


Случайная статья

АНГЛИЙСКИЙ. ШКОЛЬНЫЙ КУРС. В ТАБЛИЦАХ. Вопросительная форма. Отрицательная форма. S + do (does) not + V1. Вопросительная форма. Do (does) + S + V1. Утвердительная форма. Отрицательная форма. Вопросительная форма. Произношение -s в конце глагола. Утвердите

Предлоги времени





in place of in some respects in the way
in politics in stock in writing
in pounds in the streets in a word


on a... day on duty on one’s own
on account of on earth on page...
on a... afternoon/ on edge on parade
evening on an expedition on the pavement
on the agenda on a farm on the phone
on the air on fire on a platform
on approval on the... floor on principle
on arrival on the floor on purpose
on average on foot on the radio
on bail on the one hand on TV
on balance on the other hand on a trip
on the beach on holiday on a tour
on behalf of on horseback on the right
on one’s birthday on impulse on the river Seine
on board on the increase on sale
on the border on an island on schedule
on business on a journey on the screen
on call on one’s knees on second thoughts
on a campsite on leave on sight
(at a campsite) on the left on the sofa
on the coast on loan on the street
on condition on the market on strike
on the contrary on one’s mind on good terms
on credit on that morning on bad terms
on a cruise on the move on time
on an excursion on New Year’s day on top of
on demand on the news on the trail of
on a diet on order on a way to
on the dole on the outskirts on the whole








out of breath out of focus out of reach
out of character out of hand out of season
out of condition out of luck out of sight
out of control out of order out of step
out of danger out of the ordinary out of stock
out of date out of place out of tune
out of debt out of practice out of turn
out of doors out of print out of use
out of fashion out of the question out of work



off air off the map off the record
off colour off the peg off the road
off duty off the point off school
off limits   off work



under age under discussion under pressure
under arrest under the impression under repair
under one’s breath under orders under the weather
under control    








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