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THE GARUDA PURANA  26 страница

15. Saryati (Manus son) had a daughter Sukanya who married the sage Cyavana, and a son Ananta who had a son named Revata. Revata had a son Raivata and a daughter Revati.

16. Dhrsta (another son of Manu) had a line of descendants who became Vaisyas.

17. Nabhaga (another son of Manu) had two sons Nedista and Ambarisa. Ambansa had a son Virupa whose son was Prsada£ va.

18. His son Rathlnara was a great devotee of Vast: deva.

19. Iksv. '. ku (anotherson of Manu) had three sons Vikuksi, Nimi and Dantfaka. Vikuksi became known as Sa. 4ada because he ate a rabbit.

20. Masada’s son was Puraftjaya and his son was Kakutstha. His son was Anenas. Pfthu was the son of Anenas.

2 1. Visvarata was the son of Prthu and Ardra was Visvalata’s son. His son was Yuvanas'va. His son was Sravasta.

22. Bfhadasva was his son and his son was KuvalaSva.

His son Drtfhasva became famous as Dhundhumara.

23. He had three sons named Candrasva, Kapilasva and Haryasva. Nikumbha was the son of Haryasva and his son Hitasva.

24. Hitasva’s son was Pujasva and his son was Yuvanasva. Mandhata was his son whose son was Bindurnahya.

25. He had three sons Mucukunda, Amba/isa and Purukutsa. He had fifty daughteis whom the sage Saubhari married. Yuvanasva was Ambai Isa's son and his son was Harita.

26. Puiukutsa begot of his wife Narmada the son Trasdasyu. Anaianya was his son and he begot Haryasva.

27-28. His son was Vasumanas whose son was Tridhanva, Trayyaruna was his son whose son Satyarata became famous as Trisariku who begot Hariscandra. Rohitaiva was the sow of Harifcandra 29. Harita was his son. His son was Cahcu and Cafica’s son was Vijaya. Ruru was born of Vijaya and Vfka was his son.

30. The successor and son of Vrka was Bahu whose son was Sahara.

31. Sagara begot of his first wife Sumati sixty thousand sons and ofKesini the second wife the only son Asamarijasa.

32. AmSuman the scholar was his son and Dilipa was his son. His son was Bhaglratha who brought Gariga to the earth.

33. Sruta was Bhagiratha’s son and Nabhaga was his son.

His son was AmbarJsa and Sindhudvlpa was his son.

34. Ayutayu was the son of Sindhudvlpa and Rtuparna was his son. Sarvakama was Rtuparna’s son and his son was Sudas.

35. Sudas’s son became famous as Mitrasaha who begot of his wife Damayanti the son Kalmasapada.

36. His son was Asvaka whose son was Mfilaka. His son was the king Dasaratha whose son was Ailavila.

37. His son was Vigvasaha whose son was Khatvanga.

His son was DIrghabahu whose son was Aja.

38. Aja’s son was Dasaratha who had four sons the valiant Rama, Laksmana Bharata and Satrughna.

39. Rama’s sons weie Kusa and Lava. Bharata’s sons were Tarksa and Puskara. Laksmana’s sons were Citrangada.

and Candraketu.

40. Satrughna’s sons were Subahu and Surasena. Kusa’s son was Atithi and his son was Nisadha.

41. Nala was the son of Nisadha and Nabhas was the son of Nala. Puntfarlka was the son of Nabhas and his son was Ksemadhanva.

42. His son was Devanika whose son was Ahlnaka. Ruru was his son whose son was Pariyatra.

43. Dala was the son of Pariyatra and his son was Chhala.

Vuktha was the son of Chhala and his son. was Vajranabha.

Gana was his son.

44. Usitaiva was the son of Gana and Visvasaha was his son. Hiranyanabha was his son. His son was Puspaka.

45. Dhruvasandhi was his son and Sudarsana was born of Dhruvasandhi. Sudarsana’s son was Agni varna whose son was Padmavarna.

