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ООО «Современная школа»


Условные обозначения


S — subject (подлежащее)

N — noun (имя существительное)

V — verb (глагол)

V3 — глагол в 3-ей форме

G/-ing-form — gerund (герундий)

Smth — something (что-то, что-либо)

Smb — somebody (кто-то, кто-либо)

Adj. — adjective (прилагательное)

Adv. — adverb (наречие)






Времена глагола


Present Simple используется
Для описания постоянных ситуаций: Jane works in a hospital. Для повторяющихся действий в настоящем: We often visit them in summer. Для общепринятых фактов и законов природы: The sun sets in the west. Для расписаний или программ: School starts at 8 o’clock.



Наречия времени, с которыми используется Present Simple:
usually, always, never, often, sometimes every day /week /month /year etc., seldom, rarely, in the morning/afternoon/evening, at night, on Monday etc. Наречия времени ставятся перед основным глаголом, но после глагола to be: Sam often plays football. Our teacher is never late.


Present Simple





Вопросительная форма

S + V1(s)

I know


It knows  
  You know   We know  
  He knows   You know  
She knows   They know  


Отрицательная форма

S + do (does) not + V1

I do not know  


I don't know
  You do not know   You don't know  
  He does not know He doesn't know  
She does not know   She doesn’t know  
It does not know   It doesn’t know  
We do not know We don’t know  
You do not know You don’t know  
They do not know They don’t know  



Времена глагола






Вопросительная форма

Do (does) + S + V1

Do I know?


Does it know?  
  Do youknow?   Do we know?  
  Does heknow?   Do youknow?  
Does sheknow?   Do theyknow?  



Написание некоторых глаголов с окончанием -s
Глаголы, которые заканчиваются на: -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o → -es; I watchhe watches I gohe goes Глаголы, которые заканчиваются на согласную + у → -ies; I studyhe studies I flyhe flies   НО: глаголы, заканчивающиеся на гласную (а, е, о, и) + у → -ys; I playhe plays I stayhe stays  


Present Simple





Утвердительная форма

Полная форма

Краткая форма

I am It is I’m It’s
You are We are You’re We’re
He is You are He’s You’re
She is They are She’s They’re


Отрицательная форма

Полная форма

Краткая форма

I am not It is not I’m not It isn’t
You are not We are not You aren’t We aren’t
He is not You are not He isn’t You aren’t
She is not They are not She isn’t They aren’t


Вопросительная форма

Am I? Is it?
Are you? Are we?
Is he? Are you?
Is she? Are they?



Произношение -s в конце глагола

/S/ /IZ/ /z/
/f/, /k/, /p/, /t/ /s/, /∫ /, /t∫ /, /dƷ /, /z/ после других звуков
he talks she teaches it opens



Времена глагола





Have (has) = have (has) got

Утвердительная форма

Полная форма

Краткая форма

I have I have got I’ve I’vegot
You have You have got You’ve You’ve got
He has He has got He’s He’s got
She has She has got She’s She’s got
It has It has got It’s It’s got
We have We have got We’ve We’ve got
You have You have got You’ve You’ve got
They have They have got They’ve They’ve got


Вопросительная форма

Do I have? Have Igot?
Do you have? Have you got?
Does he have? Has he got?
Does she have Has she got?
Does it have? Has it got?
Do we have? Have they got?
Do you have? Have you got?
Do they have? Have they got?


Have (has) = have (has) got

Утвердительная форма

Полная форма

Краткая форма

I have not I have not got I haven't I haven’t got
You have not You have not got You haven’t You haven’t got
He has not He has not got He hasn’t He hasn’t got
She has not She has not got She hasn’t She hasn’t got
It has not It has not got It hasn’t It hasn’t got
We have not We have not got We haven’t We haven’t got
You have not You have not got You haven’t You haven’t got
They have not They have not got They haven’t They haven’t got



Времена глагола


Написание некоторых глаголов с окончанием -ing
Если глагол заканчивается на ударную гласную между двух согласных, последняя согласная удваивается: swimswimming; sitsitting; stirstirring; HO: traveltravelling Обратите внимание на написание следующих глаголов: lielying        diedying etc writewriting drivedriving etc  


Present Continuous используется
Для описания временных ситуаций. Jack is staying with his sister at the moment. Для выражения действий, происходящих в момент разговора. Look! Somebody is trying to break into your house! С alwaysдля выражения раздражения или критики. She is always shouting at me! Для выражения назначенных договоренностей. I am buying a car tomorrow. It’s all arranged. I have the money. Время, когда происходит действие, указано или подразумевается. Для описанияпостоянно меняющихся или развивающихся ситуаций. Her English is getting better. The population of the world is growing each year.
Наречия времени, с которыми используется Present Continuous:
now, at the moment, at present always, nowadays, still etc.  



