АНГЛИЙСКИЙ 3 страница
S + BE + V3 (продолжение)
Present Perfect
| Утвердительная форма
S + have/hasbeen + V3
| Отрицательная форма
S + have/has not been + V3
| Вопросительная форма
Have/has+ S + been + V3
| I have been asked
| I have not been asked
| Have I been asked?
| You have been asked
| You have not been asked
| Have you been asked?
| He has been asked
| He has not been asked
| Has he been asked?
| She has been asked
| She has not been asked
| Has she been asked?
| It has been asked
| It has not been asked
| Has it been asked?
| We have been asked
| We have not been asked
| Have we been asked?
| You have been asked
| You have not been asked
| Have you been asked?
| They have been asked
| They have not been asked
| Have they been asked?
Past Perfect
| Утвердительная форма
S + had been+ V3
| Отрицательная форма
S + had not been + V3
| Вопросительная форма
Had + S+ been + V3
| I had beenasked
| I had not been asked
| Had I been asked?
| You had beenasked
| You had not been asked
| Had you been asked?
| He had beenasked
| He had not been asked
| Had he been asked?
| She had beenasked
| She had not been asked
| Had she been asked?
| It had beenasked
| It had not been asked
| Had it been asked?
| We had beenasked
| We had not been asked
| Had we been asked?
| You had beenasked
| You had not been asked
| Had you been asked?
| They had beenasked
| They had not been asked
| Had they been asked?
Future Simple
| Утвердительная форма
S + will be+ V3
| Отрицательная форма
S + will not be+ V3
| Вопросительная форма
Will + S + be+ V3
| I will be asked
| I will not beasked
| Will I be asked?
| You will be asked
| You will not be asked
| Will you be asked?
| He will be asked
| He will not be asked
| Will he be asked?
| She will be asked
| She will not beasked
| Will she be asked?
| It will be asked
| It will not beasked
| Will it be asked?
| We will be asked
| We will not beasked
| Will we be asked?
| You will be asked
| You will not beasked
| Will you be asked?
| They will be asked
| They will not beasked
| Will they be asked?
Future Perfect
| Утвердительная форма
S + will have been+ V3
| Отрицательная форма
S + will not have been+ V3
| Вопросительная форма
Will + S + have been + V3
| I will have been asked
| I will not have been asked
| Will I have been asked?
| You will have been asked
| You will not have been asked
| Will he have been asked?
| He will have been asked
| He will not have been asked
| Will he have been asked?
| She will have been asked
| She will not have been asked
| Will she have been asked?
| It will have been asked
| It will not have been asked
| Will it have been asked?
| We will have been asked
| We will not have been asked
| Will we have been asked?
| You will have been asked
| You will not have been asked
| Will they have been asked?
| They will have been asked
| They will not have been asked
| Will they have been asked?
Времена глагола
Утвердительная форма
S + modal verb + be + V3
The cars
| must
be repaired
Отрицательная форма
S + modal verb + not + be + V3
The cars
| must
not be repaired
Вопросительная форма
modal verb + S + be + V3
| must
the cars
be repaired?
have to
| The cars have to be repaired.
| The cars don’t have to be repaired.
| Do the cars have to be repaired?
Passive Voice
| Глаголы make и let в Passive Voice
| Active Voice
Mother made Sam do the washing up.
Mother let Sam watch TV.
Passive Voice
Sam was made to do the washing up.
Sam was allowed to watch TV.
| В разговорном английском get используется вместо be, для указания того, что что-то произошло случайно.
She got hurt when she was working in the garden.
| Если мы ставим в пассивный залог предложный глагол(listen to, break into, send after etc. ), предложение должно заканчиваться предлогом.
Someone broke into our house.
Our house was broken into.
| by и with
| With используется после таких глаголов, как fill, pack, crowd.
The bowl was filled with water.
Обратите внимание на разницу:
When the boy was walking in the forest, he was hit by a branch, (случайно)
When the boy was running from the gardener, he was hit with a branch, (кто-то ударил его палкой)
| Have + N + V3
| I’m having a garage built at the moment.
How often do you have your hair cut?
We had our computer serviced last week.
Simon has just had a suit made.
You should have your eyes tested.
Are you going to have new carpets fitted in your flat?
