call back
| 1) звать обратно/отзывать
2) возвращать что-л.
3) наносить ответный визит
4) перезванивать кому-л.
5) вспоминать что-л.
| Our representative in Paris must be called back.
This medicine should call your strength back.
Не promised to call back after he returns from Paris.
Would you ask her to call me back?
I cannot call his face back.
call for
| 1) требовать
2) заходить за кем-л., чём-л.
| It calls for a celebration!
Will you call for my dress at the cleaner’s?
call in
| 1) зайти, заскочить
2) потребовать назад (долг и т. д. )
3) приглашать
| Will you call in after your meeting?
The makers have called in some cars with dangerous faults.
Why don’t you call all your friends in and have a party?
call off
| отменять; откладывать
| The game was called off.
call on smb
| посещать кого-л. официально
| Permit me to call on you next Tuesday afternoon.
call out
| 1) выкрикивать; кричать
2) вызывать (мастера, врача и т. п. )
| Jane called out when she saw her friend across the street.
The doctor has been called out every night this week.
call up
| 1) призывать (на военную службу)
2) вызывать
3) звонить
| Jack was called up last week.
Local people believe she can call up spirits.
He called me up to tell the news.