46. His son was Slghra whose son was Maru. PrasuSruta was the son of Maru and his son was Udavasu.

47. Udavasu’s son was Nandi vardhana whose son was Suketu. His son was Devarata whose son was Brhaduktha.

48. Bfhaduktha begot Mahavlrya whose son was Sudhfti.

His son was Dhfstaketu who begot Harya^va.

49. Haryasva’s son was Maru whose son was Pratlndhaka.

His son was Krti whose son was Devami< Jha.

50. His son was Vibudha whose son was Mahadhfti.

Krtirata was his son and his son was Maharoma.

51. Svarnaroma was his son and his son was Hrasvaroma. Siradhvaja was the son of Hrasvaroma and his daughter was Sita.

52. Her brother was Kusadhvaja. His son was Bhanuman. & atadyumna was his son whose son was Suci.

53. Orjanama was Suci’s son and Sanadvaja was his son.

Kuli was born of Sanadvaja and Kuli’s son was Anafijana.

54. Kulajit was his son whose son was Adhinemika. His son was Srutayu and his son was Suparsva.

55. Srftjaya was born of him and Ksemari was his son.

Anenas was his son whose son was Ramaratha.

56. Satyaratha was born of Ramaratha and Upaguru was his son. His son was Upagupta whose son was Svagata.

57. Svanara was born of him and his son was Suvarcas.

His son was Suparsva and SuSruta was Supar$va’s son.

58. Jaya was born of SuSruta andVijaya was his son. His son was Rta and Sunaya was the son of Rta.

59-60. Vltahavyawashis son andDhfti was born of Vitahavya. Bahulasva was his son and Akrti was his son. Two different lines started from Janaka who were said to be devoted to Yoga.



The Lunar Dynasty.

Hari said:

1. I have narrated the names of kings of the solar race.

Now listen to the names of kings of the lunar race. Lord Narayana’s son was Brahma and the sage Atri was bom of him.

2. Soma the moon-god was born of Atri. The beloved of Brhaspati named Tara became his wife.

3. Tara bore the moon-god the son Budha (Mercury).

Budha’s son was Pururavas who begot of the celestial damsel Orvasi six sons — Srutatmaka, Visvavasu, Satavu, Ayu, Dhlman and Amavasu.

4. Amavasu’s son was Bhima and his son was Kaftcana.

His son was Suhotra and Jahnu was Suhotra’s son.

5. Sumantu was Jahnu’s son and Apajapaka was Sumantu’s son. His son was Balaka$va whose son was Ku§a.

6. He had four sons — KusaSva, Kusanabha, Amurtaraya and Vasu. Gadhi was born of Kusasva and ViSvamitra was Gadhi’s son.

7. His daughter Satyavatl was given in marriage to the brahmin sage Rcika whose son was Jamadagni, father of Rama (Paragurama).

8-9. Visvamitra had many sons Devarata, Madhucchan-das, etc. Ayu son of Pururavas begot Nahusa who had four sons — Anenas, Raji, Rambhaka and Ksatravrddha. The last one, Ksatravfddha’s son, was Suhotra who became a king. He had three sons — Kasya, Kasa and Grtsamada.

10. His son was Saunaka. Kasya begot Dirghatamas whose son Dhanvantari was a great physician. Ketuman was born of him.

11. His son was Bhimaratha whose son was Divodasa.

His son Pratardana became famous as Satrujit (Conqueror of enemies).

12. His son was Rtadhvaja whose son was Alarka.

Sannati was born of him. His son was Sunita.

13. Satyaketu was born of Sunita and his son was Vibhu.

His son was Suvibhu whose son was Sukumaraka.

14. Dhpstaketu was born of him and his son was Vitihotra whose son was Bharga. His son was Bhargabhumi.

15. All these descendants of Kasya were great devotees of Visnu. Raji had five hundred sons, all of whom were killed by Indra.

