(Poke your tongue from side to side pushing out your cheeks.) ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 8 из 8 (Poke your tongue from side to side pushing out your cheeks. ) When he had finished cleaning his house, Mr Tonguenailed the pictures up in the back of his house (K, K, K, K) and then in the front of his house (T, T, T, T) Then he set his clock and it went (T, K, T, K, T, K). Slowly at first.
He came outside and looked at his lovely clean house. (Poke tongue out and wiggle. ) He was very pleased. After doing all that work, Mr Tongue felt very tired, so he went back inside, closed the door and went to sleep. He deserves a kiss goodnight. (Pull your tongue in and close your mouth. Give him a kiss)