Present continuous





Утвердительная форма S + be + Ving

Полная форма

Краткая форма

I am sleeping It is sleeping I’m sleeping It’s sleeping
You are sleeping We are sleeping You’re sleeping We’re sleeping
He is sleeping You are sleeping He’s sleeping You’re sleeping
She is sleeping They are sleeping She’s sleeping They’re sleeping

Отрицательная форма S + be not + Ving

Полная форма

Краткая форма

I am not sleeping

I ’m sleeping

You are not sleeping

You aren’t sleeping

He is not sleeping

He isn’t sleeping

She is not sleeping

She isn’t sleeping

It is not sleeping

It isn’t sleeping

We are sleeping

We aren’t sleeping

You are not sleeping

You aren’t sleeping

They are not sleeping

They aren’t sleeping

Вопросительная форма be + S + Ving

Am I sleeping?

Is it sleeping?

Are you sleeping?

Are we sleeping?

Is he sleeping?

Are you sleeping?

Is she sleeping?

Are they sleeping?


Времена глагола






hear belong
see concern
smell (в значении пахнуть) contain
taste depend
adore fit
appreciate have (в значении иметь)
detest know
dislike mean
forgive owe
hate own
like possess
love need
agree prefer
believe require
recognize want
suppose weigh
understand wish
appear (в значении казаться) seem
think (в значении полагать) expect (в значении полагать)


Некоторые глаголы могут употребляться во временах Continuous в зависимости от своего значения:
Не thinks there’s nobody in the room. (полагает)
He is thinking about their offer. (раздумывает)
She has two cars/ (имеет)
She’s having dinner. (обедает)
Do you see what I mean? (понимаешь)
I’m seeing my friends tonight/ (встречаюсь)
Your new perfume smells of vanilla. (пахнет)
She is smelling the flowers. (нюхает)
She appears to be busy. (кажется)
The opera singer is appearing on stage tonight. (появится)
The bag weighs 15 kilos. (весит)
They are weighing their bag. (взвешивают)
Jane is quiet. (She is always quiet)
Jane is being very quiet today. (Only today, usually she isn’t so quiet).


Времена глагола


Present Perfect используется
Для выражения недавно завершившихся действий. Monica has just finished her letter. Для выражения действий, связанных с настоящим. Точное время, когда они произошли, не указано. Gillian has lost her keys. (She is still looking for them. ) Когда мы говорим о чьем-либо личном опыте или переменах. She has put on a lot of weight since we last saw her. I have never been to France. Sarah has seen Jennifer Lopez. Когда мы делаем ударение на количестве. I have read 150 pages so far. He has run 2 kilometres so far. Для выражения действия, произошедшего в период времени, который еще не завершился. I haven’t seen Sarah today. We’ve been to Brest this month. HO: We went to Brest this summer (it’s September now, the summer is over).



Present perfect


never, ever, just, already, yet, recently, lately, so far, since, for, this week, this month etc
Наречие yet используетсяв вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях. Наречие already используетсяв утвердительных и вопросительных предложениях. Have you finished yet? No. I haven't finished yet. I have already finished. Наречия never, ever, just, already ставятсямежду вспомогательным и основным глаголами, остальные наречия обычно ставятся после основного глагола в конце предложения. I have seen Jessica recently. Наречие already может ставитьсяв конце предложения. They’ve made a lot of progress already. HO: Present Perfect не используется с наречием already, если указывается точное время, когда произошло действие. She already bought this book last month. Наречие yet обычно ставитсяв конец предложения, хотя в отрицательном предложении оно может употребляться после have not. They haven’t yet discovered a cure for the common cold.


