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• Priority development of electronic materials and structures.
In the field of electronic materials and structures, it is planned to exist:
- development of basic technologies and organization of production:
silicon wafers with a diameter of 200 mm at a technological level of 0. 18-0. 13 microns;
structures such as " silicon on insulator", " silicon on sapphire" with a diameter of 150 mm and a technological level of 0. 5 - 0. 35
radiation-irradiated silicon plates with a diameter of 150 mm for power electronics devices;
heterostructures diameter 100 - 150 mm with quantum e ffektami for solid state microwave electronics, high intensity Arr of lighting moat lasers and special matrix desk and Cove;
ceramic materials and boards, materials for the film are x nologies, components and adhesives, sealants for the production of new classes of radio-electronic components and equipment, buildings and vehicles;
baa with lead complex compositions to clean SRB p ki EKB and assembly composed of CEA.
- development of technologies for coating and forming:
environmentally friendly technology for applying electroplating with a closed cycle of neutralization and disposal;
highly effective processes of forming polymer coati s Tille, diamond-like films and nanostructured mother and fishing, self-formation of spatial structures;
New classes of compound semiconductor materials with large band gap for the high voltage and vysokotemper and - temperature electronics (silicon carbide, diamond-like materials, complex nitride compounds, etc. );
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new classes of polymeric film materials, including plural of gosloynye and metallized to politroniki tasks and collecting h GOVERNMENTAL mass production processes ECB wide consumption e Nia;
new field emission materials based on carbon nanotubes for cathodes of vacuum microwave devices.
The main objective of the second phase (2012-2015) of the Strategy implementation - the elimination of technological backwardness of the domestic electronic industry on a world-class, large-scale work on reconstruction and technical mu rearmament th active electronic organizations and the construction of new electronic productions.
During this period, the main efforts should be aimed at solving the following tasks:
-complex restructuring and technical re-equipment of existing electronic organizations; -design and creation of new electronic production;
- the introduction of new promising electronic technologies to create a competitive high-quality electronic component base; -reduction of import of foreign electronic components and a ban on its use in special equipment and systems; -development of a new infrastructure for the electronic industry, including integration with domestic organizations operating
independently in the markets.
The elimination of technological backwardness of the electronics industry predicted the global level is due and take place on two fronts:
- design using contract manufacturing,
- technologies of own production of products.
For the period 2012-2015 the electronics industry is challenged to completely reduce the design gap using contract manufacturing and the in-house technology gap.
The solution to this problem in the field of design should follow the path of creating joint design centers with leading foreign firms with the participation of suppliers of computer-aided design systems.
In the field of technology, the lag can only be reduced by organizing appropriate alliances of domestic organizations with foreign technology partners.
The accumulated experience of interaction with foreign partners in this area shows that the ability to win a significant share of the domestic market in the mass sectors of commercial products is of decisive importance. Therefore, the success of this task will depend entirely on the decision of the problems associated with the expansion of positions in the domestic market in the period 2007-2011 g of
The so-called " restrictions on export control" do not mean that the bulk of such products are civilian.
The annual output of the final products of the domestic electronics industry by 2015 should amount to 105. 0 billion rubles.
The main goal of the third stage (2016-2025) of the implementation of the Strategy is to ensure the complete revival of the domestic electronics industry, competitive with similar industries in developed countries, integrated with leading foreign firms.
At this stage, the main efforts should be aimed at solving the following tasks:
-integration and within the framework of international programs for the development of electronics with developed countries and leading electronic firms;
-zavoevani I have significant positions in some of the world market of electronic components sectors;
-Wide of incorporation I achievements of domestic nanotechnology, bioelectronics and microsystem technology in everyday life
, in the areas of health, education, housing and communal services, transport and communications. The annual output of electronic products in 2025 will amount to more than 350 billion rubles.
Eliminating the technological backwardness of domestic electronics cannot be resolved without integrating our research and development resources into international programs for the development of electronics.
However, for this it is necessary to have scientific and technical groundwork that is of interest to our potential partners.
Only on the basis of such interest can the exchange of technologies be ensured and thus significantly reduce the costs of their development.
Practical advances in the field of nanomaterials for electronics, the necessary experience in creating complex systems based on modern components of the " system on a chip" type will be the basis for such integration.
In addition, we already have practical achievements in the field of modern radiation sources for nanolithography, used by leading foreign companies - Intel, ASML, Lambda - Physik, Cymer, etc., immersion nanoimplantation, atomic layer deposition, etc.
In all these areas, it is necessary to organize the participation of both our research organizations and industrial organizations in the international programs of the European Union.
In this regard, it is necessary to reorient the corresponding program of the Union State to the issues of expanding world cooperation using our scientific and technical groundwork in microelectronics and nanotechnology.
The conquest of significant positions in the world markets of niche products in the field of radiation-resistant electronics, microwave electronics, wireless systems for global information exchange, integrated systems on a chip for stationary and mobile radio
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electronic equipment will be possible due to the priority development of the domestic ECB.
Additional expansion of sales markets can be achieved through the commercialization of dual-use areas.
Radiation-resistant microcircuits, for example, are widely demanded in the markets of satellite communication and navigation systems and control systems for nuclear power facilities.
The total volume of the world market in this area is forecasted at the level of $ 150 million per year. In the external market, manufacturers of final equipment in these areas are constantly looking for second suppliers in connection with the well-known problem of " washing out" of the range of supplies of obsolete types of electronic components.
Microwave direction has very great commercial prospects in connection with the constantly expanding use of wireless mobile devices for transmitting information in the 2. 5 bands; 5 and 12 GHz. Products in this direction are becoming a mass product. The total potential sales of dual-use microwave electronics in the domestic and foreign markets are projected at $ 100-350 million per year for the period 2012-2015.
