) and Vaamana(dwarf), One who is the chief of cowherd clan, One who removed Yasoda's distress and the Lord of seven worlds - Sri Krishna was engaged in sengeerai dance by the youthful Yasoda, whose walk resembled that of a swan. Those who can sing these ten pAsurams composed by periAzhwAr in sweet tamizh, shall attain glory and great happiness in all the eight quarters of this world.
first ten sixth thirumozhi
Summary In the pAsurams that follow, AzhwAr depicts Krishna clapping His hands and playing with Yasoda and others. This clapping hands by children is called 'ChappaaNi' in old Tamil. Various interesting moments with Krishna are captured through these pAsurams.
(1) maaNikkak kiNkiNi yaarppa marunginmEl aaNipponnaRseidha aayponnudaimaNi pENip pavaLavaay muththilanga paNdu kaaNikondakaigaLaal chappaaNi karunguzhaR kuttanE chappaaNi
Purport With the melodious sounds of ankle bells bedecked with precious jewels, with the beautiful waist displaying the best gold band around it, with the teeth shining like pearls through the coral lips as You smile and with the Hands that once sought earth from king Mahaabali, O Krishna, clap hands! Sweet little child with dark curly hairs, clap chappaaNi !
(2) ponnarai naaNodu maaNikkak kiNkiNi thannaraiyaadath thanich chutti thaazhn thaada ennaraimEl nindrizhindhu ungaLaayartham mannaraimEl kottaay chappaaNi maayavanE kottaay chappaaNi
Purport Wearing an exquisite waist thread made of gold, with your ankle bands making sweet notes and the forehead pendant swinging with unparalleled beauty, O Krishna, get off from my lap and sit on the lap of your father Nandagopa, the head of cowherd clan. Clap Your hands from his lap! Awesome Lord! clap chappaaNi!
(3) panmaNi muththin pavaLam padhiththanna yen maNivaNNan ilangu potRottinmEl ninmaNivaay muththilanga ninnammaithan ammaNimEl kottaay chappaaNi aazhiyangaiyanE chappaaNi
Purport Decorating your ears with ornaments studded with variety of pristine gems, pearls and corals, smiling gently with teeth shining like pearls through your sweet mouth, O Lord, now sit on your mother's lap and clap chappaaNi. My blue-gem-colored Lord, who holds great Chakra in the Hand, clap chappaaNi!
(4) thoonilaa mutraththE pOndhu viLaiyaada vaanilaa vambulee chandhiraa vaavendru neenilaa ninpugazhaa nindra vaayartham kOnilaavak kottaay chappaaNi kudanthaik kidandhaanE chappaaNi
Purport Standing in the portico, its a sight to watch you calling the bright moon, who is roaming in the vast sky, to come and play with you. As you do this fascinating action, the head of cowherd clan Nandagopa watches you proudly. O Krishna, clap Your hands to please Nandagopa. One who stays reclined at Tirukkudanthai, please clap chappaaNi!
(5) puttiyiR chERum puzhuthiyung konduvandhu attiyamukki agampuk kaRiyaamE chattith thayirum thadaavinil veNNaiyum uN pattik kandrE kottaay chappaaNi paRpanaabha kottaay chappaaNi
Purport After playing in the sand and mud, fully smeared with dirt, You run & cling to Your mother and pass on some of this dirt onto her body and stealthily enter the house to eat curd and butter stored in the pots. O Krishna, your act is akin to a little calf that would run into a cowshed to graze! clap your Hands! One who has lotus in His navel
(padmanaabha in sanskrit), please clap chappaaNi.
(6) thaariththu nootRuvar thandhai soR koLLaadhu pOruyththu vandhu pugundhavar maNNaaLa paariththa mannar padap panjchavarkku andru thEruththa kaigaLaal chappaaNi Dhevaki singamE chappaaNi
Purport Not listening to your fatherly advice, hundreds of Duryodanaa kings, driven by ambitious selfish motive of ruling the entire kingdom by themselves, came to fight against the group of five-Paandavaas. For the sake of paandavaas You drove the chariot with your Hands, in the war that ensued, and killed the Duryodanaas. Clap Your Hands! O, lion cub of Devaki, clap chappaaNi!
