Culture and identification has to be done in reference laboratories with biosafety level 1-2 (RF) or 3-4 (USA) only
Cass 16
Topic: Causative agents of biohazadous diseases: variola virus, Ebola and Marburg hemorrhagic fever. Microorganisms as a potential warfare agents. Basic principles of the diagnosis and prevention.
Questions to be discussed:
- General features of the biohazadours diseases.
- Microorganisms as potential biological warfare agents.
- Criteria for the agents that can be used as biological weapon.
- Poxviridae: variola virus, morphology, structure, and culture.
- Pathogenesis and clinical manifestation of the smallpox. Eradication of smallpox.
- Filoviridae: Ebola and Marburg viruses.
- Basic principles of prevention.
Practical tasks:
- Study the basic principles of the laboratory diagnosis of biohazadous diseases:
- rapid indication: determination of the antigens or genes of the agent in a specimen that takes less than 3 hours; (IF, ELISA, PCR);
- rapid identification: determination of the antigens or genes of the agent in a specimen within 3 hours; (tests are specific for particular agent);
- traditional methods of diagnostics for complete identification of the species and types: culture;
- serology: determination of the Ab in blood.
- Study the main structural elements of the variola virus:
| ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- Study a scheme of variola virus replication, label the main stages of replication:

4. List methods used for variola virus culture and methods of its detection: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- Describe vaccine against smallpox:
- Label the main structural elements of the Ebola virus:
| ____________________________________________________________________________________
- Label the main stages of Ebola virus replication:
| ________________________________________________________________________
8. List methods used for Ebola virus culture and methods of its detection: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- Complete a scheme of Ebola and Marburg viruses hemorrhagic fever diagnosis:
| Rapid diagnosis
| | Serology
| IF
(for specific antigens)
| ELISA for antibody
(for viral RNAs)
Culture and identification has to be done in reference laboratories with biosafety level 1-2 (RF) or 3-4 (USA) only
| - Describe vaccine against Ebola virus:
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