Table of Contents 53 страницаBell, David ‘Hysteria – a contemporary Kleinian perspective’, British Journal of Psychotherapy 9: 169–180. Blomfield, O. H. D. ‘Bleger’s extension of Kleinian theory: some developmental and transferential implications’, Melanie Klein and Object Relations 10: 62–88. Britton, Ronald ‘The Oedipus situation and the depressive position’, in (1992) Anderson, ed. Clinical Lectures on Klein and Bion. London: Tavistock/Routledge, pp. 34–45. Britton, Ronald ‘Keeping things in mind’, in (1992) Anderson, ed. Clinical Lectures on Klein and Bion. London: Tavistock/Routledge, pp. 102–113. Bion, Wilfred Cogitations. London: Karnac. Brenman Pick, Irma ‘The emergence of early object relations in the psycho-analytic setting’, in (1992) Anderson, ed. Clinical Lectures on Klein and Bion. London: Tavistock/ Routledge, pp. 24–33. Daniel, Patricia ‘Child analysis and the concept of unconscious phantasy’, in (1992) Anderson, ed. Clinical Lectures on Klein and Bion. London: Tavistock/Routledge, pp. 14–23. Feldman, Michael ‘Splitting and projective identification’, in (1992) Anderson, ed. Clinical Lectures on Klein and Bion. London: Tavistock/Routledge, pp. 74–88; republished in IJPA 75: 409–432; republished (1997) in Roy Schafer, ed. The Contemporary Kleinians of London. New York: International Universities Press. Feldman, Michael ‘The manifestation of the object in the transference’, in Psychoanalysis in Europe, Bulletin 39, pp. 69–85. Hughes, Athol ‘Letters of Sigmund Freud to Joan Riviere (1921–1939)’, International Review of Psycho-Analysis 19: 265–84. Jackson, Murray ‘Psychodynamics and psychotherapy on an acute psychiatric ward: an experimental unit’, British Journal of Psychiatry 160: 41–50. Jackson, Murray Learning to think about schizoid thinking, Psycho-Analytic Psychotherapy 6: 191–203. Библиография кляйнианских публикаций Joseph, Betty ‘Psychic change: some perspectives’, IJPA 73: 237–43. Lucas, Richard ‘The psychotic personality: a psycho-analytic theory and its application in clinical practice’, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 6: 73–79. Meltzer, Donald The Claustrum. Perth: Clunie Press. O’Shaugnessy, Edna ‘Psychosis: not thinking in a bizarre world’, in (1992) Anderson, ed. Clinical Lectures on Klein and Bion. London: Tavistock/Routledge, pp. 89–101. O’Shaugnessy, Edna ‘Enclaves and excursions’, IJPA 73: 603–11; republished (1997) in Bell, ed. Reason and Passion. London: Duckworth. Rey, J. Henri ‘Awake, going to sleep, asleep, dreaming, awaking, awake: comments on W. Clifford M. Scott’, Free Associations 3: 439–455. Segal, Hanna ‘Acting on phantasy and acting on desire’, in Hopkins and Saville, eds. PsychoAnalysis, Mind and Art: Perspectives on Richard Wollheim. Oxford: Blackwell. Scott, Clifford ‘Making the best of a sad job’, Melanie Klein and Object Relations 10: 1–18. Segal, Hanna ‘The achievement of ambivalence’, Common Knowledge 1: 92–104; republished in Segal, Psychoanalysis, Literature and War: Papers 1972–1995. London: Routledge. Segal, Julia Melanie Klein. London: Sage. Spillius, Elizabeth Bott ‘Clinical experiences of projective identification’, in (1992) Anderson, ed. Clinical Lectures on Klein and Bion. London: Tavistock/Routledge, pp. 59–73. Steiner, John ‘The equilibrium between the paranoid-schizoid and the depressive positions’, in (1992) Anderson, ed. Clinical Lectures on Klein and Bion. London: Tavistock/ Routledge, pp. 46–58. Weininger, Otto Melanie Klein: From Theory to Reality. London: Karnac. Alvarez, Anne ‘Making the thought thinkable’, Psychoanalytic Inquiry 13: 103–122. Britton, Ronald ‘External and internal reality in training analysis’, Bulletin of the European Psycho-Analytical Federation 40: 42–44. Chiesa, Marco ‘At the border between institutionalization community psychiatry: psychodynamic observations of a hospital admission ward’, Free Associations 4: 241–263. Etchegoyen, Alicia ‘The analyst’s pregnancy and its consequences on her work’, IJPA 74: 141–149. Etchegoyen, Alicia ‘Latency – a reappraisal’, IJPA 74: 347–357. Etchegoyen, Horatio ‘Psycho-analysis today and tommorrow’, IJPA 74: 1109–1115. Feldman, Michael ‘Aspects of reality and the focus of interpretation’, Psychoanalytic Inquiry 13: 274–295. Feldman, Michael ‘The dynamics of reassurance’, IJPA 74: 275–285; republished (1997) in Roy Schafer, ed. The Contemporary Kleinians of London. New York: International Universities Press. Gardner, Sebastian Irrationality and the Philosophy of Psychoanalysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Hill, John ‘Am I a Kleinian? Is Anyone? ’, British Journal of Psychotherapy 9: 463–475. Jackson, Murray ‘Psychoanalysis, psychiatry, psychodynamics: training for integration’, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 7: 1–14. Jackson, Murray ‘Manic-depressive psychosis: psychopathology and individual psychotherapy within a psychodynamic milieu’, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 7: 103–133. 