Tapescript 6Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss professions.. Please answer five questions. So, let’s get started. Interviewer: What region of Russia do you live in? What professions are popular there? Student: I live in Rostov-on-Don. Many professions are popular in my cit, from a janitor to a doctor. But most of all in my region teachers are required.
Interviewer: What profession did your parents want you to take up? Student: My parents always wanted me to join the military but a don’t like it all. My mom is very wise woman, besides that she is a teacher and she can always give good advice about my future job. She always tells me that I myself can choose my future profession. My parents believe in me and support me in my decision.
Interviewer: When have you decided on your future field of work? Student: I began making plans for future two years ago. You should always think about your future profession in advance and choose consciously. You always need to have a backup profession because you can't always enroll in the university that you like.
Interviewer: Will you need a higher education to work in that field? Student: Higher education has always been considered as necessary attribute of an intelligent person who pretends to a worthy place in society, respect and honor. In my field of work, higher education is highly valued and it is necessary. Interviewer: Where do your friends want to work at?
Student: My best friend wants to study to be a designer and work abroad. I respect her choice as it is a popular and in-demand profession. She chose this job because she loves to do it and I support her. Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview