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Глагол в косвенной речи
| Если глагол в главном предложении (say, ask, etc. ) стоит в Past Simple, Past Perfect или Past Continuous, то глагол в косвенной речи меняется следующим образом:
| Direct speech
| Reported speech
| Present Simple
“She’s at home, ” he said.
| Past Simple
He said that she was at home.
| Present Continuous
“We are doing our homework, ” she said.
| Past Continuous
She said that they were doing their homework.
| Present Perfect
“Tom has been here, ” he said.
| Past Perfect
He said that Tom had been there.
| Present Perfect Continuous
“I have been waiting for an hour, ” she said.
| Past Perfect Continuous
She said that she had been waiting for an hour.
| Past Simple
“Helen left yesterday, ” he said.
| Past Perfect
He said that Helen had left the day before.
| Past Continuous
“I was reading at ten yester-day, ” she said.
| Past Perfect Continuous
She said that she had been reading at ten the day before.
| Future Simple
“Soon we’ll be there, ” he said.
| would + V
He said that soon they would be there.
| Future Continuous
“At six tomorrow we’ll be flying to New York, ” he said.
| would be + Ving
He said that they would be flying to New York at six the next day.
| Future Perfect
“We’ll have finished the project by the end of the week, ” he said.
| would + have + V3
He said that they would have finished the project by the end of the week.
| Future Perfect Continuous
“I’ll have been teaching for five years by the end of the year, ” she said.
| would + have been + Ving
She said that she would have been teaching for five years by the end of the year.
Глагол в косвенной речи
Если глагол в косвенной речи стоитв Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous, то он не изменяется.
“I had repaired the car by five o’clock, ” the man said. The man said that he had repaired the car by five o’clock.
Если глагол в косвенной речи стоитв Past Simple, он может измениться на Past Perfect или остаться без изменений.
“I was late for the meeting last week, ” she said. She said that she was late for the meeting last week. /She said that she had been late for the meeting the previous week.
Если глагол в косвенной речи стоитв Past Continuous, то он обычно не изменяется.
“I was reading in the living- room while my brother was doing his homework, ” Sarah said. – Sarah said that she was reading in the living room while her brother was doing his homework.
Обратите внимание, что глаголыcan, will, may, must, меняются следующим образом:
can → could, will → would
may → might, must → had to
Следующие модальные глаголы в косвенной речи не изменяются: would, could, might, should, ought to.
“She might be ill, ” the boy said. The boy said that she might be ill.
Если глагол в главном предложении(say, ask, etc. ) стоит в Past Simple, Past Perfect или Past Continuous, то глагол в косвенной речи может не меняться, если:
мы говорим о чем-либо неизменном, на что мы не можем повлиять.
“Venus is a planet, ” the teacher said. The teacher said that Venus is a planet.
указано время, когда произошло действие.
“We went to Spain in 2005, ” he said. He said that they went to Spain in 2005.
мы говорим о чем-либо сразу после того, как это было сказано, или о чем-либо актуальном.
“We’ll keep in touch, ” he said. He said that we’ll keep in touch, (передаем сразу после того, как было сказано)
говорящий считает то, о чем он говорит, верным.
“I don’t like him, ” she said. She paid that she doesn’t/didn’t like him.
но, если то, о чем он говорит неверно, глагол изменяется.
“Sydney is the capital of Australia, ” he said, (неверно) He said that Sydney was the capital of Australia.
в косвенной речи мы используемunreal past, conditionals type 2/type 3, wishes.
“It’s time we had a snack, ” she said. She said that it was time they had a snack.
“If you followed my advice, you wouldn’t be in this situation, ” he said. He said that if I followed his advice, I wouldn’t be in that situation.
Вопросительные предложения в косвенной речи
| Когда прямой вопрос начинается с вопросительного слова, то при обращении его в косвенный вопрос вопросительный знак опускается, а вопросительный порядок слов заменяется прямым порядком слов повествовательного предложения.
Глаголto ask может заменяться выражениямиto be interested, to wonder, to want, to know.
“Where were you yesterday? ” he said. – He asked me where I had been the day before.
He said, “What is she doing here? ” – He wondered what she was doing there.
“How long have you been here? ” she asked. – She asked how long we had been there.
Когда прямой вопрос начинается с вспомогательного или модального глагола, то косвенный вопрос присоединяется к главному предложению при помощи союзов whether или if. Далее производятся те же изменения, как и при обращении в косвенную речь вопроса, начинающегося с вопросительного слова.
She said, “Are you alright? ” She asked if/whether we were alright.
He said, “Have you been here before? ” He wanted to know if/whether I had been there before.
Косвенная речь
| Если прямая речь выражает приказание, то глагол to say, вводящий прямую речь заменяется глаголом to tell или to order. Если прямая речь выражает просьбу, то глагол to say заменяется глаголом to ask.
