Table of Contents 51 страницаRosenfeld, Herbert ‘An investigation into the psycho-analytic theory of depression’, IJPA 40: 105–29. Taylor, James N. ‘A note on the splitting of interpretations’, IJPA 40: 295–6. Jacques, Elliott ‘Disturbances in the capacity to work’, IJPA 41: 357–67. Библиография кляйнианских публикаций Joseph, Betty ‘Some characteristics of the psychopathic personality’, IJPA 41: 526–31. Klein, Melanie ‘On mental health’, British Journal of Medical Psychology 40: 237–41. Klein, Melanie (published 1961) Narrative of a Child Analysis. London: Hogarth. Klein, Melanie (published 1963) Our Adult World and Other Essays. London: Heinemann. Klein, Melanie ‘Some reflections on the Oresteia’, in Klein (1963) Our Adult World and Other Essays. Klein, Melanie ‘On the sense of loneliness’, in Klein (1963) Our Adult World and Other Essays. Menzies (Lyth), Isabel ‘The functioning of a social system as a defence against anxiety’, Human Relations 11: 95–121; republished (1970) as Tavistock Pamphlet No. 3. London: Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘On prejudice – a psycho-analytical approach’, British Journal of Medical Psychology 33: 205–9; republished (1978) in The Collected Papers of Roger MoneyKyrle. Perth: Clunie, pp. 353–60. Racker, Heinrich ‘A study of some early conflicts through their return in the patient’s relation with the interpretation’, IJPA 41: 47–58. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘A note on the precipitating factor in depressive illness’, IJPA 41: 512–13. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘On drug addiction’, IJPA 41: 467–75. Soares de Souza, D. ‘Annihilation and reconstruction of object-relationship in a schizophrenic girl’, IJPA 41: 554–8. Stokes, Adrian ‘A game that must be lost’, IJPA 41: 70–6. Williams, Hyatt W. ‘A psycho-analytic approach to the treatment of the murderer’, IJPA 41: 532–9. Bion, Wilfred Experiences in Groups. London: Tavistock. Bion, Wilfred, Segal, Hanna and Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘Melanie Klein’, IJPA 42: 4–8. Klein, Melanie Narrative of a Child Analysis. London: Hogarth. Money-Kyrle, Roger Man’s Picture of his World. London: Duckworth. Bick, Esther ‘Child analysis today’, IJPA 43: 328–32; republished (1987) in The Collected Papers of Martha Harris and Esther Bick. Perth: Clunie, pp. 104–13. Bion, Wilfred Leaming from Experience. London: Heinemann. Bion, Wilfred ‘A theory of thinking’, IJPA 43: 306–10; republished (1967) in W. R. Bion, Second Thoughts. London: Heinemann, pp. 110–19. Grinberg, Leon ‘On a specific aspect of countertransference due to the patient’s projective identification’, IJPA 43: 436–40. Langer, Marie ‘Selection criteria for the training of psycho-analytic students’, IJPA 43: 272–6. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘The superego and the ego-ideal’, IJPA 43: 258–63. Segal, Hanna ‘The curative factors in psycho-analysis’, IJPA 43: 212–17; republished (1981) in The Work of Hanna Segal. New York: Jason Aronson, pp. 69–80. Stokes, Adrian ‘On resignation’, IJPA 43: 175–81. 1960–1964 Bion, Wilfred Elements of Psycho-Analysis. London: Heinemann. Grinberg, Leon ‘Relations between psycho-analysts’, IJPA 44: 363–7. Meltzer, Donald ‘A contribution to the metapsychology of cyclothymic states’, IJPA 44: 83–97. Meltzer, Donald ‘Concerning the social basis of art’, in Adrian Stokes, ed. Painting and the Inner World. London: Tavistock. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘A note on migraine’, IJPA 44: 490–2; republished (1978) in The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle. Perth: Clunie, pp. 361–5. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘Notes on the psychopathology and psycho-analytic treatment of depressive and manic-depressive patients’, in Psychiatric Research Report No. 17. Washington: The American Psychiatric Association. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘Notes on the psychopathology and psycho-analytic treatment of schizophrenia’, in Psychiatric Research Report No. 17. Washington: The American Psychiatric Association. Segal, Hanna and Meltzer, Donald ‘Narrative of a child analysis’, IJPA 44: 507–13. Bick, Esther ‘Notes on infant observation in psycho-analytic training’, IJPA 45: 558–66; republished (1987) in The Collected Papers of Martha Harris and Esther Bick. Perth: Clunie, pp. 240–56. Bicudo, Virginia Leone ‘Persecuting guilt and ego restriction’, IJPA 45: 358–63. Grinberg, Leon ‘On two kinds of guilt: their relation with normal and pathological aspects of mourning’, IJPA 45: 366–71. Hoxter, Shirley ‘The experience of puberty’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 1(2): 13–26. Langer, Maric, Puget, Janine and Teper, Eduardo ‘A methodological approach to the teaching of psycho-analysis’, IJPA 45: 567–74. Meltzer, Donald ‘The differentiation of somatic delusions from hypochondria’, IJPA 45: 246–50. O’Shaughnessy, Edna ‘The absent object’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 1(2): 134–43. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘On the psychopathology of narcissism: a clinical approach’, IJPA 45: 332– 7; republished (1965) in Rosenfeld, Psychotic States. London: Hogarth, pp. 169–79. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘The psychopathology of hypochondriasis’, in Rosenfeld (1965) Psychotic States. London: Hogarth, pp. 180–99. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘An investigation into the need of neurotic and psychotic patients to act out during analysis’, in Rosenfeld (1965) Psychotic States. London: Hogarth, pp. 200–16. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘The psychopathology of drug addiction and alcoholism’, in Rosenfeld (1965) Psychotic States. London: Hogarth, pp. 217–42. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘Object relations of the acute schizophrenic patient in the transference situation’, in P. Solomon and B. C. Glueck, eds. Recent Research on Schizophrenia. Washington: American Psychiatric Association. Segal, Hanna Introduction to the Work of Melanie Klein. London: Heinemann; republished (1973) London: Hogarth. Segal, Hanna ‘Phantasy and other mental processes’, IJPA 45: 191–4; republished (1981) in The Work of Hanna Segal. New York: Jason Aronson, pp. 41–8. Williams, Arthur Hyatt ‘The psychopathology and treatment of sexual murderers’, in Ismond Rosen, ed. The Pathology and Treatment of Sexual Deviation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 351–77. Библиография кляйнианских публикаций 1965 Bion, Wilfred Transformations. London: Heinemann. Harris, Martha ‘Depression and the depressive position in an adolescent boy’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 1(3): 33–40; republished (1987) in The Collected Papers of Martha Harris and Esther Bick. Perth: Clunie, pp. 53–63. Jaques, Elliott ‘Death and the mid-life crisis’, IJPA 46: 502–14. Klein, Sidney ‘Notes on a case of ulcerative colitis’, IJPA 46: 342–51. Lush, Dora ‘Treatment of depression in an adolescent’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 1(3): 26–32. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘Success and failure in mental maturations’, in (1978) The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle. Perth: Clunie, pp. 397–406. Rosenbluth, Dina ‘The Kleinian theory of depression’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 1(3): 20–5. Rosenfeld, Herbert Psychotic States. London: Hogarth. Stokes, Adrian The Invitation to Art. London: Tavistock. Grinberg, Leon ‘The relation between obsessive mechanisms and states of self-disturbance: depersonalization’, IJPA 46: 177–-83. Harris, Martha, and Carr, Helen ‘Therapeutic consultations’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 1(4): 13–31; republished (1987) in The Collected Papers of Martha Harris and Esther Bick. Perth: Clunie, pp. 38–52. Joseph, Betty ‘Persecutory anxiety in a four-year-old boy’, IJPA 47: 184–8. Malin, Arthur S. and Grotstein, James S. ‘Projective identification in the therapeutic process’, IJPA 47: 26–31. Meltzer, Donald ‘The relation of anal masturbation to projective identification’, IJPA 47: 335–42. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘A note on the three caskets’, in (1978) The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle. Perth: Clunie, p. 407. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘British schools of psycho-analysis’, in Silvano Arieti, American Handbook of Psychiatry; republished (1978) in The Collected Papers of Roger MoneyKyrle, pp. 408–25. Racker, Heinrich ‘Ethics and psycho-analysis and the psycho-analysis of ethics’, IJPA 47: 63–80. Rodrigue, Emilio ‘Transference and a-transference phenomena’, IJPA 47: 342–8. Stokes, Adrian ‘On being taken out of one’s self’, IJPA 47: 523–30. Bion, Wilfred ‘Notes on memory and desire’, Psycho-Analytic Forum 2: 272–3, 279–80. Bion, Wilfred Second Thoughts. London: Heinemann. Bleger, J. ‘Psycho-analysis of the psycho-analytic frame’, IJPA 48: 511–19. Bleger, J. Simbiosis y Ambiguedad. Buenos Aires: Paidos. Boston, Mary ‘Some effects of external circumstances on the inner experience of two child patients’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 2(1): 20–32. 1965–1969 Grinberg, Leon, Langer, Marie, Liberman, David and de Rodrigue, Emilio and Genevieve ‘The psycho-analytic process’, IJPA 48: 496–503. Meltzer, Donald The Psycho-Analytic Process. London: Heinemann. Pick, Irma ‘On stealing’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 2(1): 67–79. Rodrigue, Emilio ‘Severe bodily illness in childhood’, IJPA 48: 290–3. Segal, Hanna ‘Melanie Klein’s technique’, in Benjamin Wolman, ed. Psycho-Analytic Techniques. New York: Basic, pp. 188–90; republished (1981) in The Work of Hanna Segal. New York: Jason Aronson, pp. 3–24. 1968 Bick, Esther ‘The experience of the skin in early object relations’, IJPA 49: 484–6; republished (1987) in The Collected Papers of Martha Harris and Esther Bick. Perth: Clunie, pp. 114–18. Gosling, Robert ‘What is transference? ’, in John Sutherland, ed. The Psycho-Analytic Approach. London: Bailliè re, Tindall and Cassell, pp. 1–10. Grinberg, Leon ‘On acting-out and its role in the psycho-analytic process’, IJPA 49: 171–8. Harris, Martha ‘The child psychotherapist and the patient’s family’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 2(2): 50–63; republished (1987) in The Collected Papers of Martha Harris and Esther Bick. Perth: Clunie, pp. 18–37. Jaques, Elliott ‘Guilt, conscience and social behaviour’, in John Sutherland, ed. The PsychoAnalytic Approach. London: Bailliè re, Tindall and Cassell, pp. 31–43. Meltzer, Donald ‘Terror, persecution, dread’, IJPA 49: 396–400; republished (1973) in Meltzer, Sexual States of Mind. Perth: Clunie, pp. 99–106. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘Cognitive development’, IJPA 49: 691–8; republished (1978) in The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle. Perth: Clunie, pp. 416–33; and in (1981) Grotstein, ed. Do I Dare Disturb the Universe? Beverly Hills: Caesura, pp. 537–50. Munro, Lois ‘Comment on the paper by Alexander and Isaacs on the psychology of the fool’, IJPA 49: 424–5. Racker, Heinrich Transference and Counter-Transference. London: Hogarth. Rodrigue, Emilio ‘The fifty thousand hour patient’, IJPA 50: 603–13. Rosenbluth, Dina ‘Insight as an aim of treatment’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 2(2): 5–19. Spillius, Elizabeth Bott ‘Psycho-analysis and ceremony’, in John Sutherland, ed. The PsychoAnalytic Approach. London: Bailliè re, Tindall and Cassell, pp. 52–77. Brenman, Eric ‘The psycho-analytic point of view’, in Sidney Klein, ed. Sexuality and Aggression in Maturation: New Facets. London: Balliè re, Tindall and Cassell, pp. 1–13. Grinberg, Leon ‘New ideas: conflict and evolution’, IJPA 50: 517–28. Meltzer, Donald ‘The relation of aims to methodology in the treatment of children’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 2(3): 57–61. Menzies (Lyth), Isabel E. P. ‘The motor-cycle: growing up on two wheels’, in Sidney Klein, ed. Sexuality and Aggression in Maturation: New Facets, pp. 37–49. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘On the fear of insanity’, in (1978) The Collected Papers of Roger MoneyKyrle. Perth: Clunie, pp. 434–41. Библиография кляйнианских публикаций Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘On the treatment of psychotic states by psycho-analysis: an historical approach’, IJPA 50: 615–31. Williams, Arthur Hyatt ‘Murderousness’, in Louis Blom-Cooper, ed. The Hanging Question. London: Duckworth. Bion, Wilfred Attention and Interpretation. London: Tavistock. Brenner, John ‘Some factors affecting the placement of a child in treatment’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 2(4): 