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The amount of financial costs for the implementation of stage 2 (2012-2015) and 3 stages (2016-2025) Strategy for the development of the electronic industry in Russia for the period up to 2025
(mln rubles in prices of the corresponding years)
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The implementation of a complex of interrelated special subprograms, investment projects and extra-program activities that form the basis of the proposed Strategy will restore the scientific, technical and production and technological potential of the electronic industry as a whole and bring it to the modern world level.
It is expected that already in 2011 ode to the volume of sales of electronic products industry is not less than 45 billion. Rubles. per year, and in 2025 - 350 billion rubles . , and the technological level of microelectronic products in serial production in 2011 will correspond to 0. 09 microns, and in 2025 - 0. 018 microns. This will allow solving the problems of meeting the needs of the country's industries, including the creation of strategically important equipment and systems, as well as already in 2011 to sharply reduce the share of imported electronic components in the total volume of its purchases by organizations of the radio - electronic complex, i. e. will allow changing the current ratio of 65%: 35 % in favor of imported electronic components by 70%: 30% in favor of domestic electronic components.
Carrying out reconstruction and modernization of key industries of electronic engineering and optimization of the structure of the industry on the basis of public-private partnership with the simultaneous creation of market infrastructure should provide a significant improvement in the economic situation of the organizations and increase the profitability of production.
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Taking into account the high potential level of domestic science in the field of electronics, by 2025 one can expect a significant development of international scientific and technical cooperation and a breakthrough in the field of new technologies, including nanotechnology, bioelectronics, optoelectronics, quantum computers, etc.
All this will increase the competitive environment from natural electronic equipment both in the domestic and foreign markets and will provide a significant strengthening of the defense capability and security of Russia.
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