Мы употребляем конструкцию have something done, когда что-то делают для нас.
I’m building a garage at the moment. (I’m building the garage myself. )
I’m having a garage built at the moment. (I arranged for someone else to do it for me. )
Конструкция have something done также употребляется в следующих предложениях:
I had my leg broken in a football match.
We had our fence blown in a storm last week.
Условное наклонение
В английском языке различают три вида условного наклонения: type I, type II, type III.
Type I
| Придаточное предложение(if-clause)
| Главное предложение(main clause)
| If + Present Simple/Present
Continuous/Present Perfect
| Future/Imperative
(повелительное наклонение)
can/may/might/must/should+ V Present Simple
| Используется, когда мы говорим о реальном, осуществимом действии, которое может произойти или не произойти в настоящем или будущем
| If you come home earlier, we’ll go for a walk.
| If you have finished your tea, we can leave.
| If you are still doing your homework, I’ll call you later.
Type II
| Придаточное предложение(if-clause)
| Главное предложение(main clause)
| If + Past Simple/Past
| would/could/might + V
| Используется, когда мы говорим о нереальном действии или ситуации в настоящем или будущем, которые отличны от реальности или, когда даем совет.
| If I had a lot of money, I would buy a car. (но денег у меня нет – ситуация противоположная реальной)
| If I were you, I wouldn’t do it. (совет)
| После if во 2-м типе условного наклонения обычно используется were в любом лице и числе.
| Type III
| Придаточное предложение(if-clause)
| Главное предложение(main clause)
| If + Past Perfect/Past Perfect
| would/could/might + have+V3
| Используется, когда мы говорим о нереальной ситуации или действии в прошлом, отличных от реальности, также используется для выражения сожаления или критики.
| If you had left earlier, you wouldn’t have missed the bus.
Смешанный тип условного наклонения
В одном предложении могут быть использованы разные типы условного наклонения.
| If l were you (type II), I would have invited her (type III).
| If I had listened to his advice yesterday (type III), I wouldn’t be here today (type II).
Вводные слова, которые могут быть использованы в условном наклонении вместо if.
| unless (до тех пор, пока... не... ), providing/provided that (при условии), as long as (до тех пор, пока), in case (в случаи), on condition that (при условии), otherwise (иначе), etc.
| If you keep to a diet, you’ll lose some weight.
| You will lose some weight providing/provided that/as long as you keep to a diet.
| Keep to a diet, otherwise you won’t lose weight. Unless you keep to a diet, you won’t lose weight.
| NOT: unless you don’t keep...
| Условное наклонение
| Будущее время (Future tense) обычно не используется
в условном наклонении, однако will, would, should могут использоваться в придаточном предложении для выражения просьбы, раздражения, сомнения или неуверенности.
If you will/would be quiet for a moment, I can’t hear what he is saying. (просьба – Will you, please, calm down? )
If you will make noise, I’ll ask you to leave. (раздражение)
If she should be there, I’ll talk to her. (мы не уверены, там ли она)
Инверсия в условном наклонении
| Ifв условном наклонении может опускаться, в этом случае should, were и had ставятся перед подлежащим.
If he should come here, ask him about Mary. → Should he come here, ask him about Mary.
If I were you, I would help them. → Were I you, I would help them.
If I had known about her illness, I would have telephoned her. → Had I known about her illness, I would have telephoned her.
Типы условного наклонения
| Фразы I wish, if only употребляютсядля выражения сожаления о чем-либо, что мы не можем изменить:
1) когда говорим о настоящем:
I wish/if only +S + V2
I wish I were taller.
If only Iwere taller.
2) когда говорим о прошлом:
I wish/if only + S + had + V3
I wish I had listened to what you said.
If only Ihad listened to what you said.
3) когда говорим о будущем:
I wish/if only + S + would + V
I wish he would change.
If only it would stop raining.
Had better в значении should
| You had better stop smoking, (относится к настоящему или будущему и выражает совет. )
It would have been better + V3
| It would have been better if you had helped them. (относится к прошлому. )
| После конструкции it’s time может быть использован инфинитив.
It’s time for us to leave.
It’s time to go to bed now.
Также мы можем использовать it’s time + Past tense, когда мы хотим выразить, что кому-то следовало бы уже что-то сделать.
