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During this period, the main efforts should be aimed at solving the following tasks:


- elimination of the critical technological lagging behind the world level of the electronics industry;


-development of new critical technologies (scientific groundwork) in priority areas of EEE, allowing the release of a new electronic component base;


-optimization of existing production facilities in order to integrate and specialize organizations within a single industry infrastructure;


- creation and implementation of a new design structure and creation of a promising electronic component base, competitive in the market.

Annual production of the final product in the electronics industry in 2011 should reach 45 billion. Dollars ares. The implementation of the goals and objectives of the first stage of the Strategy development requires:

-p eformirovanie electronics industry structure optimization methods and governance mechanisms and gov't arstvenno- private partnership;

- River Rehabilitation of, and in the technical of rearmament I electronic productions;


-p EVELOPMENT I network and cross-sectoral industry evyh ECB design centers;


-n take priority of development, I research and production base of microwave electronics and complexed microwave devices; -n take priority of development I development and production of radiation-resistant ECB; -n take priority of p EVELOPMENT I microsystems;


-n take priority of development I microelectronics;


-n take priority of development I electronic materials and structures;


- taking measures to change the existing legislation to ensure the implementation of the measures of this Strategy.


• Reforming the structure of the electronic industry, optimizing methods and mechanisms of public administration and public-private partnerships.



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20. 04. 2021                                                                                                        Introduction


Despite certain changes that have taken place in the industry in the last 10-12 years, the electronic industry retains, in many respects, the multi-product structure of ensuring the development and production of electronic products based on the principle of " natural economy" laid down in the period of the " mobilization economy".


During the transition to a market economy, this led to the formation of excessive and unused production capacities in organizations, leading to high production costs, which became for many organizations the main reason for their unstable financial situation.


Improvement of the economic state of the industry is possible only by making it to the modern business model, uch ityvayuschie market relations and providing for the deepening of specialization and expansion of the integration of certain organizations.


In world practice, there are two fundamentally different business models in electronics:


- an integrated manufacturer of products, supporting all stages of creation, production and marketing of products;


- separation of the functions of design, business organization and production ( fabless - foundry ).


The second business model is developing more and more in the world, as it allows individual organizations to professionally specialize in the problems of their direction, giving functions unusual for themselves to other specialized organizations.


In addition, each th specialized organizations provides a lower cost of production compared to the non-specialized counterparts. Historically, the domestic electronics industry predominantly uses the first business model. However, following this model assumes the availability of significant financial resources necessary to support the entire infrastructure of such a business throughout the entire life cycle, while the creation of specialized firms in each area requires significantly less financial resources and provides a


higher investment turnover.


It is this circumstance that makes the second model more attractive for business development in electronics, which is an extremely capital-intensive industry.


Since the unit cost of production decreases with an increase in output, factories contract manufacturing ( foundry ) provide economic advantages over non-specialized organi s a tions with a lower volume of output.


In turn, the creation of specialized design centers for organizations does not require a large amount of investment and provides a quick entry to the market with its own products manufactured at foundry.


It is necessary to widely introduce such a business model in the domestic electronics industry using both foreign and domestic contract manufacturing. To this end, it is necessary to create and develop a network of EEE design centers, including in organizations-system integrators.


It is necessary to set a task and invest in the creation of several thousand jobs in new design centers and master the modern design methodology. To solve this problem, serious investments will be required, since the bulk of the funds will be spent on the purchase of hardware and licensed software, as well as training.


In parallel with the organization of a network of design centers, it is necessary to create a centralized archive of photomasks, as well as own production facilities for their production, since it is on photomasks that the final information of the designed element base is located. In addition, in order to accelerate the development process and bring it to market requirements (6 months for commercial products, 2-3 years for special-purpose products), it is necessary to introduce a system of registration and accumulation of intellectual property in the network of design centers and organizing its reuse on a licensed basis. This should be the state center for control over the implementation of developments and their use.


The transition of the industry to the considered business model will ensure its restructuring in accordance with modern requirements and will reduce the time required for promising commercial products to enter the market, and, therefore, will significantly increase the sales and profits of the industry.


• Reconstruction and technical re- equipment of electronic production.


Reconstruction and technical re- equipment of the production base should be carried out taking into account the transition to a new business structure model ( fabless - foundry ). However, to completely ignore the historically established framework of integrated manufacturers in the domestic electronics industry would not be appropriate - in these organizations has a great experience of such production. The main task of these organizations is to ensure the serial production of electronic components necessary for the fulfillment of the State Defense Order.


Therefore, it would be rational to firstly deeply modernize the production of leading organizations using modern technologies and equipment that do not impose increased requirements for technological support, which can only be implemented by the construction of new production facilities, and not by the modernization of existing ones.


Such modernization in microelectronics up to the limiting levels of 0. 35-0. 25 microns can be carried out on the existing technological base and does not require a deep modernization of technological support systems and capital construction. It should be borne in mind that the construction of only one modern microelectronic production of the 0. 13-0. 09 micron level would require


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investments of about 1. 5-2. 5 billion dollars, which is twice as much as all the funds requested for the EEE development program as a whole.


When carrying out technical re-equipment of electronic production, both the need to preserve the production of electronic components used in equipment with a long life cycle, taking into account its possible modernization, and the need to restore the lost production of electronic components should be taken into account. An alternative way to solve the problem of ensuring the functioning of such equipment at all stages of its life cycle is to create the necessary EEE insurance stocks.


Mastering the technological level of 0. 09 microns and less requires the construction of new special production facilities with an expensive engineering infrastructure that cleans the technological atmosphere from pollution at the chemical (molecular) level.


Currently, such production can only be organized in an alliance with foreign partners within the framework of an international project. The sales of the products of such factories are global in nature and, as a rule, cannot be provided only by the domestic market.


It should be borne in mind that the development of each new technological level requires corresponding changes in the metrological support of microelectronic production. The loss of our own special technological machine building necessitates the acquisition of the entire set of technological and control equipment abroad. Its cost is very high, it is of the order of US $ mln. Acres per unit and reaches values of 8 ¸ 10 million. Dollars for the individual, but the most important types of equipment (photolithographic installation).


Estimates suggest that the cost of the complete minimum set of equipment for the technological level of 0. 13 microns is about 220 ¸ 260 Mill. Dollars (full set of equipment cost standard production level of about 0. 13 micron 1, 2 ¸ 1. 4 Bln. Dollars (50 ¸ 55% of the value of the entire factory ~ $ 2. 5 billion ).


Thus, the minimum investment for organizing only a pilot (pilot) production of 0. 13 micron level will exceed 300-350 million dollars (about 80 million dollars more for construction and engineering support of the line, the unit cost of clean areas of this class

exceeds 15 thousand. US $ / m ).


Almost all organizations microelectronics corporatized and as follows dstvie, they choose the technical and eco nomic development strategy ( in the early stages - a survival strategy), which can provide the maximum profit and, of course, is not guided by national interests. Russian investors are not yet ready to invest in domestic microelectronics to the extent necessary to raise high-tech production, while foreign investors will not do this, since this is contrary to the interests of conquering the Russian market.


The situation with the development of the design and production of electronic components is complicated by the absence of powerful consumers in the domestic market and the low competitiveness of the created electronic components in the external market.


Thus, the product chain “electronic technologies - EEE - radioelectronic equipment” does not have the main incentives for development due to limitations in the need for the top echelon and a significant amount of necessary investments in the bottom one.


In the current situation, the state actually retains two levers of management: budget allocations and the public procurement market. Using these levers, the state must ensure the realization of its interests, creating the same rules and conditions when interacting with business structures that actually own the assets of microelectronic industries. This should be the basis for the future of public- private partnerships.


It is necessary to pay attention to interstate forms of partnership.


Taking into account the importance of scientific, technical and economic cooperation with the Republic of Belarus as a strategic and political partner and the positive experience of joint programs on special technological equipment and microelectronic technologies, it is necessary to expand the composition of joint interstate Russian-Belarusian programs for the development of special electronic components (power and automotive electronics; VLSI for digital television, security systems, information systems; microsystem equipment and sensors, etc. ) for the tasks of implementing joint large-scale projects and integrating economies.


• Development of a network of cross-sectoral and sectoral design centers.


Develop a network of sectoral and intersectoral design centers solves the problem to ensure the establishment of strategically important electronic systems, as well as the mass civilian equipment, requiring the development in a short time with about ten chip types: universal (processors, memory circuits, progra m renormalizable matrices, etc.. ) And spetsiali ized, including the level of " chem e ma on a chip" complexity of tens of millions of components that require joint efforts of developers so tors and manufacturers of both electronic systems and microelectronic components.


Moreover, the number of design centers should be sufficient to load both existing modernized and newly created facilities.


Creating infr design must be ensured and the structure comprising:


- cross-industry and industry design centers, system design level centers at large and n paratostroitelnyh organizations (integrated structures);

- design centers for designing electronic components;


- an interdisciplinary center for the design, cataloging and production of photomasks.