(7) parandhittu nindra padukadal thannai irandhitta kaimmEl yeRithirai mOdha karandhittu nindra kadalaik kalanga saranthotta kaigaLaal chappaaNi saarngaviR kaiyanE chappaaNi
Purport Long time ago, when You took avathaar as Raamaa, You sought the help of expansive ocean to make way for You and Your army to be able to go across to Lanka and take on the army of RaavaNaa. As the ocean not only remained unconcerned to your request but was lashing out waves at Your outstretched Hand, You were outraged and out-went Your hands shooting arrows piercing the ocean. Clap with those Hands! O Lord, You wield Saarnga bow! clap chappaaNi !
(8) kurakkinaththaalE kuraikadal thannai nerungiyaNai katti neeNirilangai arakkaraviya adukaNaiyaalE nerukkiya kaigaLaal chappaaNi nEmiyangaiyanE chappaaNi
Purport As the subdued ocean, now calm and listening, gave way to You and Your army of monkeys, the bridge was laid, ocean was crossed and Lanka, surrounded by seas, was reached. In the tense battle that ensued, Your Hands rained arrows on raakshasaas and killed them. Clap with those Hands! O, one who wield the Discus, clap chappaaNi!
(9) aLandhitta thooNai avan thatta aangE vaLarndhittu vaaLugirch chingavuruvaay uLanthottiraNiyan oNmaarvagalam piLandhitta kaigaLaal chappaaNi pEymulai yuNdaanE chappaaNi
Purport Doubting the existence of You, Hiranyakasipu smote a pillar of his to see if You are present there. Lo and behold! You appeared with a big lion form with sharp nails and paused for a while to give the asuraa a chance to change his mind. As the asuraa was unrelenting, true to the character of a Lion, You shattered the asuraa by piercing asuraa's shining broad chest with the sharp nails of Your Hands! Clap with those Hands! one who tasted the poisonous milk of poothanaa, clap chappaaNi!
(10) adaidhittamarargaL aazhkadal thannai midaindhittu mantharam maththaaga naatti vadanjchutRi vaasugivan kayiRaaga kadaindhitta kaigaLaal chappaaNi kaarmughil vaNNanE chappaaNi
Purport At the request of the devaas and asuraas, using mandaara mountain as the churning rod and the snake vaasugi as the rope, You churned the deep ocean to extract nectaar from it. With the Hands that churned the great ocean, clap! O, endowed with the color of a dark cloud, please clap chappaaNi !
(11) aatkoLLath thOndriya aayar thangOvinai naatkamazham poompozhil villipuththoor pattan vEtkaiyaaR sonna chappaaNi yeeraindhum vEtkaiyinaal solluvaar vinai pOmE
Purport periAzhwAr of villipuththoor, a place engulfed by fragrant flowering trees, witnessed the ethereal exhibition of chappaaNi by Sri Krishna, the king of yaadavaa dynasty, the ruler of our hearts and passionately composed these ten pAsurams. Their sins would take flight who indulges in these pAsurams!
first ten seventh thirumozhi
Summary AzhwAr awaits with boundless patience little Krishna's toddle. As he waits, he transforms, the waiting period into composing pAsurams, describing the beauty of Krishna from various angles and drawing brilliant comparisons.
(1) thodar sangili kaisalaar bilaarennath thoongu pon maNiyolippa padumummathap punalsOra vaaraNam paiyya nindroorvadhu pOl udan koodik kiNkiNi yaara vaarippa udaimaNi paRai kaRanga thadanthaaLiNai kondu sArngapaaNi thaLar nadai nadavaanO
Purport AzhwAr waits for Krishna, possessor of Sarnga bow, to toddle-along with His ankle and waist bells chiming, in the same way a rutted elephant bound in iron chains would walk making sounds with its leg-chains rubbing against each other and the golden bells hung from its body making sounds as it sways!