“Can you help me with this task Sam? ” Helen said. – Helen asked Sam to help her with that task.
Повелительное наклонение заменяется в косвенной речи инфинитивом(неопределенной формой глагола). Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения заменяется инфинитивом с частицей not.
She said to Richard: “Water the flowers. ” She asked Richard to water the flowers.
Anne said to the children: “Don’t touch the cat. ” Anne told the children not to touch the cat.
После глаголовto ask, to tell, to order, to command в английском языке всегда следует косвенное дополнение, обозначающее лицо, к которому обращена просьба или приказание.
I asked Wendy to close the door.
The major ordered the soldiers to leave immediately.
Mother told Andy not to chase the dog.
He commanded his men to retreat.
Приказания, просьбы, восклицания, ответы, разделительные вопросы
| Восклицания в косвенной речи вводятся глаголами
exclaim, thank, wish, say, cry out in pain, give an exclamation of surprise/horror/disgust/delight etc. Восклицательный знак заменяется точкой. Такие восклицания, как Wow! Oh! etc. опускаются.
“Ah! ” she said when she opened the present. – She gave an exclamation of admiration when she opened the present.
| При обращении в косвенную речьответов на общие вопросы слова yes и по опускаются.
“Can you stay a little longer? ” he said. – “Yes, ” she said.
He asked her if she could stay a little longer and she said she could.
| Окончания разделительных вопросов в косвенной речи
“She doesn’t know you, does she? ” he said. – He wondered if she knew me.
Косвенная речь
| Для введения косвенной речи могут использоваться следующие слова:
| agree
| advise
| complain
| demand
| allow
| insist on
| offer
| ask
| suggest
| promise
| beg
| explain
| refuse
| command
| inform
| threaten
| encourage
| promise
| claim
| order
| wonder
| apologise for
| permit
| warn
| admit
| boast about
| remind
| “Yes, I’ll go with you. ” – She agreed to go with me.
| “No, I won’t speak to him. ” – She refused to speak to him.
| “You should eat less. ” – He advised me to eat less.
| “Come to my birthday party. ” – He invited me to his party.
| “I’m the best pupil. ” – He boasted about being the best pupil.
| “You must go there. ” – He insisted on me/my going there.
| I’m sorry lam late”, he said. – He apologised for being late.
Неличные формы глагола
| Инфинитив (неопределенная форма глагола) является неличной глагольной формойи отвечает на вопросы что делать? что сделать?
Формальным признаком инфинитива является частицаto, которая не имеет смыслового значения. Однако частица to перед инфинитивом часто может опускаться.
Формы инфинитива
| Active Voice
| Passive Voice
| Present
| to paint
| to be painted
| Present Continuous
| to be painting
| –
| Perfect
| to have painted
| to have been painted
| Perfect Continuous
| to have been painting
| –
| The Present Infinitive относится к настоящему или будущему:
I hope to hear from you soon.
The Present Continuous Infinitive выражает действие, которое происходит сейчас:
She might be sleeping now.
The Perfect Infinitive используется, когда действие, выраженное инфинитивом, произошло до того, как произошло действие, выраженное стоящим перед ним глаголом, или после таких модальных глаголов, как should, would, must, could etc.:
She claims to have taken the money.
The Perfect Continuous Infinitive используется, когда мы хотим подчеркнуть длительность действия, которое произошло до того, как произошло действие, выраженное стоящим перед ним глаголом, а также после таких модальных глаголов, как should, would, must, could etc.
He seemed to have been crying.
| Чтобы выразить цель:
She opened her purse to see if there was any money left.
После таких глаголов, как: advise, agree, appear, decide, expect, hope, plan, promise, refuse etc:
She agreed to return the letter.
После таких прилагательных, какangry, happy, glad, sorry etc.:
I am happy to have talked to her.
После вопросительных словwhere, how, what, which, who, но не послеwhy:
Do you know how to get there?
Послеwould like/would love/would prefer:
We’d like to spend another week here.
После существительных:
It’s a pleasure to see you again.
После конструкцийtoo/enough:
There’s enough food to feed the whole army! He is too young to understand this.
После конструкцийit +be + adj:
It was so kind of you to offeryour help.
Послеbe + the first/the second etc. /next/last/best etc.
He was the first to open his present.
В таких устойчивых выражениях, какto tell you the truth, to begin with, to be honest etc.:
To tell you the truth, I don't trust her.
Неличные формы глагола
| После модальных глаголов: must, can, will, could etc.
You should be here by twelve.
Послеhad better/would rather
I’drather play tennis.
Послеmake/let/see/hear/feel +obj
I’ll make you apologise.
НО: в форме страдательного залогаbe made/be allowed/be heard/be seen + to-infinitive
He was made to return to his work.
После глаголовknow иhelp инфинитив может использоватьсяс или без частицы to, но в страдательном залоге be known /be helped только с частицей to.
Could you help me (to) carry this bag?
He is known to be a very wise man.
Если в предложении стоят рядом два инфинитива, соединенные союзом and или or, то частица to перед вторым из них обычно опускается:
I would like to invite him to our place and show him the paintings.
Инфинитив, gerund
| Герундий выражает название действияи обладает как свойствами существительного, так и свойствами глагола.
Forms of the gerund
Формы герундия
| Active Voice
| Passive Voice
| Present
| painting
| being painted
| Perfect
| having painted
| having been painted
| The Present Gerund относится к настоящему или будущему.
We are looking forward to hearingfrom you.
The Perfect Gerund указывает на то, что действие, выраженное герундием, произошло до действия, выраженного основным глаголом.
Не was accused of having stolenthe necklace, (сначала он украл, потом его обвинили)
Герундий с предшествующим существительным или местоимением
| Не insisted on me/ту/you/your/her/him/his/us/our/them/their leaving at once.
He insisted on Kate/Kate’s leaving at once.
Неличные формы глагола
| В качестве существительного:
Her singing was beautiful.
После глаголовadmit, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, deny, discuss, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive, go, imagine, involve, keep (=continue), mention, mind, miss, postpone, practise, prevent, quit, recall, recollect, report, resist, risk, save, stand, suggest, tolerate, understand, spend/waste (time, money etc. ) etc.:
Let’s go dancing!
We discussed going to the Crimea in summer.
I can’t imagine her lying to us.
Don’t mention to them our being here.
Послеdislike, enjoy, like love, prefer, чтобы выразить наши предпочтения:
I enjoy swimming in the sea greatly.
После выраженийI’m busy, it’s no use, it’s no good, it’s (not) worth, what’s the use of, can't help, there’s no point (in), can’t stand, have difficulty (in), in addition to, have trouble, have a hard/difficult time:
It’s no use going to the gallery today.
The castle is worth seeing.
She couldn’t help laughing when she saw him.
После предлогов:
On hearing the news, he left the office. I won’t go without talking to him.
После глаголов с предлогами(look forward to, get used to, accuse of, insist on, object to etc. ):
I’m not used to being treated like that.
Использование глагола и герундия
| Begin, continue, intend start:
She continued walking.
He started running/to run.
I don’t intend staying/to stay long.
НО: если основной глагол стоит во времени Continuous, то после него следует только инфинитив:
Не is intending to stay for two more days.
It’s beginning to rain.
Если после глаголовadvise, allow, encourage, permit, recommend, require следует дополнение или они используются в страдательном залоге, после них используется инфинитив.
Sam was recommended to go to another shop.
The doctor recommended me to take vitamins every day.
She advised me to keep to a diet.
В других случаях используется герундий:
Не recommended taking vitamins.
She advised keeping to a diet.
Need, require, want:
He needs to mend the chair.
The chair needs mending.
The chair needs to be mended.
Неличные формы глагола
| forget+to-inf(забыть что-либо сделать):
I forgot to turn off the light.
| forget+ G(забыть о каком- либо прошедшем событии):
I’d never forget being here.
| remember+to-inf(помнить что-либо сделать):
Remember to water the flowers.
| remember+ G (забыть какое-либо прошедшее событие):
I don’t remember having seen her.
| mean+to-inf(намереваться):
She means to move houses.
| mean+G (вовлекать, включать):
Working for this company means solving a lot of problems.
| go on+ to inf(закончить что-либо, затем начать что-то новое):
After graduating from university Sandra went on to do some designer courses.
| go+ G (продолжать):
Не went on singing even after everybody left.
| regret + to-inf(сожалеть о том, что приходится делать):
I regret to inform you that we can’t help you with this case.
| regret+ G (сожалеть о чем-либо сделанном):
I regret having agreed to her proposal.
| would prefer +to-inf(определенные предпочтения):
I would prefer to stay in tonight.
| prefer +G(общие предпочтения):
I prefer singing to dancing.
| prefer +to-inf+ (rather) than +inf(общие предпочтения):
I prefer to sing rather than dance.
| try +to-inf(стараться)
He tried hard not to fall.
| try+ G (пробовать)
I tried adding some more spices but it didn’t help.
| stop +to-inf(остановиться, чтобы что-то сделать)
He stopped to buy a newspaper on his way to the office.
| stop +G(прекратить)
Stop talking immediately!
| be sorry +to-inf(сожалеть)
I am sorry to hear this.
| be sorry +G(извиняться)
I am sorry for not helping you with this task.
| hate +to-inf(извиняться за то, что вот-вот сделаешь)
I hate to bother you, but there’s somebody at the door who needs to talk to you.
| hate +G(сожалеть о том, что делаешь)
I hate treating you like this, but there’s no other way to make you see the truth.
| be afraid +to-inf(бояться что-либо сделать)
I’m afraid to go to the old castle alone.
| be afraid of +Gбояться того, что может произойти)
I’m afraid of losing my way if I go into the town on my own.
