Table of Contents 50 страницаRickman, John ‘The psychology of crime’, British Journal of Medical Psychology 12: 264–9. Riviere, Joan ‘Jealousy as a mechanism of defence’, IJPA 13: 414–424; republished (1991) in Hughes, ed. The Inner World and Joan Riviere: Collected Papers 1920–1958. London: Karnac Books, pp. 104–115. Searl, N. M. ‘A note on depersonalization’, IJPA 13: 329–47. Библиография кляйнианских публикаций Isaacs, Susan Social Development in Young Children. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Klein, Melanie ‘The early development of conscience in the child’, in Sandor Lorand, ed. Psycho-Analysis Today. New York: Covici-Friede, pp. 149–62. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘A psycho-analytic study of the voices of Joan of Arc’, British Journal of Medical Psychology 13: 63–81; republished (1978) in The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle. Perth: Clunie, pp. 109–30. Schmideberg, Melitta ‘Some unconscious mechanisms in pathological sexuality and their relation to normal sexuality’, IJPA 14: 225–60. Searl, N. M. ‘The psychology of screaming’, IJPA 14: 193–205. Searl, N. M. ‘Play, reality and aggression’, IJPA 14: 310–20. Searl, N. M. ‘A note on symbols and early intellectual development’, IJPA 14: 391–7. Isaacs, Susan ‘Rebellious and defiant children’, in Isaacs (1948) Childhood and After. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 23–35. Klein, Melanie ‘On criminality’. British Journal of Medical Psychology 14: 312–15. Middlemore, Merrell ‘The treatment of bewitchment in a puritan community’, IJPA 15: 41–58. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘A psychological analysis of the causes of war’, The Listener; republished (1978) in The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle. Perth: Clunie, pp. 131–7. Schmideberg, Melitta ‘The play analysis of a three-year-old girl’, IJPA 15: 245–64. Stephen, Karin ‘Introjection and projection: guilt and rage’, British Journal of Medical Psychology 14: 316–31. Strachey, James ‘The nature of the therapeutic action of psycho-analysis’, IJPA 15: 127–59; republished (1969) IJPA 50: 275–92. Isaacs, Susan ‘Bad habits’, IJPA 16: 446–54. Isaacs, Susan The Psychological Aspects of Child Development. London: Evans Bros. Isaacs, Susan ‘Property and possessiveness’, British Journal of Medical Psychology 15: 69– 78; republished (1948) in Isaacs, Childhood and After. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 36–46. Klein, Melanie ‘A contribution to the psychogenesis of manic-depressive states’, IJPA 16: 145–74. Schmideberg, Melitta ‘The psycho-analysis of asocial children’, IJPA 16: 22–48; previously published (1932) Internationale Zeitschtift fü r Psychoanalyse 18: 474–527. Schmideberg, Melitta ‘Zum Verstä ndnis massenpsychologischer Erscheinungen’, Imago 21: 445–57. Schmideberg, Melitta ‘The psychological care of the baby’, Mother and Child 6: 304–8. Sharpe, Ella Freeman ‘Similar and divergent unconscious determinants underlying the sublimation of pure art and pure science’, IJPA 16: 186–202; republished (1950) in Sharpe, Collected Papers on Psycho-Analysis. London: Hogarth, pp. 137–54. 1933–1939 Isaacs, Susan ‘Personal freedom and family life’, New Era 17: 238–43. Isaacs, Susan, Klein, Melanie, Middlemore, Merrell, Searl, Mina and Sharpe, Ella (ed. John Rickman) On the Bringing up of Children. London: Kegan Paul. Klein, Melanie ‘Weaning’, in Rickman, ed. On the Bringing up of Children. London: Kegan Paul, pp. 31–6. Rickman, John, ed. On the Bringing up of Children. London: Kegan Paul. Riviere, Joan ‘A contribution to the analysis of the negative therapeutic reaction’, IJPA 17: 304–320; republished (1991) in Hughes, ed. The Inner World and Joan Riviere: Collected Papers 1920–1958. London: Karnac Books, pp. 134–153. Riviere, Joan ‘On the genesis of psychical conflict in earliest infancy’, IJPA 17: 395–422; republished (1952) in Klein, Heimann, Isaacs and Riviere, Developments in PsychoAnalysis. London: Hogarth, pp. 37–66; and (1991) in Hughes, ed. The Inner World and Joan Riviere: Collected Papers 1920–1958. London: Karnac Books, pp. 272–300. Isaacs, Susan The Educational Value of the Nursery School. The Nursery School Association; republished (1948) in Isaacs, Childhood and After. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 47–73. Klein, Melanie ‘Love, guilt and reparation’, in Melanie Klein and Joan Riviere, Love, Hate and Reparation. London: Hogarth, pp. 57–91. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘The development of war’, British Journal of Medical Psychology 17: 219– 36; republished (1978) in The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle. Perth: Clunie, pp. 138–59. Rickman, John ‘On “unbearable” ideas and impulses’, American Journal of Psychology 50: 248–53. Riviere, Joan ‘Hate, greed and aggression’, in Melanie Klein and Joan Riviere, Love, Hate and Reparation. London: Hogarth, pp. 3–56; republished (1991) in Hughes, ed. The Inner World and Joan Riviere: Collected Papers 1920–1958. London: Karnac Books, pp. 168–205. Strachey, James ‘Contribution to a symposium on the theory of the therapeutic results of psycho-analysis’, IJPA 18: 139–45. Isaacs, Susan ‘Psychology and the school’, New Era 19: 18–20. Schmideberg, Melitta ‘Intellectual inhibition and disturbances in eating’, IJPA 19: 17–22. Thomer, Hans A. ‘The mode of suicide as a manifestation of phantasy’, British Journal of Medical Psychology 17: 197–200. Isaacs, Susan ‘Modifications of the ego through the work of analysis’, in Isaacs (1948) Childhood and After. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 89–108. Isaacs, Susan ‘Criteria for interpretation’, IJPA 20: 148–60; republished (1948) in Isaacs, Childhood and After. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 109–21. Isaacs, Susan ‘A special mechanism in a schizoid boy’, IJPA 20: 333–9; republished (1948) in Isaacs, Childhood and After. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 122–8. Библиография кляйнианских публикаций Money-Kyrle, Roger Superstition and Society. London: Hogarth. Riviere, Joan ‘An intimate impression’, The Lancet, 30/9/39; republished (1973) in Hendrik Ruitenbeek, ed. Freud as We Knew Him. Detroit: Wayne State University Press; and (1991) in Hughes, ed. The Inner World and Joan Riviere: Collected Papers 1920–1958. London: Karnac Books, pp. 208–212. Strachey, James ‘Preliminary notes upon the problem of Akhnaton’, IJPA 20: 33–42. Isaacs, Susan ‘Temper tantrums in early childhood in their relation to internal objects’, IJPA 21: 280–93; republished (1948) in Isaacs, Childhood and After. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 129–42. Klein, Melanie ‘Mourning and its relation to manic-depressive states’, IJPA 21: 125–53. Rickman, John ‘On the nature of ugliness and the creative impulse’, IJPA 21: 294–313. Middlemore, Merrell The Nursing Couple. London: Hamish Hamilton. Strachey, Alix ‘A note on the use of the word “internal”’, IJPA 22: 37–43. Winnicott, D. W. ‘The observation of infants in a set situation’, IJPA 22: 229–49. Heimann, Paula ‘A contribution to the problem of sublimation and its relation to processes of internalisation’, IJPA 23: 8–17; republished (1989) in Heimann, About Children and Children-No-Longer. London: Routledge, pp. 26–45. Klein, Melanie ‘Some psychological considerations’, in Waddington et al. Science and Ethics. London: Allen and Unwin. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘The psychology of propaganda’, British Journal of Medical Psychology 42: 82–94; republished (1978) in The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle. Perth: Clunie, pp. 160–75. Bion, Wilfred and Rickman, John ‘Intra-group tensions in therapy: their study as a task of the group’, The Lancet (ii) 27. 11. 43: 678–81; republished (1961) in W. R. Bion, Experiences in Groups. London: Tavistock, pp. 11–26. Isaacs, Susan ‘An acute psychotic anxiety occurring in a boy of four years’, IJPA 24: 13–32; republished (1948) in Isaacs, Childhood and After. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 143–85. Milner, Marion ‘A suicidal symptom in a child of three’, IJPA 25: 53–61. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘Towards a common aim: a psycho–analytical contribution to ethics’, British Journal of Medical Psychology 20: 105–17; republished (1978) in The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle. Perth: Clunie, pp. 176–97. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘Some aspects of political ethics from the psycho-analytic point of view’, IJPA 25: 166–71. 1939–1948 Isaacs, Susan ‘Notes on metapsychology as process theory’, IJPA 26: 58–62. Isaacs, Susan ‘Fatherless children’, in Peggy Volkov, ed. Fatherless Children. NEF Monograph No. 2; republished (1948) in Isaacs, Childhood and After. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 186–207. Isaacs, Susan ‘Children in institutions’, in Isaacs (1948) Childhood and After. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 208–36. Klein, Melanie ‘The Oedipus complex in the light of early anxieties’, IJPA 26: 11–33. Milner, Marion ‘Some aspects of phantasy in relation to general psychology’, IJPA 26: 143– 52. Riviere, Joan ‘The bereaved wife’, in Peggy Volkov, ed. Fatherless Children. NEF Monograph No. 2; republished (1991) in Hughes, ed. The Inner World and Joan Riviere: Collected Papers 1920–1958. London: Karnac Books, pp. 214–226. Winnicott, D. W. ‘Primitive emotional development’, IJPA 26: 137–42. Bion, Wilfred ‘The leaderless group project’, Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 10: 77–81. Klein, Melanie ‘Notes on some schizoid mechanisms’, IJPA 27: 99–110; republished (1952) in Klein, Heimann, Isaacs and Riviere, Developments in Psycho-Analysis. London: Hogarth, pp. 292–320. Scott, W. Clifford M. ‘A note on the psychopathology of convulsive phenomena in manic-depressive states’, IJPA 27: 152–5. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘Social conflict and the challenge to psychology’, British Journal of Medical Psychology 27: 215–21; republished (1978) in The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle. Perth: Clunie, pp. 198–209. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘Analysis of a schizophrenic state with depersonalization’, IJPA 28: 130– 9; republished (1965) in Rosenfeld, Psychotic States. London: Hogarth, pp. 13–33. Scott, W. Clifford M. ‘On the intense affects encountered in treating a severe manic-depressive disorder’, IJPA 28: 139–45. Stephen, Adrian ‘The superego and other internal objects’, IJPA 28: 114–17. Thorner, Hans A. ‘The treatment of psychoneurosis in the British Army’, IJPA 27: 52–9. Bion, Wilfred ‘Psychiatry in a time of crisis’, British Journal of Medical Psychology 21: 81–9. Isaacs, Susan ‘On the nature and function of phantasy’, IJPA 29: 73–97; republished (1952) in Klein, Heimann, Isaacs and Riviere, Developments in Psycho-Analysis. London: Hogarth, pp. 67–121. Isaacs, Susan Childhood and After. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Joseph, Betty ‘A technical problem in the treatment of the infant patient’, IJPA 29: 58–9. Klein, Melanie Contributions to Psycho-Analysis. London: Hogarth. Klein, Melanie ‘A contribution to the theory of anxiety and guilt’, IJPA 29: 114–23. Библиография кляйнианских публикаций Munro, Lois ‘Analysis of a cartoon in a case of hypochondria’, IJPA 29: 53–7. Scott, W. Clifford M. ‘Some embryological, neurological, psychiatric and psycho-analytic implications of the body schema’, IJPA 29: 141–55. Scott, W. Clifford M. ‘Notes on the psychopathology of anorexia nervosa’, British Journal of Medical Psychology 21: 741–7. Scott, W. Clifford M. ‘Some psychodynamic aspects of disturbed perception of time’, British Journal of Medical Psychology 21: 111–20. Scott, W. Clifford M. ‘A psycho-analytic concept of the origin of depression’, British Medical Journal, vol. I: 538; republished (1955) in Klein, Heimann and Money-Kyrle, eds. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, pp. 39–47. Heimann, Paula ‘Some notes on the psycho-analytic concept of introjected objects’, British Journal of Medical Psychology 22: 8–17; republished (1989) in Heimann, About Children and Children-No-Longer. London: Routledge, pp. 61–72. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘Remarks on the relation of male homosexuality to paranoia, paranoid anxiety and narcissism’, IJPA 30: 36–47; republished (1965) in Rosenfeld, Psychotic States. London: Hogarth, pp. 34–51. Scott, W. Clifford M. ‘The “body scheme” in psycho-therapy’, British Journal of Medical Psychology 22: 139–50. Thorner, Hans A. ‘Notes on a case of male homosexuality’, IJPA 30: 31–5. Bion, Wilfred ‘The imaginary twin’, in W. R. Bion (1967) Second Thoughts. London: Heinemann, pp. 3–22. Heimann, Paula ‘On counter-transference’, IJPA 31: 81–84; republished (1989) in Heimann, About Children and Children-No-Longer. London: Routledge, pp. 73–79. Klein, Melanie ‘On the criteria for the termination of a psycho-analysis’, IJPA 31: 78–80, 204. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘Varieties of group formation’, Psychoanalysis and the Social Sciences 2: 313–30; republished (1978) in The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle. Perth: Clunie, pp. 210–28. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘Note on the psychopathology of confusional states in chronic schizophrenia’, IJPA 31: 132–7; republished (1965) in Rosenfeld, Psychotic States. London: Hogarth, pp. 52–62. Segal, Hanna ‘Some aspects of the analysis of a schizophrenic’, IJPA 30: 268–78; republished (1981) in The Work of Hanna Segal. New York: Jason Aronson, pp. 101–20. Winnicott, D. W. ‘Hate in the counter-transference’, IJPA 30: 69–74. Jacques, Elliott The Changing Culture of a Factory. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Klein, Sidney ‘Contribution to a symposium on group therapy’, British Journal of Medical Psychology 24: 223–8. Langer, Marie Maternidad y Sexo. Buenos Aires: Editorial Nova. Money-Kyrle, Roger Psycho-Analysis and Politics. London: Duckworth. 1948–1952 Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘Some aspects of state and character in Germany’, in George Wilbur and Warner Munsterberger, eds. Psycho-Analysis and Culture. New York: International Universities Press, pp. 280–92. Bion, Wilfred ‘Group dynamics: a review’, IJPA 33: 235–47; republished (1955) in Klein, Heimann and Money-Kyrle, eds. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, pp. 440–77; and (1961) in W. R. Bion, Experinces in Groups. London: Tavistock, pp. 141–91. Evans, Gwen ‘Early anxiety situations in the analysis of a boy in the latency period’, IJPA 33: 93–110; republished (1955) in Klein, Heimann and Money-Kyrle, eds. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis, pp. 48–81. Heimann, Paula ‘Certain functions of projection and introjection in early infancy’, in Klein, Heimann, Isaacs and Riviere, Developments in Psycho-Analysis. London: Hogarth, pp. 122–68. Heimann, Paula ‘Certain functions of projection and introjection in early infancy’, in Klein, Heimann, Isaacs and Riviere, Developments in Psycho-Analysis. London: Hogarth, pp. 122–168; republished in its original (1943) form (1991) in Pearl King and Riccardo Steiner, eds. The Freud-Klein Controversies 1941–1945. London: Hogarth Press, pp. 502–530. Heimann, Paula ‘Notes on the theory of the life and death instinct’, in Klein, Heimann, Isaacs and Riviere, Developments in Psycho-Analysis. London: Hogarth, pp. 321–337; republished (1989) in Heiman, About Children and Children-No-Longer. London: Routledge, pp. 46–60. Heimann, Paula ‘A contribution to the re-evaluation of the Oedipus complex – the early stages’, in Melanie Klein, Paula Heimann, and Roger Money-Kyrle, eds. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, pp. 23–38; and in (1989) Heimann, About Children and Childre-No-Longer. London: Routledge, pp. 80–96. Heimann, Paula ‘Preliminary notes on some defence mechanisms in paranoid states’, IJPA 33: 208–213; republished (1955) in Klein, Heimann, and Money-Kyrle, eds. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, pp. 240–265; and in (1989) Heimann, About Children and Children-No-Longer. London: Routledge, pp. 80–96. Heimann, Paula and Isaacs, Susan ‘Regression’, in Klein, Heimann, Isaacs and Riviere, Developments in Psycho-Analysis. London: Hogarth, pp. 169–97. Klein, Melanie ‘Some theoretical conclusions regarding the emotional life of the infant’, in Klein, Heimann, Isaacs and Riviere, Developments in Psycho-Analysis. London: Hogarth, pp. 198–236. Klein, Melanie ‘On observing the behaviour of young infants’, in Klein, Heimann, Isaacs and Riviere, Developments in Psycho-Analysis. London: Hogarth, pp. 237–70. Klein, Melanie ‘The origins of transference’, IJPA 33: 433–8. Klein, Melanie ‘The mutual influences in the development of the ego and the id’, PsychoAnalytic Study Child 7: 51–3. Klein, Melanie, Heimann, Paula, Isaacs, Susan and Riviere, Joan Developments in PsychoAnalysis. London: Hogarth. Milner, Marion ‘Aspects of symbolism in comprehension of the not-self’, IJPA 34: 181–95; republished (1955) as ‘The role of illusion in symbol formation’, in Klein, Heimann and Money-Kyrle, ed. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, pp. 82–108. Библиография кляйнианских публикаций Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘Psycho-analysis and ethics’, IJPA 33: 225–34; republished (1955) in Klein, Heimann and Money-Kyrle, eds. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, pp. 421–40; and (1978) in The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle. Perth: Clunie, pp. 264–84. Munro, Lois ‘Clinical notes on internalization and identification’, IJPA 33: 132–43. Riviere, Joan ‘General introduction’ to Klein, Heimann, Isaacs and Riviere, Developments in Psycho-Analysis. London: Hogarth, pp. 1–36; republished (1991) in Hughes, ed. The Inner World and Joan Riviere: Collected Papers 1920–1958. London: Karnac Books, pp. 233–269. Riviere, Joan ‘The unconscious phantasy of an inner world reflected in examples from English literature’, IJPA 33: 160–172; republished (1955) in Klein, Heimann and MoneyKyrle, eds. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, pp. 346–369; and (1991) in Hughes, ed. The Inner World and Joan Riviere: Collected Papers 1920–1958. London: Karnac Books, pp. 302–330. Riviere, Joan ‘The inner world in Ibsen’s Master-Builder’, IJPA 33: 173–180; republished (1955) in Klein, Heimann and Money-Kyrle, eds. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, pp. 370–383; and (1991) in Hughes, ed. The Inner World and Joan Riviere: Collected Papers 1920–1958. London: Karnac Books, pp. 332–347. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘Notes on the psycho-analysis of the superego conflict in an acute catatonic patient’, IJPA 33: 111–31; republished (1955) in Klein, Heimann and Money-Kyrle, eds. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, pp. 180– 219; and (1965) in Rosenfeld, Psychotic States. London: Hogarth, pp. 63–103. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘Transference-phenomena and transference-analysis in an acute catatonic schizophrenic patient’, IJPA 33: 457–64; republished (1965) in Rosenfeld, Psychotic States, pp. 104–16. Sandford, Beryl ‘An obsessional man’s need to be kept’, IJPA 33: 144–52; republished (1955) in Klein, Heimann and Money-Kyrle, eds. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, pp. 266–81. Sandford, Beryl ‘Some psychotherapeutic work in maternity and child welfare clinics’, British Journal of Medical Psychology 25: 2–15. Segal, Hanna ‘A psycho-analytic approach to aesthetics’, IJPA 33: 196–207; republished (1955) in Klein, Heimann and Money-Kyrle, eds. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, pp. 384–407; and (1981) in The Work of Hanna Segal. New York: Jason Aronson, pp. 185–206. Thorner, Hans A. ‘Examination anxiety without examination’, IJPA 33: 153–9; republished (1955) as ‘Three defences against inner persecution’, in Klein, Heimann and MoneyKyrle, eds. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, pp. 384–407. Thorner, Hans A. ‘The criteria for progress in a patient during analysis’, IJPA 33: 479–84. Davidson, Audrey and Fay, Judith Phantasy in Childhood. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Garma, Angel ‘The internalized mother as harmful food in peptic ulcer patients’, IJPA 34: 102–10. Jaques, Elliott ‘On the dynamics of social structure’, Human Relations 6: 10–23; republished (1955) as ‘The social system as a defence against persecutory and depressive anxiety’, 1952–1955 in Klein, Heimann and Money-Kyrle, eds. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, pp. 478–98. Money-Kyrle, Roger Toward a Rational Attitude to Crime. London: The Howard League; republished (1978) in The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle. Perth: Clunie, pp. 245–52. Racker, Heinrich ‘A contribution to the problem of counter-transference’, IJPA 34: 313–24; republished (1968) as ‘The counter-transference neurosis’, in Racker, Transference and Counter-Transference. London: Hogarth, pp. 105–26. Segal, Hanna ‘A necrophilic phantasy’, IJPA 34: 98–101; republished (1981) in The Work of Hanna Segal. New York: Jason Aronson, pp. 165–71. 1954 Bion, Wilfred ‘Notes on the theory of schizophrenia’, IJPA 35: 1 13–18; expanded (1955) as ‘Language and the schizophrenic’, in Klein, Heimann and Money-Kyrle, eds. New Developments in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, pp. 220–39; republished (1967) in W. R. Bion, Second Thoughts. London: Heinemann, pp. 23–35. Heimann, Paula ‘Problems of the training analysis’, IJPA 35: 163–8. Hunter, Dugmore ‘Object relation changes in the analysis of fetishism’, IJPA 35: 302–12. Munro, Lois ‘Steps in ego-integration observed in play analysis’, IJPA 35: 202–5; republished (1955) in Klein, Heimann and Money-Kyrle, eds. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, pp. 109–39. Racker, Heinrich ‘Notes on the theory of transference’, Psycho-Analytic Quarterly 23: 78– 86; republished (1968) in Racker, Transference and Counter-Transference. London: Hogarth, pp. 71–8. Racker, Heinrich ‘On the confusion between mania and health’, Samiska 8: 42–6; republished (1968) as ‘Psycho-analytic technique and the analyst’s unconscious mania’, in Racker, Transference and Counter-Transference, pp. 181–5. Rosenfeld, Herbert ‘Considerations regarding the psycho-analytic approach to acute and chronic schizophrenia’, IJPA 35: 138–40; republished (1965) in Rosenfeld, Psychotic States. London: Hogarth, pp. 117–27. Segal, Hanna ‘A note on schizoid mechanisms underlying phobia formation’, IJPA 35: 238–41; republished (1981) in The Work of Hanna Segal. New York: Jason Aronson, pp. 137–44. Bion, Wilfred ‘Language and the schizophrenic’, in Klein, Heimann and Money-Kyrle, eds. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, pp. 220–39. Klein, Melanie ‘The psycho-analytic play technique: its history and significance’, in Klein, Heimann and Money-Kyrle, eds. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, pp. 3–22. Klein, Melanie ‘On identification’, in Klein, Heimann and Money-Kyrle, eds. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, pp. 309–45. Klein, Melanie, Heimann, Paula and Money-Kyrle, Roger, eds. New Directions in PsychoAnalysis. London: Tavistock. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘An inconclusive contribution to the theory of the death instinct’, in Klein, Heimann and Money-Kyrle, eds. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, pp. 409–59. Библиография кляйнианских публикаций Rodrigue, Emilio ‘The Analysis of a three-year-old mute schizophrenic’, in Klein, Heimann and Money-Kyrle, eds. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, pp. 140–79. Rodrigue, Emilio ‘Notes on menstruation’, IJPA 36: 328–34. Stokes, Adrian ‘Form in art’, in Klein, Heimann and Money-Kyrle, eds. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavistock, pp. 406–20. Bion, Wilfred ‘Development of schizophrenic thought’, IJPA 37: 344–6; republished (1967) in W. R. Bion, Second Thoughts. London: Heinemann, pp. 36–43. Heimann, Paula ‘Dynamics of transference interpretations’, IJPA 37: 303–310; republished (1989) in Heimann, About Children and Children-No-Longer. London: Routledge, pp. 108–121. Jacques, Elliott Measurement of Responsibility. London: Tavistock. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘The world of the unconscious and the world of common sense’, British Journal of the Philosophy of Science 7: 86–96; republished (1978) in The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle. Perth: Clunie, pp. 318–29. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘Normal counter-transference and some of its deviations’, IJPA 37: 360– 6; republished (1978) in The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle, pp. 330–42. Rodrigue, Emilio ‘Notes on symbolism’, IJPA 37: 147–58. Segal, Hanna ‘Depression in the schizophrenic’, IJPA 37: 339–43; republished (1981) in The Work of Hanna Segal. New York: Jason Aronson, pp. 121–30. Bion, Wilfred ‘Differentiation of the psychotic from the non-psychotic personalities’, IJPA 38: 266–75; republished (1967) in W. R. Bion, Second Thoughts. London: Heinemann, pp. 43–64. Klein, Melanie Envy and Gratitude. London: Tavistock. Racker, Heinrich ‘A contribution to the problem of psychopathological stratification’, IJPA 38: 223–39; republished (1968) as ‘The meanings and uses of counter-transference’ in Racker, Transference and Counter-Transference. London: Hogarth, pp. 127–73. Racker, Heinrich ‘Analysis of transference through the patient’s relations with the interpretation’, in Racker (1968) Transference and Counter-Transference. London: Hogarth, pp. 79–104. Segal, Hanna ‘Notes on symbol formation’, IJPA 38: 391–7; republished (1981) in The Work of Hanna Segal. New York: Jason Aronson, pp. 49–64. Strachey, Alix The Unconscious Motives of War. London: George Allen and Unwin. Bion, Wilfred ‘On hallucination’, IJPA 39: 144–6; republished (1967) in W. R. Bion, Second Thoughts. London: Heinemann, pp. 65–85. Bion, Wilfred ‘On arrogance’, IJPA 39: 341–9; republished (1967) in W. R. Bion, Second Thoughts. London: Heinemann, pp. 86–93. Garma, Angel ‘Peptic ulcer and pseudo-peptic ulcer’, IJPA 39: 104–7. Jacques, Elliott ‘Psycho-analysis and the current economic crisis’, in John Sutherland, ed. Psycho-Analysis and Contemporary Thought. London: Hogarth, pp. 125–44. 1955–1960 Klein, Melanie ‘On the development of mental functioning’, IJPA 39: 84–90. Langer, Marie ‘Sterility and envy’, IJPA 39: 139–43. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘Psycho-analysis and philosophy’, in John Sutherland, ed. PsychoAnalysis and Contemporary Thought, pp. 102–24; republished (1978) in The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle. Perth: Clunie, pp. 297–317. Money-Kyrle, Roger ‘On the process of psycho-analytical inference’, IJPA 59: 129–33; republished (1978) in The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle, pp. 343–52. Pichon-Riviere, Arminda ‘Dentition, walking and speech in relation to the depressive position’, IJPA 39: 167–71. Racker, Heinrich ‘Psycho-analytic technique’, in Racker (1968) Transference and CounterTransference. London: Hogarth, pp. 6–22. Racker, Heinrich ‘Classical and present techniques in psycho-analysis’, in Racker (1968) Transference and Counter-Transference. London: Hogarth, pp. 23–70. Racker, Heinrich ‘Psycho-analytic technique and the analyst’s unconscious masochism’, Psycho-Analytic Quarterly 27: 555–62; republished (1968) in Racker, Transference and Counter-Transference. London: Hogarth, pp. 174–80. Racker, Heinrich ‘Counterresistance and interpretation’, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 6: 215–21; republished (1968) in Racker, Transference and CounterTransference. London: Hogarth, pp. 186–92. Riviere, Joan ‘A character trait of Freud’s’, in John Sutherland, ed. Psycho-Analysis and Contemporary Thought, pp. 145–9; republished in Hendrik Ruitenbeek, ed. 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