(2) sekkaridai nunikkombil thOndrum siRupiRai mulaip pOla nakka sendhuvar vaayth thiNNai meedhE naLir veNpal muLaiyilaga akkuvada muduththaamaith thaali pooNda anantha sayanan thakka maamaNi vaNNan vaasudhEvan thaLar nadai nadavaanO
Purport When Krishna giggled, His small white teeth shining through His coral colored mouth resembled the scene of crescent moon appearing over the red colored sky as observed through the edge of a tree branch. O son of Vasudeva, having the complexion of a blue-gem, who lies down on a snake bed, adorning conch shaped pendant on the waist and an amulet with a tortoise image tied around the neck, will You please come toddling soon, AzhwAr waits with anticipation!
(3) minnuk kodiyumOr veNthingaLum soozh pari vEdamumaay pinnal thulangu marasilaiyum peedhagach chitraadai yodum minnil polindhadhOr kArmughil pOlak kazhuththiniR kaaRaiyodum thannil polindha virudeekEsan thaLar nadai nadavaanO
Purport The gold and silver ornaments worn by Krishna over His silk waist cloth glittered like a streak of lightning in the sky lit by a big white moon with a halo around it. The golden necklace on Krishna's black skinned body looked like a dark rain cloud struck by a lightning. O HrusheekEsA ! when will you come toddling? ruminates AzhwAr!
(4) kannaR kudam thiRandhaaloth thooRik kaNa kaNa siruththu vandhu munvandhu nindru muththam tharum yen mughil vaNNan thiru maarvan thannai petRERkkuth than vaayamudham thandhu yennaith thaLirpikkindraan thannetRu maatRalar thalaigaL meedhE thaLar nadai nadavaanO
Purport when Krishna laughed, the drool coming out from His mouth resembled frothy sugarcane juice oozing out from a hole in the pot in which it is stored. Dark hued like a cloud, with His consort Lakshmi on His chest, the little Krishna would come in front of me and kiss me with the sweet mouth, thus honoring me for being His parent, says AzhwAr, who was obviously impersonating Yasoda due to his intense devotion towards Krishna. Will He not come toddling over the heads of those evil ones who oppose Him vehemently? ponders AzhwAr !
(5) munnalOr veLLip peru malaik kuttan modu modu viRainthOda pinnaith thodarndha dhOr karumalaik kuttan peyarndhadi yiduvadhupOl panni yulagam paravi yOvaap pugazh pala dhEvanennum than nambi yodap pin koodach chelvaan thaLar nadai nadavaanO
Purport Balarama, the elder brother of Krishna, acclaimed world over, while playing runs fast and Krishna follows suit. This resembled a big beautiful silver colored boulder rolling down the hill followed by a matchless black boulder rolling behind it. O Krishna, will you come toddling soon, wonders AzhwAr !
(6) orukaaliR sangoRu kaaliR chakkaram uLLadi poriththamaindha irukaalung kondangangezhudhinaaRpOl ilachchinai pada nadandhu perugAnindra vinba veLLaththin mEl pinnaiyum peidhu peidhu karu kaark kadal vaNNan kaamar thaadhai thaLar nadai nadavaanO
Purport Conch and Discus symbols were naturally etched on the two soles, respectively, of the lotus feet of lord Krishna and wherever He laid His foot steps, they left impressions of these sacred symbols. One who is dark hued as a dark ocean, father of Kama Deva and who gives inexhaustible ocean of joy, will He come toddling now, AzhwAr awaits with anxiety!