16. Ksatravrddha (son of Nahusa) had another son named Pratiksatra whose son was Saajaya. His son was Vijaya whose son was Krta.

17. Vrsaghna was born of Krta and his son was Sahadeva whose son was Adlna. His son was Jayatsena.

18. Sankrti was born of Jayatsena and Ksatradharma was his son. Nahusa had five more sons — Yati, Yayati, Samyati, Ayati and Krti. Yayati’s sons were as follows:

19. His first wife Devayani gave birth to Yadu and Turvasu. His second wife Sannistha, daughter of Vrsaparva, bore him three sons — Druhyu, Anu and Puru.

20. Yadu had three sons — Sahasrajit, Krostumanas, and Raghu. The eldest Sahasrajit had a son Satajit who had two sons: Haya and Haihaya.

21-23. Haya’s son was Anaranya and Dharma was Haihaya’s son. He had a son named Dharmanetra whose son was Kunti. His son Sahanji was the father of Mahisman whose son was Bhadrasrenya. His son was Durdarna.

24. Dhanaka was his son. He had four sons — Krtavlrya, Krtagni, Krtakarma and Krtauja, all of whom were strong.

25. Arjuna was born of Krtavlrya and Surasena was born of him along with four brothers— Jayadhvaja, Madhu, Sura and Vrsana. All these five were devoted to sacred rites.

26. Talajangha was born of Jayadhvaja and Bharata was his son. Madhu was Vr Sana’s son and the Vp$ni race flourished after him.

27. Ahi was born of Krosfu and USaiiku was the son of the noble-souled Ahi. Citraratha was his son.

28. Sasabindu was born of Citraratha and he had two wives. The first wife bore him one hundred thousand sons and the second wife a million sons: They were Prthukirti, etc.

29. Prthukirti had three sons; Prthujaya, Prthudana and Ppthu& avas. The last one Prthusravas had a son named Tamas whose son was Uianas.

30-31. His son’s name was Sitagu whose son Sri Rukmakavaca had five sons — Rukma, Prthurukma, Jyamagha, Palita and Hari. Of these Jyamagha begot of his wife Saibya a son named Vidarbha. His sons were Kratha and Kausika.

32. Romapada ( son of Vidarbha) had a son Babhru whose son was Dhrti. Kausika begot Rci whose son was king Caidya.

33. His son was Kunti whose son was Vrsni. His son was Nivjrti and he had Dasarha for his son.

34. Vyoma was his son and Jimuta was his son. Vikrti was born of him and had Bhlmaratha for his son.

35. Madhuratha was his son and his son was Sakuni.

Karambhi wasSakuni’s son and his son was Devamata.

36. Devaksatra was his son and he begot Devaksatra whose son was Madhu. Madhu’s son was Kuruvamsa whose son was Anu.

37. His son was Puruhotra whose son Amsu begot SatvaSruta. Sattvata who became a king was his son.

38. Sattvata had these sons — Bhajina, Bhajamana, Andhaka, Mahabhoja, Vrsni, Divya and Devavrdha.

39. Bhajamana’s sons were — Nimi, Vrsni, Ayutajit, Satajit, Sahasrajit, Babhru, Deva and Brhaspati.

40. Mahabhoja’s son was Bhoja and Sumitraka was Vr§nis son. He had three sons — Svadhajit, Anamitra and Sini.

41. Anamitra had two sons: Nighna and Sibi. Nighna had two sons: Satrajit and Prasena.

42. Sibi’s son was Satyaka whose son was Satyaki.

Safijaya was his son and Kuli was born of Safijaya. Yugantara was the son of Kuli. Thus I have narrated to you about Saibeyas.

43. Vrsni, Svaphalka and Citraka were born in the family of Anamitra. Born of Svaphalka in his wife Gandini, Akrura was a great devotee of Visnu.

