HECTOR. BRIDGET. HECTOR. VOICE ON TELEVISION. HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. BRIDGET. HECTORHECTOR And put it in the fridge - mwahh! BRIDGET Why Hector, who's the lucky lady? I think I know! Hmm! Chocolate mousse, my favourite dessert. ANNIE Nick!! What time is it?! HECTOR Six o'clock. ANNIE Quick! Change channels! VOICE ON TELEVISION It's 6 o'clock and time for the weather with Rock Thrust! With Rock Thrust. NICK [Rock Thrust] Oh, me. Oh, I’m ready. ANNIE The weather? Rock Thrust? HECTOR Nick! NICK Hi! I'm Rock Thrust. And here is the weather - big smile. And here is the weather. In the south, it will be hot. (Sun, sun. ) Oh, sorry. Hot. So put on your beach clothes. And in the west, it'll be windy. And in the east, it will rain, so don't forget your umbrella - ha! And there could be some..., Oh, no, not lightning. Ha! And that's the weather with me, Rock Thrust. HECTOR Ah, come in and sit down. Close your eyes. Now, are you ready for a taste of paradise? Chocolate so smooth it will melt a beautiful lady's heart. Ready? ANNIE Hmmm! " Chocolate mousse, the chocolate dessert for lovers". Oh, Hector, that was so much fun! I love doing adverts, especially with your delicious chocolate mousse. HECTOR Oh, I'm glad you like it. BRIDGET Well, hello! It's Rock Thrust. Would you like your messages, Mr Thrust? As your agent, I take 10 per cent. ANNIE Oh, poor Nick. You must be very tired now. NICK Yeah, I am. ANNIE Working in television must be exhausting. NICK Yes, because I had to run all the way from the studio. HECTOR Run? Why? NICK Because I was chased. COMMENTARY [v. o. ] Next time in EXTRA, Bridget wins the Lottery, Nick finds love at the traffic lights and why does Hector become a dustman? EXTRA, don't miss it.