Tapescript 2Interviewer: Hello everybody! It’s Teenagers Round the World Channel. Our guest today is a teenager from Russia and we are going to discuss music. We’d like to know our guest’s point of view on this issue. Please answer five questions. So, let’s get started.
Interviewer: Who do you believe to be the greatest musician? Why? Student: I think that the greatest musician of all time is Michael Jackson, because he wrote brilliant music that everyone likes without exception. He was a real star and performance maker. Moreover, his songs are full of deep meaning.
Interviewer: What is your favorite music genre? Student: I am a real music fan, I can listen everything from pop music to rock n roll. I can` single out only one, it depends on my mood.
Interviewer: Do you think classical music is still relevant in the modern world? Student: Unfortunately, classical music is not as fashionable now as it used to be in the past. Music today is filled with words and lyrics, unlike classical music, the purpose of which was to evoke emotions and create images without words. I think that it will be relevant as long as there are real music experts.
Interviewer: Should children have music lessons at schools? Student: Yes, they should as it is one of the way to get closer to the grace of art. Also music lessons are very important for primary school, because music has positive effect on children.
Interviewer: Do you share similar preferences in music with your friends? Student: Yes, I have the same taste in music with all my friends and I think that it is very cool. For example we can go to concerts together and discuss new albums of our beloved musicians.
Interviewer: Thank you very much for your interview. Vocabulary: musician – музыкант of all time/ ever – всех времен genre |ˈ ʒ ɒ nrə |- жанр, стиль music fan – меломан
to be full of – быть наполненным чем-то
purpose – цель
to evoke emotions – вызывать эмоции
to create images – создать образы