63–7. Grinberg, Leon ‘The problem of supervision in psycho-analytic education’, IJPA 51: 371–83. Jackson, Judith ‘Child psychotherapy in a day school for maladjusted children’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 2(4): 54–62. Jaques, Elliott Work, Creativity and Social Justice. London: Heinemann. Menzies (Lyth), Isabel E. P. ‘Psychosocial aspects of eating’, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 14: 223–7. Riesenberg-Malcolm, Ruth ‘The mirror: a perverse sexual phantasy in a woman seen as a defence against psychotic breakdown’, Revista de Psycho-Analisis 27: 793–826. Rioch, Margaret J. ‘The work of Wilfred Bion on groups’, Psychiatry 33: 56–66. Rosenbluth, Dina ‘Transference in child psychotherapy’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 2(4): 72–87. Szur, Ruth ‘Acting-out’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 2(4): 23–38. Thorner, Hans A. ‘On compulsive eating’, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 14: 321–5. Wittenberg, Isca Psycho-Analytic Insight and Relationships: A Kleinian Approach. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Harris, Martha ‘The place of once weekly treatment in the work of an analytically trained child psychotherapist’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 3(l): 31–9. Joseph, Betty ‘A clinical contribution to the analysis of a perversion’, IJPA 52: 441–9. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘The aim of psycho-analysis’, IJPA 52: 103–6; republished (1978) in The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle. Perth: Clunie, pp. 442–9. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘A clinical approach to the psycho-analytic theory of the life and death instincts: an investigation into the aggressive aspects of narcissism’, IJPA 52: 169–78. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘Contribution to the psychopathology of psychotic states: the importance of projective identification in the ego structure and the object relations of the psychotic patient’, in Pierre Doucet and Camille Laurin, eds. Problems in Psychosis. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica, pp. 115–28. Rustin, Margaret ‘Psychotherapy with a seven-and-a-half-year-old girl in the care of a local authority children’s department’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 3(1): 49–61. Wittenberg, Isca ‘Extending fields of work’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 3(1): 22–30. Boston, Mary ‘Psychotherapy with a boy from a children’s home’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 3(2): 53–67. 1969–1975 Hoxter, Shirley ‘A study of a residual autistic condition and its effects upon learning’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 3(2): 21–39. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘A critical appreciation of James Strachey’s paper on the nature of the therapeutic action of psycho-analysis’, IJPA 53: 455–61. Segal, Hanna ‘The role of child analysis in the general psycho-analytic training’, IJPA 53: 147–61. Segal, Hanna ‘A delusional system as a defence against the re-emergence of a catastrophic situation’, IJPA 53: 393–401; republished in Segal, Psychoanalysis, Literature and War: Papers 1972–1995. London: Routledge. Segal, Hanna ‘Melanie Klein’s technique of child analysis’, in Benjamin Wolman, ed. Handbook of Child Psycho-Analysis. New York: Van Nostrand Rheinhold; republished (1981) in The Work of Hanna Segal. New York: Jason Aronson, pp. 25–37. Segal, Hanna ‘A note on internal objects’ (published as ‘A propos des objets internes’, Nouvelle Revue de Psychanalyse 10: 153–7). Etchegoyen, Horatio ‘A note on ideology and technique’, IJPA 54: 485–6. Harris, Martha ‘The complexity of mental pain seen in a six-year-old child following sudden bereavement’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 3(3): 35–45; republished (1987) in The Collected Papers of Martha Harris and Esther Bick. Perth: Clunie, pp. 89–103. Meltzer, Donald Sexual States of Mind. Perth: Clunie. Bion, Wilfred Bion’s Brazilian Lectures 1. Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora Ltda. Grinberg, Leon and Grinberg, R. ‘The problem of identity and the psycho-analytic process’, International Review of Psycho-Analysis 1: 499–507. Henry, Gianna ‘Doubt deprived’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 3(4): 15–28. Klein, Sidney ‘Transference and defence in manic states’, IJPA 55: 261–8. Meltzer, Donald ‘Mutism in infantile autism, schizophrenia and manic-depressive states: the correlation of clinical psychopathology and linguistics’, IJPA 55: 397–404. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘Discussion on the paper by Greenson on transference: Freud or Klein? ’, IJPA 55: 49–51. Segal, Hanna ‘Delusion and artistic creativity’, International Review of Psychoanalysis 1: 135–41; republished (1981) in The Work of Hanna Segal. New York: Jason Aronson, pp. 207–16. Bion, Wilfred Bion’s Brazilian Lectures 2. Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora Ltda. Bion, Wilfred A Memoir of the Future: 1. The Dream. Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora Ltda. Grinberg, Leon, Sor, Dario and Tabak de Bianchedi, Elizabeth Introduction to the Work of Bion. Perth: Clunie. Harris, Martha ‘Some notes on maternal containment in “good enough” mothering’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 4: 35–51; republished (1987) in The Collected Papers of Martha Harris and Esther Bick. Perth: Clunie, pp. 141–63. Joseph, Betty ‘The patient who is hard to reach’, in Peter Giovacchini, ed. Tactics and Techniques in Psycho-Analytic Therapy, vol. 2. New York: Jason Aronson, pp. 205–16. Библиография кляйнианских публикаций Meltzer, Donald ‘Adhesive identification’, Contemporary Psycho-Analysis 11: 289–310. Meltzer, Donald, Bremner, John, Hoxter, Shirley, Weddell, Doreen and Wittenberg, Isca Explorations in Autism. Perth: Clunie. Menzies (Lyth), Isabel E. P. ‘Thoughts on the maternal role in contemporary society’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 4: 5–14. Rey, Henri ‘Intra-psychic object-relations: the individual and the group’, in Lewis Wolberg and Marvin Aronson, eds. Group Therapy: An Overview. New York: Stratton, pp. 84–101. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘The negative therapeutic reaction’, in Peter Giovacchini, ed. Tactics and Techniques in Psycho-Analytic Therapy, vol. 2, pp. 217–28. Segal, Hanna ‘A psycho-analytic approach to the treatment of schizophrenia’, in Malcolm Lader, ed. Studies of Schizophrenia. Ashford: Headley Bros, pp. 94–7. Turquet, Pierre ‘Threats to identity in the large group’, in Lionel Kreeger, ed. The Large Group. London: Constable, pp. 87–144. Harris, Martha ‘Infantile elements and adult strivings in adolescent sexuality’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 4(2): 29–44; republished (1987) in The Collected Papers of Martha Harris and Esther Bick. Perth: Clunie, pp. 121–40. Jaques, Elliott A General Theory of Bureaucracy. London: Heinemann. Meltzer, Donald ‘The delusion of clarity of insight’, IJPA 57: 141–6. Orford, Eileen ‘Some effects of the absence of his father on an eight-year-old boy’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 4(2): 53–74. Spillius Elizabeth Bott ‘Hospital and society’, British Journal of Medical Psychology 49: 97– 140; republished (in modified form) as ‘Asylum and society’ in (1990) Eric Trist and Hugh Murray eds. The Social Engagement of Social Science, Volume 1. The Socio-Psychological Perspective, pp. 586–612. London: Free Association Books. Alvarez, Anne ‘Problems of dependence and development in an excessively passive autistic boy’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 4(3): 25–46. Bion, Wilfred A Memoir of the Future. 2. The Past Presented. Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora Ltda. Bion, Wilfred Seven Servants. New York: Jason Aronson. Bion, Wilfred ‘Emotional disturbance’, in Peter Hartocollis, ed. Borderline Personality Disorders. New York: International Universities Press; republished (1977) in W. R. Bion, Two Papers: The Grid and Caesura. Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora Ltda. Bion, Wilfred ‘On a quotation from Freud’, in Peter Hartocollis, ed. Borderline Personality Disorders; republished (1977) in W. R. Bion, Two Papers: The Grid and Caesura. Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora Ltda. Bion, Wilfred Two Papers: The Grid and Caesura. Rio de Janeiro: Imago Editora Ltda. Grinberg, Leon ‘An approach to the understanding of borderline patients’, in Pete Hartocollis, ed. Borderline Personality Disorders. Grotstein, James S. ‘The psycho-analytic concept of schizophrenia’, IJPA 58: 403–52. Harris, Martha ‘The Tavistock training and philosophy’, in Dilys Daws and Mary Boston, eds. The Child Psychotherapist. Aldershot: Wildwood; republished (1987) in The Collected Papers of Martha Harris and Esther Bick. Perth: Clunie, pp. 259–82. 1975–1979 Segal, Hanna ‘Counter-transference’, International Journal of Psycho-Analytic Psychotherapy 6: 31– 7; republished (1981) in The Work of Hanna Segal. New York: Jason Aronson, pp. 81–8. Segal, Hanna ‘Psycho-analysis and freedom of thought’, Inaugural Lecture, Freud Memorial Professor, University College, London, H. K. Lewis; republished (1981) in The Work of Hanna Segal. New York: Jason Aronson, pp. 217–27. Segal, Hanna and Fü rer, Manuel ‘Psycho-analytic dialogue: Kleinian theory today’, The Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 25: 363–85. Bion, Wilfred Four Discussions with W. R. Bion. Perth: Clunie. Elmhurst, Susanna Isaacs ‘Time and the pre-verbal transference’, IJPA 59: 173–80. Etchegoyen, R. Horatio ‘Some thoughts on transference perversion’, IJPA 59: 45–53. Grinberg, Leon ‘The razor’s edge in depression and mourning’, IJPA 59: 245–54. Grotstein, James S. ‘Inner space: its dimensions and its co-ordinates’, IJPA 59: 55–61. Jacques, Elliott, ed. Health Services. London: Heinemann. Joseph, Betty ‘Different types of anxiety and their handling in the analytic situation’, IJPA 59: 223–8. Meltzer, Donald The Kleinian Development. Perth: Clunie. Meltzer, Donald ‘A note on Bion’s concept “reversal of alpha-function”’, in Meltzer (1978) The Kleinian Development. Perth: Clunie, pp. 119–26; republished (1981) in Grotstein, ed. Do I Dare Disturb the Universe? Beverly Hills: Caesura, pp. 529–35. Meltzer, Donald ‘Routine and inspired interpretations’, Contemporary Psycho-Analysis 14: 210–25. Money-Kyrle, Roger The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle. Perth: Clunie. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘On being a psycho-analyst’; republished (1978) in The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle. Perth: Clunie, pp. 457–65. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘Notes on the psychopathology and psycho-analytic treatment of some borderline states’, IJPA 59: 215–21. Saunders, Kenneth ‘Shakespeare’s “The Winter’s Tale”, and some notes on the analysis of a present-day Leontes”, International Review of Psycho-Analysis 5: 175–8. Segal, Hanna ‘On symbolism’, IJPA 55: 315–319; republished in Segal, Psychoanalysis, Literature and War: Papers 1972–1995. London: Routledge. Tustin, Frances ‘Psychotic elements in the neurotic disorders of children’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 4(4): 5–17. Williams, Arthur Hyatt ‘Depression, deviation and acting-out’, Journal of Adolescence 1: 309–17. Wittenberg, Isca Salzberger ‘The use of “here and now” experiences in a teaching conference on psychotherapy’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 4(4): 33–50. Bion, Wilfred A Memoir of the Future: 3. The Dawn of Oblivion. Perth: Clunie. Gallwey, P. L. G. ‘Symbolic dysfunction in the perversions: some related clinical problems’, International Review of Psycho-Analysis 6: 155–61. Grinberg, Leon ‘Counter-transference and projective counter-identification’, Contemporary Psycho-Analysis 15: 226–47. Библиография кляйнианских публикаций Grotstein, James S. Who is the dreamer who dreams the dream and who is the dreamer who understands it? , Contemporary Psycho-Analysis 15: 110–69; republished (1981) in Grotstein, ed. Do I Dare Disturb the Universe? Beverly Hills: Caesura, pp. 357–416. Harris, Martha ‘L’apport de l’observation de l’interaction mè re-enfant’, Nouvelle Revue de Psychanalyse 19: 99–112; republished (1987) in The Collected Papers of Martha Harris and Esther Bick. Perth: Clunie, pp. 225–239. Hinshelwood, R. D. ‘The community as analyst’, in R. D. Hinshelwood and Nick Manning, eds. Therapeutic Communities: Reflections and Progress. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 103–12. Menzies (Lyth), Isabel E. P. ‘Staff support systems: task and anti-task in adolescent institutions’, in Hinshelwood and Manning, eds. Therapeutic Communities: Reflections and Progress, pp. 197–207. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘Looking backwards – and forwards’, International Review of PsychoAnalysis 60: 265–72. Rey, Henri ‘Schizoid phenomena in the borderline’, in Joseph LeBoit and Attilio Capponi, eds. Advances in Psychotherapy of the Borderline Patient. New York: Jason Aronson, pp. 449–84. Rhode, Maria ‘One life between two people’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 5: 57–68. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘Difficulties in the psycho-analytic treatment of the borderline patient’, in Joseph LeBoit and Attilio Capponi, eds. Advances in Psychotherapy of the Borderline Patient. New York: Jason Aronson, pp. 187–206. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘Transference psychosis in the borderline patient’, in LeBoit and Capponi, eds. Advances in Psychotherapy of the Borderline Patient. New York: Jason Aronson, pp. 485–510. Segal, Hanna Klein. Fontana. Steiner, John ‘The border between the paranoid-schizoid and the depressive positions in the borderline patient’, British Journal of Medical Psychology 52: 385–91. Alvarez, Anne ‘Two regenerative situations in autism: reclamation and becoming vertebrate’, Journal of Child Psychotherapy 6: 69–80. Bion, Wilfred Bion in Sã o Paulo and New York. Perth: Clunie. Brenman, Eric ‘The value of reconstruction in adult psycho-analysis’, IJPA 61: 53–60. Elmhirst, Susanna Isaacs ‘Bion and babies’, The Annual of Psycho-Analysis 8: 155–67 (New York: International Universities Press); republished (1981) in Grotstein, ed. Do I Dare Disturb the Universe? Beverly Hills: Caesura, pp. 83–91. Elmhirst, Susanna Isaacs ‘Transitional objects and transition’, IJPA 61: 367–73. Gammil, James ‘Some reflections on analytic listening and the dream screen’, IJPA 61: 375– 81. Grinberg, Leon ‘The closing phase of the psycho-analytic treatment of adults and the goals of psycho-analysis’, IJPA 61: 25–37. Grotstein, James S. ‘A proposed revision of the psycho-analytic concept of primitive mental states’, Contemporary Psycho-Analysis 16: 479–546. Grotstein, James S. ‘The significance of the Kleinian contribution to psycho-analysis’, International Journal of Psycho-Analytic Psychotherapy 8: 375–498. 1979–1981 Klein, Sidney ‘Autistic phenomena in neurotic patients’, IJPA 61: 395–402; republished (1981) in Grotstein, ed. Do I Dare Disturb the Universe? Beverly Hills: Caesura, pp. 103–14. Wilson, Stephen ‘Hans Andersen’s nightingale’, International Review of Psycho-Analysis 7: 483–6 Etchegoyen, R. Horatio ‘Instances and alternatives of the interpretative work’, International Review of Psychoanalysis 8: 401–21. Gosling, Robert ‘A study of very small groups’, in Grotstein, ed. Do I Dare Disturb the Universe? Beverly Hills: Caesura, pp. 633–45. Grinberg, Leon ‘The “Oedipus” as a resistance against the “Oedipus” in psycho-analytic practice’, in Grotstein, ed. Do I Dare Disturb the Universe? Beverly Hills: Caesura, pp. 341–55. Grotstein, James S., ed. Do I Dare Disturb the Universe? Beverly Hills: Caesura Grotstein, James S. Splitting and Projective Identification. New York: Jason Aronson. Grotstein, James S. ‘Wilfred R. Bion: the man, the psycho-analyst, the mystic’, in Grotstein, ed. Do I Dare Disturb the Universe? Beverly Hills: Caesura, pp. 1–35. Harris, Martha ‘The individual in the group: on learning to work with the psycho-analytic method’, in Grotstein, ed. Do I Dare Disturb the Universe? Beverly Hills: Caesura, pp. 647–60; republished (1987) in The Collected Papers of Martha Harris and Esther Bick. Perth: Clunie, pp. 332–9. Jaques, Elliott ‘The aims of psycho-analytic treatment’, in Grotstein, ed. Do I Dare Disturb the Universe? Beverly Hills: Caesura, pp. 417–25. Joseph, Betty ‘Toward the experiencing of psychic pain’, in Grotstein, ed. Do I Dare Disturb the Universe? Beverly Hills: Caesura, pp. 93–102. Mancia, Mauro ‘On the beginning of mental life in the foetus’, IJPA 62: 351–7. Mancia, Mauro and Meltzer, Donald ‘Ego-ideal functions and the psycho-analytic process’, IJPA 62: 243–9. Mason, Albert ‘The suffocating superego: phobia’, in Grotstein, ed. Do I Dare Dare Disturb the Universe? , Beverly Hills: Caesura, pp 139–66.