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Established and functioning quite successfully now design centers ECB (only about 10) is clearly insufficient and accurately to solve these problems. Estimates show that the number of design centers for solving the problem of forming a new design base for the main types of electronic components and ensuring a rational regional network of centers should be about 60-70 centers.


During the implementation of the subprogram " Development of the electronic component base" during 2007-2011. It is planned to create an extensive network of design centers (30-35 new centers), including 6-7 system-level centers at the leading organizations of Rosprom, Rosatom and Roskosmos, the Ministry of Education, as well as an Intersectoral Center for Design, Cataloging and Production of Photomasks.


At the same time, the created infrastructure should ensure the conquest of competitive positions, allowing to achieve the sales growth specified in the Strategy in the following sectors of the world market:


• Priority development of the research and production base for solid-state and vacuum microwave electronics.


A distinctive feature of the current state of microwave technology in the country is that the achieved technical level in a number of key areas (vacuum microwave technology) is not inferior to the world one, and in some cases surpasses it, and the developed products are mainly competitive. The main components of the microwave products market are:


- products manufactured in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Defense and other customers (radar equipment, including AFAR, military communications, including satellite, equipment for anti-terrorist and electronic warfare);

- products for industrial and domestic use (airfield and route radar stations, satellite and terrestrial communications, digital television, industrial and consumer electronics);

- products manufactured under international contracts (mainly for military purposes).


At the same time, the further development of domestic microwave technology is constrained by the outlined lag in the field of solid-state microwave electronics, due to the lack of modern technological equipment. In order not to yield priority to foreign manufacturers, a level of 0. 35-0. 18 microns is required for silicon technology and 0. 1-0. 2 microns for devices based on gallium arsenide and wide-gap semiconductors.


To achieve and develop a new level of microwave electronics, it is first of all necessary to concentrate financial, technical and human resources in the most technologically advanced basic organizations. To maintain critical technologies capable of ensuring the development and production of microwave devices in the interests of advanced weapons systems and for civilian applications, these organizations are in dire need of modernization and technical re-equipment of existing production facilities. Unlike microelectronic industries, the leading centers of microwave electronics remained in state ownership. The state has full control over these centers. The presence of a stable market within the country and the competitiveness of domestic products of microwave technology in the world market makes it possible to obtain the maximum economic and technical effect from the implementation of investment projects to modernize microwave electronics centers and ensure the development of production of starting materials and structures (" silicon on an insulator", heterostructures)... It is necessary to provide for the further development of work at the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where there is a significant groundwork in the technology of microwave devices based on nanoheterostructures.


It is essential to maintain a high level of microwave technology and create a new generation of highly reliable vacuum powerful microwave devices and highly efficient hybrid small-sized microwave modules with improved weight and size characteristics. In the field of vacuum microwave electronics, it is necessary, first of all, to develop those technologies that will ensure world leadership. P irst of all, it refers to a microwave high-power electronics.


• Priority development of development and production of radiation-resistant electronic components.


The development of specialized developments and production of a radiation-resistant electronic component base in the interests of organizations and organizations of Rosatom, Roscosmos, the Russian Ministry of Defense and Rosprom is necessary to maintain parity in the field of strategic nuclear weapons and to ensure the increasing role of space assets in control systems and data transmission as state-owned, and corporate structures, as well as ensuring the functioning of nuclear power facilities.


In view of the strategic importance of this area, it is advisable to maintain and develop specialized development and production centers in this area in Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow, including Zelenograd.


At the same time, the possibility of cross-production of products should be ensured in order to ensure the unconditional stability of its supply.


This area of technology should include a complex of in-depth studies in the field of radiation sensitivity of materials, semiconductor structures and special technologies. Information of this kind is confidential and cannot be obtained through any other channels, except for conducting our own research.


It should also be taken into account that for use in special applications, the radiation-resistant EEE cannot be purchased on the world market; therefore, it is necessary to develop the entire range of devices.


The development of radiation-resistant EEE should become one of the most important priorities of the EEE program development, since this direction determines national security and cannot develop by itself based on the use of economic (market)


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mechanisms. All over the world, this direction is under the strict control of the state, and its development is implemented on the basis of ongoing state programs, coordinated with the development of systems and equipment for special and dual use.


• Priority development of microsystem engineering.


On the basis of modern st microelectronics, micromechanics, nanotechnologies, optoelectronics, acoustoelectronics and other critical technologies of today's leading countries have established a wide range of MEMS devices for navigation systems, automatic control, management, guidance in the media arms of rocket and space, aircraft, ship-based, in industrial equipment, in land vehicles, for switching in high-speed data transmission systems and for many other applications. According to their functional purpose, such devices are designed to measure basic physical quantities, angular and linear velocities, accelerations, deformation, torque, pressure, flow rates of liquids and gases, immersion depth, vibrations, concentrations of chemical gases and other parameters.