Forecasts of the development of electronics for the post-silicon-period (after 2020 g. ) Suggest widespread adoption in the industrial district awn achievements of nanotechnology.
However, one should not expect any significant change in the technological platform of microelectronics. Its contours are already visible, since the main equipment for nanoelectronics is already at the stage of prototypes: an extreme ultraviolet ( EUV ) stepper scanner, nano-printing (nanoimprint) installations, maskless lithography systems, atomic pulse gas-phase deposition, etc.
During this period, the industry must be prepared for a sharp increase in the cost of technical re-equipment, since the cost of nano-equipment complexes is several times higher than the cost of traditional means of technological equipment for microelectronics. Therefore, for the period 201 6 -2025. the budget should provide for at least a 3-5-fold increase in resources for the technical re-equipment of objects of priority development of the production of nanoelectronic products.
The introduction of nanotechnology should further expand the depth of its penetration into the daily life of the population.
There must be a constant connection of each individual with global information and control networks such as the Internet.
Nanoelectronics will integrate with biological objects and provide continuous control over the maintenance of their vital functions, improve the quality of life, and thus reduce social costs of the state.
Built-in wireless nanoelectronic devices that ensure constant contact of a person with the surrounding intellectual environment will become widespread, and means of direct wireless contact of the human brain with objects around it, vehicles and other people will become widespread. The circulation of such products will exceed billions of pieces per year due to its widespread distribution.
Domestic industry must be prepared for this challenge, since the ability to produce all the components of networked systems will mean establishing de facto control over all their users, which is unacceptable for many countries from the point of view of maintaining their sovereignty. Experts from the EU countries adhere to a similar point of view in connection with the global expansion of electronics manufacturers from Southeast Asia and the United States' intention to secure a permanent technological leadership in this area. Therefore, in the period 201 6 -2025. one should expect another increase in the role of electronics in the life of society and be economically ready for a new round of global competition between countries based on nanoelectronic technology.
At the same time, the appearance of industrial production will more and more resemble microelectronic-pharmaceutical production, and not the traditional instrument-machine-building production that exists today.
At the first stage (2007-2011), the Strategy is supposed to be implemented in three interrelated areas, including:
1. Within the framework of the subprogram " Development of the electronic component base" for 2007-2011 of the Federal target program " National technological base" for 2007-2011. In addition, since 2008, it is planned to put into effect the Federal Target Program " Development of the electronic component base and radio electronics" for 2008-2015. 2. Investment projects for the creation of new modern electrical production, as projects of national importance.
3. Complex th measures to improve the efficiency of scientific-technical and industrial-economic activities of organizations the electronics industry, including work in the framework of the Russian-Belarusian cooperation in the field of electronics. As part of the first direction, the Federal Target Program " National Technological Base" for 2007-2011 includes the subprogram " Development of the Electronic Component Base" for 2007-2011, which contains program activities to implement the goals and objectives of the first stage of the Strategy implementation. In addition, since 2008, it is planned to put into effect the Federal Target Program " Development of the electronic component base and radio electronics" for 2008-2015.
Within the framework of the second direction, it is planned to implement priority investment projects aimed at solving the strategic goals of the development of microelectronic industries, including investment projects for the modernization of microelectronic production with topological dimensions of 0. 18-0. 13 microns and the construction of a new plant for the production of microelectronic products with topological dimensions 0. 09 μ m.
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The third direction of the Strategy implementation includes work carried out within the framework of the Russian-Belarusian cooperation to create new equipment, materials and microelectronic products.
At the second stage (2012-2015), the Strategy is proposed to be implemented within the framework of the Federal Target Program " Development of the electronic component base and radio electronics" for 2008-2015, which provides for a set of program measures for the development of the electronic component base for the period 2012-2015, including into myself:
-Integrated th restructuring th and modernization of existing electronic organizations; -design and creation of new electronic production;
- the introduction of new promising electronic technologies to create a competitive high-quality electronic component base;
At the third stage (2016-2025), the Strategy is supposed to be implemented within the framework of a new federal target program, which will be developed taking into account the implementation of the Federal Target Program " Development of an electronic component base and radio electronics" and provide for:
- gaining significant positions in a number of sectors of the world market for electronic component base;
- widespread introduction of the achievements of domestic nanotechnology, bioelectronics and microsystem technology in the daily life of a person in the spheres of health care, education, housing and communal services, transport and communications.
The assessment of the required funding for the Strategy is given for three stages of the Strategy implementation (Tables 7 and 8). If the costs of the first stage of the implementation of the Strategy (2007-2011) fully correspond to the costs given in the subprogram " Development of the electronic component base" for 2007-2011 of the federal target program " National technological base" for 2007-2011, the project FTP " Development of electronic component base and radio electronics " for 2008-2015, FTP" Global navigation system " and FTP" Development of the defense industry of the Russian Federation for 2007-2010 and for the period until 2015, the second stage (2012-2015) is based on the project of the FTP " Development electronic component base and radio electronics " for 2008-2015 and FTP" Development of the defense industry of the Russian Federation for 2007-2010 and for the period up to 2015 ", the data of the third (2016-2025) stage a of the implementation of the Strategy are indicative and should be specified in depending on the results obtained at the first and second stages ah.
These funds are provided in the above federal target programs as part of program activities for the development and production of an electronic component base by organizations of the electronic industry of the Russian Federation. The amounts of funding provided for the implementation of the program activities of the Strategy are within the limits of the budget allocations provided for by the Federal Law " On the federal budget for 2008 and for the planning period of 2009 and 2010".
Table 7
The amount of financial costs for the implementation of stage 1
Strategies for the development of the electronic industry in Russia for the period up to 2025
(mln rubles in prices of the corresponding years)
base" for 2007-2011
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