Modal verbs
EX3 1- How dare you say that! He couldn’t have possibly done it. 2 You might have hit your head against the door. Be careful! 3 She may come soon. – So what? I don’t care. 4 She can’t / couldn’t filed for divorced 5 You can’t / couldn’t have managed to buy this book! 6 He couldn’t help laughing at the grammar lesson. 7 She must have fallen ill – How should I know? 8 You must needs go home. Your parents must have no idea where you are. 9 He needs to work hard to make a living. 10 What are we to do? Look at the clouds! – We’d better hide in the cave than under a tree. 11 You must know that the Harkinsons have moved to Canada – Why should you think so? 12 She would stay up late reading. 13 Where is he? – He must be at the library now. 14 She can’t/ couldn’t have read that book! She may / might have looked through it. 15 You should help her, she’s very tired. 16 He may / might have lost your address and doesn’t write to you because of that 17 If you had tried, you could have passed the exam. 18 The meeting was to have taken place yesterday but it didn’t. 19 I won’t have you speak to me like that! 20 You needn’t have done it by yourself. 21 Should I bring coffee and doughnuts? 22 She was to become his wife. 23 I may as well go home. 24 When do we meet? – How should I know? 25 Can / Could he have really fired that accountant? 26 He couldn’t help laughing at the sight of her face. 27 He can’t but eat that portion of buckwheat. 28 He may be busy preparing for the report. 29 She sprained her ankle on her way to the University but it might have been worse. 30 You must have dinner with us next weekend. 31. He must be ill, he hasn’t been at the classes for 2 weeks. 32 He must needs vacuum-clean the flat before she comes 33 We’d better have stayed at home, the party was awful. 34 Next time we are to write a dictation and refresh irregular verbs. 35 We were to get married but she’s got married to the Japanese! What am I to do now? 36 I don’t see why we should go to Scotland and visit your mother-in-law. 37 This old TV won’t work until you hit it. 38 He could swim well when he was young. 39 You may take my dictionary. - May I? 40 If she’d called for him at 5, she could have found him there. 41 May I do it? – No, you mustn’t. 42 He must know her address. 43 When he came to London he was able to negotiate with films without interpreter. 44 Can / could he refused to help you? 45 You knew he was sick yesterday. You should have visited him. 46 He can’t / couldn’t have left Moscow without telling me. 47 Would you mind my closing the window? 48 It’s strange \ odd he hadn’t reminded you of that. 49 We would take a boat or walk in the park in hot summer days
Ex 5 1 He said he couldn’t but marry her. 2 Can / could he have failed to get used to working at night? 3 He said he would probably leave the city the next day. 4 She might have been a Muslim. 5 They might have crashed into a tree. She must have been drunk. 6 If you were here, we could go jogging. 7 He must have failed to see your letter. 8 She couldn’t help doubting about his honesty. 9 I don’t know if I’ll be able to forget him. 10 Probably, It’ll rain tomorrow.
EX6 1 I wish you’d gone to the cinema. You could have liked the film. 2 How dare you threaten me? 3 How much should I pay to the porter? 4 They knew we wouldn’t have them grumbled at us. 5 He ought to know he won’t have to take the Grammar exam. 6 He was to have had a music class in the morning, but the teacher called and cancelled it. 7 He might have been a Welshman. Where can \ could he have come from? 8 How long did you have to wait for us? You must have failed to know many things. 9 You needn’t be afraid of me. 10 There was a special order, you were to come to the railway station to see off the troops. 11 Why should I put on your old sports trousers? 12 She is to come tomorrow. 13 If only you’d believed me, I would have married you. 14 He said he would probably go to Kiev the next day. 15 Would you mind our refreshing the rules?
Ex7 1 She might have hit her head against the cupboard. 2 She can’t / couldn’t have failed to pass her exams. 3 He said she might be waiting for us somewhere. 4 We were to have taken an English exam on Tuesday but the teacher had to cancel it. 5 I shouldn’t have seen off my friend today, I have the flue. 6 Where can/ could they have been working for so long? 7 Show me the chair where I’m to sit. 8 She wouldn’t include my information in the thesis. 9 She might have been Swiss. 10 I wish you hadn’t fallen ill, you could have won the 1st place. 11 He said he couldn’t but take off his clothes and have a shower. 12 She insisted that they should play the trombone every day. 13 He said he wouldn’t have me turn the house into the garbage chute. 14 He said he wouldn’t probably leave for London at the weekend. 15 If only you want to go to Kiev now, I’ll go with you.
Ex 8 1 I wish you were my boss. You could rise my salary. 2 How many irregular verbs should / shall we refresh. 3 He ought to know that she didn’t have to solve the problems by herself. 4 Is she have to take a Grammar exam tomorrow? 5 He’d rather die than marry that Welsh woman. 6 She might have twisted her ankle. 7 He said he couldn’t but pick up the phone. 8 It must have been raining all night. Why should I take my swimming suit? 9 They were to take a Grammar exam yesterday. They must have passed it successfully. 10 He said he wouldn’t probably call me back the following day. 11 Can / could it have started raining? You may as well stay in and vacuum-clean the carpets. 12 Should I tell her he’s been divorced for 5 years? – No, you shouldn’t.
Ex 9 1 If she hadn’t quit her job, she could have become a chief accountant. 2 I wonder who she can / could be dating with. 3 Do you mind me looking for the word in the dictionary? I’m told you have a good one. 4 You should know that she is making progress in English. 5 Look, a new bridge is being built. They’ll probably have finished it by September. 6 She’d rather fire everyone than let them use new methods. And I’m not used to working with the boss like that. 7 Why don’t you hire that maid? 8 Lately she’s been very shameless to me. This was to be expected. 9 She wouldn’t explain why it’d taken her 2 hours to mark the copybooks. 10 When am I to get my money? You can’t have it because you haven’t earnt it.
Ex10 1 If she hadn’t overslept, she could have caught the last bus. 2 When are you to take a Grammar exam? 3 She said the pen wouldn’t write 4 You should have fired her. 5 He wouldn’t be operated on. 6 He said he wouldn’t probably be at home the next day. 7 Can / could you have failed to find out he was divorced? 8 I may as well mark your copybook in the evening. 9 She’d rather go abroad than marry him. 10 You shouldn’t be sitting in from of the TV. Ex 12 1 If you hadn’t taken retirement, you would have become a kernel. 2 She might be walking by the block of flats 3 Can/ May I take your copybook? 4 She must have overslept. 5 We had better attend this lecture. 6 We are to meet at the station tomorrow. 7 We couldn’t but fire that chief accountant. 8 You shouldn’t have done that. 9 Probably she won’t take part in our conference. 10 You needn’t have cleaned the room. Mother had done everything. 11 Things might have been worse if we hadn’t bought the tickets. 12 I wont have you mistreat me
Ex13 1 How many tests were you to learn by heart yesterday? 2 You needn’t be afraid of our puppy. 3 I shouldn’t have said that. 4 You must be starving. 5 How much bread shall I buy? 6 I won’t have him behave like that at the lesson. 7 He might drop the cup. 8 I would rather speak to him first. 9 Why shouldn’t you fire him? 10 She would say that nobody but her could get on well with children 11 You had better not speak to him.
Ex 14 1 We will have to change planes in New-York if the weather is bad. 2 I won’t be able to speak to you because I’m trying to catch my train. 3 If mum were here, we wouldn’t have to cook so much. 4 How many verbs did you have to learn for the test? 5 If he hadn’t missed his train we wouldn’t have had to book a hotel room for him. 6 How long did you have to work in Turkey? 7 You shouldn’t be eating so many sweets now. 8 How much cheese shall we buy if we go to the market?