Due to a significant reduction in size, weight, power consumption and especially the cost of production, their field of application abroad is rapidly expanding. The areas of application of such devices as the main structural element for microrobotics, fuel cells, acoustics, adaptive optics, space technology (microsatellites), etc. are expanding.


The foregoing testifies to the urgent scientific and technical problem of creating domestic high-precision micromechanical systems for high-precision weapons and promising competitive civilian applications. Over the past few years, a number of domestic organizations have been actively developing work in the field of microsystem engineering and gas sensorics.


However, the pace of domestic development of microsystem engineering products does not correspond to the growing needs of radio electronic organizations.


complex, therefore, this direction should be assigned a development priority as one of the most important.


A delay in the development of this direction will lead to a significant lag in radio-electronic controls in terms of their intellectualization for both defense and civilian applications.


Successful entry of Russian microsystems on a global level in a short time is possible by creating a basic design centers, the ability to s at a high technological level, to design and manufacture a wide range of precision products to meet the needs microsystems organizations Rosproma, Rosatom, the Russian Space Agency and the decision of import replacement problem.


• Priority development of microelectronics.


The development of microelectronics should be aimed at:


• development of basic VLSI technologies:


- CMOS technology of the 0. 18-0. 13 micron level on wafers with a diameter of 200 mm with the creation of a pilot production;

- experimental technology with CMOS VLSI design rules to 0. 13. mu. m and organization of the pilot line to produce specialized of va n GOVERNMENTAL VLSI wafers with a diameter of 200 mm;

- the development of manufacturing technology of patterns with a phase shift and optical proximity effect correction for the production of VLSI and organization of inter-branch center of designing, manufacturing and cataloging templates are x nologicheskog of the level to 0. 13 microns;

- Accelerated development of design systems for complex VLSI, including VLSI of the " system on a chip" type, focused on the development of competitive electronic multimedia systems, telecommunications, radar systems, space monitoring, digital systems for processing and transmitting information, digital television and radio broadcasting, process control systems and transport, cashless payment systems, scientific instrumentation and training, identification systems, compression and coding of information, medical technology and environmental control using:


- standardized libraries of standard elements (homeland n GOVERNMENTAL and foreign production);


- libraries and SF- macroblock units focused on stem with himself ECB;


- platforms and standard interfaces;


- software and hardware for architectural design and programming, including test generation.


• the development of new generations of electronic component used a PS:


- functionally complete range of analog and logic LSIs to complete and modernize existing radioele to -electron systems and equipment, including the tasks importozamesch e Nia;

- SF- blocks for processing, compression and transmission of information, including:


q signal and digital signal processors (including programs and Rui) and microcontrollers;

q digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters;

q buses and interfaces (drivers, transceivers, etc. );



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q specialized units for telecommunications, communication and ATM are x nology.

- sets of specialized VLSI type " system crista l le" complexity to 10- 50 million transistors for systems of digital signal processing (digital television, radio, cellular and radio communication, satellite monitoring, and control systems to. N trol etc. );


- development of power electronics devices, including:


- basic technology and design for the production of thyristors and high-power transistors with the IGBT structure, power switches of the forward and clamping structure for currents up to 1500 A and voltages up to 6500 V;

- a base structure and manufacturing technology power md of circuits, hybrid thyristor type power devices, high on -voltage control and intelligent power drivers m of moduli.


System-on-chip a new class of advanced electronic element base, one of the fastest growing areas of microelectronics technology


demand in the market.


The development of VLSI “system-on-a-chip” technologies is inextricably linked with the development of the SF- blocks market.


Dynamics of the global market for sales of SF blocks


Table 6


Years Sales volume, RUB mln Growth, %
97. 9
73, 7
54. 5
54. 9
33, 7
38. 6
41. 8
37. 2
32. 9
32. 2



Analysis of the dynamics of the world market of SF-blocks in the period 2000-2004. showed that the average annual growth rate averaged 36. 5%, and in general, over a ten-year period, the volume of sales of SF-blocks in the world increased by more than 26 times. The pace of development of the sector of reusable IP blocks that increase reliability, faster and cheaper developm to have VLSI " system on chip" , have an even more dynamic: the number of structures such IP blocks in the period from 2000 to 2004 years. increased more than three times, and over a ten-year period - 41. 7 times.


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