Неличные формы глагола
| Причастиеявляется неличной формой глагола, которая имеет свойства глагола, прилагательного или наречия. Причастие служит определением к существительному.
She stood by the window thinking about him.
A broken branch lay on the road.
Present Participle
| Past Participle
| Collecting stamps is an interesting hobby.
| I’m interested in collecting stamps.
Present Participle
| Past Participle
| Your story is amazing!
| I was amazed by your story.
| The film was boring.
| I am bored.
| The journey was exciting.
| You look excited.
| The day was tiring.
| I was tired after a long day.
| Your words are pleasing.
| I am pleased to meet you.
Perfect Participle
| Having talked to the woman the police officer left.
Having been bitten by the dog, the boy always ran away when he saw it.
| После глаголов to see, to watch, to observe, to hear, to notice, to feel etc. в английском языке употребляется оборот «объектный падеж с причастием настоящего времени», который в предложении играет роль сложного дополнения.
| Этот оборот образуется следующим образом:
| | | | | mе
| | | | | | | you
| | | | | saw
| | him
| | | | | watched
| | her
| | | S
| +
| observed
| +
| it
| +
| V/Ving
| | | heard
| | us
| | | | | noticed
| | them
| | | | | | | Tom/the
| | | | | | | children etc.
| | |
| Если мы говорим о действии в процессе его совершения, то в обороте используется Present Participle (crossing). Если мы говорим о законченном действии, то в обороте используется infinitive (cross).
We saw him crossing the street. (Мы видели, как он пересекал улицу).
We saw him cross the street. (Мы видели, как он пересек улицу).
| После глаголов towant , toexpect , wouldlike , etc. в английском языке употребляется оборот «объектный падеж с инфинитивом», который в предложении играет роль сложного дополнения.
| Этот оборот образуется следующим образом:
| | | | | mе
| | | | | | | you
| | | | | | | him
| | | | | expect
| | her
| | | S
| +
| would like
| +
| it
| +
| to+V
| | | want
| | us
| | | | | | | them
| | | | | | | Tom/the children
| | | | | | | etc.
| | |
| I want you to telephone Mr. Jones and (to) tell him the news.
Страдательный залог образуется следующим образом:
| S +expect/wantetc. +me/you/himetc. +to be + V3
| I expect these letters to be posted today.
Придаточные предложения
| Слова-связки показывают логическую связанность между предложениями или частями предложения.
| positive
| and, both... and,
not only... but, also,
as well, too, moreover,
in addition to,
furthermore, further,
not to mention the fact
that, besides
| Both Wendy and Michael are students.
I can’t give her this book, moreover she hasn’t returned the book I gave her last week.
She is a popular actress, besides she designs clothes.
| negative
| neither... nor, nor,
neither, either
| Neither Jack nor Linda plays tennis.
Linda doesn't play tennis. Nor does Jack.
| contrast
| but, not... but, although,
while, whereas, despite,
even if, even though,
on the other hand, in
contrast, however, (and)
yet, at the same, time
| She works in a hospital and is usually very busy; however, she has agreed to see you.
He has apologized several times, and yet I can’t forgive him.
| concession
| but, even, so, however,
(and) still, (and) yet, nevertheless, on the other
hand, although, even
though, despite/in spite of,
regardless of, admittedly,
considering, whereas,
while, nonetheless
| She doesn’t like crowded places and still she went to the concert.
Although she doesn't like crowded places, she went to the concert.
She had to accept the offer in spite of the fact, that she wasn’t really happy with the arrangement.
| emphasis
| besides, not only this
but... also, as well, what is
more, in fact, as a matter
of fact, to tell you the
truth, actually, indeed,
let alone
| I don’t think they told him about it, what is more I believe they didn't talk to him at all.
As a matter of fact, I have never seen him happier.
| exemplification
| as, such as, like, for
example, for instance,
particularly, especially,
in particular
| All the essays were good but this one in particular was the best.
Lenny had a wonderful day especially after he found out about his promotion.
| clarification
| that is to say, specifically,
in other words, to put it
another way, I mean
| She’s very sad. Specifically, you made her sad.
He hardly ever speaks to anyone, in other words, he’s very shy.
| reason
| as, because, because of,
since, on the grounds
that, seeing that, due to,
in view of, owing to, for,
now that, so
| I want to go to London with my friends, now that I’m eighteen.
Owing to their coming back next month, you can stay here another week.