Adapted with permission from the story by Love, E. and Reilly, S. (1995). A Sound Way. Phonological Awareness – Activities for Early Literacy. Pearson. Melbourne.
Adapted with permission from the story by Love, E. and Reilly, S. (1995). A Sound Way. Phonological Awareness – Activities for Early Literacy. Pearson. Melbourne. Pictures sourced from a brochure produced by Queensland Health, 1995. Illustrator unknown. Collated by the Riverina Schools Project Partnership, 2007. One day Mr Tongue opened his front door and came outside. (Poke your tongue out) He looked at his house and saw that it was very dirty, so Mr Tongue decided to clean his house. “What will I clean first? ” he said. “Look how dirty my windows are. I’ll clean them. ” So he cleaned the top windows on the inside and the outside. (Lick the front and back or your top teeth. ) He cleaned the bottom windows on the inside and the outside. (Lick the front and back or your bottom teeth. ) He then cleaned the door. (Lick along the bottom lip and then across the top lip slowly. ) Mr Tongue has some flowers by the front door. He stands outside and waters them everyday. (SH, SH, SH) Next he decided to clean his front steps. (Lick down to chin. ) Don’t forget to sweep them too! (F, F, F) He went inside and cleaned the floor. (Lick the bottom of your mouth. ) Next he cleaned the roof. (Lick along the top of your mouth. )
Then he cleaned the walls.