GITA BHASHYA. A Condensed Rendering Of. Shri Ramanuja Gita Bhashya. K R Krishnaswami. Srimathe Ramaanujaava Namha
GITA BHASHYA A Condensed Rendering Of Shri Ramanuja Gita Bhashya K R Krishnaswami
Gita; Full Text (Transliteration) & Meanings and Bhashya's
Condensed Rendering (Both in English) K.R. Krishnaswami
A Condensed Rendering of Sri Ramanuja’s GITA BHASHYA
Kethandapatti Chakravarthy K. R. KRISHNASWAMI
A Condensed Rendering of Ramanuja's Geeta with Geethaa Text & Meanings in full by Krishnaswami published by A & K Prakashana, a non-profit-making publishing venture.
First Edition June, 2003
© Paduka Krupa, A & K Prakashana
Sponsors: 1. Dr. Srinivasan Saarangan, Navi Mumbai / Shreyas Saarangan, Chennai 2. Sri H R Ramaswamy Iyengar (Late) / Sri H R Yethiraj, Bangalore.
Price Rs. 120 /
Printers: Ganesh Maruthi Printers Bangalore - 28
Srimathe Ramaanujaava Namha
yo nithyamacchutha padaambuja yugmarukhma
(Beginning with Sriman Naaraayana and having Sri Naathamuni and Srimad Yaamunamuni right at the centre and ending with Ramaanuja, to such a glorious Acharya lineage, I prostrate) Aarenkkinru nihar shollii ? maayananraivar daiva
In the divine chariot - daivattheru / thiruttheru - sanctified by the Lord’s Thiruvadi, the dialogue between Arjuna and the Lord witnessed ‘Jnaanapradhaana Vaibhava’ and ‘Moksha Pradhaana Vaibhava’ for the sake of innumerable chetanas who are deluded by the senses. The Lord propounded the differences between the Parabrahman and the Jivas, as also that amongst Jivas themselves; He presented Arjuna the Moksha Shaastra and Abhaya Pradhaana as it were - ‘Shall release you from all sins, grieve not’.