44. Upamadgu was the son of Akrura and his son was Devadyota. Akrura had two other sons — Devav& n and Upadeva.

43. Citra had two sons: P^thu and Vipgthu. Andhaka (a son of S& tvata) had a son §uci. Kukura and Kambalabarhi§a were the sons of Bhajamina.

46. Kukura’s son was Dhrsta whose son was Kapotaromaka. His son was Viloma whose son was Tumburu.

47-49. Dundubhi was his son and his son was Punarvasu who had a daughter Ahuki and a son Ahuka. Devaka and Ugrasena were the sons of Ahuka. Devaka had seven daughters — Devaki, Vrkadeva, Upadeva, Sahadeva, Suraksita, SridevI, and Santidevl. All of them married Vasudeva. Sahadeva gave birth to Deva and Anupadcva.

50. Ugrasena had many sons — Kamsa, Sunama, Vata and others. Bhajamana’s son was Viduratha whose son was Sura.

51. Samin was the son of Sura and his son was Pratiksatia who was father of Svayambhoja.

52-55. Hrdika was his son whose son was Krtavarma.

Sura’s sons were Deva, Satadhanus and Devamidhus; and in Marisa he had ten sons: Vasudeva and others as well as five daughters — Prtha, Srutadevi, Srutakirti, Srutairavas and Rajadhidevl. Prtha was adopted as daughter by Kunti who gave her in marriage to Pantfu. Kunti gave birth to Kama, Yudhisthira, Bhima, and Partha, and Nakula and Sahadeva were the sons of MadrI through divine contact with Dharma, Anila, Indra and the Agvinidevas.

56. Dantavaktra the indefatigable was born of Srutadevi. Srutakirti bore Kaikaya five sons: Antardhana and others.

57. Vinda and Anuvinda were born of Rajadhidevl.

Srutasravas bore a son Si£ upala of Damaghosa.

58. Anakadrmdubhi (i. e. Vasudeva) had many other wives besides Devaki and others mentioned before, viz: — Pauravl, RohinI and Madira. RohinI gave birth to Balabhadra.

59. Balabhadra begot of Revati Sajha, Ni^atha, Ulmuka, Sarana and others. Devaki gave birth to six sons:

60. Klrtiman, Su$ena, Udarya, Bhadrasena, Rjudasa and Bhadradeva and all of them were killed by Kamsa 61. Her seventh son was Samkarsana and the eighth was Krsna. He had sixteen thousand wives.

62. Of these the most excellent ones were Rukminl, Satyabhama, Laksmana, Caruhasinl and Jambavatl. Each of these wives gave birth to eight sons and the family thus became very vast.

63. Pradyumna, Carudesna and Samba were the principal ones. Pradyumna begot of Kakudmini the powerful son Aniruddha.

64. Aniruddha begot of his wife Subhadra the son Vajra who became a king. Pratibahu was his son and his son was Caru.

65. In the line of Turvasu (son of DevayanI) Vahni was an illustrious member whose son was Bharga. His son Bhanu had a son Karandhama by name.

66. Maruta was the son of Karandhama. Now listen to the lineage of Druhyu. His son Setu begot Araddha whose son was Gandhara and Dharma was born of Giindhara.

67. Dhrta was Dharma’s son and his son was Durgama whose son was Pracetas. Now listen to Anu’s lineage.

68. Anu’s son was Sabhanara whose son was Kalafijaya.

His son Srfijaya had Puranjaya for his son.

69. Janamejaya was his son whose son was Mahasala.

His son was Mahamanas better known as USInara.

70. Sibi was his son whose son was Vrsadarbha. Another son of Mahamanas named Titiksu had a son Rusadratha.

71. His son was Hema whose son was Sutapas who begot Bali whose sons were Anga, Vanga and Kalihga.

72. Andhra, and Paundra (along with the three mentioned before) were Bali’s sons.

73. Arigapala was the son of Anga. His son was Diviratha whose son was Dharmaratha.

74. Romapada was the son of Dharmaratha and his son was Caturanga. His son Prthulaksa had Campa for his son.

75. Campa’s son was Haryariga whose son was Bhadraratha. His son Brhatkarma begot Brhadbhanu.

76. Brhanmanas was the son of Brhadbhanu and his son was Jayadratha. Vijaya was his son and his son was Dhrti.

Dhrtavrata was the son of Dhrti and Satyadharma was the son of Dhftavrata.