1992–1994 Joseph, Betty ‘On transference love: some current observations’, in Person, Hagelin and Fonagy On Freud’s ‘Observations on Transference-Love’. New Haven: Yale University Press. Joseph, Betty ‘Hearing and experiencing in the treatment of child and adult patients’, Bulletin of the European Psycho-Analytical Federation 40: 14–17. Lopez-Corvo, Raphael ‘A Kleinian understanding of addiction’, Melanie Klein and Object Relations 11: 5–94. Lucas, Richard ‘The psychotic wavelength’, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 7: 15–24. Likierman, Meira ‘Primitive object love in Melanie Klein’s thinking: early theoretical influences’, IJPA 74: 241–253. Pasquali, Gabrielle ‘On separateness’, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 7: 181–191. Segal, Hanna ‘On the clinical usefulness of the concept of the death instinct’, IJPA 74: 55– 61; republished in Segal, Psychoanalysis, Literature and War: Papers 1972–1995. London: Routledge. Spillius, Elizabeth Bott ‘Varieties of envious experience’, IJPA 74: 409–432; republished (1997) in Roy Schafer, ed. The Contemporary Kleinians of London. New York: International Universities Press. Steiner, John ‘Problems of psychoanalytic technique: patient-centred and analyst centred interpretations’, in Psychic Retreats: Pathological Organisation in Psychotic, Neurotic and Borderline Patients. London: Routledge; republished (1997) in Roy Schafer, ed. The Contemporary Kleinians of London. New York: International Universities Press. Steiner, John Psychic Retreats: Pathological Organisation in Psychotic, Neurotic and Borderline Patients. London: Routledge. Blè andonu, Gè rard Wilfred Bion. London: Free Association Books. Britton, Ronald ‘Publication anxiety: conflict between communication and affiliation’, IJPA 75: 1213–1224. Britton, Ronald and John Steiner ‘Interpretation: selected fact or overvalued idea’, IJPA 75: 1069–1078. Chiesa, Marco ‘Some thoughts on erotic transference’, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 8: 37–48. Hinshelwood, R. D. Clinical Klein. London: Free Association Books. Hinshelwood, R. D. ‘The relelvance of psychotherapy’, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 8: 283–294. Jackson, Murray and Williams, Paul Unimaginable Storms: A Search for Meaning in Psychosis. London: Karnac. Lucas, Richard ‘Puerperal psychosis: vulnerability and aftermath’, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 8: 257–272. Meltzer, Donald Sincerity and Other Works: Collected Papers of Donald Meltzer. London: Karnac. Milton, Jane ‘Abuser and abused: perverse solutions following childhood abuse’, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 8: 243–255. Obholzer, Anton ‘Authority, power and leadership: contributions from group relations training’, in Obholzer and Roberts, eds. The Unconscious at Work: Individual and Organizational Stress in the Human Services. London: Routledge, pp. 39–47. Библиография кляйнианских публикаций Obholzer, Anton ‘Fragmentation and integration in a school for physically handicapped children’, in Obholzer and Roberts, eds. The Unconscious at Work: Individual and Organizational Stress in the Human Services. London: Routledge, pp. 84–93. Obholzer, Anton and Roberts, Vega ‘The troublesome individual and the troubled institution’, in Obholzer and Roberts, eds. The Unconscious at Work: Individual and Organizational Stress in the Human Services. London: Routledge, pp. 129–138. Obholzer, Anton ‘Managing social anxiety in public sector oerganizations’, in Obholzer and Roberts, eds. The Unconscious at Work: Individual and Organizational Stress in the Human Services. London: Routledge, pp. 169–178. O’Shaugnessy, Edna ‘What is a clinical fact? ’ IJPA 75: 409–432; republished (1997) in Roy Schafer, ed. The Contemporary Kleinians of London. New York: International Universities Press. Rey, Henri ‘Further thoughts on that which patients bring to analysis’, British Journal of Psychotherapy 11: 185–197. Rey, Henri