You bedroom is in a terrible mess. Don’t you think it’s time you cleaned it?
I’m tired. It’s time Iwent to bed.
Хотя в данной конструкции мы используем прошедшее время, ее значение относится к настоящему или будущему. В данном значении также может употребляться конструкция it’s about time.
Your bedroom is in a terrible mess. Don’t you think it’s about time you cleaned it?
Модальные глаголы
| К модальным глаголам относятсяглаголы:
can (could), may (might), must, ought
need/need to, will, would, shall, should, have to
Кроме глаголовcan, may, need to, have to которые имеют форму прошедшего времени (could, might, needed to, had to), . модальные глаголы не меняют свою форму. В 3-ем лице ед. ч. настоящего времени окончания -s модальные глаголы не имеют (за исключением have to и need to).
Не must finish this project on time.
Инфинитив, следующий за этими глаголами, употребляется без частицы to, за исключением глаголов ought to, have to, need to
You ought to be there on time.
Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуютсябез вспомогательного глагола, в вопросительной форме модальный глагол ставится перед подлежащим, отрицательная форма образуется при помощи частицы not (глагол сап пишется слитно с not – cannot).
Исключение составляют глаголы need to и have to, которые образуют отрицательные и вопросительные формы с помощью вспомогательного глагола do.
Can you hold it for a second?
Must we do this?
Need she go there with you?
You ought not to talk to her.
We need not do it.
I cannot answer you.
Форма модальных глаголов и их использование
| cannot — can’t
| shall — shan’t
| could not — couldn’t
| should — shouldn’t
| will — won’t
| must not — mustn’t
| would — wouldn’t
| ought not — oughtn’t
| need not — needn’t
| Употребление
| Past
Modal Verb +have +V3
Modal Verb +have been + Ving
Needed to/had to/could/
was able to+ V
| способность,
| He can run fast. (может физически)
She is able to run a marathon. (способна)
We will be able to see themoon if we look through that window. (у нас будеттакая возможность, еслимы что-то для этого сделаем)
| Не could/was able to run fast when he was younger. (мог физически)
She was able to run away. (= she managed – ей удалось)
| возможность, вероятность
| She can win the marathon.
(90% уверенности)
| ____
| She could still be at home. (50% уверенности)
| She could have got into an accident, (была большая вероятность, но к счастью, все обошлось)
| Sarah may be studying in the library.
(50% уверенности)
| She may have finished her work yesterday, (возможно, она закончила)
| Hemight need this book.
(40% уверенности)
| He mighthave lost your telephone number, (возможно, он потерял)
| He will be back soon.
(100% уверенности)
| ____
| Mathew should be home soon. (90% уверенности, только в будущем времени)
| Mathew should have returned by now. (наверняка он уже вернулся)
| Andrew ought to be at work by now.
(90% уверенности)
| Andrew ought to have arrived at work an hour ago. (наверняка он уже там)
| совет
| You should stop smoking.
| You should have talked to her about that. (но ты этого не сделал)
| You ought to listen to your parents.
| She ought to have come to hospital earlier. (но она этого не сделала)
| Shall I stay with the patient? (мы просим совет)
Форма модальных глаголов и их использование
логическое предположение
| They must be at home. (90% уверенности, должно быть они дома)
| They must have been away when you called. (мы уверены, они отсутствовали)
| They can’t be so cruel. (всегда в отриц. предложениях, мы уверены в том, что они не могут быть такими жестокими)
| Не can’t have broken the vase. (сомнение, недоверие)
| They couldn’t be at the concert now. (всегда в отриц. предложениях, мы не думаем, что они на концерте)
| They couldn’t have been at home yesterday. (сомнение, но в менее категоричной форме)
| Разрешение, запрет
| You can/can’t go there alone. (разрешение или запрет, неформальный стиль)
| They weren’t allowed to/couldn’t enter the building. They were allowed to enter the building.