77-78. His son was Adhiratha who adopted Kama as his son. Vr§asena was the son of Kama. Now', listen to the lineage of Puru.



Genealogy of the Pauravas.

Hati said:

1. Janamejaya was the son of Puru and his son was Namasyu whose son was Abhavada and his son was Sudyu.

2. Bahugati was the son of Sudyu and his son Sariijati had a son Vatsajati by name who begot Raudrasva 3. Raudrasva had sixsons — Rteyu, Sthancjilcyu, Kakscyu, Krteyu, Jaleyu and Santateyu.

4. Ratinara was Rteyu’s son and his son was Pratiratha whose son Medhatithi begot Ainila.

5. His son Dusmanta (Dusyanta) married £ akuntala and begot Bharata whose son was Vitatha.

6. Vitatha’s son was Manyu whose son Nara begot Sankrti whose son was Garga.

7. Garga’s son Amanyu was the father of Sini. Manyu had another son named Mahavirya whose son was Uruksaya.

8. Trayyaruni was born of Uruksaya. Another son of Manyu named Vyiihaksatra had a son Suhotra who had three sons — Hastin, Ajamidha and Dvimidha.

9. Hastin had the son Purumidha. Ajamidha’s eldest son was Kanva whose son Medhatithi and other descendants became brahmins known as Kanva y anas.

10. Another son of Ajamidha was Brhadisu and his son was Bfhaddhanus. His son was Brhatkarman whose son was Jayadratha.

11. Visvajit was his son whose son Scnajit begot Rucirasva whose son was Prthusena.

12. Para was the son of Prthusena and his son was Dvipa whose son was Samara. Prthu had a son named Sukrti.

13. Vibhraja was Sukrti’s son who had a son named Asvaha who begot of his wife Krti a son Brahmadatta whose son was Visvaksena.

14. Dvimldha’s son was Yavlnara whose son was Dhrtiman whose son Satyadhfti was the father of Drdhancmi.

15. Drdhanemi’s son was Supadva who was the lather of Sannati whose son Krta begot Ugiayudha.

16. Ksemya was his son whose son Sudhira begot Purafijaya father of Viduratha.

1 7. Ajami^ha begot of Nalini a son named Nila who became a king. Nila’s son was Santi who was father of Susanti.

18. His son Puru was father of Arka who begot Haryasva whose son was Mukula.

19-20. Mukula king of Paftcala had five sons — Yavinara, Brhadbhanu, Kampilla, Srfijaya and Saradvan a great devotee of Vi§nu who begot of Ahalya Divodasa the second, whose son was Satananda whose son was Satyadhrti.

21. Satyadhrti’s semen coming out on seeing UrvasI the celestial damsel took shape of a son Krpa and a daughter Krpi who married Drona and gave birth to the excellent Asvatt ha man.

22. Divodasa s son was Mitrayu whose son Cyavana begot Sudas father of Saudasa.

23. His son was Sahadeva who begot Somaka who had two sons Jantu and Prsata the great.

24. Pr$ata’s son was Drupada whose son Dhrsjadyumna begot Dhfstaketu. AjamI(Jha had another son Rksa.

25. His son was Samvarana who begot Kuru who had threesons Sudhanus, Parik$it and Jahnu.

26. Sudhanus begot Suhotra whose son Cyavana had three sons: Krtaka, Uparicara and Vasu.

27. Vasu’s sons were Brhadratha, Pratyagra, Satya and others. The eldest of them Brhadratha begot Ku& gra father of R§abha.