(7) padar pangaiya malar vaay negizhap pani padu siRu thuLi pOl idangonda sevvay yooRi yooRi iRRiRRu veezha nindru kadunjchEkkazhuththin maNikkural pOl udai maNi gaNa gaNena thadanthaaLiNai kondu sArngapaaNi thaLar nadai nadavaanO
Purport Even as cool honey would drip from a blossomed lotus, little Krishna's red sweet mouth was drooling. With the waist bells sound resembling the sound of a bell tied around a bull's neck, my Lord SarangapaaNi (who holds the Sarnga bow), when will You come toddling?
(8) pakkam karunjchiRu paaRai meedhE aruvigaL pagarndhanaya akkuvada mizhindhERith thaazha aNiyal kul pudai peyara makkaLulaginil peydhaRiyA maNikkuzhavi yuruvin thakka maamaNivaNNan vaasudhEvan thaLar nadai nadavaanO
Purport The swaying of conch shaped pendant worn by Krishna around His dark colored waist resembled streams of silvery water flowing down a dark rock. Possessed of an unparalleled beauty with the complexion of a blue gem, O son of Vasudeva, will You come toddling, eagerly awaits AzhwAr!
(9) veNpuzhudhi mER peidhu kondaLaindhadhOr vEzhaththin karunkandru pOl theN puzhudhi yaadith thirivikiraman siRupugar pada viyarththu oNpOdhalar kamalach chiRukkaluRaith thondrum nOvAmE thaNpOdhu kOnda thavisin meedhE thaLar nadai nadavaanO
Purport Smearing dirt over His sacred body, even as a baby elephant would smear white mud dust on its body, Krishna stands with patches of perspiration on His body. O Krishna, You once measured the three worlds with Your feet as TrivikiramA. Protecting the soft soles of Your lotus feet from harm, please come toddling on the cool bed made of flowers, appeals AzhwAr !
(10) thiraineerch chandira mandalam pOl sengaNmaal kEsavan thiruneermugathuth thulanguchutti thigazhn dhengum pudai peyara peruneerth thirai yezhu gangaiyilum peRiyadhOr theertha balam tharuneer chiruch chaNNam thuLLam chOrath thaLar nadai nadavaanO
Purport The red eyed and black complexioned KesavA! the swaying of bright pendant on Your beautiful face resembles the swaying of the reflected image of full moon on the waves of a dark ocean. With the piss dripping from your little penis, which is more auspicious than the waters of the wave filled Ganga river, will You come toddling, anticipates AzhwAr!
(11) aayar kulaththinil vandhu thOndriya anjana vaNNan thannai thaayar magizha vonnaar thaLarath thaLar nadai nadandha thanai vEyar pugazh vittu chiththan seeraal viriththana vuraikka vallaar maayan maNi vaNNan thaaL paNiyum makkaLaip peRuvargalE
Purport The events related to the toddling Krishna who was born among the cowherd clan with the aim of vanquishing the evil ones and giving pleasure to the mothers, were thus illustrated by the famed Vishnu chiththan belonging to the veyar (a brahmin sect) clan. Those who recite these pAsurams will beget children endowed with devotion to the lotus feet of Lord, who is wonderful and blue gem hued!
first ten eighth thirumozhi
Summary achchOvachchO is a colloquial term in tamil used in olden days to fondly address children to come and give a hug. In the pAsurams that follow, Yasoda is very excited about her little child Krishna, who is naughty and playful. While she invites Krishna to come and hug her, periAzhwAr reminisces His pastimes and gives us a mixed divine experience!
(1) ponniyal kiNkiNi chuttip puRangatti thanniyalOsai chalan chalanendrida minniyal mEgam viraindhedhir vandhaar pOl yennidaik kOttarA achchOvachchO emberumAn! vArA achchOvachchO
Purport Wearing golden anklets, waist band and forehead pendant, which made musical sounds sweet to the ears, like a dark cloud embedded with lightning comes rushing in front, O Krishna, impelled by a desire to sit on my waist, come and hug me O my lord! come, hug me
(2) sengamalappoovil thEnuNNum vandE pOl pangigaL vandhu un pavaLavaay moyppa sangu vil vaaL thandu chakkara mEndhiya angaigaLaaLE vandh achchOvachchO aaraththazhuvaa vandhachchOvachchO
Purport Like a bumblebee drinking honey from the red lotus flower, Your falling curly hair-locks caress, as it were, your coral lips! With the Hands that hold conch, bow, dagger, mace, discus come and hug me, O Krishna! give me a tight hug.
