Hormones of the adrenal cortex: glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, androgens.Hormones of the adrenal cortex: glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, androgens. Glucocorticoids (cortisol) regulate gluconeogenesis, cause protein breakdown, activate immunity, in large doses, on the contrary, they are suppressed. Mineralocorticoids (aldosterone)- enhance the reabsorption of Na + and reduce K + in the kidneys, increase blood pressure Excess glucocorticoids lead to dystrophic changes in the periodontal tissues. With the disease of Itenko-Cushing, there are trophic ulcers in the tongue, mucous cheeks, candidiasis. Lack of mineralocorticoids (Adisson's disease) causes specific pigmentation - spots and bands of gray on the oral mucosa. Hormones of adrenal medulla Adrenaline (80-90%) and norepinephrine (10-20%), their release into the blood is controlled by sympathetic nerves, with blood loss, muscle activity, emotions, the release of these hormones into the blood increases. Adrenaline cleaves glycogen in the liver, dilates the bronchi, increases the heart rate, improves the performance of skeletal muscles, inhibits the gastrointestinal tract, regulates the tone of the vessels. Norepinephrine and adrenaline exert their effect through alpha and beta-adrenergic receptors. Norepinephrine works mainly on alpha-1 and beta-1 receptors as a mediator, narrows blood vessels. Alfa-2 and beta-2 adrenergic receptors are extra-synaptic and are stimulated by catecholamines circulating in the blood. Hormones of the pancreas Insulin: 1) carbohydrate metabolism - stimulates of synthesis of glycogen and permeability of membranes for glucose, decreases of concentration of glucose in the blood. 2) fat metabolism - stimulates the formation of fatty acids from carbohydrate products (lipogenesis) and inhibits the mobilization of fat from the depot (lipolysis). 3) protein exchange - increases the permeability of membranes for amino acids, protein synthesis. Glucagon - stimulates the cleavage of glycogen, in large quantities stimulates the breakdown of fat, increases of concentration of glucose in the blood. When the gland function is violated (diabetes mellitus) - the first signs: xerostomia (dry mucosa), stomatitis, glossitis (inflammation of the mucous throat), fungal lesions and trophic ulcers. When there is a lack of insulin, the trophicity of periodontal tissue is disrupted and there is a periodontitis (in 70-90% of cases).