28. His son was Puspavan, father of Satyahitawho begot Sudhanva father of Jahnu.

29. Brhadratha had another son named Jarasandha whose son Sahadeva begot Somapi father of Srutavan.

30. He had many sons Bhimasena, Ugrasena, Srutasena, Aparajita, Janamejaya. etc. Jahnu’s son was Suratha.

31. His son Viduratha begot Sarvabhauma father of Jayascna whose son was Avadhita.

32. His son Ayutayu begot Akrodhana, father of Atithi whose son was Rk$a.

33. His son Bhlmasena begot Dilipa, father of Pratlpa whose son was Devapi.

34-35. Santanu Vahllka were the brothers of Devapi.

Vahlika begot four sons Somadatta, Bhuri, Bhurteravas and Sala. Santanu begot of Ganga the most virtuous Bhlsma and of Satyavatl two sons: Citrangada and Vicitravirya.

36-37. Vicitravirya had two wives: Ambika and Ambalika. Vyasa begot of Ambika Dhrtaras^ra and of Ambalika Pandu and of their maid servant Vidura. Gandhari bore Dhrtarastra one hundred sons: Duryodhana and others while Pandu had five sons.

38. The five brothers married DraupadI and begot of her respectively Prativindhya, Srutasoma, Srutakfrti, Satanika and Srutakarman.

39-41. The ladies Yaudheyi, Hidimba, Subhadra (sister of Krsna), Vijayl and Renumatl bore the Pandava brothers these sons respectively — Devaka, Ghafotkaca, Abhimanyu (who was quick of movement) Suhotra and Niramitra. Abhimanyu ’s son was Parlksit whose son was Janamejaya. Now listen to the names of the future kings.



Genealogy of the Pauravas and others.

Hari said:

1. The future kings will be these in order: Satanlka, Asvamedhadatta, Adhisomaka, Krsna, Aniruddha, Usna, and Citrarafha.

2-4. (The other kings in the line will be: ) Suciratha, Vrsniman, Susena, Sunltha, Nrcak$u, Mukhabana, Medhavi, Nypafijaya, Pariplava, Sunaya, Medhavi, Nrpafijaya, Hari, Tigma, Brhadratha, Satanika, Sudana, Udana, Ahlnara, Dandapani, Nimittaka, Ksemaka and a line of & udra kings, thereafter.

5-8. The future line of kings in the Ik$vaku race will be r— Brhadbala, Uruk$aya, Vatsavyuha, Surya, Sahadeva, Byhadasva, Bhanuratha, Praticya, Pratltaka, Manudeva. Sunakfatra, Kinnara, Antarikfaka, Suparna, Krtajit, the virtuous Brhadbhraja, Krtaftjaya, Dhanafljaya, Safijaya, Sakya, Suddhodana, Bahula, Sena jit, Ksudraka, Samitra, Kudava and Sumitra. Now listen to the kings of Magadha.

9-11. Jarasandha, Sahadeva, Somapi, Srutasravas, Ayutayu, Niramitra, Svaksatra, Bahukarmaka, Srutafijaya, Senajit, Bhuri, Suci, Kseniya, Suvrata, Dharma, Sma£ rula, Drtfhasenaka, Sumati, Subala, Nita, Asatyajit, ViSvajit and Isuftjaya.

These kings will be the descendants of Brhadratha.

12. Thereafter all the kings will be Sudras of evil and impious deeds. Narayana the imperishable Lord is the creator of heaven, etc.

13-14. There are three different types of dissolution of the w r orld — 1) Naimittika i. e. the conditional dissolution 2) Prakrtika (the natural or cosmic dissolution) and 3) Atyantika or the final and absolute dissolution. The Earth will dissolve into water. The water will dissolve into Tejas (Heat). The heat will dissolve into the Air, the Air into Ether and the Ether into the Cosmic ego or Ahankara, the cosmic ego into the cosmic Intellect, the cosmic Intellect intojiva (the Cosmic Self) which will dissolve into Avyakta which will dissolve into the Atman.