NOT: could
| You mustn’t see her. (запрет, неформальный стиль)
| ____
| You may not smoke in here. (запрет, формальный стиль, часто в надписях)
| ____
| просьба
| Can I borrow your pencil? (неформальный стиль)
| Could Iborrow your pencil? (вежливо)
| May I talk to you? (формальный стиль)
| Might Italk to your boss? (очень формальный стиль)
| Will you help me? (дружеский, неформальный стиль)
| необходимость, обязанность
| I must be in the office at ten o’clock. (обязан, должен)
| I had to be in the office yesterday. (был обязан)
| We have to move to London. (должны в силу обстоятельств)
| I was offered a good job opportunity, so I had to move to London.
| We’ve got to be at the railway station at ten. (неформальный стиль)
| We had to be at the railway station at ten.
| The car needs repairing. /
| The car needed repairing.
| The car needs to be repaired. (необходимость)
| The carneeded to be repaired.
| We don’t have to/don’t need to/needn’t wear uniform tomorrow, (нет необходимости)
| We didn’t have to/didn’t need to wear uniform yesterday. (не было необходимости)
НО: We needn't have worn uniform yesterday, (мы ее надели, хотя необходимости не было)
| I ought to buy more apples. (необходимость)
| критика
| You could help me with this task.
| You could have helped me. (но не помог)
He should have helped you. (но не помог)
Не ought to have helped you. (но не помог)
| предложение
| Can I help you?
| Shall we go to the movies tonight?
| We could stay if you wish.
Косвенная речь
| Глаголsay используется в прямой речи. Если после него употребляется дополнение, указывающее на того, к кому обращаются с речью, то мы также можем его использовать в косвенной речи. Если такое дополнение присутствует, то используется глагол tell.
Sam said to Helen: “I want to go home. ”
Sam told Helen (that) he wanted to go home, (дополнение – Helen)
Sam said (that) he wanted to go home, (дополнение отсутствует)
Союзthat (что), который вводит прямую речь, в разговорном языке может опускаться.
Можно сказать say + V, но никогда say about, вместо say используются tell smb, speak/talk about.
Mike said he had been to Italy. He told us about his trip.
He spoke/talked about his trip.
Устойчивые выражения с say:
say good morning/evening etc., say something, say one's prayers, say a few words, say so, say no more, say for certain etc.
Устойчивые выражения с tell:
tell the truth, tell a lie, tell (smb) the time, tell smb one’s name, tell a story, tell a secret, tell smb the way, tell one from another, tell smb’s fortune, tell smb so, tell the difference etc.
Устойчивые выражения с ask:
ask a favour, ask the time, ask a question, ask the price
Повествовательные предложения
| При обращении повествовательного предложения из прямой речи в косвенную изменяется следующее:
1) опускаются кавычки, в которые заключена прямая речь, и запятая после слов, вводящих прямую речь. Косвенная речь вводится союзом that, который может опускаться в разговорном языке.
She says, “Sam is late again. ” – She says (that) Sam is late again.
2) личные и притяжательные местоимения изменяются по смыслу, как ив русском языке.
She says, “I saw you in the cinema. ” – She says (that) she saw me in the cinema.
He says, “I will help you. ” – He says (that) he will help us.
They say, “We know her. ” – They say (that) they know her.
3) если глагол в главном предложении(say, ask, etc. ) стоит в Present Simple, Present Perfect или Future Simple, то глагол в косвенной речи остается в том времени, в котором он был в прямой речи.
Не says, “I have never been to Paris”. – He says (that) he has never been to Paris.
He will say, “I’m so happy to see you. ” – He will say (that) he is so happy to see me.
Косвенная речь
| tonight
| that night
| today
| that day
| this week/month/year
| that week/month/year
| now
| then, at that time, at once, immediately
| now that
| since
| yesterday
| the day before
| last night/week/month/year
| the previous night / week / month /year
| tomorrow
| the following day, the day after
| next week/month/year
| the following/the next week/month/year
| two days/months etc. ago
| two days/months etc. before
| the day after tomorrow
| two days later
| the day before yesterday
| two days before
| this
| that
| these
| those
| here
| there
1) если наречие here относитсяк тому месту, где на данный момент находятся говорящие, оно не изменяется
Не said he had lived here for ten years.
2) если то, к чему относитсяместоимение this, имеется налицо, это местоимение не меняется
Не said he had never seen this picture before.
3) если косвенная речь передаетсяв тот же день, когда была произнесена прямая речь, то в косвенной речи сохраняется yesterday
Не said he spoke to Michael yesterday.