BRIDGET. BRIDGET. HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. BRIDGET. BRIDGET. BRIDGET. HECTOR. BRIDGET. HECTOR. HECTOR. BRIDGET. BRIDGET. Telephone ringsBRIDGET ‘Rock Thrust? What a stupid name! ’ ANNIE I know! BRIDGET [composing email] ‘Hector and Nick come in without knocking! ’ NICK Go, go, go, go, go! BRIDGET And Annie is crazy about adverts! ANNIE " Popcorn in your tummy, they're pop-tastic! " NICK ... ... guess what? I've got the part. HECTOR Man, that is great! NICK I'm gonna be a star! [composing email] ‘My own show, every night at 6 o'clock in front of a huge audience! ’ HECTOR Today, London, tomorrow, Hollywood. NICK Ah, I co-starred with Russell Crowe in this one. HECTOR You, in Gladiator? Wow, Nick, I didn't realise. What were you? NICK The centurion. HECTOR Which centurion? NICK Ah! Here it is. There, that's me, on the ground. HECTOR Huh! A dead centurion. NICK Yeah, good, eh? I had some words, but they were cut. HECTOR What did you say? NICK " Nwrraaahhh! " Hey, but now I've got the whole script just for me on television every night. HECTOR Nick, tell me, what is it? NICK It's my show. When I'm a star, I will not forget you, my friend. VOICE ON TELEVISION ... Join me at 5. 30 PM today when I'll show you how to make a delicious chocolate mousse, a dessert for lovers. You'll need chocolate, eggs and butter. And don't forget the way to a heart is through the stomach. HECTOR The way to the heart is through the stomach. What does that mean? NICK It means if you want a girlfriend, cook for her. HECTOR I want to learn how to cook. ANNIE Anyway, what do you mean by I watch too many adverts? BRIDGET Well, remember when you wanted us to change our washing powder? ANNIE Oh, ho! " Hello there. As a mother, I must fight different stains every day. Tomato ketchup. Chocolate - huh! Gravy. And egg. But help is here! I will wash one shirt in ordinary washing powder and the other in new Zap! So, the shirt washed in normal washing powder is - oh! - still dirty, but the shirt washed in new Zap is …” Oh! BRIDGET Annie, have you seen my red T-shirt anywhere? ANNIE Oops! BRIDGET See what I mean? HECTOR Oh, hello, Bridget. BRIDGET Hello, Hector. HECTOR Oh, hi, Annie. NICK Oh, thank you. Yes, I know. HECTOR Do you know where Nick is? BRIDGET No, we've just arrived. NICK I'm a great actor. ANNIE I think I know where Nick is. NICK ..... Would love to do the part, but I'm too busy. No, it's not the money, but I don't need 15 million quid. Look, talk to my agent, Bridget, huh? BRIDGET I have an idea. NICK Oh, so Robert de Niro said yes already. Hmm, well... hello? Telephone rings BRIDGET [pretending to be a Hollywood agent's secretary] Hello? Nick Jessop?