15-16. The Atman is the Supreme Lord Visnu, Narayana and Nara which is Imperishable. All the other things are perishable. All the kings have been destroyed. Hence avoid Sin. One shall always be virtuous so that by casting off sins one could attain Hari.



Greatness of Sitfi.

Brahm& said:

1. For the destruction of the impious way of living of the demons and the protection of the Vedic Religion, Lord Hari incarnated in the world and saved the pious lines of kings.

2-3. The lord incarnated in the form of Fish, etc.

Taking the form of Fish he fought with the demon Hayagrlva in battle, killed him, redeemed the Vedas and saved Manu and others. Taking the form of a Tortoise he lifted the mountain Mandara on his back for the benefit of all.

4-5. At the time of churning the milky ocean, he took the form of the first physician Dhanvantari and holding the vessel full of Nectar rose up from the ocean. He taught the science of medicine and health with its eightfold subdivisions to Susruta. Hari took the form of a lady and made devas drink nectar.

6. Incarnating as a Boar he killed Hiranyaksa, extricated the Earth from his clutches and saved the deities.

7. Incarnating as Nrsirhha (rnanlion) he killed the demon Hiranyakasipu and preserved the Vcdic religion and its principles.

8. Then Hari incarnated as the son of Jamadagni, Parasurama by name and freed the Earth of Ksatriyas thrice seven (twentyone) times.

9. The Lord then killed Karttavlrya and gifted away land to Kasyapa. After performing a sacrifice the powerful lord made a permanent stay on the mountain Mahendra.

10- JJ. Desirous of incarnating as Rama, the suppressor of the wicked, he divided himself into four and Dasaratha’s four sons were born, viz. Rama, Bharata, Laksmana and Satrughna. Rama’s wife was Janakl.

12. To do a good turn to his step-mother and to preserve the truthfulness of his father he came to Dandaka forest passing through Srngavera and Citrakuta.

13-15. He chopped off the nose of Surpanakha, killed the demons Khara, Dusana, and Ravana who abducted Sita along with his brother (Kumbhakarna). After installing his other brother Vi bhl$ana in the kingdom of Lanka he returned to Ayodhya in the celestial car Puspaka accompanied by Sugriva, Hanuman and others and his chaste wife Slta of great fidelity.

16. He ruled over the kingdom, protected subjects, saved dEv as, performed Asvamedha (horse sacrifice) and other sacrifices and preserved righteousness.

17-18. Rama lived happily with his loyal wife. Although she stayed in the premises of Ravana she never went over to hirn in mind, speech or action. She never thought of anyone except Rama. She was as good a chaste woman as the celebrated Anasuya.

19. I shall tell you about the greatness of Slta by narrating the greatness of chastity. Once, in the city of Pratisthana, there lived a brahmin named Kaus'ika who suffered from leprosy.

20. In spite of his loathsome disease his wife worshipped him like a god. Even when rebuked by him she never ceased to venerate him.

21-22. Ordered by her husband she took him to a prostitute’s house, taking with her plenty of money. The sage Manqlavya who had been impaled on being suspected as a thief unjustifiably and who was pining in darkness was inadvertently kicked by the brahmin Kausika who was seated on his wife’s shoulders.

23. Man^avya became furious on being kicked with the foot and said, “He who tossed me with his foot shall die at sunrise. ”

24. On hearing that, the wife of Kausika said, “The sun will never rise. ” Since the sun did not rise there was perpetual night.

25. Many years went by like this. The gods became afraid. They went to Brahma for help. Brahma told them.

26-28. The splendour of asceticism is being subdued by this splendour of chastity, since the greatness of the chaste lady prevents the sun from rising. If the sun does not rise the loss is yours as well as men’s. Hence, go to the chaste wife of Atri, Anasuya, the holy woman and propitiate her for making the sun rise. ” The gods went to the chaste lady Anasuya and entreated her.