Ex 15 1 He said that he wouldn’t have me behave like that in his house. 2 You shouldn’t be playing computer games now. 3 Shall I tell her what has happened? – No, you needn’t. 4 She would say that nobody but her could teach us Japanese. 5 Did you have to wait for her for a long time at the station? 6 She was to have brought my notes, but she overslept. 7 We understood that she must have failed to hear our words 8 She’s likely to go to the Hague tomorrow. 9 If you will tell me about your problems I’m always ready to listen to you. Ex 16 1 You needn’t go there today. He canceled the lesson. 2 You had better not shout at her. 3 Is she to return the books tomorrow? 4 In such weather I had better avoid driving a car. 5 You must be starving. I will make you a sandwich. 6 What should I tell him tomorrow if he asks me about you. 7 We couldn’t help admiring his voice. 8 You shouldn’t have argued with him. 9 She would say that nobody but her could teach us English. 10 You shouldn’t be eating an ice cream now, you may have a sore throat.
Ex 17 1 If she hadn’t overslept, she would have caught the last bus. 2 When are you to take your Grammar exam? 3 She said that the pen wouldn’t write. 4 You shouldn’t have fired her. 5 He wouldn’t be operated on. 6 He said that probably he wouldn’t be at home the next day. 7 Can she have been unaware that he was divorced? 8 I may as well grade your copybook in the evening. 9 She would rather go abroad than marry him. 10 You shouldn’t be sitting in from of TV now.
Ex18 1 She might have been working on this book. 2 We knew that they must be waiting for us somewhere. 3 It must have been snowing all night. 4 Can she have written all that by herself? 5 She must have a good sense of humor. 6 Probably we won’t be in London at this time. 7 You shouldn’t have spoken to her like that, she could have been offended. 8 You should have read your test one more time, there must be mistakes. 9 She must have forgotten about you. 10 You should have called them, they might be here now. 11 She cant / couldn’t have forgotten about her promise. 12 Did you have to wait for us for a long time yesterday? 13 He said that we were to go to the club the next day. 14 How long did you have to look for them? 15 We are take our exam on Tuesday. 16 He was to have come at noon, but his plans must have changed
Ex 19 1 He ought to know that she will have to leave 2 They would rather give up work than earn one dollar per hour. 3 She might have torn her dress. 4 If It weren’t for the rain / but for the rain, we could go to sunbathe and swim. 5 We have few plates – How many plates shall /should I buy? 6 He must have failed to lend her money. 7 They can’t/couldn’t have been playing the violin for 5 hours. 8 I couldn’t but break up with him. 9 I was to have gone to the hairdresser’s to have her hair died, but her hairdresser had canceled the appointment. 10 He said that probably he wouldn’t be in town the next day. 11 Can / could you have overslept yesterday? Did you have to wait for another bus for a long time?
Ex 20 1 He said that they were to come / to have come the previous day. 2 Can / could you have failed to grade our test papers? 3 She must be unaware that we have been married for many years. 4 I won’t have you borrow money from your relatives. 5 You’d better apologize for your rude behavior. 6 He said that he probably wouldn’t stay in tonight. 7 She would tell me that she couldn’t help thinking about him. 8 If he has to quite his job, let me know. 9 He’d rather fire you than pay you twenty dollars per hour. 10 If it weren’t for the rain / but for the rain we could go sunbathing.
Ex 21 1 Could you translate this text, please? 2 She wasn’t a Swede, but she might have been a Swede. 3 I thought that he might have failed to hear my words. 4 Show me the room where I am to work. 5 He will have to work here all day. 6 I am sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. 7 I will do it if you will help me. 8 Why should I do it? 9 After work he would wait for me by the bridge. 10 You needn’t be afraid of me.
Ex 22 1 He might have broken the window. 2 She can’t / couldn’t have been mistaken. 3 You must be starving. 4 How much shall / should I pay to the porter? 5 I won’t have you behave like that in my house. 6 I’d rather read the letters first. 7 You needn’t have brought a friend today. 8 Shall I tell you how it has happened? No, you needn’t. 9 How dare you say that? 10 I couldn’t but ask him for his help.
Ex 23 1 It can’t / couldn’t have started raining. 2 I may as well stay at home. 3 You must have forgotten about it. 4 Can / could you have written all this by yourself? 5 There was a special order that nobody should come to the train station. 6 She had to drink tea without sugar. 7 You shouldn’t have spoken to him like that. He could have been offended. 8 I can not see why we shouldn’t be friends. 9 She wouldn’t explain what the matter was. 10 He said that he would be happy if I would come to him.