(3) panjchavar thoodhanaayp bhAradham kaiseidhu nanjumizh nAgang kidandha naRpoygaipukku anjap paNaththin mEl pAyndhittaruL seidha anjana vaNNanE achchOvachchO AyarperumAnE! achchOvachchO
Purport One who played the role of pAndavAs' messenger in the great war of BhArath and then fought that war, One who entered the deadly serpent Kaliya's den, terrorized those around for a while, danced on it's hood and then mercifully graced it, O Krishna! the dark-hued, come, hug me, the lord of cowherds! give me a hug.
(4) nARiya sAndham namakkiRai nalgenna thERiavaLum thiruvudambiRpoosa ooRiya kooninai uLLEyodunga an RERavuruvinaay! achchOvachchO, emberumAn! vArA achchOvachchO
Purport Once when Krishna and Balaraman were on their way to kill Kamsa, Krishna saw Kooni (lady with the bent spine) taking perfumed sandal paste for Kamsa. Krishna stopped her and sought sandal paste from her. Kooni, without hesitation or fear, applied sandal paste on Him. The moment she did this, His Grace descended on her and she was made straight and beautiful at once! Krishna! please come, hug me, O My Lord, come, hug me.
(5) kazhal mannar soozhak kadhir pOl viLangi yezhaluRRu meendE irundhunnai nOkkum suzhalaip perithudaith dhuchchOdhananai azhala vizhiththaanE! achchOvachchO aazhiyanganE! achchOvachchO
Purport Duryodana, surrounded by renowned kings like the rays of Sun, could not avoid standing up, albeit involuntarily, when You marched into his court as a messenger of Pandavas. Casting a deceitful look at You, Duryodana provoked You into looking back at him in great anger. O Krishna, come running and hug me. One who holds the great discus in His hand, come, hug me.
(6) pOrOkkap paNNi ipbhoomip poRai theerppaan thErokka voorndhaay sezhundhAr visayaRkaay kArokku mEnik karum perung kaNNanE! Arath thazhuvA vandhu achchOvachchO AyargaL pOrERE achchOvachchO
Purport One who fought many battles to lessen the burden of worlds, One who was the charioteer to the best garlanded Arjuna, O Krishna, with broad and beautiful eyes on Your dark cloud like body, please come running to hug me, the bull of cowherd clan, come, hug me.
(7) mikka perum pugazh maavali vELviyil thakkadhi thandrendru dhAnam vilakkiya sukkiran kaNNaith thurumbaay kiLaRiya chakkarak kaiyanE! achchOvachchO, sangamidaththAnE, achchOvachchO
Purport Once during the great sacrifice performed by the renowned asura king Mahabali, his AchArya (preceptor) Sukkiran objected to the 3 feet measure of land being offered to Vamana (Lord Narayana's avatar) because the latter, though came with a tiny form initially, grew in stature later as Trivikrama making it impossible to measure the whole worlds. Sukkiran assuming a subtle form blocked the hole of the vessel through which sacrificial water was to be poured to signify the completion of offering. Using pavitra (dharba-grass tied to the finger) the Lord pierced the blocked hole, thus not only enabling the completion of offering but poking the eyes of Sukkiran for his mistake. O Krishna, who holds the great discus in Your hand! come, hug me, O who holds the great Conch in Your left hand, come, hug me.
