Going Green.. A song about taking care of our planet!Going Green. A song about taking care of our planet! The song can be accessed via YouTube by clicking on this link https: //www. youtube. com/watch? time_continue=6& v=8DJ45Yc3urg& feature=emb_logo
We are going green! We are going ____________! We’re gonna take care of the _______________! We are going green! You can go green at your ___________ or school! Reduce, reuse, and _____________________!
Be careful how long you take a __________________. You don’t need to stand there for_________hours!
Turn off the ________________when you are brushing your _______________, and only use the necessary ___________________.
Turn off the lights when they’ re not in use. Think how much ____________________ you produce!
Take quick ___________________. Walk to _________________. Reducing energy is really ____________!
Pull out _____________when you’ re not using them. Turn off the __________________ every now and then. Throw ______________litter. Pick up __________________ and you save the Earth in a ___________!
We are going green! We are going ____________! We’re gonna take care of the _______________! We are going green! You can go green at your ___________ or school! Reduce, reuse, and _____________________!
Reuse stuff when you ‘re out and about. If you can use it again don’t throw it_________!
Reuse _____________. Reuse ____________. Reuse containers, and reuse rags.
Donate______________ so someone else can use them! Donate ______________ don’t just lose them!
We are going green! We are going ____________! We’re gonna take care of the _______________! We are going green! You can go green at your ___________ or school! Reduce, reuse, and _____________________! Just throwing away is not enough! ________________________some things to make new stuff!
Paper, cans, _____________________, glass and cardboard. Games, __________, and DVDs. Light bulbs, cartridges, and__________________! Laptops, ___________________________, and the news. Lots of metals you can choose!
We’re going green!