ANNIE. HECTOR. NICK and HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTOR. HECTORANNIE Nick, what day is it? NICK Wednesday. ANNIE And what time is it? HECTOR I know. Half past six. ANNIE So... NICK and HECTOR So... ANNIE So what's on television? NICK Oh, Love's True Dream. HECTOR Love's True Dream. What is that? NICK " Oh, Alberto, Alberto! I love you, I love you", " And I love you too, Penelope". Bridget's favourite programme. ANNIE Yeah, and mine. HECTOR Oh, really, Annie? Why? ANNIE Because it's about the simple love of a boy from Argentina and a girl from England. HECTOR Huh? ANNIE The simple love of a boy from Argentina and a girl from England. HECTOR Nice. ANNIE Oh, Hector! I love this advert. HECTOR What is it? ANNIE It's for chocolate mousse - shhh! " Chocolate so smooth it will melt a beautiful lady's heart. Chocolate mousse, the chocolate dessert for lov-ers". Hmmm, I love chocolate mousse. Hey! This advert's good too. " Oooh, popcorn in the microwave, popcorn in just seconds, popcorn in your tummy, they're pop-tastic! " HECTOR And do you like popcorn, Annie? ANNIE Oh yeah, especially pop-tastic popcorn. HECTOR Well, we don't have pop-tastic popcorn in Argentina, but we make great popcorn. ANNIE Yeah? HECTOR Yes, I'll make it in the frying pan. NICK Oh yes! Yes, great! I've got the part, I've got the part! HECTOR Wow, man! That is great! ANNIE What is it? NICK Let's just say that my face will be on your television every night at 6 o'clock in front of a huge audience. HECTOR O-ho! " Ladies and gentleman, a star is born! ". ANNIE Oh, Nick, that's fantastic! HECTOR Ha-ha! This is it, Nick. Today, London, tomorrow, Hollywood.