29. Making the sun rise she resuscitated Kaugika too. It is said that Slta was superior to even Anasuya in chastity.



The Story of Rdma.

Brahmd said:

1. Now, I shall narrate Ramayaija (Rama’s story) which mitigates sins on being heard. Brahma was born of the lotus from the navel of Visnu and Marici was his son.

2. Kasyapa was bom of Marici; Sun was born of Kasyapa; Manu was bom of Sun and lk$vaku was Manu’s son. The king Raghu was a scion of this family.

3. Raghu’s son was Aja whose son was the mighty Dasaratha. He had four valiant sons.

4. Rama was bom of Kausalya. Bharata was the son of Kaikeyl. The two brothers, Lak$mana, and Satrughna were born of Sumitra.

5. Rama was devotedly attached to his father and mother. He learned the use of many miraculous weapons from Vi$vamitra. Then he killed the ogress Ta< jaka.

6. The powerful Rama killed Subahu at the sacrificial altar of Vi$vamitra. Visiting the holy sacrifice of Janaka, he married Sita.

7. Laksmana married Ormila. Bharata married Mandaviand Satrughna married Srutakirti, both of whom were the daughters of Kusadhvaja.

8. Rama and his brothers returned to Ayodhya accompanied by their parents. Then Bharata and Satrughna went to the former’s unde Yudhajit.

9. While they were away, the king wanted to give his kingdom to Rama, the best of his sons. Kaikeyi wanted that for her son and also desired that Rama should go to stay in the forest for fourteen years.

10. For the benefit o£ his father Rama forsook his kingdom like a blade of grass and went to Sfhgaverapura accompanied by Laksmana and Sita.

1 1. Abandoning the chariot he passed through Prayaga reaching the mountain Citrakupi. Unable to bear the pangs of separation from Rama the king Daiaratha passed away.

12. After the obsequies of his father, Bharata accompanied by the armed forces came to Rama and said — “Please come back to Ayodhya to rule over kingdom, noble brother dear. ”

13-14. But Rama did not like the idea. As a symbol for ruling kingdom he gave Bharata his sandals. Thus dismissed, Bharata protected Rama’s kingdom stationing himself in Nandigrama and never entering Ayodhya. Rama left Citraka(a and went over to Atri’s hermitage.

15-16. After paying due respects to Sutiksna and Agastya he went to Dandaka forest. There the ogress named Surpanakha came to devour them. Rama cut off her ears and nose. Inimically disposed she induced her brothers Khara, Trisiras and Du$ana who came over there.

17. By means of his arrows Rama sent them to Yama’s abode along with the fourteen thousand Raksasa soldiers.

18. Induced by the ogress, Ravana assumed the form of an anchorite in order to abduct Slta and came there preceded by Marica in the guise of a deer.

19. Requested by Slta, R& ma went out to beg the deer but killed Marica who cried out “Alas! Slta Alas Laksmana” while dying.

20. When Slta asked him to go, Laksmana too went out and on seeing him Rama said, ‘‘This is only a deceptive trick of the ogress! Surely Slta has been abducted. ”

21. Getting a suitable opportunity R& vana abducted Slta and went back to Lanka striking Jajayu on the way.

22. He kept Slta in the Aioka grove. (Here in the forest) Rama returned to the hut only to see it empty.

23-25. Grief-stricken Rama sought Slta here and there.

He cremated Jafayu and as directed by him went southwards and made alliance with Sugriva. With a single arrow, with a hooked point he cut off seven huge trees and killed Bali. He made Sugriva the Lord of monkeys in Kiskindha while he himself remained in R$yamuka.

26. Sugriva sent brawny monkeys huge like mountains in search of Slta to all quarters.

27-28. Those who went to West, North and East came back. Those who went to South in search of Slta roamed in forests, mountains, islands and on river banks but could not see her. Hence, they decided on self-immolation.


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