Sound of cameras clicking. BRIDGET. HECTOR. BRIDGET. BRIDGET. BRIDGET. BRIDGET. BRIDGET. BRIDGET. HECTOR. HECTOR. BRIDGETSound of cameras clicking NICK I'd just like to thank my parents, my brothers and sisters, my dog, ...... and of course my adorable girlfriend, Bridget. BRIDGET Huh! I don't think so. Anyway, what's going on? ANNIE Oh, it's wonderful news, Bridget. HECTOR Nick is going to be on television. BRIDGET Well, tell us, Nick, what is it? NICK Well, it's on every night. It'll be hot. Sometimes it'll be stormy, so will you still love me when I'm a superstar? BRIDGET Yes, Nick, and I'm going to help you to be a great superstar. NICK Yes! BRIDGET Lesson number one: This is how all superstars make a big exit. Goodbye, Nick. See you at the Oscars. Annie? ANNIE Uh-huh? BRIDGET I really think you're watching too many adverts. ANNIE What do you mean, too many adverts? BRIDGET Well, remember Chunky Chunks? ANNIE Oh, Chunky Chunks. " Hello and welcome to the Chunky Chunks challenge! Nick, in front of you are two plates and all you have to do is tell me which plate is Chunky Chunks - A or B. Ready? OK. This is Plate A. " NICK Hmm. ANNIE " Good. And this is Plate B. " NICK Huh. ANNIE " OK, Nick. Which plate do you think was Chunky Chunks? A or B? " NICK Well, they both smelled great. ANNIE " Correct! Well done! Both plates were Chunky Chunks! " NICK By the way, Annie. ANNIE Uh-huh? NICK What are Chunky Chunks? ANNIE Dog food, of course. BRIDGET Do you see what I mean? ANNIE I think so. What's that noise? HECTOR Oh, Annie's popcorn. ANNIE My popcorn? HECTOR Yes, I wanted to make popcorn just for you. ANNIE Oh Hector, thank you. Oh, you are sweet. BRIDGET I like popcorn too, Hector. BRIDGET [composing email] ‘This apartment is very busy! Crazy phone calls for a stranger called Rock Thrust. ’