HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. CHARLOTTENICK Yeah. BRIDGET [pretending to be a Hollywood agent's secretary] I have an executive from Warner Brothers on the line for you. NICK Right. HECTOR [pretending to be a Hollywood executive] Hello Nick. You are very big in England. What are you working on now? NICK Hi. Well, it's something that all of England watches. It's the... You can laugh, but tomorrow night at 6 o'clock, you will see that Nick from next door has star quality and then Spielberg will call. Now excuse me, I must learn my line. ANNIE [composing email] ‘You know how much l love adverts. Do you remember my Chunky Chunks? ’ " Hello and welcome to the Chunky Chunks challenge! " ‘And Zap! ’ " New Zap! " My favourite advert right now is for chocolate mousse. " Chocolate mousse, the chocolate dessert for lovers". CHARLOTTE [TV VOICE] Hello all you gorgeous chefs. And welcome to Charlotte's Kitchen. Today - hmmm! - chocolate mousse, a dessert for lovers. First, take some chocolate. HECTOR Chocolate. CHARLOTTE [TV VOICE] And melt it over hot water. HECTOR Melt? Oh! Over hot water. CHARLOTTE [TV VOICE] Now, my darlings, you must separate the eggs into two bowls. HECTOR Separate the eggs? CHARLOTTE [TV VOICE] Separate the yolk from the white. HECTOR Oh, the, the... ANNIE Hector? HECTOR Ah, hello, Annie. CHARLOTTE [TV VOICE] Mix the yolk and the chocolate. Add the butter. And now for the fun - whisking! I love whisking, don't you? HECTOR Oh, whisking? ANNIE Ah! You need Annie's magic whisk. HECTOR Yes, please. CHARLOTTE Nearly finished, my darlings. Finally, add the whites to the chocolate and put it in the fridge. And in 30 minutes, this delicious chocolate mousse will be ready for your lover to taste - hmm!