Universals of Psycho-Analysis in the Treatment of Psychotic and Borderline States. London: Free Association Books. Rhode, Eric Psychotic Metaphysics. London: Karnac Books/The Clunie Press. Rhode, Maria ‘Autistic breathing’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 20: 25–41. Riesenberg-Malcolm, Ruth ‘Conceptualisation of a clinical fact’, IJPA 75: 1031–1040; republished (1997) in Roy Schafer, ed. The Contemporary Kleinians of London. New York: International Universities Press. Rustin, Margaret and Rustin, Michael ‘Coups d’etat and catastrophic change’, British Journal of Psychotherapy 11: 242–259. Segal, Hanna ‘Phantasy and reality’, IJPA 75: 359–401; republished (1997) in Segal Psychoanalysis, Literature and War. London: Routledge; and (1997) in Roy Schafer, ed. The Contemporary Kleinians of London. New York: International Universities Press. Segal, Hanna ‘Salman Rushdie and the Sea of Stories’, IJPA 75: 611–618. Sodre, Ignes ‘Deciphering, discovering and imagining’, Bulletin of the European PsychoAnalytical Federation 43: 30–34. Sodrè, Igné s ‘Obsessional certainty versus obsessional doubt: from 2 to 3’, Psychoanalytic Inquiry 14: 379–392; republished (1997) in Roy Schafer, ed. The Contemporary Kleinians of London. New York: International Universities Press. Spillius, Elizabeth ‘On formulating clinical fact to the patient’, IJPA 75: 1121–1132. Steiner, Riccardo ‘In Vienna veritas... ’, IJPA 75: 511–583. Steiner, Riccardo «“The tower of Babel” or “After babel in contemporary psycho-analysis”? » IJPA 75: 883–913. Tustin, Frances ‘The perpetuation of an error’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 20: 3–23. Tustin, Frances ‘Autistic children who are assessed as not brain-damaged’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 20: 103–131. Williams, Meg Harris ‘A man of achievement – Sophocles’ Oedipus’, British Journal of Psychotherapy 11: 232–241. Young, Robert Mental Space. London: Process Press. 1994–1995 Alvarez, Anne ‘Motiveless malignity: problems in the psychotherapy of psychopathic patients’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 21: 167–182. Bion, Francesca ‘The days if our years’, Melanie Klein and Object Relations 13: 1–29. Brenman Pick, Irma ‘Concern: spurious or real’, IJPA 76: 257–270. Britton, Ronald ‘Psychic reality and unconscious belief’, IJPA 76: 19–24. Bronstein, Catalina ‘Female homosexuality in adolescence: a clinical presentation’, Bulletin of the European Psychoanalytical Federation 44: 30–50. Chiesa, Marco ‘Biological and psychic domain: clinical and institutional aspects’, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 9: 121–131. Eskelinen de Folch, Terttu ‘Psychic reality and external reality in the analysis of children’, Bulletin of the European Psychoanalytical Federation 44: 5–21. Hinshelwood, R. D. ‘Psychoanalysis in Britain: points of cultural access, 1893–1918’, IJPA 76: 135–152. Likierman, Meira ‘The debate between Anna Freud and Melanie Klein: an historical survey’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 21: 313–325. Rhode, Maria ‘Links between Henri Rey’s thinking and psychoanalytic work with autistic children’, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 9: 149–155. Riesenberg-Malcolm, Ruth ‘The three ‘W’s: what, where and when: the rationale of interpretation’, IJPA 76: 447–456. Sohn, Leslie ‘Unprovoked assaults: making sense of apparently random violence’, IJPA 76: 565–575; republished (1997) in Bell, ed. Reason and Passion. London: Duckworth. Steiner, John ‘The influence of Henri Rey’s work’, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 9: 145–148. Steiner, Riccardo ‘Hermeneutics or Hermes-mess? ’ IJPA 76: 435–446. Steiner, Riccardo ‘“Et in Arcadia Ego…? ” Some notes on methodological issues in the use of psychoanalytic documents and archives’, IJPA 76: 739–758. Tarnopoloski, Alex ‘Understanding countertransference’, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 9: 185–194. Научное издание Серия «Библиотека психоанализа» Роберт Д. Хиншелвуд СЛОВАРЬ КЛЯЙНИАНСКОГО ПСИХОАНАЛИЗА Обложка — П. П. Ефремов Компьютерная верстка — А. Пожарский ИД № 05006 от 07. 06. 01 Сдано в набор 26. 09. 06. Подписано в печать 18. 10. 06. Формат 70х100/16. Бумага офсетная № 1. Гарнитура Peterburg. Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 45, 9. Уч. изд. л 34, 9. Тираж 2000 экз. Заказ №. Издательство «КогитоЦентр» 129366, Москва, ул. 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