(8) yennidhu mAyam yennappan aRindhilan munnaiya vaNNamE kondu aLavAyenna mannu namusiyai vAniR suzhaRRiya minnu mudiyanE achchOvachchO vEnkadavaaNanE ! achchOvachchO
Purport Numusi, son of Mahabali king questioned the logic of handing over 3 feet land to Vamana, now grown big as Trivikrama, and prevented the offering being made by stating that his father was not aware of the magic performed by the Lord. Numusi wanted the measures to be taken with the tiny form of Lord as Vamana. Seeing this, Krishna hurled Numusi into the air and removed the obstruction. O Lord, adorning a crown with brightly shining jewels, come, hug me, One who resides in Thiruvenkadam, come, hug me.
(9) kaNda kadalum malaiyumulagEzhum muNdaththukkAtRaa mugilvaNNaa! O yendru indaich chadai mudi EsanirakkoLLa maNdai niRaiththAnE! achchOvachchO, mArvil maRuvanE, achchOvachchO
Purport When the matted-hair Siva came lamenting that the seven worlds below and above and all the oceans and mountains seen in them put together could not fill His skull bowl, You filled His skull bowl with the blood from your chest! O Lord, come, hug me. One who has Srivatsa symbol on Your chest, come, hug me.
(10) thunniya pEriruL soozhndhu vagai mooda manniya nAnmaRai muRRum maRaindhida pinnil vulaginil pEriruL neenga an RannamadhanAnE! achchOvachchO, arumaRai thandhAnE achchOvachchO
Purport Once in the past, when an asura named Somukan snatched the four Vedas from Brahma and disappeared into the vast ocean resulting in the worlds surrounded by darkness of ignorance, You manifested as a Swan to get rid of darkness! O lord, come, hug me. One who restored the Vedas, come, hug me.
(11) nachchuvAr munniRkkum nArAyaNan thannai achchO varugavendru Aychchiyuraiththana machchaNi mAdap pudhuvaikkOn bhattan sol nichchalum pAduvAr neeLvisumbALvarE
Purport Narayana, who rushes to the aid of His devotees, is the same Krishna who was fondly called by the word achchO by the cowherd clan Yasoda with an insatiable desire to make Him come running to hug her. The head of Villiputtur-of many mansions, periAzhwAr, has narrated these pAsurams, and those who always recite these pAsurams shall rule the heavens!
first ten ninth thirumozhi
Summary As part of their play, children usually come running and embrace us from behind. Yasoda narrates the blissful experience wherein Krishna embraces her from behind. PeriAzhwAr replays this wonderful experience in his mind's eye and makes us too enjoy the same through these pAsurams!
(1) vattunaduvE vaLargindra mAnikka mottu nunaiyil muLaikkindra muththEpOl chottuch chottennath thuLikkath thuLikka yen kuttan vandhennaip puRam pulguvAn govindhanennaip puRam pulguvAn
Purport The piss that is dripping slowly from little Krishna's penis resembled drops of pearl appearing on the edge of a jewel bud! With the divine droplets thus dripping, He would come and embrace me from behind, Govindan would embrace me from behind !
(2) kiNkiNikkattik kiRikatti kaiyinil kangaNamittuk kazhuththil thodar katti thangaNaththAlE sadhirA nadandhu vandhu yen kaNNanennaip puRam pulguvAn yembirAn nennaip puRam pulguvAn
Purport With the ankle bells making sweet sounds, with the lovely coral pendants tied to His hands, with the bracelets adorning His majestic shoulders, with a grand chain around His neck and with similar other exquisite outfits, Krishna would come and embrace me from behind. My lord would embrace me from behind!
(3) kaththak kadhithuk kidandha perunj chelvam oththup porundhik kondu uNNaadhu maNNaaLvAn koththuth thalaivan kudi kedath thOndriya aththan vandhennaip puRam pulguvAn AyargalE Ren puRam pulguvAn
Purport Despite being wealthy, Duryodana was too greedy not to share his wealth, including the territories, even with His blood relatives, instead waged war with them. Krishna, who took avatar to destroy such evil men, would come and embrace me from