Времена глагола





Утвердительная форма S + have/has + V3

Полная форма Краткая форма
I have played I’ve played
You have played You’ve played
He has played He’s played
She has played She’s played
It has played It’s played
We have played We’ve played
You have played You’ve played
They have played They’ve played

Отрицательная форма S + have/has not + V3

Полная форма Краткая форма
I have not played I haven’t played
You have not played You haven’t played
He has not played He hasn’t played
She has not played She hasn’t played
It has not played It hasn’t played
We have not played We haven’t played
You have not played You haven’t played
They have not played They haven’t played

Вопросительная форма Have/has + S + V3

Have I played? Has itsleeping?
Have youplayed? Have we sleeping?
Has heplayed? Have yousleeping?
Has shesleeping? Have theysleeping?


Have gone to/have been to/have been in
Sam has gone to London. (He is still there. He hasn’t come back yet. )
Sam has been to London this month. (He has visited London, he is back now. )
Sam has been in London for two weeks already. (He is in London now. )


Глаголы live, feel, work
Могут использоваться как в Present Perfect, так и в Present Perfect Continuous.
Nelly has worked in this hospital for two years.
Nelly has been working in this hospital for two years.


Написание глаголов с окончанием -ed

hatehated (-e → -ed) studystudied (согл. + -y→ -ied)

playplayed (гласн. +-y -yed)

prefer preferred stopstopped


Времена глагола


Present Perfect Continuous используется
Для выражения действия, которое началось в прошлом и длилось вплоть до настоящего момента. Jane has been reading the book for two hours. (She started two hours ago and is still reading it. )   Для выражения длительного прошедшего действия, которое имеет видимый результат в настоящем. The girl has been crying (Her eyes are red. )   Для выражения злости, недовольства, раздражения или критики. Who has been sleeping in my bed? Когда мы делаем ударение на длительности действия (обычно с for, since, how long). She’s been talking on the phone for hours.
Глаголы, не использующиеся во временах Continuous (know, believe, see, like, love etc) ставятся в форму Present Perfect. I’ve known him since 1978. NOT: I’ve been knowing him since 1978.



Present Perfect Continuous






Утвердительная форма S + have/has + been + Ving

Полная форма Краткая форма
I have been playing I’ve been playing
You have been playing You’ve been playing
He has been playing He’s been playing
She has been playing She’s been playing
It has been playing It’s been playing
We have been playing We’ve been playing
You have been playing You’ve been playing
They have been playing They’ve been playing

Отрицательная форма S + have/has not + been + Ving

Полная форма Краткая форма
I have not been playing I haven’t been playing
You have not been playing You haven’t been playing
He has not been playing He hasn’t been playing
She has not been playing She hasn’t been playing
It has not been playing It hasn’t been playing
We have not been playing We haven’t been playing
You have not been playing You haven’t been playing
They have not been playing They haven’t been playing

Вопросительная форма Have/has + S + been + Ving

Have I been playing? Has itbeen playing?
Have youbeen playing? Have we been playing?
Has hebeen playing? Have youbeen playing?
Has shebeen playing? Have theybeen playing?


Времена глагола


Past Simple используется
Для описания ситуаций в прошлом. Jane worked in a hospital. Для выражения прошедшего действия с указанием времени. They phoned two hours ago. Для выражения действий, которые произошли одно за другим. She came into the room, opened the draw of her desk and took out a letter from it. Для выражения действия, которое произошло в определенный исторический период, но время не указывается. Shakespeare wrote a lot of plays.
Наречия времени, с которыми используется Past Simple
Yesterday, then, last night/week/month/year, a week/month/year ago, when, two days ago, inl985etc.


Написание глаголов с окончанием -ed

hatehated (-e → -ed) studystudied (согл. + -y→ -ied)

playplayed (гласн. +-y -yed)

prefer preferred stopstopped


Времена глагола





Утвердительная форма S + V2

Полная форма Краткая форма
I knew It knew
You knew We knew
He knew You knew
She knew They knew

Отрицательная форма S + did not + V3

Полная форма Краткая форма
I did not knew I didn’t know
You did not knew You didn’t know
He did not knew He didn’t know
She did not knew She didn’t know
It did not knew It didn’t know
We did not knew We didn’t know
You did not knew You didn’t know
They did not knew They didn’t know

Вопросительная форма Did + S + V3

Did I knew? Did itknew?
Did youknew? Did we knew?
Did he knew? Did you knew?
Did sheknew? Did theyknew?



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